Dr Nooo!
Jenny's stomach began to turn as she left the key where it was and stood, edging even closer to the hole.
"Why would I have the key?" She said alarm bells ringing in her head.
The voice paused for a moment then explained still in a strong deep whisper.
"He put it there, curse him. That fucking doctor! When he realized he couldn't keep me locked away any longer."
Jennifer's eyes were fixed through the viewing hole trying to see where the voice was coming from. Nothing made sense; in her head she repeated the question.
"Why? I don't understand."
"Oh Jenny let me in." It pleaded in a gentle childlike voice. Then realizing she was not responding it bellowed in anger.
"Let me in you fucking bitch!"
Jennifer screamed as a naked figure filled her view. It was the doctor she felt sure of that. Tall, lean, but naked. Oh so naked: oiled and glistening his shaven cock looking monstrous, painfully erect, a firm nine inches of rampant meat. I say she felt sure because his face was covered with a white leather mask, a red cross on his forehead the black of his mouth and eye holes making him look like a Halloween ghoul.
"Oh Jesus!" She screamed pulling back, her chest heaving in panic.
He came up to the view hole, snarling his mouth drooling spittle.
"Let me in. I want to play with you."
Jennifer was now pressed back against the far wall. His fingers grappled at the door slit trying to tug the heavy frame off the wall. He screamed in anger unable to get to the lithe bound stunner cowering in the corner. He began to rant in frustration unable to loosen the door.
You bitch! Fuck, fuck! Ugggggggg my fucking cock it's killing me uggggggggg."
"I have so many toys for you." He groaned.
He was thrusting a buzzing object through the hole. I was like a bundle of vibrating and flexing dildos all attached together. The heads glistened with jelly, the neon colors dull in the dark.
"Do you like it my dear. I bet you fucking do you hot bitch."
He was kicking and thumping the door as he teased her.
"He can't keep me away from you forever. Let me in now and I'll promise not to make you scream. Well not that much."
The petrified girl curled on the bed and it was only after ten dreadful shivering minutes that she was sure the awful creature had gone.
Jennifer was awoken by florescent light. Her cell was lit like day the wall brilliant padded white the ceiling too; the black of her high heeled bondage cat suit accentuated by the surroundings. She blinked her eyes and tried to stretch her arms, numb from been behind her back so long. There was someone tapping at the door again.
"Ah morning miss." It was the doc, acting like nothing had happened; clean shaven, dressed in white, clip board under his arm.
"Can you pass me the key please?" he said politely.
Jennifer almost laughed.
"No fucking way, you sad fucking psycho!"
The doctor didn't get angry just sighed as if he knew already what the answer would be.
"I gave you it for your own good. I know you had a visitor last night. So did nurse crow in her cell. But alas I forgot to do her the same courtesy." He said this in a resigned voice looking down at the key on her cell floor.
Then he changed approach. "You've been so compliant up to know, maybe we could remove most of your binds."
Jennifer paused for a moment. She was locked underground, bound without hope of escape. She needed to get him off guard.
"Ok," she said softly, "but I'm so hungry and thirsty."
Once the doc had the key he entered carrying a tray. Jennifer sat while he unfastened her arms keeping her pinned to on her seat. Then he backed away to the door not taking his eyes of her.
"Now be a good girl and eat. We've got lots to get through today."
She'd nearly finished her food and pitcher of orangeade when she suddenly whined with dismay; it had been drugged. Her eyes grew tired and she slumped onto the bed. It acted quickly and within a minute she was sound asleep again.
The blackness of nothing slowly, ever so slowly receded. She saw shapes then her mind played tricks. She had a strange sensation which she couldn't understand. She felt outside her body the sensation was on her groin now. She was moaning the feeling pleasurable, the dream arousing.
She moaned louder the sensation of been restricted in some way. Slowly she was coming around.
She drowsily opened her eyes the feeling on her groin more sharp and sensuous now. Not a dull sensation but now one of wet soft pressure. She was on her back in a white operating room, naked no longer in the gimp suit. She looked up to see the doctor coming into focus. Her legs were splayed apart on stirrups bound at the ankles into a birthing position, and Jenny strained her neck to look down over her perfect hard tits to see what was happening between her legs.
A face looked up from between her spread thighs. It was a blonde woman, sexy lips and dark eye shadow, her eyes deep pools of oil, devoid of emotion. Her lips glistened, her pink tongue looking tired.
"This is nurse Crow." The doctor announced." She has been orally pleasuring you for some time now."
Jenny shook her head in denial.
