Ernie's new girlfriend
100% fiction!
Ernie's new girl friend made quite an impression wherever she went, and that included our bunch when Ernie first brought her over. He had been talking of this new engineer, a lady, who his company had wooed and signed when she graduated top of her class in a very good school. That was six months ago, but she had opted to take some time away from books, and her new boss had no choice but to let her or lose her. Now she was here, and my estimation of Ernie went up 7 degrees. She just wasn't what I had expected a geek type to look like. Absolute knockout. How did she pick Ernie out of the pack that had to be chasing her? I like Ernie too, but if I looked like Renee I might have aspired to, I don't know, maybe Tom Cruise.
Besides Ernie and Renee and my husband Joe, our 'bunch' included Roger, who was a lawyer working with Joe. They, with Ernie, had gone through university together and had stuck even when Ernie went off to the faculty of Engineering. Getting jobs in the same city was a fluke that seemed to suggest they were doomed to each others company forever. Which they took with good grace. Ernie and Roger both had reservations about Joe marrying me, a commoner from the Faculty of Fine Arts, but they came round when I showed them my sculpture in ceramic of a nude which I promised was me.(It wasn't, I have bigger tits. They don't need to know this.)
“So, Renee, we've known all about you and your brains for six months and counting. Where did you travel to after you graduated? Now the grand tour is over are you likely to settle to your job permanently?” My feet were on an ottoman that I shared with the other four. Instead of a round table, we had a round stool. Renee sat across from me, flanked be Ernie and Joe.
Renee looked amused. “My 'grand tour' was a sort of commune in California. A bunch of us had formed a sort of on-line community in university, and we all decided when we were free to take some time together. So we rented a nice lodge way in the hills. Expensive, but split 14 ways, it wasn't bad. Four months of nothing to do but cook meals and fuck.”
She continued as she surveyed the surprise on all faces, “Have you ever really immersed yourself in studies so that you had no time to even think of a social life, let alone a sex life? That's how we got together, in the times we managed to blog a bit. We were nerds who were willing to make the sacrifice then, but we needed a carrot on the stick. So this long range plan was hatched...When we graduated, we would get together and do nothing important but fuck.”
“Wow!” was about all Joe could muster, his eyes on Renee's tee front as she
lounged back in reflection. No one else had anything better.
“You mean like hippies and free love and like that?” Roger finally managed to
break the silence.
“A little, without going back to the earth. We weren't there to save the planet.
Our food was brought in, we didn't keep goats or make cheese. But everybody
fucked everybody. When and where and how they liked.”
That took a bit more digesting. Renee seemed more than willing to give us all
the time we needed. Joe finally broke the silence, “So, no paisley skirts, or
“Most days, there was nothing to speak of. Don't need clothes for sex, do you?”
again Renee stretched luxuriantly., pulling all the guys eyes to her tee.
“Wow, “ was all Roger could managed, “But, how are you going to go from there to
working nine to five? I mean, it would be tough to live that life in your
present life, wouldn't it?”
Again a languid stretch, “It's not so bad, so far. Ernie has been a pleasant
surprise in bed. Quite vigorous, really.”
My estimation of Ernie went from 7 to 10. This goddess sex machine was screwing
him and liking what she was getting. “Its sounds so idyllic, the way you tell
it.. But I could never do that, you know, walk around naked and screw anyone who
takes a fancy. What if you don't feel like it, or its the wrong guy for right
A relaxed laugh from the goddess, “It's free love, not sex on demand. And you
could so do it. Look around. There is no one here who you wouldn't fuck. No one
I wouldn't fuck either, for that matter. How about you guys? Is there a girl
here who any of you wouldn't fuck? You, Roger. Look at Kim and tell whether or
not you would like to fuck her.”
Roger jumped perceptively. Squirming, he obeyed and looked at me, “Well, uh,
well the truth I guess is of course I would like to fuck you, Kimberly.”
Which is what I would have hoped to hear, of course. Its just that I never
expected to hear it said. What Renee was saying was true of course, but its just
not the way things worked.
