Dans le Murs (Part 13)
“Wow!” she cooed, “I think that was a real ghost. There are some in here you
know. I have seen at least one. It didn’t frighten me.”
“Fatima didn’t frighten me either.” I said, “Well, not at the time anyway. Look
Melanthe, I am a physicist, I do not believe in ghosts or the supernatural.
There has to be a logical explanation; it is not rational, when you die you are
dead, that’s it!”
“But you said other people had seen her too.” the voice was emphatic.
“So the captain said.” I replied, “But only briefly, not like I did. A momentary
sighting can be misleading, confusing, difficult to recall accurately. I am
convinced it was hysteria.”
“But my lord, you are not like that.” she remarked. “Maybe it was a dream after
“Let’s call it a dream Melanthe.” I thought it about time to draw a line under
the ghost bit, “Now, tell me everything that has happened since I left.”
Expertly she summarised all the pertinent activities that had occurred
including the promotions and punishments then finished by handing me a sealed
“What is this?” I asked, waving it around.
She shook her head. “I do not know the content.” she replied, “I was instructed
by Grand Priestess Lalith to hand it, unopened, to you on your return. This I
have done.”
I sat back and tore open the seal. Inside was a single sheet of quality paper,
handwritten and signed by the Grand Priestess. I read it in secret.
‘Humble greetings my lord,
It is my bounden duty and responsibility to appraise you of Novice Catherine. It
is my belief that, despite her tender years, she is a spy or a plant in our
midst with the sole objective of damaging or destroying our temple. She has been
observed acting suspiciously, conduct which appears out of character with her
age. Initial investigation is the responsibility of Grand Master but as his
Lordship is most diligent with the duties of succession I considered it
acceptable that your Worship would be a worthy deputy. I seek humble apologies
if I have offended. I am at your command and your most humble servant.
It was signed in a flamboyant style.
I reread the single sheet. “Melanthe.” I said, “Would you make an appointment to for me see the Grand Priestess in her chambers as soon as possible.” She gasped; I knew why.
“I know the Grand Master should command her presence but I am not yet he and
I do not want to give Lalith any opportunity to gain the moral high ground by
prevaricating.” I told her. At that she smiled and departed. A spy in our midst,
for whom? I considered what form the investigation should take, covert maybe but
this could be slow. Overt, better but maybe she would be a tough cookie. Anyway,
how old is tender? I poured a glass of mineral water while I reviewed the notes
I had taken while Melanthe reported. Generally things were going well. The film
cooperation was progressing; the new brothel was open and doing good business
and, apart from one errant sister, no imminent scandal. Sister Petrise, an
eighteen-year-old daughter of a peasant farmer, had granted her favours to two
village boys (not of the temple) and stupidly had permitted both to ejaculate
into her more than once. Needless to say she immediately conceived, forcing the
temple to take care of her. She was moved south of Paris for an abortion and
then transferred to a temple in Canada. I would get a breakdown of cost later.
It was not clear whether she had spoken of her involvement to the boys; they
would have to be watched for some weeks. Additional cost! I decided to raise
this with Lalith when we met, in addition to the subject of Catherine. Melanthe
returned, breathless. “My lord,” she panted, “Grand Priestess Lalith would be
honoured for you to visit at your earliest opportunity.”
“She means now!” I smiled. She grinned also. “Lead on Melanthe, I’m not sure of
the way.”
We walked across the temple surroundings, through a natural fissure in the limestone to a large oak door. I dismissed Melanthe before giving it three hard thumps. It was opened by a small Chinese looking woman who immediately bowed and directed me inside. A thick curtain draped across the end of the vestibule through which the woman glided. Moments later Lalith burst through, her hands together before her.
“Ah Emeritus Master.” she gushed, “You are most welcome to my lowly
apartment. Come, we will take tea.” She guided me into what could never be
honestly described as ‘lowly’. Thick carpet overlaid with hand woven rugs
covered the floor, with silk hangings on the walls. Hidden lighting was subdued
and soft music permeated the air on which a hint of Sandalwood could be
perceived. I would have liked to see her definition of ‘luxury’. She ordered
lemon tea. Lalith was in her forties, tall but well rounded without being plump,
long black hair reminiscent of Morticia Addams and obviously brought up with
authority and influence.
She sat and indicated I should sit across a beautiful plain beech coffee table.
“You wish to see me Emeritus Master.” she smiled, “I thought protocol was to
command me to your chambers.”
“I have been away my Lady.” I countered, “My quarters are ill prepared and
surely at the moment we are of equal standing. It would not be proper for me to
command such an eminence as yourself; I am not the Grand Master --- yet.” I let
the sentence hang in the air.
