Darcy Chokes Up on the Bat - Part 1
But it was not to be.
In fact, as luck would have it, the home squad scored 6 more runs in the bottom of the seventh, and four more in the eight.
“That’s twenty more lucky stiffs,” Dave commented every time another run crossed the plate. But, when the Jay’s reliever came on to preserve a shout-out in the top of the ninth, Darcy was on her feet with fans everywhere. The Bombers didn’t stand a chance. When “strike 3!” was called after the third of three strike outs, and the Birds were playoff bound after a whopping 25-0 victory, Darcy seemed delighted.
Before signing off, Kim reminded all viewers to tune in at 6 a.m. the next morning, when Darcy would begin her penance. Announcing the results of a random ticket draw over the loudspeaker, over one thousand male fans, ranging in age from 18 to 93, already had been recruited for Darcy from the stands, 20 for every run the Jays had scored, plus about one hundred extra in case some didn’t show up, plus 313 who had placards or posters begging Darcy to blow them, totalling 1037. In fact, 1724 ultimately showed up at the designated registration area, the 687 extras all insisting that they either had been recruited or had been holding placards too; naturally, it was so busy, the two girls at the registration desk didn’t bother to check for ticket numbers; and Darcy couldn’t possibly have refused any of them anyway, she was so flattered by everyone’s interest in her.
A plan was made that Darcy would start with 60 blowjobs that first day, and ‘work her way through the order’ over the next 20 days or so, on her knees from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., with full, live coverage from 6 ‘til noon, from 1 ‘til 2, and from 4 o’clock on. And, to keep fans up to date, sports news AND a running blowjob count would be provided by some other newscaster, while Darcy kneeled nearby, on camera the whole time. And then, as an added bit of fun for Darcy and everyone else, as long as the home team kept winning in the playoffs, once she’d finished blowing the 1724, Darcy had agreed just to keep on blowing, all day, every day, 10 new fans for every run the Jays scored until they were eliminated.
The next morning’s show started with Darcy asking the viewers: “Am I going to be up to my chin in bats and balls; and, if so, how many will ‘cum’ (she emphasized the word ‘cum’) to the plate? Stay tuned to find out in just a minute.”
After the opening rapid-fire collage of highlights, and returning to the live studio, once again Darcy sat, knees crossed, between two commentators as the show began. One handed her a cute little team cushion to kneel on, in case she needed it, as the other re-explained Darcy’s promise to blow 20 lucky fans for each run the Birds won by.
“Are you ready to hear the results, Darcy?” he asked her.
“I can’t wait,” she answered enthusiastically, of course, already knowing her fate.
But Darcy wanted to announce the results herself. So, after a brief recap of the first fateful broadcast when this whole affair began, Darcy resumed her accustomed spot, standing alone to describe the fateful evening. And, as gorgeous as she had looked the evening before watching the game, she seemed even more radiant today… somehow, her breasts seem fuller and her eyes and smile both bigger and brighter. And washing them had really tightened her jeans. Over on the sidelines, I was creaming my pants.
“The Jays clearly were on a mission as they took to the field last night,” she began eagerly. “Not only would a win clinch them the final playoff spot, it also would put yours truly on her knees where most of my friends say I belong.”
“If there was any doubt about the outcome for me and my poor mouth, it didn’t last long, as the very first pitch was distributed in the bleachers beyond left field. It was a regular slugfest, as the Birds batted around and then some in the first, to take an early 8-0 lead. But they weren’t done yet…”
She seemed to grow more and more excited as she described the rest of the game. “By the time the ball was handed over to the bullpen for the final 3 outs, the only question left to answer was – should I wear my hair back or not for the cameras today.”
By the time the highlights had finished, the other two commentators were trying to remember when, if ever, anyone had won by 25 runs before.
“I think 21 is the previous record, Bob,” one said.
“Lucky me to get the record,” Darcy added, shaking her head in playful, mock disgust.
“So… while Darcy gets down to work, why don’t we check in on some other games,” another commentator continued.
By the time the camera returned to the studio from highlights of three other
games, Darcy already was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around and bobbing up
and down the full length of an overweight fan in his early thirties wearing an
“I Choked Darcy” t-shirt he’d just been given. Darcy’s eyes caught the camera
for several seconds in a close-up, and then the cameraman panned back to show
the male commentator standing nearby providing details of other games. With
Darcy on her knees facing away from the other commentator, TV viewers now had a
full side view of the cute sports analyst at work, her pony-tailed,
blonde-streaked light brown hair waving with each thrust of her head, the seat
of her jeans so amazingly tight, and her 2½ inch heels so sexy.
Darcy kept sucking while we showed highlights, and the rest of us in the studio just stood around and admired her talent, dedication and sweet, sweet ass. The cameramen and viewing audience got to enjoy her ass too, as it received plenty of close-up attention; and, as tight as those jeans were, the material seemed to crinkle sexily every time Darcy bent from the waist to plunge her face into the crotch before her. Nonetheless, every time we returned from highlights, it was to a close-up of Darcy’s face and mouth, forcing her mouth and throat as far as she could onto whatever rigid cock she presently was feeding on. Of course, she’d promised ‘to choke’ on all the bats, so she deep-throated everyone, pausing and posing as prettily as she could for the camera, so that every fan who ‘came’ on the show and down her throat could have a cute little memento to show his family and friends, besides their t-shirt.
