Dans le Murs (Part VII)
Dans le Murs – Part VII
Synopsis: Colin has assisted Mme Lestrade with her Asian and African acquisitions and has performed the form of punishment to Therese that she feared most. Colin became an outrageous counsellor and Simone has been fascinated by his technical systems. Now read on.
Part 7 – Sonia and Pippa
Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old man might raise eyebrows, it does not contravene English law. Don’t get it confused with the ‘Age of Majority’, which remains at 18, as does the age for consensual Gay relationships. I have also tried to apply the national age for consensual sex in the country of origin where the person is not English. It’s called ‘bending the rules’. All characters, names and most organisations are fictional but some of the places exist. Geographical and other factual errors are mine.
The evening was balmy and, helped by a Mozart tape on the car stereo I soon
perked up. The journey to the studio was uneventful and I crunched up the drive
in time to see two young girls disappear through the door. I followed them in
and found Therese and Simone in the editing suite. Simone hugged me in greeting
while Therese was initially very cold. I felt no need to apologise to her; she
had been warned and as Simone took my hand to show me what she had done during
the day Therese came over, holding out her hand.
"I'm sorry," she looked genuinely contrite, "I apologise for what I did to
Simone. You did warn us that she was 'off-limits' but I didn't believe your
threats. Now I do but, Christ, you didn't have to try and get me pregnant
though. I had to go to the pharmacy and get a ‘morning after’ pill so I'm o.k.
I smiled as I took her hand and squeezed it firmly. "I'm sorry I had to
demonstrate my determination and I'm even more sorry that it had to be you." I
said to her, "But I feel that Simone will now be safe and there's no long term
harm done."
She kissed me a little stiffly and we all studied the results of the days
work. Early results were spectacular with some very clever computer aided
processing. I was proud to hear how Simone had provided many of the new ideas.
The feeling was that a first cut viewing was still a while away but clips and
stills had already been produced and circulated to the major European and US
"Say, who were the two bimbos I followed in?" I asked as I recalled the
"Ah," Therese's head flipped up from the editing screen, "Pierre and Marcel have
got a project of their own going and these are the two youngsters they have
recruited. I am supposed to be there, do you want to sit in?"
We both shrugged Gallicly and followed Therese as she almost ran out of the
door. The meeting was to be held in an anteroom off the main studio and we burst
in breathlessly.
"There you are Therese," said Pierre impatiently, "we have been waiting."
"Sorry," she puffed, "we have been editing "Awakening" and it's getting to us.
By the way, first showing next week o.k?"
He nodded and turning to the two young girls he said, "Let me introduce our two
newest starlets, this is........."
He was interrupted by a sudden outburst from Simone. "Pippa Stone and Sonia
Carrington, what the hell are you two doing here?"
Pippa, a slim blonde with grey eyes jumped up at the voice. "Simone, Simone
Lalley? Is it really you?" she squealed.
"Yes it damned well is." she shouted, "How the devil did you get into this
knocking shop?
"We ran away from home and a nice man offered us money if we would do a screen
test." she replied.
"Jesus Christ, Pippa, you never did have much sense did you." Simone gripped the
girl while Sonia looked on, her eyes wide, "These people make skin flicks and
all they're interested in is what you have between your legs, though that
probably isn't much looking at you."
She shrugged. "So what!" she puckered, "I know what it's for so I might as
well sell it. Anyway, what are YOU doing here, miss prissy pants."
"I'm an assistant editor." she puffed her delightful chest, "Not one of your
open legged starlets."
Sonia had slowly stood up and was now facing Pippa, her face white, her eyes
damp. She grabbed Pippa's blouse. "What did she say?" her voice quivered with a
combination of rage and fear, "You're going to let boys 'do' you? You didn't
tell me; you said we would be testing for a children’s film. I've never let a
boy touch me like that and now you want me to let men play around with me. Why
didn't you tell me? Why? WHY?"
"Oh don’t be such a wimp Sonia." Pippa spat, "It's no big deal to let a man do
it to you. You're made for it. Hell, I had Maurice Brody nearly two years ago
and he certainly made sure I knew what it was all about."
"Maurice Brody," she echoed, "he's eighteen, so he must've been sixteen when he did it to you. Pippa, he must've done EVERYTHING!"
Pippa said nothing for a while but looked around then she spoke again. "Oh, I
know what you're waiting for, Sonia. You want me to say that he didn't do
everything but you're wrong. He did too. He put his inside he and me SHOT! Yes
he SHOT, in fact he shot twice and it was super, and I made him do it in my
hand, and I kissed it after he'd done it."
Poor Sonia went white as she collapsed into the chair. "Oh God," she whimpered,
putting her face in her hands, "Oh God. What have I got into? I'm going to be
done, no - raped, by lots of men and everyone will see me. I can't do it; I
can't do it. Help me, help me!"