“You are most honourable Emeritus Master.” she purred, “But may I extend my
profound congratulations to you on your proposal to those duties. I have been
privileged to serve two Grand Masters as Grand Priestess and you can be assured
of my continued support however I serve the temple.” She was fishing.
“My Lady.” I put on my most beatific smile, “It is not my intention to
revolutionise the temple should I become Grand Master. Your status is secure
unless you seek a change and any organisational changes will be gradual and only
after due consideration. I will make only one announcement in due course and
this I shall tell you, and you alone, in strictest confidence at this juncture.
If even a hint of a rumour comes to my ears before I make the public
announcement then the temple will be inaugurating a new Grand Priestess and
celebrating the life of the late incumbent. I think I make myself clear?”
She shuddered. “Quite clear, Emeritus Master.” she said softly, “I assure you
anything you tell me will remain secure.”
“Very well, my Lady.” I replied, “I accept your assurance. I intend to break
with tradition here at Lille Charente and take a Consort other than the Grand
Priestess.” She gasped and placed her fist to her mouth. I continued. “It is not
forbidden I believe, indeed in many temples it is quite normal but we have
always followed old traditions. Your status will not be undermined in any way;
you will still have normal access to the Grand Master and deputise at all times.
It will simply mean that on High Table and Council ceremonies I will be
accompanied by my Consort instead of yourself. On feast and other temple
ceremonies you will accompany me while my Consort steps aside.”
She looked perplexed. “May I ask the name of your Consort?” she asked a little
“I think you just did my Lady and I suspect you already know the answer.” I
teased, “But it is not yet the time to set these plans in tablets of stone. I
still may not be elevated to the highest rank.”
She bowed her head. “As you wish, Emeritus Master. May we move to your reason
for calling upon me?”
“Certainly;” I spoke as the tea arrived, “but firstly may we set aside the
formalities of address? It is very constraining in addition to being, well, a
little puerile and we will get on far better if we relax.”
“She nodded. “My name is Constanza.” she said simply.
“What a splendid name.” I acknowledged genuinely, “And worthy of the owner. I am
Colin if you were not aware.” We shook hands.
“Constanza.” I waved her single sheet, “This is why I came over. Would you fill
me in with the details please.”
“Catherine is a mystery to me.” Constanza began, “We do not know her age although she looks twelve or so and was a foundling about eight months ago. I was always suspicious about her discovery; it seemed almost orchestrated and convenient. However, I had no proof of a conspiracy so, according to temple rules, she was admitted. From the start she was unusual. She wanted to learn about temple structure and rituals before she submitted herself to any initiation. This at just over apparently 18 years old; it was almost as if she had been programmed. It’s definitely not normal behaviour for a child of that age. I gather from her Learned Sister that she is slow to participate in even the lowest ritual as if it is abhorrent to her. In addition she is secretive and furtive, telling little of her previous life by pleading that she cannot remember. She has been medically examined and one explanation could be that she has CAH.”
“Okay,” I began, “What exactly is CAH?”
Constanza looked at a note. “It is a genetic disorder that arrests growth. It’s
possible she started puberty then simply stopped but grew older. That’s why she
looks twelve but could be almost any age. As I said, she says she cannot
remember much; I believe that is one of the symptoms.”
“Wonderful.” my voice echoed a little sarcasm. “So you think she could be a
mature woman looking like a young girl planted to spy on us?”
She nodded. “I do; there is no way a 18 year old could act and think as she
“And how do I fit in?” I asked, sipping the hot brew.
“It is the responsibility of Grand Master to decide, in the first instance,
whether there is a case to answer.” she replied, holding up her hand to stop me
interrupting, “His Lordship is completely engrossed in the succession so I drew
it to your attention as Grand Master Designate. I hope I acted correctly.”
Nodding I said, “Of course, but why can’t you do it?”
“Because it must be a man.” she said, a little offhandedly.
“Ah, protocol again.” was all I could muster at the moment, “If I must then so
be it, but what are the procedures?”
She smiled grimly, “Nothing is laid down.” she growled, “You have a free hand.”
My eyebrows flew up. “So can a woman be present?”
“No.” she shook her head, “It is one to one unless or until she confesses.”
“And then?” I queried, probably not wanting to hear what followed the ‘and
“And then she can be transferred to the TP or whatever else you recommend.” she
replied. The TP, or ‘Templon Polezei’ were the Gestapo of the chapter.
Represented by one member of each temple, they could be called upon to process
any misdemeanour the Grand Master considered serious. Normally just the threat
of involving TP was enough but additional resources could be assembled from High
Council if necessary; it rarely was. In Lille Charente, TP was represented by a
Brother Oscar. Once the Grand Master, or his assigned deputy, has involved TP
then it is they not the Master who determined the methods of interrogation. Thus
it is a very grave decision and never taken lightly.
