Dreams come true

(Part 1 from 1)

I wanted him. How desperately I wanted him I cannot begin to tell you. Alone at night I thought of nothing but his face, his arms, the white and pink and ivory blue of his delicate skin, the curls of his hair, the soft smile of his lips, the glitter of his eyes. But he wasn’t there and I sat alone, the bottle before me, the bottle pouring into the glass, into the glass until there were only shadows. And then sleep. But even in sleep he towered above me, lay supine below me, his every curve and shadow and turn and secret beckoned my mouth and hands and skin. Like a demon he possessed me. Like an angel he brought me unspeakable delight. In the middle of my dreams, in the darkness of the deepest night, the fiber of my being convulsed, heaved, aroused me from my sleep. My legs wet with my own cum, the sheets damp with my sweat. There was no peace for me. Night after night it was the same. During the day, when I saw him, my face burned, my limbs went numb. When he was at a distance he frame blurred in my vision, when he was close, the warmth of his scent dizzied my head. Months went by.

Spring came. Still drugged by his image, I sought a moment of release by a walk in the park. Perhaps, there I might meet a distraction, even one whose attentions might be bought. Anything to free myself from this constant anguish. The trees were newly green. No leaves as such. Only the small frothy buds that announce the coming summer. Dogs walked by their masters. Birds fought over crumbs. Then, to the far side, a silhouette upon a park bench. It was he. I stood frozen. My hands and feet lost all feeling. My dick rose hard and upright. My mouth went dry. How long I stood there, I don’t know.
How I made my decision, I don’t know. But when I returned to consciousness I was standing before him as he sat smiling up at me. I hear him say. “How about coming up to my place for a bit?” I don’t remember anything else.

Then, there we were. In his apartment. He closed the door. Turned the latch. The click was loud. It made me tremble.
“Come on in.”
He walked before me down the narrow hall.
“Here. My living room. Would you like a drink?”
“No,” I muttered. My throat so dry the words stumbled forth choked with air.
“Then would you…….” His face approached me so closely his nose nearly touched mine. His breath moved across my face. The heat of his chest passed to mine. My lips fell on his.

Breathlessly I parted his lips. My tongue thrust itself past his teeth, deep into his mouth. My arms and hands clutched at him, one around his oh so slender waist, the other delighted by the softness of his hair, pushed his head closer against mine.
I felt his hips, his thighs. I felt the hard rod of his cock pressing into me.

Unable to leave his mouth yet desperate to move beyond, frantic gestures pulled at his shirt, desperation returned my mouth to his, then in a frenzy my lips moved downward to the now bare chest, to the pointed pink nipples to the curves his pecs. My finger, like those of one grasping for air, fluttered across his pulsing ribs downward to the gentle panting of his stomach.

Then, they clutched at his belt. Undid the buckle, then the button, the zipper – One hand on each side the jeans pealed downward, through the fly of his plaid boxers arose, almost completely upright, the elegant pink shaft of a long and fleshy cock, hard yet soft to the touch. My mouth enclosed itself around it. I felt the tension of his rigid pole as it tried to regain its upright stance against the roof of my mouth. Deep within it entered. The scent of his boxers and the gentle texture of their cotton played against my nose.
“No, … Off. Off, “ he stammered.

I withdraw my mouth but my eyes were fixed upon their prize. Peeling down the boxers, the ivory tower, moved downward, then with release flung upright again. My fist clutched at its power. Now, below, I saw the delicate sack of his hanging balls. Full and oval and, despite his erection, with a lengthy drop. My mouth redirected its attention and I swirled them about with the tip of my tongue.
Me head moved under and beneath. There above me, was the fold of his ass. Tight and rimmed with shimmering golden hairs it concealed the prize within. Working my tongue from balls to ass, I sought out the secret but his own moment of delight kept his muscles clenched.

“Now you” he muttered.

He moved slight back, and with intermittent kisses he raised off my shirt. His tongue found my chest, my nipples, my navel.
Turning to himself he slipped his pants and socks off and stepped back again.
I cannot begin to tell you what beauty stood before me.

The soft yellow brown curls the crowned his head. The electric blue of his eyes. The whiteness of his skin as it flowed from his elegant neck to the fullness of his chest the delicacy of his wait and the roundness of his hips. And then, between those muscled thighs, the tower of his soft white dick gently bobbing above his dangling balls.
He moved again toward me and removed my pants. I stood naked before him – my cock straight forward, different from his upright shaft, but equally ready.
He approached me again. His mouth met mine. Now he thrust himself into me, his tongue searching desperately within me. Hands reached for my ass. His upright dick rubbed wildly against me. My cock found its way between his legs. I was ready to come.

Then, in an instant, he clutched me around the neck and flung his legs around my waist.
“I want to fuck me like this!” “I want you to stick your dick straight up my ass while you hold me tight against you.” “Fuck me. fuck me hard, fuck me now.
His ass was riding just above my outstretched cock. I reached down with my right hand and raised my cock upright. It touched the space between his butt muscles.

“Wet it” he said.
I drew my hand back to my mouth and spit on it fully. With my saliva I lubricated my cock. My own gestures almost made me come then and there. But I held back and raised my dick.
“Feel it:?” I asked.
“Yes” he said, and with that let his weight fall upon my spear.
A moan went up, from me and from him. My dick was half way in.
He pulled himself up.
“Again” he cried.
And this time his ass fell upon my burning cock right to my pubic hair.

He fixed himself and tightened. The jit exploded from my cock. He screamed.

In our moment of ecstasy we collapsed onto the floor my cock still throbbing and now pumping – pushing itself deeper and deeper as I held him against me.
Quickly I reached around to grab his upright prize and jerked it with frenzied speed. His jit flew upward and backward. It warmth splatter his face and mine. Turning himself toward me, he kissed me.

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