David & Matthew PART 3
“Does Joshua know how you feel David?”
David broke down and cried as he spoke. “YES! I love him and he loves me too mom! He told me so. We’ve been in love for a while now. But now it’s all over and I’m not going to survive this mom! I’m not! I can’t stop loving him mama. I promised him! We promised each other. I want to go home mom. PLEASE! Mother, PLEASE! Why can’t we just go back? I’ll do anything I swear! Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it! I need Joshua mom! Can’t you understand? Please! Please! Take me back and I’ll never ask for anything as long as I live. Please! Mama.
David cried while his mother hugged him. There was some small consolation now that he had confessed his love for Josh to his mother. But it didn’t bring Josh back to him. What he wanted more then anything was to hold Josh in his arms. He wanted to smell the scent of his body and to feel it’s bare flesh pressed against his. He wanted to hear the sound of Josh’s voice saying “Oh David! I’m there! I’m there! Get ready! I love you!” Right as Josh’s semen pulses out of the tip of his penis and across the surface of David’s tongue.
David pulled himself together and thanked his mother for caring. He got himself into the shower and decided to go for a walk and explorer his new surroundings. As fate can and will be, it chooses the precise moment to arrive. Like today when David is at his lowest point. He said goodbye to his mother and opened the front door to find a guy about his age standing on the front porch. David wasn’t sure why he was there or what he was doing. He wasn’t close enough to knock on the door or ring the bell. He just stood in the center of the porch between the door and the steps behind him.
“Sorry! Wrong house.” The boy said before running across the front lawn and down the street. David walked down the driveway and headed in the opposite direction that the boy ran towards. It was a short walk to a small park that was little more then grass, trees, 4 tennis courts, and 2 basketball courts. He ventured over to a picnic table under the shade of a large oak tree. He took out the pocketknife that his grandpa had given him when he turned 13. That’s when a boy becomes a man according to his grandpa.
David knew of only one thing worthy of carving into that table. D.D loves J.S
He got the idea after seen a similar carving on the inside of his closet door. David was unaware of the fact that the boy he had seen on his porch had turned and followed him to the park. It might have been the first time David had seen the boy, but David was no stranger to the boy. He had spent hours looking up at the corner window of David’s bedroom at night. That used to be his best friends bedroom. But Ricky’s parents got divorced and he went to Chicago with his mother. Now they have moved to Minnesota. This left the boy who’s name is Matthew alone and without a best friend. Or so people thought. What was hidden under the surface was the fact that Matthew and Ricky had been best friends for years before falling in love with each other. It was the first time either had been in love and they promised each other that it would be the last.
David had just finished carving the letter “S” into the picnic table when he caught a glimpse of a shadow on the ground approaching him. It was the boy from earlier. He walked up to David just as he got his knife folded and put away. “You must be the D.D.” The boy said looking down at David’s carving. “I’m Matthew,” he said as he reached out his hand. David shook his hand and said “My name is” But Matthew stopped him before he could say it. “No! Wait! Let me guess. Danny?” Matthew said as if he where bound to be correct to which David said no. “Darren?” He tried again.
“Nope!” was the reply.
“David?” Matthew said. He could tell that he was correct by the smile that came to David’s face. Matt took a seat next to David on the table. He left a fair amount of space between them. Matthew new that it was only a matter of time before David would ask what he was doing on their front steps earlier. He saw the “DD loves JS” carving and asked who “JS” was. David was about to make up a name and perpetuate the lie that he had struggled with for the past few years. It didn’t matter what name he picked out of the clear blue sky. It could have been Jennifer or Janice, anything but Joshua. David didn’t want to ruin his first chance to meet a new friend. At the same time he didn’t want to have any secrets lurking in the shadows of a new friendship.
Why was it so difficult to say the one name that he loved so much? Why in the fuck should he care what this kid thinks?
David politely asked if they could talk about something else and Matthew agreed. “Oh sorry! I guess you must be missing her? I know what that’s like. Sort of.” Matthew said being careful not to let anything slip. In his mind he could sympathize with David. He must miss his girlfriend as much as I miss Ricky.” Matt thought to himself.
The boys talked for an hour or so and then Matt invited David over to his house. The walk was a short 5 minutes and when the arrived Matt told David to wipe his feet or else his mother would shit a cat. David gave the bottoms of his shoes a few wipes on the thick mat that read “Welcome to the Walker’s”
Matt introduced David to his mother and the introduction took David by surprise. “Mom, this is David. His family moved into Ricky’s house and guess what? Matt said gleefully.
“I give up.” Matthews mother replied.
“David has Ricky’s old bedroom.”
