Drunk Slut

(Part 1 from 1)

drunk slut
By onetrickdog I found the house easily enough.
To be honest this was the last place I wanted to be at 1:00 am. on a cold, drizzly Sunday morning. I had had half a bottle of rye and was slumped in my rocking chair in front of a log fire when I was rudely awoken by what I assumed was a wrong number from an excitable Portuguese washer woman, but which turned out to be Missy my daughter, worse for drink, pleading with me to pick her up and take her home as she "felt a little delicate." 

This was so annoying. I had assumed that after she hit 16 my responsibilities as taxi driver were over. Furthermore I couldn't drive with that amount of malt heating my veins so I agreed, reluctantly, to walk the mile and a bit and escort her home. This was not such a bad plan, the party was in a rough area, taxis were impossible to come by at that hour, and I needed some fresh air anyway. 

With the light drizzle creeping down my neck I ventured forth and knocked the door. A futile gesture since the chance of anyone hearing it was remote, and anyway it was slightly ajar already. A girl suddenly appeared from out of the bushes behind me, followed by a boy of the same age. They looked at me with a mixture of sheepishness and inquisitiveness as though I had an extra head. These kids....they think they invented it don't they? 

"Do either of you two know Missy?" 

"Is she in trouble?" asked the boy wide eyed and earnest. 

"No, I've come to walk her home" 

"Wow, lucky Missy-" slurred the girl. 

"I'm her dady!" 

"Oh....wow lucky Missy," she repeated. 

"I'll get her" said the boy, and disappeared inside leaving me waiting awkwardly at the porch. The girl was clearly in no state to hold a conversation of any sort so I just tried to find something interesting in the brickwork. Bathed in one of the two ornamental lanterns at the sides of the front door I noticed she was quite beautiful. This, despite the fact that, without the wall to support her, she would have melted into a squashy heap at my feet. 

Not for the first time I wished I was back at the log fire with my feet up nursing a generous bottle of rye.

And with that she lifted her little dress and exposed her shaved vagina, newly deposited sperm dripping from its folds and down her legs. 

What was the point of finishing the sentence? Taking one more furtive glance at the delicious wet treat I reluctantly pushed the door and went inside to the party from hell, my cock involuntarily fully erect and seemingly about to explode. In another life I would have offered to clean her up with my tongue, but that's what growing up is all about: resisting such temptations 

The hot teeming bouncing gyrating bodies of young things swamped me almost immediately as I was jostled about like a rag doll in the sweaty dark hallway. More than once I found myself squeezing past a writhing teenager and felt grateful they were for the most part only semi-conscious or they would certainly have been asking who the old guy with the throbbing bulge was. The smell of dope was everywhere and I was in danger of succumbing to its subtle caress as I found myself jammed tight against the back of a slender young teenager who seemed to be attempting to jack me off with her bottom, barely covered by the shortest skirt I have ever seen. Another 30 seconds and she would have succeeded, I hadn't felt this horny for 20 years.... 

Fortunately a door opened somewhere upstairs and a shaft of light enabled me to identify the writhing masturbator as my daughter just in the nick of time. Judging from the state of her I doubt she had any notion of who I was, let alone what she had been doing. I tapped her on the shoulder. 

She turned to face me and smiled as the fog cleared momentarily in her head. 

"Daddy take me home not well" she spluttered and wrapped her arms round my neck and hung there like some kind of ornate shoulder bag. 

After negotiating the sardine tin once more I eventually managed to drag her out into the cold night air as she spluttered in my ear "sober as a judge daddy sober as a fuckin judge." 

The girl from the bush had slumped to the ground and was propped up smoking a cigarette. She waved vaguely as I heaved Missy out into the street. 

"I walked. I've been drinking" 

She looked at me and held her finger to her mouth in the exaggerated manner of a mime artist 

"Ssssh. So have I," she managed to utter in a low stage whisper. 

She looped her arm through mine and we lumbered with all the elegance of a 3 legged platypus towards the park that divided the 2 areas of the neighbourhood. 

Gradually the thumping beat of the party dwindled to nothing and the air became still and eerily silent. There are areas of London where one can be completely and utterly alone, even in a population of several million. Only the waning moon afforded any light as we looked out at the vast expanse of nothingness in front of us. Missy had recovered a little and was now complaining about the cold. Of course I could have pointed out that the usual method of keeping warm in this country is to wear something that actually covers your backside, but that would have seemed a little churlish since I had secretly been admiring her long bare legs and exposed tummy, complete with the obligatory piercing, since we had left the party. She was walking with the all the aptitude of Bambi on the ice and on several occasions her skirt hitched up to reveal her skimpy white panties. 

Our walk took us through a series of alleyways, which had the added advantage of sheltering us from the elements. The silence took on a new density in these alleys. Only our footsteps pierced the atmosphere as I cradled Missy's shoulders. I reflected on the events of the past hour: that girl just exposing herself to me like a bitch on heat, countless grinding contact with nubile bodies, then Missy almost bringing me off in the middle of a crowded room and now the forbidden close proximity of her body. I couldn't wait to get home and finish myself off, I felt dangerously tempted to just whip out my cock there and then and milk it in front of her, ask questions later. Luckily we weren't too far from home now and - 

"Dad, need to pee" 

She didn't even give me time to protest. Within the blink of an eye she had squatted down and pulled her knickers to her knees. As the pool of steaming liquid formed under her I took in the sight. I should have looked away but I just couldn't. Bathed in the moonlight I could clearly see every contour of her young hairless vagina gushing its torrent of piss. In that position her lips had eased open. I was powerless. I had to have her there and then. 

I hauled her to a standing position, the last dribbles still squirting from her as my hand feverishly pawed at her sodden lips. I reached down and yanked her panties down off her legs and pressed my body against her, 2 of my fingers now inside her hot wet cunt


Her eyes shone with lust and disbelief. 

"Is this what you want, your daddy finger fucking your little hole in an alley? " 

Both of us were panting like wild animals as my fingers thrust inside her with increasing speed and urgency, my other hand yanking her top up over her breasts, bare and cold in the night air. 

While I sucked frantically on her rock hard nipples I reached down and unleashed my cock in an instant. She stood wide eyed and incredulous as I rammed the whole thick hard length inside her in one swift movement. I took her hair in my hands and pulled it back tight 

"oohh daddy yes, fuck your little girl. Fuck my slutty wet cunt" 

That was all it took. With 3 more long deep thrusts I found myself at the very edge of an orgasm. I looked her in the eyes, she was biting her lip hard. She nodded. "Do it" 

Thrusting 10 or 11 times I came inside her like a wild horse, each time she let out a scream and a whimper. Suddenly she ran her hand up inside my shirt and dug her nails into my back, scratching so hard I bled 

"daddy fuck me...oh fuck me I'm cummmmmmmmmming. Fuck me like a slut" 

I felt her muscles quiver and twitch as, with one last scream, she orgasmed as she bore down on my throbbing hard cock and ground into it as though she was trying to unscrew it. 

Gradually our heartbeats subsided. A mixture of emotions crammed into my mind simultaneously. Breathing hard she looked me in the eyes, now completely sober, an eyebrow raised quizzically. 

"You beast. You fucked your daughter. In an alley! You dirty dirty beast" 

Again I felt the walls of her vagina pulsate... 

Leaning back slightly she looked down. My eyes followed hers as we stared at my still swollen cock embedded inside her. She whimpered and reached for it, massaging our juices round the shaft, under my balls, and finally smearing it on her hard clit. Then she popped her dripping finger into my mouth. 

My cock slowly softened until it could no longer defy gravity and slurped out of her with a tiny squelch. She moaned noooo and tried to suck it back inside her with her muscles. 

"Come on love, let's get you home" 

We glanced back at her knickers soaked in the puddle she had made.. 

"Don't you want those?" 

"Nah dad, we'll come back for them tomorrow" 

And we did.

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Kristin, have you ever had an orgasm?”, “I don’t think so, I was always afraid of committing some sort of sin, they were always after us about keeping pure.”...