Renee apparently didn't think that way. “So good! I'm going to get a really good
introduction to you guys. My life is so good! So, Here is the was I think it
should go. Ernie and I fucked earlier, so he gets the by. So, Joe fucks me while
Roger fucks Kim. Pardon me, I'm being presumptuous. Would you mind fucking me,
Joe? A short break, then Ernie fucks Kim and Roger fucks me. Then to the home
square. Now who thinks that isn't a cool idea?”
Nobody had anything to say, or at least the courage to say it. Myself, I was sitting beside a guy who had just said he wouldn't mind fucking me and now he had just been told he was going to. And my husband had just been told he was going to fuck a lady he had been ogling for the last half hour, not that I blamed him. But I was in a precarious position as the second lady of the group when the first lady said she wanted an orgy, and the guys body language sort of suggested they could be convinced. Renee without another word pulled her tee over her head and waggled her bra clasp at Joe. Bemused, he unsnapped her, giving me a nervous shrug. Holding my eye, he fingered his top button, eyebrows raised in query. Then when he started unbuttoning, I could see Roger beside me also undoing things.
What was a girl to do? Renee was down to panties, Ernie had a big grin as he
pulled his belt loose, Roger broke off the last two buttons clawing his shirt
off. I stood up and pulled my dress over my head, standing in just panties,
thongs at that. I gulped as I glanced back at Roger, pulling his slacks down.
His shorts were obviously covering a raging hard-on, meaning he had no problem
with his intentions, especially as his attention was on my bum. Joe also was at
full attention, and Renee was already naked. I stood fascinated as I watched
Renee's hand dip into his Jockeys and grasp his cock, caught the pleased 'ooooh'
that she mouthed, and saw her slide down his shorts to expose him to her view.
When she went down on her knees and sucked half of him into her mouth, looking
even more beautiful with her big eyes gazing up at his enraptured face.
I felt Roger moving behind me, his hand slipping down inside my panties, the other cradling a breast, his boner rubbing my bum. Ernie wasn't a good spectator, as he came forward to kiss me, then retired back to his seat. Roger had failed to do much with his probing hand, my knees seemed to have a determination not to part. However, I let myself be sat down, and passively let Roger wedge his face between my knees. Even though I'd pulled off my own dress, it just now hit me that Roger really was going to fuck me, and I wasn't going to stop him.
Now my knees had no power, as I watched Renee rise off her knees to take my husband's face between her hands and kiss him very deeply, before dropping to the carpet, her legs apart and arm reaching up for Joe. I was mesmerized watching him kneel between her thighs and bring his cock to her waiting hands. I was only dimly aware of my own panties being pulled down and Roger's face sliding up my thighs. Then his tongue on my clit got all my attention, an animal cry of delight coinciding with one from Renee. My overwrought sensibilities crashed together in a huge orgasm, drowning out all misgivings in the rapture of the moment. I knew Renee was cumming too, but that was the dim background. Didn't even care at that point if she was giving Joe a good time. I just knew roger was giving me one. Then suddenly his face was gone and I opened my eyes to watch as he found my eager hole with his boner.
Actually, I had seen Roger's hard-on before, in a professional manner. He had posed for me, nude, yes with Joe's knowledge, for a spoof on David. As a lark, I had asked him for an erection and he had obliged. Never, though, did I think that cock would soon be feeling so good deep inside me. I hadn't told Joe about the erection. Now I would be able to. But none of that was in my mind now. I was rapidly approaching top speed again and Roger wasn't far behind, going by his intensity. Then Renee's panting spurred me over the top, where I hung for the longest delicious time. I was aware Roger had slowed to languid slow strokes, and knew I was full of strange cum. He was a bit fast in cumming, but, hey, he probably never got laid for a week.
“You know, that hard-on you asked to get was really for you. I would have
fucked you that day. Didn't you have the feeling it was for you?” Roger nibbled
my left nipple gently, “And by the way, your tits are bigger than that ceramic.”
