Dans le Murs (Part 5)
"Hot water you've got." she announced.
"Sorry," I replied, "should've warned you."
My shower took about five minutes and when I came out she was sitting in the
bed, her knees up holding the bedclothes under her chin.
"Are we sleeping together?" she asked pensively.
"Only if you want to," I smiled gently at her, "otherwise I'll make up a bed in
the lounge."
"I suppose that's why I like you." she chewed her bottom lip, "You're a
gentleman. Lots of men would have tried to bed me as soon as we arrived; you ask
if it's alright with me. My period's just started and I didn't want you to get
the idea that I don't want you when actually I can't."
"No problem, Simone," I sat beside her, "we can just cuddle if you like."
"Come in here beside me; " she rasped huskily, "our first night is not going to
be an orgy though."
I slipped in beside her and realised that she was nude. She smelt of shower gel
and talc as I nuzzled closer to her.
"I've never been to bed with a man steadily before." she said, "It feels very
"You don’t count a few nights ago then Simone." I chuckled biting her earlobes
"You know exactly what I mean." she ran her tongue around her lips, "Alright,
I've never been to bed on a sort of relationship basis before. Is that better?"
"Mmm, much better." I murmured, "Especially if it means that I can hold you
close regularly."
"You can if you get those pyjamas off." she pulled at the light blue trousers,
"Come on, otherwise I'll think you're an old man."
They did not stay on long and I felt her small, soft hands touch my hardened
stalk. It twitched involuntarily at her touch.
"Mmm," she hummed, "my big boy has come to life, how can Simone please him?"
Suddenly I got all embarrassed and clammed up. This had been the problem all my
life; I knew what I wanted to do but was afraid to ask for it. It had led to
frustration and final break-up and it was here again.
"Don't know." I mumbled, "Just want to please you."
She was a little more forthright. "Obviously I'd like you to fuck me," she said,
"but I can't so we will have to enjoy ourselves some other way. I'm willing to
do anything, and I mean anything, for you so for pity’s sake don't be shy. Tell
me what you want me to do. I'm not likely to refuse now am I, especially after
what’s happened? Come on love, do you want me to suck you, just rub you or
I took a deep breath and launched myself, aware that this might be the end of a
short relationship. "I'd love to sit astride you and rub myself off between your
boobs." I spluttered.
"Jesus Christ, is that all!" she exploded, "From your attitude I thought you at
least wanted to shoot bareback up my bum or something. Come on, hop aboard."
I found her frankness a little unnerving. It was the sort of thing that I had
wanted, or at least I thought I wanted, but now I had it I was not sure how to
handle it. I decided to face it head on, after all, if she didn't want to
continue the relationship then I had access to the girls at Joker, the school
and the cult. This was the backup I hadn't had previously. I pushed the duvet
back as I knelt by her side, my penis curving hard out of my groin and shining
in the light. The contrast between my pink skin and her dusky coffee was
enhanced by the shadows. I straddled her, resting my balls on her tummy so that
she could see the curving underside and fraenulum. A bead of excitement seeped
from the top and trickled over the swollen head.
"Wow!" she exclaimed, "It's not like the videos is it? You're really worked up
and dribbling, they often need spit to get them slippery."
I shifted my position so that my balls rested just below her tiny breasts then I
pressed the hot, throbbing cock into her cleavage. She surrounded it with her
breasts as best she could by squeezing them together and I began to slide it
back and forth. She became slippery with a film of lubricant and a little
trickled over her neck as the tip peeped out. I pushed forward as she lifted her
head and kissed the knob. The feeling was lovely, different from normal
intercourse, less constricting, but effective all the same. There was no way I
was going to hold myself off for long. She seemed to be getting a lot out of it
as well for she was gasping and moaning gently.
"I'm going to come, Simone." I gasped to her, "Here it comes, all over your
I realised I had been storing it up for a while for suddenly there were thick
streams spraying out from the knob between her breasts. They flickered over her
neck and drooled out from the dark, shiny cleavage. She dipped her head and
surrounded the knob with her lips letting the pulsing semen trickle into her
mouth and over her lapping tongue. I released all I had and soon her chin and
neck was layered with soft fluid that slipped slowly towards the bed.
"Wow, that was super," I said as I felt the tension roll away with the last
drop, "I'm afraid that I did rather a lot but you are so sexy and I hadn't done
anything for quite a while."
"Yes, I'd noticed," Simone wiped her mouth and face, "I suppose I should've
realised what was coming. Come on, bye-byes time."
We curled up together and slept so peacefully. It was gone ten when we stirred.
Simone slipped into the shower once more to wash off the dried seed that I had
spurted over her. I dressed and made a light breakfast. Then we took a tour
around the garden noting all the growing vegetables and lush lawn. Back in the
house I took her to the upstairs workshop where I had the radio gear and the
video systems.