“How ironic” She said with a smile. She also noticed the smile on Matthews face. It has not made an appearance since the day Ricky moved away. Matthew showed David to his bedroom after they each grabbed a Pepsi from the fridge.
Matthew’s bedroom was about half of the size of his new bedroom. On his dresser was a framed photo of himself with another boy who he could only assume was Ricky.
“How did you know which bedroom was mine” David asked.
Matthew fumbled over his words trying to offer up a logical response. “Oh I saw you in the window one night when I rode my bike past. I just assumed that it was your bedroom. That seemed to satisfy David for the time being, but there was an uneasy feeling in the air. David could not quite put his finger on it, but nevertheless it was a familiar feeling.
Matthew explained to David how much of his life had been spent in his new bedroom. And the boys begin to share stories about Ricky and Joshua. At some point in the conversation David included Josh’s last name and Matthew became noticeably quiet.
“What?” David said with a look of uncertainty.
“Your friend Josh is the JS that you carved in the table, isn’t he?”
David could feel his face begin to redden. He was automatically going to deny it but now that tears had started to form in his eyes, it was pointless.
Matthew got up quickly and closed his bedroom door. David was sitting on the floor in the center of the room and Matt came right back and gave David a friendly hug. “Oh man! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.
David’s face had somehow become lodged in the side of Matthew’s neck while his hand rubbed up in down the surface of his back. It wasn’t Josh but there was am old familiarity about holding a boy in your arms and breathing in the intoxicating aroma. Matthew put has hand on the back of David’s neck and started to caress it.
In the middle of the embrace, David clearly heard Matthew whisper in his ear. “I’m in love with Ricky and he loves me too.”
David does not even stop to look at Matthew. The feeling that he has is not one of love but urgency for sexual release. David becomes worried when he can feel the stiffness of Matt’s penis on his leg.
“I have to go home for a second, but I’ll come right back!” David said as he pulled away from Matthew.
Matthew pulled David back into a hug while David gently tried to free himself. Matthew focused on speaking softly into David’s ear. He wanted to say all of the right things at the right time.
“David, David?” Matthew whispered directly into his ear. “I miss holding a boy in my arms so much and I know that you must miss it as well. Don’t runaway to go be alone somewhere David. We’ve both been alone too long. Please David! Just kiss me and if you still feel like running home to then I won’t stop you.”
David looked at Matthew for a brief moment before moving in to kiss him. Only seconds after their lips made contact, their tongues where in a heated battle. They both began to tare at each other’s clothing until they where a sweaty, naked, heap of flesh on the floor of Josh’s bedroom.
David was lost in the sexual excitement of it all. He moved down and brought Matt’s erect penis level with his face. In one gulp, David had impaled his face onto Matthews cock until his nose was buried into the bush a dark pubes around Matt’s penis.
At the same time as David serviced Matt, he started to hump his erection on one of Matt’s legs. The room echoed with the sound of sex. Light moans, whimpers, the sound of a mouth making love to a penis in desperate need of release.
“Slow down David! I need to find something to cum on.” He said through his labored breath.
“No you don’t. I’ll take care of that for you.” David replied.
Matthew’s orgasm hit him like a locomotive. He grabbed David and shoved his head downward forcing every inch of stiff, ejaculating penis, deep into his throat. The feeling of Matthews squirting cock in David’s mouth was too much for him. David let loose of a giant load of cum all over Matthew’s leg.
It was Ironic that as they lay there with the scent of fresh semen filling the room, Matthew’s friend Ricky is riding his 10-speed down the sidewalk a few blocks form his new home in New Hope, Minnesota. He’s taking a short cut through a Tom Thumb parking lot to get to Medicine Lake Road. He’ll swing around a hedge and make a right turn along the sidewalk. David’s friend Joshua is on foot walking down the sidewalk as he approaches the hedge in the opposite direction.
Like a flash, a collision occurs and both boys hit the pavement. They consider it an accident and are not able to see fate right in front of their faces. Joshua and Ricky have two large pieces of their hearts missing. Those two pieces are still lingering in the post orgasmic bliss that they created to fill the void. In a few hours Josh and Ricky will find themselves in a similar moment where weakness meets desire. All four boys are unknowing participants in a fateful journey that is still in its infancy.
Matt and David got dressed and David left without much to say. By the time he walked across their front lawn, David felt guilty over what had just happened between he and Matt. How could he allow a penis into his mouth not to mention the mouthful of semen that Matthew shot down his throat? He cried and held a picture of Josh close to his heart. It could only mean that his love for Josh was weakening. How else could this have happened? He feared that eventually the love the he felt for Josh would be gone forever. Don’t worry young one, says The Fate Fairy. There is no love greater then the first love….
continue of #1... |
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