Dans le Murs (Part 9)

(Part 1 from 2)

Dans le Murs – Part IX

Synopsis: Colin witnesses another Cult ceremony after which he is selected for a prestigious project in Thailand and assigned Nahdya, a beautiful 23-year-old Thai woman, as his partner. Simone has thrown another tantrum but now seems to be more stable. Now read on.

Part IX – Bangkok

Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old man might raise eyebrows, it does not contravene English law. Don’t get it confused with the ‘Age of Majority’, which remains at 18, as does the age for consensual Gay relationships. The intervening years are a grey area. I have also tried to apply the national age for consensual sex in the country of origin where the person is not English. It’s called ‘bending the rules’. This episode contains references to paedophilia. The author and the principal characters are unconditionally opposed to this sickening form of exploitation and, as will be seen from the storyline of this and Part X, positive action is planned by the team to stop the abuse and punish the abusers. I would dispute any charge of irresponsibility and sensationalism for including it in the story because paedophilia exists, especially in third world countries, and turning a blind eye does not make it go away. Only by raising awareness, even within the shadowy confines of erotic writing, will ignorance be dispelled and pressure exerted on the appropriate authorities to take punitive action. I hope that readers will understand my reasons for its inclusion. All characters, names and most organisations are fictional but some of the places exist. Geographical and logical errors are mine.

It was a tearful parting as I backed the little Peugeot out of the drive and headed for l’Ecole where I picked up Nahdya and left the car. From there we were driven to EuroLille railway station for a TGV to Paris Gard du Nord. Another change to the Metro link to Roussillon and Paris CDG Airport. From here we would take a Cathay Pacific Jumbo to Bangkok. The arrangements moved smoothly and, apart from a ten-minute departure delay, we arrived in the Thai airport at 6:00 am the following morning, local time. Despite the early hour it took over two and a half hours to reach the city centre and our hotel through the horrendous traffic jams. The Hotel Royale was very high class and we were booked into a very large double room with all the usual facilities. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked Nahdya. She shook her head.

"Just a shower, coffee and a rest." she replied, stretching her arms.

I agreed with her and we both settled down to rest, in separate beds. I awoke at 4 pm, ravenously hungry, to see Nahdya slipping out of her bed wearing nothing but a gold bracelet. She looked around at me, saw that I was watching her and smiled as she lifted her fine breasts.
"You like?" she said with a chuckle in her voice, "Does my 'husband' wish for something?
My position in bed had left me with a firm erection and nature would only be satisfied by one activity. I fumbled under the light covering until I was naked then threw it off and half sat up allowing my towering penis to thrust towards her.
"Perhaps my 'wife' could suggest a cure for this?" I said suggestively as her eyes homed in onto my manhood.
Her eyes opened wide and she licked her lips. "Magnificent!" she drew a long breath, "I am honoured that my ‘husband’ finds me so arousing.”
"It would be difficult for any man to be otherwise." I twitched it and a bead of excitement appeared at the end.
Her tongue flicked between her lips. "Is that a small tear for me?" she simpered, "Would you permit me lick it clean?"
"Is that all you want to do?" I said as she moved to me, her eyes still glued onto my overweening phallus.
"I would like to taste all your tears also." she said honestly.
"It would be my pleasure," I said, leaning back on my hands and letting my penis jut out towards her, "to allow you to do as you desire whenever it pleases you Nahdya."
"Right now." she dropped to her knees and shuffled towards me, "Let me kneel between your legs and venerate my husband."
“Venerate eh?” I giggled, “I love that word Nahdya, it sounds so sexy.”

I parted my legs and she settled between them letting my dribbling prick smear films of juice over the curving mounds of her breasts. She put her hands near her armpits and enclosed my erection between her soft mounds squeezing bubbles of juice into her dark cleavage. The feeling was exquisite - almost too much so.
“I can’t control it,” I yelped almost as the sensations surged rhythmically to the swollen head; a thicker swirl of whitish liquid streaking the already shiny, slippery knob, “I’m going to come.”