"This is where I work for Joker Industries," I told her, "I have all the gear
for viewing and marking the tapes at the highest quality."
"Show me a good tape." she said pulling up a chair, "You know, one that you
have made."
"I haven't made any films," I told her, my eyes scanning the shelf for
inspiration, "I am admin and international liaison. Oh, I know. Some time ago I
was taken to a nightclub, La Petite Verre, and they dragged me up on stage and
seduced me. They videoed it, I think it is here somewhere. Ah, here it is. Would
you like to see it?
She nodded so I switched on the gear and ran the tape. The performance lasted
less than ten minutes and after I had rewound it I went to return it to the
"May I keep it?" she asked, "I'd like to have something to remind me of you when
we're not together and I don't expect we'll be together all the time. This will
certainly remind me of what you’re like in all departments."
I reluctantly handed over the cassette.
"Show me the radio now." she demanded impishly, "Can you talk to people?"
"Yes," I replied throwing the switches to power up the HF transceiver and the
2KW linear, "with this I can send a signal to anywhere in the world. Let's see,
it's about nine-thirty GMT, I'll try Australia."
"Australia!" she exclaimed as I set the rotor to the short path bearing, "You're
going to talk to Australia?"
"No, I said I'll try Australia. It's not an exact science."
Setting the digital synthesiser to 14.25 MHz I tuned the linear and called
DX. After a few minutes I received a reply from New Zealand and we chatted for a
few minutes, just to show Simone what I did for relaxation. As I was signing off
the phone rang and I signalled for her to take the call on the cordless phone. I
saw her writing something down.
"That was a Therese Poultier, I think that was what she said anyway." she said,
"She says she has been trying to contact you for a few days. She says they are
now editing the film, would you meet her at two this afternoon at the studio for
a preview and editing review. I think that was it, oh no; she says that she has
received a cryptic message from l'ecole, --is that a girl,-- saying that
Saturday's ceremony is full dress robe. Does that mean anything?"
"Thanks." I smiled warmly at her, "Therese is the Chief Editor for Joker and
they have been working overtime since I've been away. She must have wondered who
you were. I'd better keep you away from them, they like beautiful girls and I'm
not in the mood to share you with anyone. L'ecole is French for school and that
is something I want to keep you well clear of. My advice is not to ask as it
would corrupt even you, even though you would think that impossible."
"Does that mean you are going out?"
"It means that we are going out." I corrected, "How do you fancy a trip to
Stopping only to lock the place up we drove onto the A26 into Lille. On the
outskirts we stopped for lunch before making our way to the studio. As we
arrived I saw Pierre and Therese and they stopped until we caught them up.
"Where have you been for the last few days?" asked Therese, "We've been waiting
to start the editing."
I explained about Wallace and introduced Simone to both of them. "She is
inexperienced and definitely 'off-limits'." I informed them, "I am her guardian
and any man found making advances to her will have his wedding tackle removed
and any woman will have something equally terrible done to them. Understood?"
They understood and, with a smile, we adjourned to the large editing suite. We
ran the sequences that had been filmed and Therese indicated which she believed
should be included and which should not.
"Why don't we keep the rest for a sequel?" I asked.
"Perhaps." she said, loading a cassette into a Panasonic Digital player attached
to a digital editor, "Or perhaps we'll just use them as clips. You see, if we
leave the sequel too long the cast will have grown up a bit and the continuity
becomes a little tricky."
I nodded in understanding. Therese started the tapes and began the editing
process. I could see Simone and Therese talking and gesticulating so I just sat
back and let them get on with it and only gave an opinion when asked. After a
couple of hours we broke for coffee. Therese sat beside me after Simone had
excused herself to the toilet. "Colin," she said, "Simone is a natural. She can
see exactly what she wants and how to edit to get the effect. I'm impressed. May
I employ her? Seriously."
"It's up to her." I said putting the coffee down, "Anyway, she's really too
young to work, she should be at school."
"If I employ her," Therese seemed to consider her words carefully, "I'll make
sure she gets a good education as well."
Simone slipped back through the door and I immediately took her to one side.
"Sorry I disappeared like that," she said softly, "but after watching those
scenes I had to go and make myself comfortable."
I smiled ruefully for I would have liked to have given her a helping hand.
"Therese wants to employ you." I passed on the message, "She says you're very
good at the job. I think she is mad but who am I?"
"Honest?" her eyes widened, "It seems so simple. What do you think I should do?"
"It's up to you." I replied, "You'll get well paid and as long as I don't lose
you then do it. You could always try for a job as editor in a legit studio
She hugged me, her animal warmth radiating.
"You won't get rid of me that easily." she nibbled my ear, "I'm yours for as
long as you want me. Still, I might come home from work with some new ideas for
your entertainment."
"Get away with you." I patted her rump, "You've got enough ideas already. Go
tell Therese you accept."
She kissed me and skipped off. For the rest of the afternoon we worked at the
editor. From time to time I heard Simone give a gasp of surprise. I asked
Therese if she had shown her the first intercourse scene. She hadn't but she
did. We left at seven intending to have a meal before returning home.
"Christ I feel randy." Simone announced as we pulled away, "Watching all that
sex and screwing I'm as hot as hell."
"Even after your trip to the loo?" I smiled. “And not a very ladylike way of
expressing it either.”
"Two trips to the loo," she corrected, "yes, my panties are rather wet."
"Then I suggest young lady," I chuckled as I stroked her knee, "that we stop
somewhere along the way and cool you down."
"What a naughty man, taking advantage of a 18 year old girl. Shame on you."
"Well, if you don't want to......."
"Don't be fuckin' stupid." she reacted sharply, "I'm so hot that I'll do almost
anything. I even fancy a bareback ride and a load inside me. However, that is a
little difficult at the moment so I'll have to make up for it with something
else, won't I?"
I had forgotten her period. She looked winsomely at me as I turned into a
narrow lane that disappeared into some trees. "You wouldn't do what you did last
night?" she wheedled, "You know, rub it off between my boobies. It was very
"My pleasure." I smiled, gently stroking her thigh; “It was certainly very
pleasant for me also. Look, there is a little entrance, let's go into the wood
and do it."
We scampered into the wood and found a patch of soft grass. Simone slipped out
of her top and bra and lay invitingly on the ground.
"You don't make it very subtle do you?" I observed as I stripped to my
"Why should I?" she suggestively milked her firm breasts, "I know what I want
and I want your thick prick between these and then I want a lovely load of hot
cream over me."
I straddled her and pressed the aching hardness into her smooth, black
cleavage. She squeezed her tits around it and I began to rub it hard. She
obviously got a lot of feeling out of the action and I made no secret of my
impending climax.
"Uh, uh," I grunted preparing for the flood that I could feel coming, "I'm going
to come Simone, here it comes, I'm going to SHOOT!"
A spurt of glistening seed arced upwards and forwards out of the quivering crown spraying her chin as well as her throat. This was rapidly followed by two more vibrant ejaculations that splashed my lust over her dusky skin. I then lifted off gently and pressed the pulsating opening to her proud left nipple smearing frothy bubbles over the tumescent bud. A streamer of whitish fluid dripped lazily over the delicious curve as the sensation caused me to produce more sperm. "Other one;" she gasped, "rub it over the other one too."
I anointed the right breast with hot come, pressing the still trembling penis
into the supple tissue. The climax faded and with it the hardness. Taking my
weight off her I drew out a hanky to wipe the love from her. "Suck my nipples."
she begged, "Suck your stuff from my nipples, please." I grimaced, this was not
my scene but I could not escape the inevitable. I leant over her and placed my
mouth around a slippery nub and sucked it hard. I could taste the sharp
tanginess of my spunk but it was not as unpleasant as I had imagined and I
lapped her clean and then transferred my attentions to the other mound where I
repeated the exercise. Then I kissed her leaving a film of juice on her lips.
"That was so good." she sighed, "I was afraid you would refuse to taste your own
stuff but you didn’t. You really do love me don't you?"
"Yes I do." I kissed her again, "I've always dreamed of being with a girl who
has no inhibitions, now I'm with one and I don't aim to lose her. I'm absolutely
amazed at your willingness to experiment, especially at your age. Is there
anything you won't do?"
She paused in thought for a moment. "No." she replied simply, "For someone I
love I'll do anything, though there are things that I wouldn't enjoy quite so
much as others."
"Like?" I asked.
"Like, having you in my bottom;" she winced slightly, "or swapping with other
"Not much chance of either of them." I assured her as she dressed, "Why use the
coal cellar when the playpen is nearby and also there is no way I'm going to let
any other man, or woman, get close to your delicious charms if I can help it."
"Why, thank you kind sir." she genuflected, "I have a knight in shining armour
to protect me."
We stopped off at a restaurant in Aires-sur-la-Lys before finally heading for home. The answering machine was flashing. Madame Lestrade had called to say that she understood that I was back in France and that she had arranged the merchandise for me to view. Although it was late I called up Therese and arranged for her to work with Simone in the technical laboratory the following day, after which I phoned Madame Lestrade to see if she could accommodate me on the morrow. She said that it would be her pleasure and gave me directions to Rouen. I discussed the arrangements with Simone and told her that I might be away for the night on business. She pouted but had to agree. I offered to ask Therese to stay with her and she said that she'd think about it.
End of Part V
Look out for Part 6 – Eastern Psychology (Due for publication mid September 2006)
In which Colin gives practical advice to Madame Lestrade and finds a new role in the sect, Therese is punished for breaking the rules and Simone discovers secrets about some of her English friends.
My first one day stand and never finished... |
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