Driving lessons
Another twenty minutes of driving brought them into the less fashionable part of town. Crivelli had been more silent then usual in the last 10 minutes. Rachel had never ventured into this dark foreboding slum area and a wave of apprehension swept over her as Mr Crivelli drove still further on. Rachel suddenly realized that she may have made an error in judgment, here she was in a car driven by a man who was virtually a total stranger to her, driving to an undisclosed location to meet yet another unknown stranger. But it was too late to change her mind and she would have to see this game to its final conclusion.
Rachel: “Er..how far more do we have to go before we reach the garage,” she asked nervously.
Crivelli: “Just another 5 minutes drive, and we will be ay Joey’s garage. It’s not exactly a classy joint that a broad like you is used to, but you can get used to it.”
It was close to 4.30PM when they finally pulled into the entrance of a grungy looking, delepitated single story building. Several cars were parked at the entrance, some with their bonnets raised in obvious stages of repair. Without a second glance at her Crivelli killed the engine and got out.
It was only then that Rachel realized Crivelli had been sitting on a stack of cushions. The old lecher was actually quite short, almost a midget. Rachel got out of the car and hesitantly followed him into the shadowy interior of the garage. She was not very tall, weighing in at 100, measuring 34C-25-35 and standing 5’4, but as she followed him she noticed in amusement that his balding head barely drew level with her shoulders.
The garage was small and dirty, the unpleasant scent of engine grease, petrol and paint filled her nostrils. The floor was covered by a thick layer of dirt and oil, and there was dust every where. She tried not to touch anything and stayed in the center of the garage.
Crivelli: “Hey Joey, where the fuck are you, I brought a little present for you.”
A fat bald man in greasy mechanic’s overalls appeared from a room in the back. He was in his late thirties and immediately sported her.
Joey: “Well, well, well look what the cat brought in, my this is a nice little piece of equipment.” He openly leered.
Rachel could feel the hairs rising on the back of her neck as she felt his leering eyes wondering over her body.
Crivelli: “Ah yes, this is my latest potential prodigy, Rachel. I brought her along so we could discuss some business matters.”
Rachel put on her best social graces and extended her hand: “How do you do Joey”
Joey immediately grabbed her hand and she tried not to notice that his hands were smeared with axle grease and oil.
Joey: “Yeah Rachel, you can do business with me anyday, or night.” He openly leered. “We don’t get many of your high society kind here so do make yourself right at home.”
Crivelli: “Well you can put your tongue back in your mouth and come take a look at the car, the air-conditioning system is busted again.”
Joey reluctantly left Rachel’s side (much to her relief) and wondered over to the Volkswagen. As Joey and Crivelli engaged in discussions, Rachel reviewed her strategy plan. She did not know who disgusted her more, Joey or Crivelli, but Joey was now an added obstacle. She needed to have one on one time with Crivelli. She already knew that he was turned on by her, but even the mere thought of physical contact with him was physically revolting to her.
Crivelli returned and said: “Well tonight’s dinner will have to wait awhile yet, Joey took a look at the car and he needs to hope over to his supplier to pick up some spare parts to do the job, he should be back within the hour.’
Rachel: “Oh? But I was hoping to have an early dinner as I have an engagement later this evening.”
Crivelli: “He wont be too long dearie, in the mean time we can get to know each other a little closer er? Are you still serious about taking lessons with me?”
Rachel: “Of cause, yes I suppose now is a good moment to discuss business.”
Crivelli: “It is dirty and smelly in the garage, come with me to the back-office, it is more comfortable.”
He led Rachel into an adjoining office that was just as dirty as the garage. There was an office table with left over pizza piled in the middle, assortment of car magazines and quite afew porn material also. Crivelli sank into the worn leather chair behind the table, but Rachel was anxious to close the deal and remained standing.
Rachel: “I would like to cut straight to the point, basically I need to get my license by end of this month, which is also when the next test is scheduled. I already signed up for it and paid the test fees. So its imperative that we start lessons as early as possible.”
Crivelli: “Whoa there little Missy, we are moving too fast. I have not even indicated I will take you as my student. And of cause there is also a 3 month waiting list. It would not be fair to the other students who have been waiting for 3 months!”
Rachel: “But I absolutely need the lessons this week!!!”
Crivelli: “And I absolutely also need to get laid tonight! You see my dear, this is not a perfect world and I think you should sit down and talk this over in a friendly amicable level.”
Rachel reverted to the softer approach. She took a sit opposite the table and crossed her long slender legs, giving Crivelli a good view of the sweet ivory white flesh of her inner thighs and the hidden pleasures that lay within. “Yes, you are right perhaps. Well, where shall we start, I have offered you higher hourly rates, but that was not the way to go, so perhaps you can elaborate on your needs…”
Crivelli: “I just did, I was serious just now, but lets start with what is practical. You skipped afew steps. Firstly, I need to know what’s in it for me if I do take you in as my student. After that, we can deliberate on whether I can squeeze you in for a lesson in 1-2 months time”
Rachel: “1-2 months time!!! That’s too late. But you do know I am in desperate need of lessons, and I will do almost anything you require, I will be a model student.”
Crivelli: “Well, would you be an obedient student who will heed every word of her instructor?” He smiled suggestively.
Rachel was aware in which direction the course of negotiations was rapidly headed towards and she realized that if she did not play her cards right, she might end up between the sheets with Crivelli (and perhaps even Joey if the deal was not closed soon). She preferred to ignore the sexual undertones of the conversation for now as the mere thought of physical contact with Crivelli was physically revolting to her.
Rachel: “Yes, of cause I will be a good student, I never had any problems with my past instructors. And I am always punctual and never late.”
Crivelli: “Good, that nice to know, but its not good enough. You must recognize your instructor as God and obey his every word in an unquestioning manner, can you do that?”
Rachel remained silent as she considered her options. She was running out of time and estimated that Joey would be back in 50 mins or so.
Crivelli: “You hesitate, that is not good. How can I even take you as a student let alone consider putting you in front a the waiting list. There are far more deserving students who are worthy of my time and attention.”
Reluctantly Rachel said: “Yes, I will obey your every word.”
Crivelli anxiously moved to the edge of the seat: “Are you absolutely certain Rachel?” He searched her face eagerly for consent realizing he was almost within reach of his goal.
Rachel: “I am certain, I will obey.”
Rachel was not sure why she agreed. She needed the driving license badly, but not so desperately as to even consider exposing herself to a situation which may require her to become sexually intimate with Crivelli. The mere thought of physical contact with Crivelli was physically revolting to her. But she also found herself inexplicably excited by her present predicament. Here she was in the “less trendy” side of town, in a dirty ram shackled garage alone with an old pervert who had obvious sexual designs on her. Perhaps the element of danger was itself a temptation.. Whatever the reason, she felt compelled to explore the situation further.
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