“Very well.” I responded, “When we are finished you will arrange for her to
visit me in my surgery immediately. Now, about Sister Petrise. It is clear that
our message is simply not getting across. We MUST reduce this cavalier attitude
outside the temple; one day it will result in serious damage. What do you
“I don’t know, short of execution.” she half joked, “Many acolytes lead an
outside life and it is difficult to control them. They are familiar with the
pleasures of the flesh and succumb to temptation only too easily.”
“Hmmm?” I mused, “What we need is a form of subtle pressure that can be
applied without the risk of the acolyte running to the authorities. We have
tried appealing to their common sense; that obviously didn’t work. Punishment
runs the risk of a backlash; have we tried devious methods of individual
surveillance and reward? A bit like ‘big brother’ but it may only be transient.”
“It is worth trying anything Colin.” she smiled.
“Very well Constanza.” I stood up, “Have a think about it and see if you come up with any ideas. I will do the same. Call me whenever you wish. I will inform the Grand Master of our discussions. Thank you for the tea; it was a pleasure to meet you less formally.” I deliberately made no reference to either of our futures as I bid farewell. Melanthe was waiting and I was silent as we returned to my apartment to robe. From there we walked to the surgery leaving Melanthe in the outer vestibule. I found myself gathering my thoughts while waiting for Catherine. I had no idea how I would approach this. After Bangkok I knew I was harder but could I be hard on a 18 year old – assuming she was really twelve? I scribbled a précis of the meeting and the action I was about to take. A knock at the door jolted me back to the present; Melanthe announced that Catherine was waiting. I handed her the notes with the instruction to pass them immediately to the Grand Master then indicated two minutes; stress her a little. I arranged some papers then sat back. The door opened and Melanthe ushered in a slim, blonde female. I indicated that she sat while Melanthe withdrew. Catherine was obviously tense and not a little frightened; it was clear that she had not encountered high officers so intimately before. She was robed as a novice, a simple green shift dress and sandals. Her hair was almost platinum blonde, her eyes piercing blue with a pale complexion. Her sexuality was budding and I could clearly discern her bust swelling under the unflattering dress. I could see what Constanza meant regarding arrested puberty; there was a look in her eyes that seemed to be at odds with her apparent age.
“You are Novice Catherine?” I asked, opening the conversation.
She looked down. “Yes my lord.”
“You know who I am?” I asked sharply.
“Yes my lord.” she repeated, “You are Emeritus Master Sethin, everybody knows
“You know why you are here?” I kept it short.
She shook her blonde hair. “No my lord.”
“You are here to discuss your future with us.” I said bluntly, “My lady Lalith
is concerned that you are not fully committed to the path. She asked me to speak
to you.” Her eyes widened.
“Tell me Catherine why you desire to follow the path and what you can offer the
movement in return?” I asked a difficult question if she were a 18 year old.
She shifted in the low chair. “I can remember no home or family.” she began
hesitatingly, “The temple is all I have. Here I am secure and I have friends.
The teachings are clear and there is a purpose. I am a good artist; when I
become a sister I offer my services to the temple.” It was spoken almost
mechanically; now I understood Lalith’s concerns. This was almost certainly
“But you delay your learning.” I probed, “How can you expect to become a
“I am being cautious my lord.” she retorted. I said nothing for many seconds,
seemingly studying papers.
“Remove your clothes Catherine.” I ordered out of the blue.
“I … Uh .. Pardon my lord?” she stuttered.
“You are surely not deaf at your age Catherine, you hear me quite clearly.” I
spoke gruffly, “You will remove your clothes. It is not an instruction even a
novice would consider unusual.”
“I … I … Do I really have to my lord?” she stuttered, “I am very shy with men.”
“Yes Catherine, you do.” I barked, “Surely one of your first lessons as a novice
is that you obey the command of High Table without question unless ….. “ I
hesitated. “…. Unless your motives do not encompass temple teaching at all but
have a darker purpose. Is that the case Catherine?”
“Oh no my lord!” she stood and began to unclip the shift from her shoulders,
letting it drop to the floor, “My devotion is complete and unquestioning.” This
was not the normal speech of a 18 year old foundling; she had been crammed
with suitable responses to trot out as required. I decided to test her to see
how far she would be prepared to go. She stood before me in a small white
brassiere covering tiny breasts. Her tummy was already flattening and the
unfilled thighs enclosed in pale grey cotton briefs. She still looked a child
but I sensed something definitely not childlike. For a while I would be a little
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