Nahdya immediately released my tingling penis from between her firm breasts leaving a streamer of fluid dripping from the foreskin. Gripping the swollen base she guided the tip to her lips and straight into her soft, warm mouth. Her tongue lapped over the smooth skin, tasting the spicy love I was leaking; sucking gently but effectively as she went. The physical passion surged up my firm erection bringing with it the essence of my sex. I looked down at Nahdya and our eyes met; her lips clamped around the pliant head; she knew exactly what was coming. I love oral sex performed in this open and unbridled manner, a young woman submissively taking my cock in her mouth and willing me to let go. I love watching the girl’s face as the spunk comes; some girls, no matter how many times they do it, never quite get used to the taste and draw back or wince slightly. Others enjoy the experience and look forward to the moment and positively eat the semen. first time girls are best. There is a degree of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. They want to do it properly but have some concern over the actual act. They know what boys do and they know that it is going into their mouth but they are very uncertain of their reaction when it actually happens. Will they dislike the taste? Will they dislike the consistency? Will there be too much? How will they know exactly when it is going to come and how does it come? Will it shoot out or will it simply pour out? When I finally shoot into the girl’s mouth a range of emotions flash over their faces. 

The first taste of the salty-sweet milk sends conflicting signals to the brain. The desire to spit out the offending juice is very strong but very carnal ladies resist the initial temptation and let me come the lot. Many girls, having first taken sperm in their mouths once, refuse to contemplate the act again. Others, after considering the taste as well as the physical control over a man’s emotions, are willing to continue and grow to enjoy oral sex. I suspected Nahdya was definitely of the latter breed. Her eyes willed me to ejaculate, to fill her mouth with the thick, creamy seed and I wasn’t about to disappoint her. Holding her bobbing head gently I lifted my buttocks, pushing my full length into her mouth. At the same time the feeling ripped up the swollen phallus and exploded out of the rounded tip spraying the hot, spicy semen over her tongue. She grunted softly as the flood of sperm filled her mouth and slithered down her throat, the persistent trembling signalling the continuing flow of the precious fluid. I could feel her throat working to swallow the outpouring of come and, to her credit, not a drop was spilt outside. I knew that I was doing a lot; I tended to in these circumstances but she handled it magnificently. Eventually I stopped shooting and stroked the glossy, black hair while she held my softening, spunky penis in her mouth.

“Phew Nahdya.” I breathed, allowing my satisfied prick to slip from between her lips, “That was worthy of the highest praise or in colloquial English, ‘By heck you are good!’.”
“Thank you, my Lord.” a melange of semen and saliva bubbled over her pearly teeth as she smiled, “I now see why Simone and Melanthe desire your attention. Although I have had but few men in my mouth with which to compare, you do not disappoint me. You were gentle when you felt it coming and your sperm is so good. It is not bitter and there was so much. I think some men promise a mouthful and yet fail to deliver, you gave me one, I would like some in my vagina.”

“I’m sure that will happen.” I smiled kindly and offered her a large tissue to wipe her face, “Tell me, how many men, exactly, have you had in that delightful mouth?”
Nahdya looked sheepishly at her knees. “You are the third.” she said softly.
I looked querulously at her. “I find that hard to believe as your technique is so sophisticated but I will accept what you say.”
“I have had but two other men,” she looked almost fiercely at me, “but those men more times than once.”
“They are honoured.” I stood up to wash my wet penis, “Did you love them?”
“One my cousin.” she followed me, “He made me not virgin when I was eleven. We always good friends and one day we go fishing. Cousin slip on stones and fall in. He take off wet clothes and I see boy for first time. He had hairs between legs and a long prick. I know little bit about boys but never seen. He saw me looking and it started to get stiff. Soon he really hard but he not try to hide it from me. He put his hand around it and played. He make knob fat and red. He ask me if I like to play and rub him. I put it in my hand and did like he did. I squeezed and rubbed his prick while I played with the two balls. I notice he getting wet and slippery but he did not seem to care so neither did I. Then, suddenly, lots of thick white stuff shot out of the end all over my fingers. It happen so quickly I not get my hand away and when I did he began to rub himself hard. He shot lots of sperm; he tell me later that he hoped he would come in my hand. He tell me about sex and then he ask me to let him fuck me. I said yes, took my clothes off and let him lay on me. Soon he right up inside me and then he shot more sperm. It feel great and we do it many times. One day he ask if he could fuck my mouth. I say no initially but then agreed to try. First time he put cock in mouth and use it like a pussy. He taste funny as he rub it then he come. Everything came into my mouth and he not pull out until he had finished. At first I not like but then the taste somehow better and I enjoy. When he finished I ask if we do it again, he agree willingly. We then do it plenty times.”