"That's disgusting, you dirty...I"
The doc smiled. "You've been quite vocal while asleep my dear. Yes nurse Crow has been delving deep inside you with her eager tongue and believe me you've been enjoying it."
Jennifer began to swear and try to break loose as the blonde bitch pushed her mouth over the girl's tender clit and continued her work."
Jenny groaned with embarrassment arching her back. She realised had her hands were tied over her head. She was trussed again. Her pussy was sweating with desire. The nurse had been keeping her on the edge of climax for some time waiting for the drug to wear off. Now the slightest pressure made the bound wench groan and spasm.
The doc was opening his white smock his hard shaven pink cock springing out.
"I find humiliation heightens sexual climax." The doctor said as the nurse began to lick in earnest. While you climax I'm going to masturbate over your breasts. She'd seen that angry shaven cock before, now she could hear the flesh slopping as his hand tugged the foreskin back and forth. Flup! Flup! Flup!
Jennifer felt the hot mouth of the nurse sucking her wet pussy hole, teasing her wanton clitoral hood with her lips and tongue. Bringing her to an unavoidable climax.
The doc was at her side jerking his hips in rhythm to his masturbation. He was angling his pink head over Jenny's wobbling tits. As he did this he looked down at the nurse as she licked frenziedly, then back up to the eyes of Jennifer.
"That's right," he said seeing her wild desperate eyes. "She's making you come isn't she."
He began to grunt and buck his pelvis; at the same time the nurse thrust her tongue as deep as she could go down Jennifer's wet tube, pinching the girl's clit with two long nailed fingers.
"Oooooooooooooooooooooo!" Jenny made a long animal squeal as she neared her peak.
The doctors cock tip began to spurt thick white come as coughed with exertion. He grunted like a pig as he thrust forward the slime spattering over her domes the stink of spunk filling her nostrils. It was caking her nipples and dripping in rivulets down the curved side of her tits. She was revolted by the sight and smell; her own juices rubbing on the nurses face.
She couldn't hold back any more.
Her screams of pleasure filled the room.
She came herself, back arching off the table; her own pelvis grinding against the fat lips of nurse crow. The climax was startling in its power Jenny gasping and panting taking what seemed ages to slowly come back down to earth.
The nurse knelt back exhausted from her efforts. Jenny looked into her dead eyes again wondering what happened last night when the docs alter ego came to visit the nurse in her cell. She stood slowly and Jenny could see she was curvaceous with a large bust and wide hips. She wore white heels and a short mini skirt. She looked European, maybe some desperate Russian babe tricked into servitude by this mad man. However she appeared detached, not caring whose pussy she'd just licked so expertly.
The doc had cleaned himself up sheepishly almost in embarrassment at having enjoyed his experiment. He straightened his coat and adjusted his pencil pocket then began again pulling a trolley closer.
Jenny could see a machine on top of it. It looked like a metal box with a rod protruding from a hole. On the end of the rod was a fat long dildo. It was ribbed and had storks at the top like it was a skewered slug.
Jenny began to gasp for air.
The doc smiled pushing the robot fucking machine between her splayed thighs.
She gritted her teeth in anger as the rubber tip storks and all slid easily into her hot hole.
"You are now at what we call the plateau of arousal," he explained flicking a switch on the machine." From here you can orgasm many times, over and over. All that is needed is for the right pressure to be applied at the right places."
The cock began to push forward at a steady rate, deep inside her, the vibrating storks flicking her flesh until they tickled at her cervix. But they did this only for a second, as it then slipped almost out of her pussy before repeating the process, over and over. Nurse Crow stood near by with a vial of lubricant. But it wasn't needed, Jenny's pussy slurped and slopped as her own juices gripped and smothered the rubber intruder.
The doc increased the speed ever so slowly on the pounding cock. He had serious hours of research ahead of him.
The cock was unyielding in its mission. In and out over and over. Jennifer's body wriggled and bucked her hands tight behind her head. She was groaning over and over the fat rubber intruder making her inner walls squeal with sensation, the eye storks buzzing like insect wings.
The doc stood with his clip board monitoring the situation as the time passed.
She'd being riding the robot cock for nearly two hours. Her pussy entrance was rimmed with foaming jelly her muscles almost totally slack allowing her juices to drip in a long trail to the floor below. She'd come many times some slight whimpering tensing jerks other full blow thrashing squealing torrents.
He cocked his head to one side.
He'd thought he'd heard a sound. It was the feint sound of the front door bell. His subject realized what it was and started shouting. He grabbed a ball gag from the trolley forcing it into her mouth, binding it tight behind her head. The sound of the door bell repeated over and over. He motioned Nurse Crow to continue with the robot fucking and then hurried upstairs.
