Employment Conditions I

(Part 2 from 2)

"You wanted to see me Tania?" she had been in the conference room five times in the last two week with five different supervisors, this would be number six. That didn't include two sessions with Tania.

"Yes just walk in, Mr. Tankerson is waiting for you. Don't forget to curtsy, bitch." She opened the door and entered the huge office. Mr. Tankerton was behind his desk talking to another man sitting in front of him.

"Mr. Tankerton, I'm Dorothy you wanted to see me." She curtsied

"You don't interrupt me when I'm talking," he pointed at a spot behind and to the side of his desk about five steps from his chair. She quickly positioned herself where ordered. So, this was the great man. He appeared to be in his early fifties, sporting distinguished gray hair, his appearance exuded power and authority. They continued their conversation, smoking cigars and paid no attention to her.

After a few minutes, the other man began staring at her with a questioning expression. He made a head movement towards her to the president, who then turned his chair toward her. "What the hell are you doing?" He bellowed.

"I ... I ... you told me to ... to stand here. Please sir, I don't know what to do." She began to cry.

"What in tarnation do you think you're here for?"

"For ... for ... sir want's to ... have sex and ... spank."

"Well by thunder, she knows!" He glanced at the other man who shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you always have sex with your clothes on," the other man said, still shaking his head.

"I'm sorry I ... I didn't think," her fingers began fumbling franticly with the buttons on her blouse, while a tear rounded her cheek.

"She's a new one isn't she, Mr. Tankerton? I haven' seen you in the album, what's your name?"

"Dorothy sir, Dorothy Denaro, I've been here two weeks; in the mail room. They ... they haven't taken my pictures yet, for the ... the album." She tore off a button as more tears flowed.

Mr. Tankerton got up and used his handkerchief to dry her tears. "Take your time girl, then turning to the other man. "I guess they haven't taken the pictures because I was away. I do have presidential privileges you know." They both laughed smugly as he sat down again to continue their discussion.

After a few minutes the other man began staring at her now naked body, his eyebrows raised approvingly. "Well, well sir, that's what I call a great chassis,looks like a hot tomato to me.

She could tell Mr. Tankerton resented the younger man's flapper slang, and then turned his chair, taking a deep puff on the cigar, he blew several rings of blue smoke. "Hmm yes," he nodded "I must say her balance sheet is in the black with a bountiful measure of essential assets." Leaning back, he motioned with the cigar for her to turn around. "Excellent," he grunted "now lets have a side view." She turned, suddenly feeling calm. There was something controlling yet soothing about his voice. She was being treated like an auctioned slave but inexplicably his complacent expression of ownership and blatant nonchalant comments made her feel warm inside. This man, a paragon of authority commanding a huge empire of companies employing thousands, wanted her. She half smiled submissively as she was motioned to face him again.

He returned his attention, indifferent yet slightly triumphantly to the other man; smugly satisfied that yet another insignificant and expendable employee had fallen under his spell. They spoke for another minute and the man left. He pushed a button and Told Tania to come in

She entered; accompanied by a young redhead she'd never seen. They both curtsied deeply, "Yes Mr. Tankerton." Dorothy knew what was coming but she was too wrapped up in the moment to care. The other woman hurriedly began stripping.

"You know what to do Tania?"

"Yes sir, the riding crop this time?" He nodded and looking at Dorothy pointed at his desk just besides him. She moved to the indicated spot and bend over the desk, looking over her shoulder at his face. The new women naked already, hurriedly removed his pants and boxer shorts exposing his limp member. He sat down and Tania took Dorothy's hand placing it on his penis. She held it firmly waiting for Tania to begin. His eyes were on her buttocks as the first whack landed and they never wandered for the remaining four. With each whack his penis got harder and by the fifth it was hard as a rock.

Tania ordered her to kneel and in that position, while sucking him she received another whack. The object in her mouth jerked in response and seemed to harden even more. After maybe fifteen seconds of diligent sucking, the riding crop stung her buttocks again. His penis having slowly slacked now surged to life again. Three more whacks and the knob seemed to fill her mouth. She was ordered up and told to bend over the desk again. He immediately penetrated her, digging his fingers into her fleshy hips.

She now noticed the red head standing in front of the desk, bent over presenting her buttocks and looking over her shoulder smiling adoringly at Mr. Tankerton. Tania began whacking the woman, once about every fifteen seconds as Dorothy was being stroked. She did her best to wiggle and twist her pelvis matching his movements. She thought she counted ten whacks on the other woman's buttocks before he began to groan. He rammed her hard four times emptying his load in her body. Amazingly, she had climaxed twice during this time.

As soon as he sat down she dropped to her knees and sucked the last few drops out of his deflating member, the redhead got two more whacks and then she got two.

The redhead then came around and began to dress him as soon as Dorothy was finished. She stayed on her knees and when he sat down again the redhead got down besides her.

"Well," Tania said sharply.

"Thank you sir," the redhead said, "for letting me please you sir." Dorothy thought she spoke in an adoring manner.

"What is you name girl."

"Veronica sir, I've been serving you for eleven months now. I'm in the typing pool."

"How do you feel about me girl?"

"Oh sir I adore you, I only wish I could serve you more often." He switched his eyes to Dorothy.

Thank you sir for letting me serve you." She found herself speaking breathlessly.

"And how do you feel about me?"

"Sir, I adore you too, I really do." She heard herself say those words like there was an echo in her head. She loved her husband but there was an infatuating magnetism about this man He motioned to them to stand and bend over to kiss him, the redhead first. Tania gave her another two whacks while their lips were locked. She thanked him profoundly and stood while it was Dorothy's turn. She barely felt the riding crop as her lips touched his. She was told to turn around and he sat there for a while probably looking at their colored buttocks. Then she felt a hand groping and caressing it gently almost lovingly. Tania was standing facing them waiting.

"Alright Tania get them out of here I have a meeting with the chief production engineer I believe."

"Yes sir he's in the outer office." He slapped both their rears in a way that could only be understood as, get out of here. "Get dressed you two and back to work," Tania snapped as she left to bring in his next appointment. He entered as they were dressing paying no attention to them. When they finished the redhead stood near the door looking at the president. Dorothy took her place next to her and waited. After probably a minute of so he glanced their way, waving them off as they curtsied deeply and thanked him again.

They walked out closing the door after them and stood in front of Tania's desk.

"Veronica, report to the conference room tomorrow morning at 10."

"Yes Miss. Tania may I ask who will be there?"

"None of your business bitch but I can promise you that I will!"

"Dorothy, conference room in five minutes!"

"But ...but I just."

"But nothing bitch, but I can tell you it's the chief accountant you met earlier he seems to be smitten. I won't be there, that sissy doesn't approve of the whip. He wants to be loved," she almost sneered the words.

"You'll go there now and strip and when he enters jump around his neck and tell him how much you love him. Yuck! And during the entire session, you will continue to flatter his bleeding heart ego. Got it?"

"Yes Miss Tania," they left walking down the long hallway near the exit where the conference was.

"You're so pretty, Dorothy he really likes you, the president I mean. Her voice was dripping with admiration. Dorothy wasn't sure for whom.

"You really like him don't you, even though he has us whipped."

"Like him he's a god Dorothy, I worship the man so do you and everybody else. And don't tell me you don't I saw it in your eyes when he penetrated you and you had two orgasms, I could tell. Heavenly wasn't it?"

They parted at the conference door where Dorothy entered and the redhead waved bye, smiling happily.

The room was almost dark except for some daylight slipping through the curtains. She began to undress thinking about the last hour and what the redhead had said. Why had she felt so good serving that man, even while Tania used the whip on her rear? Was she going insane? Was the redhead right, was she in love with this man? Infatuated maybe caught up in the aura of his looks and powerful position. She loved her husband this was merely about survival. Two orgasms, the red head was right, she'd never had that before with her husband. Maybe she was a masochist; she'd never had a need for anything like that. Her husband was strong and very athletic during sex but never rough or violent.

She was still removing the hasps holding her stocking when the door opened. "I'm sorry," she said, "I just got here."

He turned the lights on, "Don't hurry dear I like watching you undress. She bared herself completely and then rushed towards him, hugging and kissing him passionately.

"Oh darling I love you and missed you." He fondled her breathing heavily, running his hands over her curvy hips and buttocks. He told her to turn around and he got down on his knees. What a beautiful pair of orbs what a shame. Don't worry dear, Paul will love you. I would never hurt this beautiful body. He got up and asked her to undress him.

She almost felt ill, she didn't want to be loved by this man. Her husband loved her, why couldn't he just do it and get it over with. She undressed him uncovering an unappealing weak pudgy body. He got up on the long table on his back.

"Come darling Paul wants to be on the bottom, love me darling."

"Yes Darling, she spoke almost mechanically and mounted him."

"You put in it darling," she fitted his short stubby but very hard member in to her still well lubricated vagina. He didn't move leaving her to do the stroking while hugging her upper body tight sucking on her lips. Fortunately, he came quickly in about twenty-five strokes, moaning I love you into her mouth. Did you come too darling?" He asked, kissing her again before she could lie to him.

"Oh yes right away darling, "she had no guilt feelings about lying to him as she got up and slid down off the table. "I'll go to the bathroom and get a cloth darling," she said almost choking. She cleaned her self up a bit and then went back and cleaned him off on the table. He got up for her to help dress him.

"You don't look good dear is something wrong."

"Oh no I just feel a bit oozy I'll be OK Darling."

He kissed her softly on the cheek. "I understand darling you been through a lot today, don't worry I would never be mean to you." He kissed her again and hurried off.

She dressed slowly feeling dirty thinking herself a whore. Why couldn't he have spanked her it would have make it right somehow. She headed back for her report to Tania. She was just coming out of Mr. Tankerton's office, visibly upset. "Oh there you are I just got crap for letting you go for that session. How the hell would I know he wanted to brand you his personal cow meat." Dorothy smiled with relief at her words. "Ah, you were feeling sick right. Well you don't have to worry about that nauseous lovebird for now anyway. Go back to the mailroom and I'll be in touch." She saw a jealous glint in Tania's eyes and wondered if she'd been Mr. Tankerton's favorite in the past.

She was walking on air going back to her sorting job. Then the doubts set in again; she wondered how long she would last as his favorite; hopefully until the depression was over. But maybe next week another prettier woman would be hired and she would be in the cow meat catalog

To be continued...

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