“And the other?” I asked.
“The other my boyfriend before I join the cult.” Nahdya smiled winsomely, “He very poor but love me. He not do much but he very gentle and he taste nice. He not fuck my face, he like me simply to suck it out of him. He lay on his back and let his stiff prick point up his belly. I put my head on him and suck his knob. I feel his belly tense and swell then his prick starts to vibrate. Suddenly all his spunk come into my mouth and I swallow hard. He say he feel good. Sometimes he fuck pussy and do everything inside me. I like very much. When you do first time?”

“I was a teenager, that much I recall,” I began, “and my girlfriend was younger. I had occasionally touched her but one particular day I wanted more. I began to tease her and grab her pussy, like silly boys do, but this time she let me see it. I got mine out and showed it to her, all stiff and hard. I asked her if she would like to touch it and play with it and she said that she would. Anyway, I lay down and she examined me and generally felt and played with it. I was getting really worked up by this time and it began to dribble a lot. She asked me what was happening so I told her that I was going to have to shoot before much later. She giggled and asked if I minded her watching it come. I told her that I would be delighted if she saw me doing it. After a few more moments I knew that I was not going to hold it back much longer. I told her to rub it properly and make me come. She rubbed me steadily and I let myself go. Suddenly there was sperm everywhere but she kept hold of me until I had finished. She inspected what I had done and asked if she could do it again sometime. I jumped at the chance. She continued to masturbate me often until we broke up. She seemed to enjoyed it and came back for more time and time again.”

“Did she ever take you in her mouth?” Nahdya asked, cocking her head to one side.
I shook my head. “No, that was not really in at that time. I’m talking about thirty years ago.”
“Today girls do anything,” she said softly, “men want that.....” She stopped as the telephone rang. I leant over the bed, picked it up and spoke.
“Room 217.”
A metallic voice greeted me. “Is that Mr Colin?” I confirmed the request.
“Ah good. This is Leubeka Saramsiya, we meet this evening, yes?”
I confirmed when and where we were to meet then returned the phone to the rest.
“That was Leubeka Saramsiya,” I informed Nahdya, “we are to meet him at seven in...” I consulted my scrap notes, “... in The Sunset Bar in Sakrah Street.”
Nahdya screwed up her nose. “Sakrah Street in Soi Cowboy and have plenty brothels,” she shook her head, “I hope he not try to sell us rubbish.”
“Let’s see,” I shrugged, “if we don’t like what he offers then we turn it down, let’s eat first, I’m starving.”
She dressed deliciously in a sarong style silk dress and we eat sumptuously in the hotel restaurant. At the end the waiter brought me a small brandy and Nahdya a glass of creamy liquid.
“What is that?” I peered at it.

She held it to her lips and sipped, leaving a film. “Rizteere,” she smiled, “but often called ‘Quano olti Saventash’ which, roughly translated means, ‘Young Boys Seed’.”
“I can see why.” I looked at the fluid puddling in the glass then leant to whisper in her ear, “It certainly looks a little like I used to do when I was a teenager.”
“It is rumoured that in some bars in the sois you get the real thing if you order Rizteere so it is a girls drink.” she smiled, “This is rice liqueur but it reminds me of you.” She gulped it down.
“We go now,” she moved, “we walk to Sakrah Street, taxi take too long.”
She slipped her arm into mine as we walked downtown. The sounds, the noise, the fumes were overpowering. I drew her closer as we moved from the lights, breathing in her soft smell. I couldn’t help getting a hard on as we walked. Suddenly the urge was too great. I stopped, turned to face her and kissed her passionately pressing my growing erection against her flat belly.
When I drew breath she gasped. “You got big hard.” she giggled, “You want make love?”
“Do we have time?” I asked.
She nodded. “Yes, if we ready and you make sperm quickly.”
“Please, Nahdya,” I rubbed myself against her, “where shall we go?”
We were passing a small market and to our left was a rough shelter left from the day.
“There,” she pointed, “we do it there, quick.”