I took Simone to one side and whispered in her ear. "Get her away from here for a few moments," I hissed, "otherwise she'll have a breakdown." Simone took the sobbing child’s arm and led her firmly away into the studio where I followed moments after. As I left, Pippa was allowing the production staff to touch her charms. I knew what would follow. Simone and Sonia were sitting in a corner with the older girl comforting the little one. I joined them as Simone made comforting sounds. Sonia sniffled and blew her nose.
"I didn't realise that they wanted us to make dirty films." she sobbed, her
voice hoarse, "He said that we were just what he had been looking for and he
would give us a screen test for a movie about children and I believed him. What
can I do, I'm frightened?"
"She's sixteen," Simone interrupted, "and been led astray by Pippa who's
actually older than she looks. She was in the same class as me; I think she's
I turned to Sonia. "I think we can get you back home," I said gently, "or at
least back to Dover with enough cash to get you to London."
"No, I can't do that," she started sharply, "I couldn't face my friends again if
I chickened out. Pippa would tell them that I was a cry-baby and they would
bully me."
"Well you can't stay Sonia," put in Simone firmly, "unless, that is, you do your
screen test and that means……" She made an obscene gesture with a fist and a
finger. Sonia blanched.
"It can't be so bad really," she tried convincing herself, "I mean, Pippa's done
"Sonia," Simone crouched beside the girl, "the difference between what Pippa
says she’s done and what she's actually done we may never know. Yes, I should
imagine she is not a virgin but how much of that was boasting I don't know." She
sighed. "Let me tell you a few home truths, then see if you really want to stay.
There are few rules here, anything goes and the couples are expected to do
anything the scriptwriter asks, so long as it's physically possible. Have you
ever seen a boy stiff?"
Sonia responded with a gentle shake of her head.
"Well it's about this long and this fat," she exaggerated slightly with her hands, "and they will expect you to let them put it all inside you. They will do it with the man on top, with you on top and doggie-fashion. Also they will expect you to suck it before they put it in and sometimes from time to time during the session. They will also expect you to let them finger and lick your pussy. Now, big men shoot. The men here shoot quite a lot but they will not shoot it into you, well not intentionally anyway, that's not good for the viewer, he wants to see something for his money. You will be expected to finish one or more men off by hand or let them finish themselves. They will come over your pussy, your bum, your tummy and your boobs. They may want to come in between your boobs and, quite likely, they will want to come over your face and in your mouth. You may well be expected to finish a man with your mouth and let him come where he wants. Now this may be over your chin but, most likely, he will want to shoot it into your mouth or over your tongue, and you may be expected to swallow it. You will have no choice of which man, black or white, big or small, young or old and you will have to look as if your enjoying every second of it even though he is stretching and hurting you."
"Wow, don’t ever try to depress someone Simone." I grinned.
"But that's what happens," she said, "and I also think Pippa is out of her depth
too although she thinks she can cope. Those guys in there are not going to let
her off without a trial run. I only hope she's on the pill."
"You mean she'll have to do it now?" Sonia looked somewhat gobsmacked at Simone,
"All those things you just said?"
"Don't worry about her." Simone sported a wicked grin, "The immediate problem is
that if you don't back off then you'll be next. Just think that one over."
"What you said was horrible," her expression was glazed, her voice tremulous,
"but I need the money to stay away from school, I'm going to have to do it."
"Oh, don't be such a dimbo all your life." snapped Simone gripping the girl,
"There's no 'have to' about it. Think for once in your life, you've got your
whole future ahead of you; there will be plenty of time to enjoy boys. Christ,
do you want to wear yourself out before you're even ready?"
She shrugged. "I can't let Pippa down," she said, "I'll ask them to be gentle."
"Hmph!" Simone turned her eyes to the ceiling, "Fat chance. They'll treat you
like one of their regulars. Look, if you're determined to go through with it at
least we can prepare you a bit. Are you a virgin?" She nodded blushingly.
"Oh God, I can't take much more." Simone turned to me, "They'll tear her to
pieces if they try to screw her. Colin, would you be prepared to open her up a
little? I wouldn't normally ask you 'cos I don't want you to go with other girls
but this is an emergency."
"For medicinal purposes only," I laughed, "as long as you don't mind."
"Come on, let's get her ready." Simone turned to the youngster, "Strip off
We better get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold. She smiled at me and watched me unbutton her blouse. As I unbuttoned it she pulled it out of her shorts. I slid it off her shoulders and let it drop on the floor. Seeing her beautiful breasts pointing out at me,made my mouth water! I used my hands and cupped each one. They full and large and they were very wet and cold... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting