Dans le Murs (Part 6)
"Now she is to hold herself open more while the other guy lays on her missionary fashion and puts his inside also." I instructed. He knelt on the heavily loaded chaise longue and probed the now gaping pussy. After wiping his helmet over the pink lips he hooked it into the hole she was holding open, above his companions penis, and thrust in hard. The girl squeaked as it reamed her out and both men gurgled with pleasure. Both men began moving inside her and she was pushing against them both. "Keep the tips just inside so that when you go off we can see." I shouted via Mme Lestrade. With two penises in her vagina the girl was going wild and the additional friction experienced by the men was not being lost either. Both men thrust jerkily and it was obvious that they were losing the battle of control. Mme Lestrade touched my arm and thrust a little Camcorder into my hands. I quickly focussed on the action and began shooting, a few moments before the studs did. The girl's fleshy lips rolled to and fro as the two studs worked at her cunt. Neither was in too far, that was good for the viewers, and I could occasionally see the base of the head on the outstroke. Both pricks glistened with lubricant and I could hear the erotic squelching from her sex. I was tempted to shove my penis into her mouth but then I would miss the action, and action there was about to be.
"Tell them to pull out just so that the tip is resting in her open slit," I shouted, focussing in with the macro lens on the sensual activity, "and try to get them to come together." Mme Lestrade translated. Both men began to grunt and thrust harder. I knew the signs; I'd been there often enough after all. I moved behind the copulating trio just as the guy underneath gave a mighty shout and slipped the fat head out of her minge. Almost simultaneously the other stud put his hand around his pole and pulled back. Both swollen heads were pressed into the wet, slippery crack, one facing slightly down the other up towards the engorged clitoris. Amazingly both studs began to ejaculate almost together; a thick ribbon of white abruptly materialised in her pubic hair spreading from her crack half way to her navel and this was followed by a thinner, less creamy, outpouring down her genitals onto the bed. Both men jetted freely, swamping her sex with love juice until little of her crevice and fur was not bubbling with seed. The men gave sighs of exhaustion and then the guy on top rolled off allowing the negro girl to clamber off her other man. She stood in front to us, semen trickling down the inside of her thighs and glistening in her navel. I switched off the video after getting a shot of her rather wet charms. I thanked the two studs and sent the girl off for a well-earned shower. Turning to Mme Lestrade I congratulated her on her choice and selection skills.
"Zey are just a selection." she smiled, "My contacts can arrange almost as
many as you require. So long as we pay for ze 'services' then we do not get ze
"What about immigration?" the question sprung to the front of my mind. This was
obviously a potential danger area.
"Zat is not a problem," she tapped the side of her nose, "as I said, so long as
ze proper payments are made zen --- zey do not seem to be noticed, hein?" I
smiled and put my finger against my lips; she nodded sagely. She agreed to house
the six girls until I had spoken with Therese and Marcel.
After a quick phone call I drove off to the studio to see them and pick up Simone. On the way I stopped off for a selection of cheese and vegetables before parking at the studio. I was now known and wandered down into the office area. On my way I had to pass the main editing room and I peeped in. In the half-light I saw Simone spread-eagled over the desk, her thighs wide open with Therese, nude except for a lace suspender, burying her head in her snatch. I nearly exploded and decided to punish Therese on the spot. Creeping into the room I positioned myself behind the lesbian pair, slipped out of my lower garments and prepared to teach her a lesson. I was hardening at the sight of Therese's fanny wiggling in the air so I gripped my prick and masturbated it stiff then continued until I dribbled over the tip and felt reasonable close to shooting off. Therese's slit was parted and I could see her vagina, little flecks of creamy discharge around the opening. Taking my prick in my hand I came up behind her and, grabbing her around the waist I pulled myself towards her and rammed my length into her minge. I had timed it to perfection for almost immediately I felt myself about to explode. Therese shrieked as I filled her vagina and lifted off Simone.
"Oh, not now," she wailed, "don't stop, it's nearly here, it's nearly here!"
Therese also howled in complaint as the massive knob swelled inside her. "No,
no!" she shrilled, trying to dislodge the bloated member, "Take it out before
you do it. Oh, don't come into me, please don't come into me. Oo-oh God!"
In those few seconds I had reached and passed my peak. I felt the sap
splatter out of me and flow into the wet passage. I held her hard on my penis as
I jerked the lot into her crack before pulling it out and confronting her. When
Simone saw what had happened she burst into tears; Therese went on the
"You fucking bastard!" she screamed, frantically trying to cleanse her sticky
slit of my seed, "You know I don't have any protection, why did you have to rape
me. Jeezus, if you've got me pregnant I'll --- I'll --."
"I warned you that Simone was off limits." my voice was calm and well modulated,
"Your punishment was swift and just, perhaps not what I'd promised but
immediate. Simone's will be more considered."
"You didn't have to shoot your load up me," she whimpered, "I can't get
pregnant, I mustn't." She grabbed her things and flew out of the room, sobbing
and cursing. I confronted Simone who by now had slipped on her clothes. Tears
were sliding down her face and she looked mortified. "I'm so sorry Colin." she
mumbled, "We were editing a film, I wanted to relieve myself and Therese
insisted on helping. I tried to resist, honest I did, but when she touched me it
was like an electric shock and I gave in."
"I'll take you home." my voice was still calm, "You can pack and I'll take
you to Calais. You're on your own from there."
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Please no," she pleaded, "I won't do it
again. I'll be good to you; I'll do anything you want. You can have me any way
you want whenever you want to. Please don't throw me out, please!"
I considered what I had done earlier in the day and felt hypocritical; I
couldn't throw her out even if it was simply because I really enjoyed her lithe
young body. Her wide, appealing eyes gazing at me from her beautiful, coffee
coloured face nearly broke my heart. I stepped towards her and drew her into my
arms feeling the gentle sobbing.
"I can't do it," I whispered in her ear, "I can't pretend to be hard on you but
you must behave. If I am to be your guardian then I can't allow your morals to
be corrupted like that, can I?"
Her face brightened. "You mean you're the only one who is allowed to corrupt
me?" she asked.
"I call it education for life." I nuzzled her soft hair.
"I call it screwing a defenceless teenager." she commented.
"I'd hardly call you defenceless."
"But you still screw me." came the reposte.
"Ugh, ugly expression," I winced, "I prefer to say that we make love."
"Same thing though, ain’t it?" she shrugged, "You get your rocks off between my
"You can leave any time if you don't like the arrangement." I informed her
"Jeezus, who said I didn't like the arrangement!" she defended herself, "Look,
you're kind and gentle to me, you help me out so I want to return the
compliment. Anyway, you've got a nice fat friend who makes me feel very happy
when he comes to visit. Oh shit, let's go home, I'm shagged out."
She leant heavily on my shoulder and I helped her into the car and drove
home. We were silent as I put the car away and we went inside. Simone went for a
shower and when she returned she was somewhat more like her old self.
"Sorry about that." she snuggled in close and I could smell her warmth, "It's
the pressure of the last few weeks. My period's been very funny too. It started
then it stopped now it's making me feel a bit touchy."
I kissed the damp forehead before rustling up a simple microwaved meal. I put
her in the spare bed before showering and getting down to sleep. In the morning,
Friday, she was like the Simone of old so we decided to go shopping as well as
tour around the countryside. The day took us around at least four ‘hypermarches’
followed by a quick sortie into Belgium. We had an early dinner in Ghent before
following the Lys back through Menin and home. It was dusk when we returned,
that lovely multi-coloured shimmering, drifting into clear starlight that often
follows a late summer day in the region. After a glass of wine I announced that
I really would have to do some work and Simone agreed to assist. We opened up
the workshop and for the first time she saw the complex electronic equipment
that I used. Apart from the normal dubbing equipment I had been working on a
system for recovering over-copied and poorly copied tapes so that they could be
"You made all this?" she squeaked, taking in the mass of wires and boxes.
I nodded and informed her that I had not yet solved all the problems but I was well advanced and I had made all the equipment capable of extracting the primary colour images from a tape, all that remained was to construct, or purchase, commercial standard PAL and SECAM video encoders. She seemed genuinely interested so I showed it to her in operation. Firstly I displayed a well-copied video, called Games That Young Girls Play by VTO, on a TV then on a monitor. The quality was atrocious and the image flickered. I told her that this was the sort of quality available in the UK to which she agreed. I realised that Joker intended to supply much higher quality but if I could also market processed videos it would help to augment our income. I inserted the new processor and connected it via a first generation PAL encoder to a monitor. The image was as before. Then I connected the scope and began to process. First I selected the sync pulses and trimmed the circuit so that they were cleaned and regenerated. The picture stopped jittering. Then I selected each of the primary colours in turn, purified it, sharpened it and removed the noise before sending it to the matrix. Then I set the primary colour proportions according to the CCITT specifications. Finally I adjusted the overall level so that a balanced colour image appeared on the screen. The young girls and men sparkled and the detail was almost off-air quality.
"Impressed?" I sat back and folded my arms.
"You built that all yourself?" she asked as the image indicated a critical
sexual period.
"Designed and built." I said proudly.