At the front door Officer Smith was becoming impatient. He knew the doc was in there as he never left his exclusive hospital.
He pressed the bell for the tenth time just as the door opened.
"Oh er, officer how can I help?"
Smith was surprise by the greeting. The last visit he'd hardly said two sentences.
"I'm sorry but the authorities are beginning to search buildings now."
The doc shrugged his shoulders looking perplexed.
"For the missing girl," Smith continued. "Remember?"
Once again the doc just stood there dumb.
The police officer pushed past the doc and headed for the study.
"I'm sorry doc but let's just get it over with?"
The doc began to feel a hot flush coming over him. This officer Smith would ruin everything, all his research. The doc hurried after the cop who was now standing in his study. He remembered his top desk drawer, the Tazer gun just in case one of his patients ever escaped in the night and came looking for him.
"The visitor's book, you need to sign in."
Smith folded his arms. "Stop jerking around doc." He said impatiently." I don't have the time for this."
But the doc held up his hand understanding the man's urgency. "Yes, yes I'll just open my drawer it's in here somewhere, ah here it..."
Smith's legs buckled in on each other the man collapsing in a heap on the rug. Out cold.
The Doc was shaking his thoughts not making sense.
"What to do now? Better get some clothes, my research, and passport."
Then he gave a shriek of realization. In his hurry to get the Tazer he forgot what lay next to it looking up with dead eyes.
"Hello doc," said the white leather mask. "Time to put me on don't you think?"
Jennifer although gagged was still moaning like a whore the fat dildo slurping in and out of her excited shaft. The doc had been right. At this heightened stage of excitement her body groaned in pleasure as she was force fucked by his mechanical intruder. She'd given up resisting long ago now it was just a matter of not hyperventilating between each building climax.
Ugh, ugh, ugh, oh, oh, ohhhhhhhh!
Her groans were turning to higher pitch squeaks. She was almost coming again hips thrusting up to ram the cock in as hard as possible.
She heard the voice of the doc calling nurse Crow from down the corridor. And Jennifer gagged in horror realizing the woman was leaving the room. After each climax her ultra tender bud screamed for relief and the doc had always stopped the machine for a few minutes for her body to subside.
"Ohhhhhh god no you need to turn this thing uggggggggggggggggg!!"
Her body was unbearably tender as her clit screamed. But the machine continued to pump in and out of her quivering pussy.
Any second she'd...
She gave an animal roar as she bucked on the table her pussy yawning and spitting as she ground onto the rubber cock.
Her insides were on fire. And as her orgasm subsided the pounding still continued.
Seconds later she began to scream in hyper sensitive sensation.
She wailed and bucked for an eternity or so it felt until her pussy was numb and her throat dry. Then just as her mind began to loose its grip the power was turned off, the cock suddenly motionless.
Looking up through exhausted half open eyes she gave a pitiful moan of despair.
The doctor's alter ego stood there; stripped naked sweating heavily. His head once again in the white leather mask. The red cross on the forehead an obscene parody of what it stood for.
Dr Nooo's cock was erect slapping against his belly as he neared her. He had a leather harness wrapped around his waist which hooked over his balls and around his cocks base. She could only blink with her beautiful lashed eyes her mouth full of gag.
The doc laughed as he jumped around her with glee. He was like an ape man yelping and grunting. He shook his head and wagged his finger as if to say what a naughty girl she'd been keeping him at bay so long. He suddenly calmed himself and wiped his hand across his glistening chest.
He hadn't said a coherent word yet and remained silent as he began to remove the untiring fucking machine away from her trembling body.
Still not speaking he unclipped the brakes on her trolley table and began to wheel her out of the room and down the corridor. As he went he whistled over her gagged moans.
Jenny realized she was still on the same level as the cellar; in fact it was just a corridor away. The lights grew dimmer as she passed the heavy metal door and then the trolley bumped off concrete onto the shiny black tiled floor of her old den. She was back in the cellar.
Jenny's eyes were blinking in terror her mouth full of fat red ball gag. There were already two people in the room.
Sat on a creaking wooden chair was Officer Smith. The young man was naked his strong physique bound to the chair. He also had a ball gag in his mouth and he was groaning. Jennifer could see his groin and shook in revulsion. His cock when limp had been bent double and with elastic bands and using insulation tape bound tightly. His waist had a belt around it which appeared to be holding something in place on his seat. Jenny couldn't see it, but officer Smith had a fat vibrator up his ass merrily buzzing to itself held by the leather straps.