Two people sidled to the crude structure and then slipped inside. The smell of vegetables and spices was strong. Nahdya bent over onto a pile of scrap offering me her pert buttocks. I stroked the firm curves as she lifted the sarong to reveal her shapely bottom and dark cleft. I stroked her soft, shaven slit and my penis jerked. The zip came down and my aching erection jutted out. Smearing the lubricant over the helmet I guided it into the damp furrow and pressed against the yielding vagina. She opened easily to let the contoured head into her and I rammed myself deep into her tight pussy. She yelped and tightened her buttocks to grip my solid penis. With little time I took hold of her thighs and began to slide the hard, greasy pole to and fro inside her slick vagina. The excitement, the risk, took their toll on my sexual control. The semen boiled in my balls as I readied to fire it into her.
“I’m coming, Nahdya.” my voice whispered gruffly, “You wanted some inside and here it is.”

My climax came swiftly and sweetly. The hard prick packing her sex rippled and throbbed sending waves of soft, white sperm deep into her womb. Nahdya went rigid.
“Aah, it’s warm.” her voice trembled, “Your sperm feel good.”
“Take it, take it all inside you,” I shuddered, sending thick pulses of creamy juice flooding into her eager sex, “I want to fill you up.”
“You do that,” her breath hissed softly through pursed lips, “you shoot plenty sperm again.”
I chuckled as the last contractions sent the final drops of watery semen into her tight vagina and I slipped out of her. Nahdya straightened as I pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the sticky juice from the head. 
“Do not wipe it,” she put her hand on mine to stop me, “I will lick it clean.”
“It’s not necessary.” I smiled at her.

She put her hands together and looked wistful. “It will please me.” She crouched down, hooked her fingers under my already softening penis and slid her lips over it. Her tongue lapped at the melange of male and female secretions. I sensed that she was not only cleaning me off but attempting to arouse me once more; and she was succeeding to some degree.
“Nahdya,” I tenderly stilled her bobbing head, “it’s very pleasant and I know it’s getting a little stiff but if you’re trying to get me to come again then I think you’re going to be unlucky. Anyway, we’ve got an appointment to keep and I don’t think there’s any more left to come. Ohh, I’m mistaken, Nahdya, I am going to come again. Take it right in, suck me off. Here comes your mouthful. Uh! Uh!”
I looked down at the young woman with my cock gripped in her mouth. It throbbed and trembled, releasing watery streams of sperm onto her tongue. She sucked avidly, her throat working to swallow the mixture of saliva and semen. I realised that she preferred oral to genital sex; something that I would not complain about. I finished and she let me out and flipped her tongue over her shiny lips.
“You like a man to shoot into your mouth, don’t you?” I asked as I adjusted my dress.

She nodded. “I think it is much better than between my legs. I can see man all hard; I can explore him with fingers and tongue and I can drink everything he does very slowly. Man taste good too.”
I laughed as we resumed our walk to Sakrah Street talking animatedly, generally about sex. Despite her very refined appearance, Nahdya was best described as “broad-minded”. At this moment she was almost a gutter woman, crude and basic while at all other times she was sophisticated, demure and ladylike. She quite freely talked of her body and gave me a graphic description of what it was like for a girl to let a man shoot into her mouth including the taste. She described how another cousin had lusted after her and her younger sister. The boy was fifteen but had a massive penis; from her words it must have been over twenty-five centimetres long, while her sister was just ten. Although Nahdya had originally agreed to sex her mind had changed when she saw his length. This really irritated her cousin because the sister was strong willed and also rejected his approach. She was, Nahdya insisted, still a virgin.