"Wow, you are clever." she simpered, "It's so clear you can see everything.
Ooooh, he certainly is a big boy. Look at that lot he's done."
The stud had performed in the hand of one of the girls and was spurting out a
series of very thick white streamers. The stud relaxed after giving his all for
the cameras. I shut off the gear, it was not yet fully tested and I was
concerned over its reliability. Simone wandered around the lab looking at the
wide range of electronic apparatus I had acquired.
"Colin," she asked, slipping onto the stool beside me, "you said a while ago
that you used to have fun with your sister? What sort of things did you get up
to in your younger days?"
"Well, in my day," I croaked with a smile, bending over like a pensioner and
imitating extreme old age, "we had to make our own entertainment. TV was more
restricted than now; there were not quite so many cars around so you couldn't
get out so much. Schools were the focus of activity; friendship and neighbours
got on with each other. Don't think, however, that we didn't get up to the sort
of things you lot get up to because we did. Your generation has not invented sex
any more than ours did; all you have done is to allow it to become more public.
We took girls down by the river and enjoyed ourselves; we built camps where the
boys congregated to talk about sex and perhaps to masturbate each other,
especially when one of them was a little older and perhaps able to shoot. We
used to go around with each other’s sisters and try, frequently successfully, to
get a leg over. It was all within the local community, a small estate."
"When did you start?" she tilted her head to me.
"I first saw a girls slit, other than my own sister's as she was dressing, when
I was between eight and nine. There was a girl down our road who we used to
chase - I can't remember the reason for it now - each lunchtime from the bus to
my house. Her house was further down the road and I gave up at my gate. Anyway
although we chased her, or rather I chased her, it was reasonably amicable. One
warm Saturday morning I chased her into one of our local cornfields and managed
to corner her, which was unusual. We were both out of breath when she asked me
if I'd like to see her slit. We went into the bushes and she showed me
everything she had, she was a little older than me, and I showed her mine. This
became a regular occurrence until she was nearly twelve when, rather stupidly,
she granted a much older boy the same privileges. Needless to say he was not
satisfied simply with a look at her baby charms and persuaded her, as if she
needed much persuasion, to let him put his inside her. This he did with the
inevitable result. The next day we went into the bushes for a little play and
she told me what had happened. She told me how he had shown her his willy and
that it was quite long and had hairs around it. He had encouraged her to play
with it and it had swelled and got very stiff. Then he had pushed it into her
hole a little way and rubbed it for a while. She realised he had done something
inside her because she had felt him twitching followed by a funny warm feeling
down below. A few days later she was put into care for promiscuity, which was
the sort of reaction we got in those days. I was now growing up and occasionally
got a flash from my sister. There was an older girl in the road who had
developed early and she was willing to show us everything she had, and she did.
I was also friendly with the guy across the road and one evening he suggested
that I rubbed him off. I don't know why I agreed but I did and we went into a
large blackthorn bush that had been hollowed out some months before, where he
knelt on the ground while I tossed him off. I had never seen a fully erect and
mature prick before; I was still only in the first stages of puberty while he
was almost finished. Anyway I rubbed him for a while and then he spurted the lot
out. I was fascinated and we became fairly regular. Soon we were doing it to
each other and I too was performing. I found a girlfriend who also let me
perform with her and I also began to tease my sister as I told you. When these
were not available I masturbated. From then I sort of kept it up, most men grow
out of it, I have allowed it to develop and now enjoy many aspects of sex. So
you see, we were just as promiscuous as your generation although perhaps not
quite so adventurous."
"Oh," she mused, "I thought we had developed it and that our parents didn't
do that sort of thing; apart from my uncle that is. Some of the girls used to
show themselves, especially when they had started to develop, and they used to
rub the older boys until they came, usually for ten pence."
"We didn't do that," I replied, "at least, not until I was much older and out of
it. One of the boys up the road, who had effectively become the local stud with
some of the girls as he was growing up, began by selling his sister’s pleasures
to other boys at school. She was twelve when he started, he was a year or so
older, and by all accounts he made quite a bit of money for those days. He then
recruited other girls who were willing to offer their services. This was the mid
nineteen seventies by the way. This went on for a while until we had the dubious
honour of being the only road in the village that ever had a raid from the vice
"Wow!" she grinned, "You were a randy old devil from an early age, no wonder
you and I get along so well. Hey, have you got satellite TV, I saw a dish?"
"Of course," came the response as I leant over and powered up the Manhattan kit,
"I have what's known as a polar mount two and a half metre steerable dish, what
do you want?"
"The adult channels." she informed me.
Another day with ex wife... |
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- success
- female masturbation
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- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting