Discovering Ben

(Part 2 from 2)

I next worked on his hands. I was aware of the meatiness of his palms, the texture 
of his fingerprints, and the rigidity of the bones which gave his hands them their 
shape and structure. But the power I knew to be in them was not evident that night. What was it about his hands that made them so sensual? With his acceptance of my sensual massage, he was letting me know that he trusted me. Through my tender touch, I was telling him of my love for him. The messages were so much clearer than any that could be heard with the ears or seen with the eyes. 

My fingers traveled across the landscape of his arms and back. The lotion I applied to 
his skin a satiny sheen that was reflected by the firelight. Finally, my hands were on 
his ass. The twin muscular mounds exploded with goose bumps when I spread the 
lotion over them. This was the only place that was really sunburned and I gave 
it special attention. I worked down at the base of his spine, I moved lower, kneading 
his cheeks, feeling them clench together. As I moved closer to his legs, he repositioned himself. He was making himself more vulnerable! I wanted to plunge in, to live my fantasy, but he was more than just a willing piece of ass to me. He was the love of my life, and I wanted to see his face. 

"Roll over Ben," I said gently. With no hesitation he did. I gazed down upon him as I proceeded to massage his feet and legs. His submission was unmistakable and undeniable. Soon I was straddling his stomach, leaning forward on my knees, exploring the ridges and valleys of his abdominal muscles. With each breath his 
ribs rose and fell beneath me. At last I molded my hands to his wonderfully sculpted chest. So broad, so muscular, I couldn't feel the ribs underneath. As I touched his nipples they contracted, forcing the nubs to attention. I felt his heart beat stronger. 

Suddenly, I became aware of the heat between us. I'd already lost my day-long 
battle from getting an erection. But now my engorged cock was lying on his stomach. Then I felt a warmth and stirring behind me. I turned to look. It was his cock, filling with blood, pulsing, arching its way towards me. I looked at his beautiful face below and leaned to touch it, to finish the massage. As I did 
so, his penis pressed hard against my butt. The blood rushed into my groin and I 
began to weaken. Attempting to steady myself, I cupped his face with my hands. I 
rubbed his strong cheekbones gently with my trembling thumbs. He raised his 
hand, placed it on my shoulder, and slowly opened his eyes. Through our eyes, 
the windows to our souls, it all was conveyed--the complete truth. 

"Come here!!!" 

I sank down onto him. My ass pushed back against his cock, almost seeming to 
cradle it. My own tool, roaring hard, was sandwiched by our warm, moist, lotion-lubricated stomachs. My tongue met his. I held his head in my hands like the sacred object it was. I felt the roughness from the day's growth of his beard. "My God," I thought. "This is what it's like to kiss a man, to experience him with all my senses." 

I wrapped my arms and legs around him, as content as I had ever hoped to be. We 
were woven together, he then reached for the bottle of lotion and squeezed some in his hand. 

"Get up on your hands and knees," he whispered. I knew I'd love what was coming next. He smeared the lotion on my ass and then popped a finger inside as I moved back up to smother his mouth with mine. His finger moved deeper inside me until it pressed upon my prostate. I felt the release of fluid rush down the length of my penis as my cum spewed onto his stomach. He moaned and I heard the squishy sound of lotion as he stroked himself to full hardness. 

"Do it. I've wanted it for so long," I confessed at last. 

With one hand around my chest, he pulled me back against his crotch. With the other, he lined his dick up to plug my anxious hole. Then he eased me back against him. I felt my butt open up and then stretch wide as the head of his dick pushed through. In startled reflex, my arms closed tightly around him. We froze in gentle embrace until I could relax. Gradually, more and more of his dick penetrated me. 
My balls were nestled into his cushiony pubic hair and I knew his dick was home. My heart pumped blood through the vessels in my tightly stretched sphincter in 
rhythm to that of his steadily throbbing member. 

It had taken years to get this far. I slowly sat up and looked at him. Full and 
deep inside me, he opened those angelic eyes and flashed a devilish grin. I 
began to rock gently back and forth. His chest rose, and with a low groan, fell. 
Our lovemaking progressed by slow degrees, and as our movements became more 
pronounced, he reached out to me with his hand, first touching my dick, then 
encircling it. 

We rapidly approached the moment of mutual release. Our bodies glistened with sweat and our breathing had turned to panting. When the action of his hand upon me became more frenetic, I knew I was on the brink. 

"I could do this all night, but I want to cum!" he gasped.

"Shit, man, we cam do it all night! Nobody says you can only cum once a day. 
Let it go!" 

I was so close to blowing my own wad, but I turned my attention to him, wanting to bring 
him over the top with me. I reached down and felt his shaft sliding in and out 
my chute. I slid my hand down and cupped his balls. With my thumb, I pressed 
firmly where the spongy underside of his dick met his dancing nut sack. His whole 
body tensed and froze. I had gotten to his prostate the easy way. He uttered no 
sound, inhaled no breath, made no movement. He gripped my cock frimly as if to keep from falling into some deep ravine, but he had no chance. I gently squeezed 
his clutch of eggs, pushing him off the precipice, determined to follow him down. 

I felt the first spasm of his meat and the explosion in my bowels. That set me 
off. My ass contracted around him as he continued to pump into me. We each fed 
off the orgasm of the other. My churned cream shot out and landed on his tanned 
chest. A small pool formed in the hollow at the base of his neck. The body that 
had been so at rest as I massaged it earlier was now unleashed, blasting its 
man juice into me. Wave after wave of convulsive contentment washed over us. I 
collapsed against him, my semen serving as mortar, cementing our bodies 
together. I felt him shudder one last time. 

He made no effort to withdraw, but soon that terrific cock, which had been so 
hard for so long, began to deflate and, alas, slide out. 

I straightened myself out beside him. Toe to toe, and tongue to tongue, we 
intertwined our legs, kissed, and propped ourselves up on our elbows. Neither of 
us said anything for a long, long time. It was a magic moment; we were meshed 
together not only in body, but also in our minds. 

Ben broke the spell. "You think you could concentrate on a card game now?" 

It was quite a night for firsts. It was my first night of us having real sex. And it was 
my first night of truthful love. But it was also the first night of knowing that we had reached a point in our relationship where we knew we'd be sitting together on a park bench in our eighties, never having drifted apart, always a part of each other's lives.

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