Sakrah Street was a tatty street of rough buildings and a couple of very seedy looking bars. Scruffy and dirty girls lounged in the dusk.
“Hell’s teeth!” I exclaimed after a quick scan, “This is a tip. I’ve got a feeling that we are wasting our time. Now, where are we supposed to be meeting this guy?”
“Sunset Bar.” she replied, wrinkling her nose as she squinted in the gloom, “It’s over there.” She pointed to a small sign surrounded by flickering lights, 50% of which were dead. 
“Nahdya,” I stopped here for a moment, “I think it might be wise to concentrate on maintaining our pretence of being married from this moment.” She nodded. With trepidation we found the rough door, pushed our way through three unwashed females of indeterminate age. I felt that if we touched them something would jump onto us. Inside the atmosphere was fetid, smoky and dim. Nahdya coughed at the smell of human sweat. Together we approached the ricketty, cane and rough wood bar.
“You want drink?” the middle-aged mamasan asked in a rasping voice, studying them closely. 
“No thank you,” I replied, “I am here to see Leubeka Saramsiya; tell him Mister Colin from the Greatorix Corporation is here.”

She slammed a glass down on the counter, raising a cloud of dust and insects then disappeared through a curtain. We breathed as little as possible to minimise the intake of polluted air. The woman reappeared followed by a paunchy man dressed in a kaftan. He beamed as he approached us holding out his podgy hand. As he flopped his arm up and down, gripping my hand in a firm, dry grip, his weasel eyes flickered over Nahdya.
“Welcome to my humble club, Colin sir.” he gushed unctuously. I nodded.
“Nice lady.” acknowledging that Nahdya was Thai and drew the obvious, but unfortunately erroneous, conclusion, “But you have no need to go pay for lady, no sir, friend Colin. We do business then you have any girl you want. My girls good, they clean and do anything you want; fuck, suck; you see my friend, they the best. This lady very nice I am sure, but not so young now, go past her best I think, Leubeka introduce you to beautiful, teenage girl.”

“I’m sure your girls are everything you say Mister Saramsiya.” I smiled smugly at Nahdya, “However, before we continue perhaps I should first introduce my wife Nahdya.”
Leubeka Saramsiya’s jaw dropped and he fidgeted. His lips moved but no sound came out for some seconds; when it did he was very uncertain of his reception.
“A thousand apologies sir,” he grovelled, “I... I did not think. Lady look Thai, I think she your..... your; you understand? I not mean to insult her.”
Nahdya was having difficulty keeping the smile off her face; I managed to look stern and hurt.
“A man who speaks without thinking is a risk,” my voice was low and menacing, “I’m not sure we can do business with such a risk. My wife is Thai and very offended.”
Leubeka Saramsiya wrung his podgy hands. “Madame, I make terrible mistake,” he whined as he bowed towards her, “I in this business long time, I see what not there.”
Nahdya nodded sagely at him then at me.
“Not a good start, my friend.” I acknowledged, “Let us hope that we can salvage something from this.”
“Yes, yes,” a look of hope flashed across the man’s face, “we do good business now. Come, follow me.” He beckoned us to follow. Through the grimy curtain was an equally grimy, dim passage. Curious rustling noises preceded us and Nahdya gripped my arm tighter. We stopped at a substantial door set in a dark grey breeze wall of a room within a room. This was new and very solid. Leubeka slipped a key into the lock and it turned easily with only the faintest of sounds. The door opened outwards on four massive hinges. I could see that the door was over 150mm thick but what was amazing were the walls. I estimated that they must have been over half a metre thick.

“What the devil is this,” I asked as a fluorescent light flickered into life, “a fallout shelter?”
“Yes sir,” he said proudly,” I got design from Switzerland. It very strong, very secure; not many know it here.” I nodded my approval; my opinion of Leubeka slipped up the scale a little. The door closed behind us with a solid thump.

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