Dans le Murs Part VIII
Quickly assessing the situation I noticed that East was extremely well endowed with probably over 23 centimetres of penis curving out from his groin. North stepped onto the mattress and positioned himself between Saskir's thighs. Dropping to his knees he guided his hardness into her tiny, teenage vulva and thrust in firmly. Saskir squeaked sharply as he penetrated her deeply. North thrust vigorously, driving his firm and mature penis deep into her sex. The hushed audience could hear his grunts coupled with Saskir's mewing and, in the background, an occasional squish from her wet vagina. Some fifty seconds after he had entered her North gave a sharp yelp as his thighs ceased pumping and began to quiver. Saskir squealed and twisted her hips as he fired off inside her. He shot for no more than seven seconds when he abruptly slipped his manhood from her slit, bowed momentarily to her, acknowledged the Grand Master and resumed his place at the edge of the mattress. Saskir remained on her back, her thighs spread as South took up position. His penis was short and fat, uncircumcised and dribbling copiously. With little ceremony South lay on the teenager and guided himself into her treasure. We saw her wince slightly as he entered her and began to move. No more than five seconds elapsed before his eyes rolled and he began to jerk wildly. Saskir whinnied as another load hosed her tender womb. South shot for another five seconds when he withdrew, semen dripping from his prick, bowed and returned to his place. West made a bit more of a go at it and lasted for nearly two minutes before firing off. As he withdrew he was still ejaculating and puddled some thick juice onto her fine pubic hair. Now it was the turn of East, his massive, circumcised penis jutting out of a shock of crisp, auburn curls. Saskir's sex was now shiny with the three previous actions as East knelt between her thighs and stroked his length up and down the pert slit. Then, taking his penis between his fingers he smeared his oily juice all over the tip before guiding the purple head, which looked about the size of a baby’s fist, between the tiny petal lips and lodged it in her vaginal entrance. All noise ceased and the watching throng held its breath to a man as East prepared to shaft the tiny girl. Aware of the attention East pressed against her making the head bulge even more before she slowly opened to him and the meat began to disappear inside her. He continued to press in as Saskir's slit was forced wider than ever by the massive organ entering her sex. he must have forced some 12 centimetres, nearly half his penile
length, into her before she squeaked wildly. Slowly and erotically East fucked the girl, sometimes teasing her by almost withdrawing, sometimes prodding at the very mouth of her womb and occasionally gyrating gently so that different nerves were stimulated. For five minutes he toyed with her body and she squirmed and whined as her sex was violated by this massive piece of meat. Then, without warning, East looked straight at her, thrust his hips hard against he driving the last millimetre of cock into her vagina and began to jump and jerk violently. Saskir screamed and lurched as his seed hosed her womb. Ten seconds he remained jetting into her before he heaved himself back, took the still foaming length in his hand and began to masturbate it hard over her gaping thighs. Thick white spurts could be seen to be spilling from the end dropping lazily over her silky flesh creating gooey puddles in her navel. Abruptly he stood up, bowed and returned to the edge where all four robed and departed. The Grand Master then addressed the throng.
"The gong shall signal the start of the Chosen One's period of service. Eighteen minutes shall be given to serve as many as she can. Let no one serve her after the finishing gong on pain of punishment. Let the period of service begin."
A gong sounded, resonant and reverberating in the hall. Men, young and old scrambled onto the mattress, all erect and some masturbating, eager to satisfy their lust on the young girl. I counted thirty-three successful penetrants, two premature ejaculations and seven deliberate masturbated climaxes over her face before the sounding of the final gong. As the last echoes died away, Saskir was left spread-eagled on the mattress, semen drooling from her cleft, her face covered in streamers, her hair matted with cooling sperm and the rest of her body splashed with drying droplets. Two acolytes swiftly robed her and helped her away, hopefully to wash and recover from her ordeal. As the congregation resumed their revelry I felt a gentle tap on the shoulder and turned to see Melanthe smiling.
"My lord." she purred, "The Grand Master commands that you attend him in his chambers at once."
I turned sharply away from the revelry and followed Melanthe. At the large oaken door she paused and rapped sharply. A young Asian woman whom I had not seen before opened the door. She was absolutely stunning with almond eyes and a delightfully shapely body. She was dressed in a silk blouse and a long, straight skirt. Her long, black hair shone and her full mouth parted in a warm smile revealing white, even teeth. She acknowledged my presence and stepped aside to admit us. Inside the Grand Master was reclining on a sumptuous leather chair, a coffee pot and a number of cups on a tray beside him. He signalled us to sit and we sat in smaller chairs around a beautifully carved table. The young Asian woman poured coffee and dripped in a small amount of thick cream.
"Thank you Sister." he smiled benignly, "You will sit with us." She did as she was instructed.
The Grand Master continued. "As there is little time," his voice was even and authoritative, "I wish to speak of your mission. Let me introduce Sister Nahdya Thiramisu; she will be your attendant and assistant during your visit to Thailand. The Sister has been selected from the chapter in Oslo where she studied before joining the brotherhood"
Melanthe took a sharp intake of breath. The Grand Master briefly turned to her and said softly. "Do not concern yourself my child. You will be retained until Sethin returns unless you wish otherwise. Nahdya will likely remain in Thailand so your position will be maintained."
"I am grateful, my lord." Melanthe bowed gently to the Master.
"Please leave us my child," he said, "we have much to discuss."
Melanthe stood up, bowed to the Grand Master followed by me, and left. We each sipped our coffee as the Grand Master reclined.
