Dans le Murs (Part 4)
Furthermore with the UK now firmly in Europe, I see a slow but steady erosion of the rather draconian obscenity laws and we must be in a position to exploit a growing market. Now, on the darker side, we should be prepared for a considerable capital expenditure before profitability. There are significant technical changes currently taking place in the home entertainment market and we must position our strategy to take advantage of any emerging technology. This means that we will need to employ experts to advise on the likely technological winners and to have firmware available to serve it. I do not believe that we will ever be influential enough to dictate the future technical direction. Another area that I see as critical is that of distribution. The EU policy of free movement of goods and services doesn’t seem to apply to adult material to the UK but as much of the untapped potential is there we should explore ways of transporting material in a manner that Customs officials cannot detect. Perhaps even leasing a secure digital satellite link could be considered. This will entail research costs but it will significantly reduce our losses by seizure. Finally, Brothers and Sisters, we must take the pornographic video out of the back streets and find ways of getting it more marketed, especially in the UK. Perhaps we should introduce softer, that is less explicit films to start with and gradually evolve to the real, no holds barred, porno spectacular. Thank you." I sat down to polite applause.
The Grand Master stood up again. "I apologise for asking you to speak without
warning," he addressed me directly, "but I felt that an ad hoc opinion would be
of use. I see from the faces around the table that this is so. I agree with
Sethin that we should become a force for, without this development, the cult
will slowly die for lack of income. I also have carried out a survey and have
come to broadly similar conclusions with one significant exception. That is that
the majority of the European, white males prefer to watch coloured or Asian
girls. Have you found this Sethin?"
"I did detect this trend but not to the extent that you seem to infer Grand
Master, perhaps the results relate to the questions posed."
"Perhaps so. However I have made an initial contact with our worldwide brotherhood in Africa and Asia and I am assured that they can supply us with the right kind of person. In fact, to prove their capability, they have sent us one girl each and I will ask each of the men around the table their opinion." He turned to a steward and barked an order in French. The steward disappeared and returned soon after with two young women in train. They had only underwear over their very girlish charms and were both demure yet exciting. Slipping out of their scanty covering they paraded slowly around the table so that we could all see their delightful charms. The asian girl had pale tawny skin, slim and yet definitely feminine. Her small breasts were firm and topped with dusky brown nipples. There was almost no bounce as she walked and even when one of the Wizards handled them they showed little sign of the loose movement of older women. Her pubic hair was sparse and limited to a small area either side of her cleft rather than the thick 'vee' of the European woman. We could see, however, that her sex was well developed especially when she held herself open slightly. The African girl, although of about the same age was more robustly built. Her breasts were fuller and bounced gently.
The dark brown nipples were large and protruded slightly outwards. Her sex
was hidden in a forest of crinkly, black fur that contrasted sharply with the
delicate pinkness of the inner membranes she revealed as she opened herself for
our inspection. Overall, her chocolate skin shone as she glided gracefully
around the tables trailing a musky odour behind her. With a gesture the Grand
Master terminated their display and they retired to a long settee and sat
demurely, carefully studying our reactions.
"It is my opinion that we have just seen exactly what we need," the Grand Master
held each individual momentarily with his eyes," however I welcome your
There was a general groundswell of approving noises. "But can they act?" asked
Wizard Carthiliot observantly.
"I am assured that they can perform." the Grand Master smiled disarmingly, "It
will be up to the technicians to ensure that the performance is captured to the
best effect."
"This is only one half of the equation. Grand Master," I offered, "Where are
their partners?"
"Well put, Sethin," he nodded acquiescence, "I feel that we will not have any
difficulty attracting suitable male partners when they see what we are offering.
After all we will be paying them to have sexual relations with some young and
very beautiful girls. I suspect we will have to control the rush. Do you not
"Perhaps," I said, "perhaps not. When we cast ‘Awakening’, the film we are
making now, we had some difficulty recruiting the boys. Girls we had in
abundance but we had less choice of boys. I believe that they are afraid of
failure, after all girls can fake a climax but with boys it is clearly not so
easy. A boys climax is visually productive and this is what the punter wants to
see; failure, either too soon or unable, is taken as a weakness and many boys
are not prepared to take the risk of being seen as less than men hence they do
not offer their services. Also most men are very sensitive over the dimensions
of their sexual organs and, to a lesser extent, to the quantity of semen they
produce and do not want to be compared with others in case they are found
lacking. It's all in the mind but the mind is a powerful organ."