Poor Smith, the sensation and the view across from him were easily arousing his cock; which agonizingly wanted to unfurl but couldn't. The cop shook in discomfort his eyes full of terror his cock feeling like it would burst.
Across the room the view he had to bear was one of irresistible arousal.
Nurse Crow was hung naked by her arms and legs, suspended from the ceiling. The big titted blonde was facing down legs and arms in the position of a sky diver. The doc had roped her large full tits attaching the two sucking tubes and already her pink nipples were deep inside the cylinders. She also had a groin harness, a 10 inch ribbed vibrating cock rammed up her pussy and firmly secured. Her ass pointed skyward and a tube ran up to a gallon container slowly feeding some type of liquid into her rectal void as she wriggled.
Nurse Crow couldn't cry out because she wore a black gimp mask, the one Jenny had come so used to. The eye holes were shut and the mouth hole was now a black double ended dildo. One side was sticking out like a raise elephant trunk the other end gagging down her throat.
The doc slammed the door, a numeric keypad looking them in. There was no escape.
Jennifer couldn't accept what she was seeing.
"No it was all a dream, yes a dream!"
The doctor undid her wrists and legs but she didn't run. Where could she get to? He undid her gag tossing it to the floor. Jenny starting a long rambling plea; hoping to negotiate with him.
He gently helped her swing her long legs to the side, sitting up while she tried to get through to him. Then he helped her stand. He seemed to pay no attention to her convoluted excuses and plea bargaining.
Knowing this she began to laugh in despair, shaking her head the whole scene insane almost like an obscene circus. The doctor, his white mask in a constant sneer at her was like the head clown. The cop was shaking his head looking at her with crazed eyes. She just stared back chuckling like a fool her eyes pitiful but compliant.
The doc was delighted with his captured beauty. Tall, long firm legs, with an hourglass figure. And those hard full tits pointing out like twin domes. Her hair hung around her fine neck, cute nose still upturned reminding him of the arrogant manner in which his alter ego had first met her. But now she didn't speak her white teeth hidden under quivering full lips.
"Good, it looks like you finally understand you little bitch, don't you. I can do what I want to you now and its best to just obey and take it. You shouldn't have hid from me the first time, now your experience will be all the more uncomfortable."
"Oh God no, no." She said quietly looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please let me go."
The Doc shook his head. Then he gave an evil laugh.
"You know better than that Jennifer."
The cop was thrashing and coughing through his gag. He had no back up. In fact he hadn't told anyone where he had gone. He could reason with the doc but this one was a mad man.
"She's soo cute isn't she?" The doc teased running his hand up her waist cupping a firm tit. Jennifer was now resisting a little more the huge frame of the doc towering over her.
He looked at the man with an imprisoned bent double cock. "She's enough to get any man hard. Let's see how long you can resist when she starts moaning."
He pulled both her arms behind her back binding the wrists her chest thrusting forward.
"I'm going to give this bitch's hard melon the attention they deserve.
Jennifer tried to squirm and shake as Dr Nooo wound corn around one then the other fabulous breast. He pulled the cord tight making her melons bulge and Jenny groaned in horror.
"Oh God what are you going to do with meeee?"
Then she screamed! He was looping the cord over a ceiling pulley and heaving down with his strong arms.
Jennifer was been lifted by her roped tits up into the air. She screamed again her feet now on tip toe her shoulder back tits thrusts as high as possible most of her weight taken on the tit bound cord her toes giving the slighted relief.
"Let's see you hang by your tits for a bit while I work on you." The insane Doc chuckled looking for his toys.
"Oh Jez let meeeeee down nooooooo!" Jennifer wailed.
Smith was gritting his teeth in frustration. Watching the gorgeous girl hung like this his carnal lust rushed through him. He shook his head in denial his cock already trying to harden the pain increasing.
The doc was concentrating on the tip toed girl tensed ass.
The doc trailed his hand down over her curved, tensed ass his finger slowly nudging against her anus. He grunted and she yelped as a finger slid into her leathery tight anus. He rotated it pulling her sphincter. Jenny felt the finger it seemed to be massive in her tight hole. She gave a long moan as the cords pulled on her heavenly tits and then she felt a second finger probing at her rear entrance.
The pressure made her jerk forward, her anus dry and unyielding. The doc removed his digit and smeared a tube of jelly over his fingers. He then repositioned his hand.
"Now Jenny open up this time."
She bit her lip as her anal muscles gave way to the lubricant. "Ooooooooo!"
Follow up to her desire for sex out door... |
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