"I regret it is necessary for you to depart for Thailand the day after tomorrow." the Grand Master delicately replaced his coffee cup, "Nahdya will act as interpreter and guide to the country. Although she originates from a small village she knows Bangkok well and will be able to assist you in many ways. You will stay at the Hotel Royale and you will complete your business in ten days. You will both be executives of the Greatorix Corporation, a respected and legitimate society owned company. You will be contacted by the Group of the Four Winds, a pseudo Triad organisation, whose leader is Leubeka Saramsiya. He is, as you say, 'a bit of a rough diamond’ so you should have little difficulty with any negotiations. All the information you need is in this file with your tickets. Oh, and I would rather you did not prowl around the 'red light' district looking for excitement Sethin. Neither will you accept any favours offered by Saramsiya. Either could be misconstrued as well as potentially dangerous. Nahdya is instructed to attend to ALL your needs, be they spiritual OR physical, is that not so my child?"
He handed me a thick folder and smiled at Nahdya; she beamed.
"Yes, my lord." she nodded, her accent almost erotic. "In addition to my abilities as an interpreter, I study for MBA, I am a fair dancer, I have good social graces, I swim and play many games and I believe that I am an agreeable bed partner ...."
"Thank you, Nahdya," the Grand Master waved his hand to interrupt, "I think we can forgo the graphic detail; I am sure that the Lord Sethin will discover all your areas of expertise in due course." He stood up. "It is done, you will depart the day after tomorrow. Bon voyage."
We both bowed and left. We made our way to my chambers, a somewhat smaller affair than those of the Grand Master but totally adequate. In there were Madeleine and Simone, obviously now getting along fine. Simone greeted me with a firm embrace, pressing her breasts into me and grinding her hips against my tense penis.
"Madeleine has told me all about when she met you," the little coffee coloured teenager said shrilly, "I'm sorry I made such a scene, I didn't understand the circumstances and how lonely she was. I don't mind really much if she wanted to do it again and you did, honest."
We laughed. "I won't test your honesty Simone." I stroked her delightful curves with the back of my hand, "Now, would you go back to l’Ecole with Madeleine, I have some work to do with Nahdya; and before you complain it is totally business. I'll tell you as much as I may about it tonight. Now, off you go."
She pouted and I patted her rump. When the pair had disappeared I opened the folder as Nahdya poured two mineral waters. We were to pose as freelance trainers in Microsoft Network management, something that I would be able to carry off with little difficulty, and Nahdya was to be my assistant as well as my ‘wife’. I discovered that she was 23, educated in Europe and had her first degree in International Politics. Apparently we had met on a similar visit some two years previous - fully documented and traceable naturally - and married about six months earlier. The local chapel had ensured that documentary proof existed for us. It seemed that the Bangkok Signome chapter was new and unproven which was why we, not them, were to carry out this tour of duty. I had names of legitimate contacts in educational establishments and would probably need to make at least one. We would wait to be contacted by the Group of the Four Winds; in the meantime we would use the other cover for as long as necessary.
"It seems that we are to pretend we are married." I commented to Nahdya.
She smiled. "That is so my Lord. Am I required to play the full role of your wife?"
"Exactly what do you mean by that?" I asked with a sly grin.
"We must share a room of course." she spoke softly and musically, "But will we share a bed?"
"Is sharing a bed the full role of a wife in Thailand?" I asked wickedly.
"You know exactly what I mean." she stamped her foot playfully, "Will you want to make love to me and do all those things that men do with their wives?"
"Exactly what 'things' had you in mind? I teased her.
"You are teasing me," her head shook, "I am sure that you know all the things I mean."
"Yes, I am teasing you Nahdya. Seriously Sister," I looked straight at her, "I would not wish to offend you so I would care to know what 'things' would you be thinking about."
She looked straight back at me. "The Grand Master instructs me to be your wife therefore I do everything a wife would be expected to do. I will sleep in the same bed and we will make love if that is your desire. You will come inside me if you wish; if you wish to use a condom then you may. I am clear of all diseases and I am unable to become pregnant. I will masturbate you and let you into my mouth if you wish it. If it is your desire to sodomise me then I will permit it although I do not find the thought of it very pleasant."
"I understand Nahdya." I stroked her cheek tenderly, "It is not my style to insult or degrade a woman as beautiful and intelligent as you even though you are only pretending to be my wife."
"You will not be disappointed with me, Emeritus Master," she spoke my rank with respect, "whether it be professionally or as a wife."
"I'm sure that I will not," I responded, "and I thank you for your openness."
"My husband." she said with a little chuckle in her voice, "As an unmarried woman it is my habit to shave my intimate area, would you wish me to cease the habit so that my hair grow for you?"
"No way Nahdya." I spoke quickly, "It is very pleasing to see a girl with a well shaved sex, I would like it very much if you would keep yourself shaved." She smiled and ran her tongue around her lips; perhaps she could guess what I was thinking. She was right.
That night Simone and I made furious and almost continuous love; nothing was held back and she had to wash herself down twice. As well as a wet vagina she had splashes of thick semen over her dark breasts, streamers mixed with her crisp sex fur and two mouthfuls before we settled down to sleep. The next day we tidied the cottage and prepared for my trip. Three times during the day she came close to me and began to cuddle, each time ending in sexual activity. This time there were two straight sessions of penetrative sex and one delightful oral ministration. That night we both slept soundly, Simone snuggling up very close and pressing her firm breasts into me.
End of Part VIII
Look out for Part 9 – Bangkok
In which Colin and Nahdya settle into the city, discover each other and meet up with the Triad sex dealer. Here they realise that he is simply trying to pe-ddle ‘ki-ddy porn’ instead of what had been previously agreed. The pair agree that the Sect should not be party to such perversions so try to justify their actions by investigating the history of one of his younger charges.
Dude gets to fuck his friends hot Asian sister! After waiting 8 years to do the deed... |
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