"Hmm, so you are suggesting that we might have some difficulty in recruiting
white, European males? I also suspected that this might be the case so I asked
our African friends to supply a boy for us also." He signalled again and a well
built black youth walked to the table.
"This is Ben, he is just eighteen. Girls," he waved his fingers at the two
teenage beauties, "it is time for your performance."
The two stood up and approached the boy. With a shuffle of chairs we all turned
to face the trio. With little ceremony they removed his shirt to reveal a slim,
muscular torso that they caressed. The African girl then opened his trousers and
removed them. His shorts were distended and, after a gentle touch she eased them
over his male sex. Still only half erect he must have been twenty three
centimetres long with a knob like a cudgel. Taking it in turns the girls pressed
him between their breasts until he was fully hard. His lubricant glistened in
their cleavage. Then, at full stretch, the Asian girl took him into her mouth
and began to suck him off while her partner caressed his balls and buttocks.
After about two minutes they changed over and it was obvious that he was not
going to last much longer. The black girls breasts bounced as she blew him when
he began to grunt and thrust.
Suddenly he thrust forward into her mouth and grunted sharply. The Asian girl
quickly put her cheek against the other girls and took his prick out. The black
girl spat out the sperm that he had shot into her mouth as more fountained out
of the distended head. It spurted in thick, repetitive jets upwards over the
faces of the two girls splashing gleaming streamers on cheeks, noses and even
hair. The boy was obviously very aroused as the quantity of sperm was most
impressive and, after a few seconds of violent ejaculation, both girls were well
anointed with the juice. Once he had finished he pulled away and the steward
handed the girls each a towel to wipe the cream off. The milky, white streamers
contrasted sharply on the African girl and it was this, I realised, that made it
more desirable. It was not that the girls were more attractive, not that they
were more adventurous it was simply that semen showed up more on their skin thus
enhancing the eroticism of the whole act. The three were ushered out of the room
while a steward cleaned up the remaining drops from the floor.
"I believe I have demonstrated that we can get suitable men." said the Grand
Master, "If he is an example then we have no problem, hien?" He looked at me and
I shrugged. We then agreed to meet after the next conclave when we were expected
to put forward ideas for videos and locations. The Grand Master would be
gathering information from our associations about suitable people. I was
lumbered with the technical elements. The banquet then switched to a less formal
format and we all conversed over port and coffee. I discovered that the other
Wizards were quite influential although I did not wish to be too inquisitive. My
cup was being refilled for the third time when Madame Lestrade approached me.
She enquired whether I had enjoyed the performance; I asked her whether she had.
"Ben's or yours?" came the reposte. I made no answer.
"They were both impressive," she filled the silence, "tell me, do you like
coloured girls?"
"My body tells me I do." I chuckled, taking a bonbon from a passing plate, "so I
"M'sieur," she took my arm and drew me to a table in a small alcove, "I have
here photographs of some young girls, I want you, as an Englishman, to tell me
honestly which would be attractive to the English."
From her shoulder bag she took out a folder containing, perhaps, twenty postcard
sized pictures, all of young girls in scanty or no clothes. Most were Asian,
some were African and a couple were from the Indian sub-continent. As she set
them in front of me she filled in a little detail. Their ages ranged from just
legal to nineteen and each, I was assured, was willing and able to please a man
in many ways. I selected six that were real crackers, ones that would generate
very wet trousers in most red-blooded men. In addition I suggested that she
might try the indian girls although most Englishmen found them singularly
"Bon," she returned the file to her bag after marking the selected ones, "you will visit me in one week and you will confirm your selection in person." I confirmed the date in my diary and she gave me her card. I took my leave of the Grand Master and returned to real life.
End of Part IV
Look out for Part 5 – Simone (Due for publication early September 2006)
In which Colin returns to England on business and encounters something more than lust but at a great price, before transporting her over to Beaumetz...
What happens when my current bf finds me in bed with my ex! |
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