“I was a virgin then, so there.” I sank deeper into relaxation Half an hour ago
I was going to make a pot of coffee. Then suddenly I had been fucked by a friend
and workmate of the man I love. I remembered sketchily the details of Roger's
boner that I had detailed so carefully in my drawings.
Renee had settled down too, and I managed to glimpse Joe's leg being cradled by her thighs, his tan looking white alongside her skin which gradually became a gorgeous ebony as it approached her pussy. Joe started to lift off, and I had to crane my neck to see his still quite big cock slip out, still dripping a thread of slippy juice. He knelt to kiss her tummy, and impudently watch as more cum escaped her cunt. Renee could only stretch luxuriantly, jutting her black nipples to the ceiling. Then she was sitting cross-legged, beaming at anyone catching her eye.
“I just knew Ernie's friends would be friends of mine. I'm so happy I took this job. Is there any soda in the fridge? I have some batteries to recharge. You know when I came to town another guy tried to get close to me, but when I asked him what he liked to do in his after hours, he said bird watching. Now I like birds too, but still, wrong answer. Then I meet Ernie from a couple offices down and when I asked him, he said fuck. Right answer. I took him home right after work and fucked him. Did he tell you all this?” Her talk had carried her to the fridge and back. She flopped onto the couch beside me, put her head on my shoulder, and pull a big swatch of my blond hair over her short black kinks. “How do I look? Sexier? Excuse me Roger, I know you're still hard, but Ernie is keen, and you should be resting up for me.”
Ernie was keen. Roger withdrew with flattering reluctance, and was replaced almost at once by Ernie's fresh boner. What a rush, having all eyes watching me being penetrated. Then, when Ernie had settled into some nice long strokes, Renee covered my lips with hers. Roger was on the other side still caressing a breast, his tongue nervously licking his lips as he gazed at Renee over me, willing his cock back to life. Ernie found his position wanting, kneeling on the floor between my legs, and contrived to wrestle me onto the couch under him, ousting our gallery. But now he was pressed to me, and with my legs wrapped around him and tongues jousting, we were as close as friends could be. Then quickly he was joining me in a huge orgasm. I love to hear loud vocals when a man goes over the top. I hoped Joe was taking notes. Why should I do all the screaming?
As my mind came back into focus, Ernie manhandled me to the top without
losing my pussy and I was able to smile weakly over the scene of the battle.
Renee was sitting on Roger, for how long I have no idea, but their movements
were gentle, with none of the urgency of just a few time units before. Ernie
didn't seem to mind the cum dripping over his balls, probably comatose down
there, like me. Did I mention he was up to a 14?
“Say, Joe, you know your wife has bigger tits than that ceramic? What gives?”
Ernie's voice was muffled by a mess of my hair.
“That was done when she was a virgin,” offered Roger.
“I was a virgin till I was 19,” observed Renee.
The rest of us went silent thinking of Renee as a virgin. It was a stretch,
but it was possible.
“Did anyone do anything here that you haven't wished you could do before today?”
asked Renee.
“Well,” observed Joe after a thoughtful pause, “I guess I never dreamed of
fucking you an hour ago. Anyone else?”
Honesty prevailed, and there were no further offerings. Renee mused as she continued to ride Roger's cock, “the perfect thing is that we are all, besides healthy sex maniacs, young professionals who would suffer greatly if too much talk of our relationship got around. So, besides being good lovers, we can trust each others discretion, just like we could in our California commune. Its a good thing to have the extra man. Much as I respect your virility, girls will always outlast you. And you're all too intelligent to be threatened by that.”
Renee was interrupted by a very athletic move by Roger as suddenly she was on the rug under him, getting pounded by a promising young lawyer. I made a note to myself that he was one of three that I wanted to on my case quite soon again. Renee's kiss kindled some amusing thoughts too.:)
The Wexmans gave each other lustful glances, and then after finishing off her drink, Ellyn Wexman went over to their visitor and kissed her gently on the mouth while letting her hands roam all over Kira's pregnant belly!!!... |
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