Hey Aaron, you've got a nice little story here, but you really need to review and proofread. You show a decent command of the language, but you have a few sentences that don't make sense, and some that contradict themselves or other sentences. Also, Read your opening paragraph: How many times do you repeat the name of the mountain? Give readers credit for being able to understand that you're referring to the same mountain throughout the paragraph after mentioning its name one time-- and that goes for character's names within any given paragraph as well. Hope you take these comments in the constructive spirit they were offered in! Keep writing!
Posted by Lee
I reviewed the story 'Cold' then went to see what other stuff you did and I can't believe you authored the same stories! This one is sooooo great. It's been a favorite of mine for weeks. Except, the repetiton on Mountain's name. I don't know if idea of the human lover becoming ill were based on vampire stories or some kind of other myth, but it really added dimention to the story. Certainly, better than most of what we find on this site.
Posted by random reviewer
I love this story! The best story i've ever read on this thing! I can't stop thinking about it! It's so cool and totally trippy, you know? I read your cold story too. I guessed straight away he was dead. Haha, it was funny, but interesting and also sympathetic.
Posted by mondz
hey aj, i bet you're a filipino, because i am too. GOD!! how i luurrrveeeeeeee your story!! it really made me feel hopeful. haha!! keep writing in this genre, you could earn something from this!!
The time I came back for an expedition and confrunted by my girlfried...