She could have asked for a break during highlights or commercials, but she never did. She smiled up at every new fan and thanked them for coming. She was especially pleased to meet old Mr. Millar, who had just celebrated his 93rd birthday and had been a Jays fan and season ticket holder since the day they came into existence. He pissed in her mouth twice before he ultimately came… but, true to her word, Darcy was ‘taking all the way’ and swallowed everything. Not only that, but for his dedication to the team, the producer offered him “free access to Darcy’s mouth” whenever he wanted from now on. Darcy was very pleased.
She blew 69 guys that first day, 60 fans and nine from the studio crew, and was well on her way to stardom. The phones wouldn’t stop ringing because of guys wanting Darcy to know how much they loved her and wanted to fuck her mouth too. She was very flattered when we told her.
She wore a lighter, but just as tight pair of jeans on the second day, a very sleek top, and an extremely sexy pair of heels, and already was on her knees and working hard as the show began. The day before, one clever fan had called in suggesting that we could more than double our coverage of Darcy by using multiple inserts; when Darcy was live, we could show multiple views of her, always providing viewers with a close-up of her mouth, but also always showing her ass. And, when we showed sports highlights, we could keep a couple of close-up inserts of Darcy’s mouth in action and ass on display in the corner of the screen. Darcy thought this was a wonderful idea! So we set up several cameras on her, from all different angles, and kept Darcy live every minute from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m.; even during commercials. We also got news that Darcy was being broadcast on over a thousand different internet sites, 24-7. A couple of local pimps even called up, asking us to ask Darcy if she’d consider a little street prostitution a couple of nights a week, after work, once all this was over. Darcy definitely was interested, and said she’d call them both back at the end of today’s programming, hoping they’d put her to work right away. But, for now, she had a steady stream of cocks to suck and a television audience numbering millions to please.
Of course, we started every half hour segment with a close up of Darcy’s mouth at work, as she peered right into the camera with her big brown eyes.
“While our own Darcy continues her diligent work with bats and balls,” the overdubbed voice said, “the team she’s pulling for were making their own preparations as well.”
Darcy, of course, knew that her producers had no intention of letting her ease up on her new television role, so she was not at all surprised when they told her they’d decided she should blow 20 extra fans for every run the Jays scored.
“It IS the playoffs, after all,” she was told.
She just laughed and nodded. How many thousands of complete strangers would she suck and how many litres of cum would she swallow, anyone could guess. But Darcy remained the team’s biggest fan. She wanted them to go all the way and score as many runs as possible; and if word of her cock-sucking mouth and the home team wanting to keep her on her knees being face-fucked over and over and over and over could motivate them, that was just great.
We had even more fun with Darcy that second day, the commentator with the microphone often popping over the ‘interview’ her as she worked. Understandably, all Darcy could do was mumble responses to his questions… “Hmm hmmm… Hmm hmmm… Hmm hmmmmm,” she said, knowing that the whole affair was being done to tease her a bit, but happily playing along.
The commentators also made many jokes at her expense… commenting, for example, on how Darcy clearly had given new meaning to the phrase ‘blowing a lead’. Even with 8 inches of cock in her mouth, Darcy couldn’t help but laugh over that one.
By 6 p.m., the head office had received so many accolades over Darcy, they debated the merit of having Darcy pledge 50 or even 100 blowjobs per run scored. They approached Darcy and reminded her both about how runs tend to be scarcer during playoff time, and of the unfortunately possibility that the Jays might only last a few games before being eliminated.
“It’d be a shame if you’re only blowing 20 per run and they only play 4 or 5 games and score just a handful of runs,” she was told. During one disastrous 10-game, 9-loss road-trip early in the season, they’d only scored 17 runs total.
Luckily, Darcy agreed – one hundred blowjobs per run scored it would be; she’d just space them out over the next month or so. Of course, she had no idea yet that the Jays would end up winning the whole enchilada and score 137 runs over 19 games doing so. For now, everything was all fun.
Day 3 brought Darcy an unexpected, but very much appreciated surprise, when the studio filled up with a whole slew of Darcy’s relatives from out west, including her mom and sister, and about 30 male cousins and uncles and a couple of old family friends who Darcy still called uncles. Even though none actually were counted among the 1037 who’d been signed up that first day or the 687 extras who weaselled their way onto Darcy’s blowjob list, she was delighted that so many from her family had come from so far to join in all the festivities. The first to be pulled forward was old Uncle Harry. Darcy’s smile was from ear to ear as she peered up at him from her knees. She was so appreciative that the producer had let the family bring cameras onto the set, so they all could get their own pictures to bring back home. There was a real festive atmosphere in the studio, kind of like when they invite all the family on stage after someone wins lots of money on a game show. In this instance, of course, Darcy was the ‘winner’, but she had to work for each and every prize.
In between reporting on sports news, virtually every relative was interviewed, including Mom of course, who was very proud of her little girl. It took a while to get through all Darcy’s relatives, of course, because of all the posing for pictures and the fact that everyone kept trying to make her laugh by making her deep throat and then clowning around with all the cameras so poor Darcy’s throat was pulvarized for as long as possible.
“Hmm hmmmmm!” she kept scolding them, of course, all in fun.
I emptied my self entirely in her... |
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