Dans le Murs Part 12

(Part 1 from 2)

Dans le Murs – Part XII

Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya have escaped from Bangkok. While Nahdya recovers in hospital in Port Blair, Colin is interrogated by Indian security but is able to relocate to the local temple in Delhi with the help of a senior civil servant. He meets up with Amitav and his group who are planning an attack on Mrs T. Even here, spies abound and care must be taken but Colin convinces the hierarchy that it is in everybody’s interest to allow the partnership to continue. Now read on.

Part 12 – A New Direction

Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old man might raise eyebrows, it does not contravene English law. Don’t get it confused with the ‘Age of Majority’, which remains at 18, as does the age for consensual Gay relationships. I have also tried to apply the national age for consensual sex in the country of origin where the person is not English. It’s called ‘bending the rules’. All characters, names and most organisations are fictional but many of the places exist. Geographical and logical errors are mine.

The following few days were less busy so I had time to think of Nahdya. I think I got a bit crabby waiting for news until, on the fourth day I was informed that Nahdya was due to arrive later that afternoon. I shaved, showered and did all the things necessary to greet her, then waited. Four pm, six pm passed and I was getting really snippy when, just before seven, there was a knock on my door. I flung it open and there, accompanied by a young boy, was Nahdya. She looked pale but happy. She walked slowly in while the boy placed a small case on the floor, bowed and withdrew. She smiled as I took her gently in my arms and kissed her full, sweet lips tenderly. “Welcome to Delhi my love.” I said, guiding her to a soft seat, “I only dreamed of this day but now you are here.”
She sat, looking at me inquisitively. “Colin, when I hurt bad I hear you say many things about us.” she whispered, “You say you want me for wife, meet my family and much other things. You only say these things to make me feel better I think, yes?”
“I say those things because they are true Nahdya.” I said, stroking her hair that had lost a lot of its gloss, “I love you, I want you, for now and for ever. Sorry if that doesn’t quite fit with your plans but there it is, out in the open.”
She looked deeply into my eyes. “I am honoured.” she replied, “You know my younger times but you still want me. I too love you Colin but I never believe you could love me. Sex yes but not love. I deeply ashamed I not give you son but impossible. But, you married; what do you do?”
“Simple Nahdya.” I kissed her cheek, “I will contact my lawyer and tell him to institute divorce proceedings forthwith. Oh, I will cite ‘irreconcilable differences’ or something like that. Tessa and I have no children so it will be fairly straightforward. I don’t think I will even have to go to England. Then we can marry. Oh, I know Mrs T’s way was even simpler but even I could not lower myself to that. No, a clean divorce after which we can marry in your village please.”
“You very serious?” her eyes were wet, “Please not tease, you make me sad.”
I slid to the floor in front of her. “This is no tease Nahdya.” I whispered seriously, “I could never hurt you like that, please believe me. Nahdya, I would be honoured if you would agree to be my wife. Will you marry me please?”
She beamed. “No Colin, it is my honour.” she whispered, “I will be your wife with all my heart. There, it is done.”
I got up and sat close beside her. “Hmmm, Mrs Nahdya deVilliers.” I spoke aloud, “I think it sounds quite right.”
“Will the Grand master allow it?” she asked warily.
“Oh, let’s not actually tell him right now shall we?” I grinned, “After all he has a lot to concern him, probably best not to add to it. Oh, is it custom for a thai lady to have a ring?”
“Sometimes.” she replied.
I fished in my pocket and withdrew a small box I had purchased in the city. Opening it I withdrew a simple gold band with a tiny stone, took her hand and slipped it on her finger. “That is the English way.” I said with love, “If it is wrong then tell me.”
Tears brimmed in her eyes. “It is good.” she said, “I will have it blessed by a holy man then I am yours for ever.”
“We will have it blessed Nahdya.” I retorted, “Now we are a couple. Let us dine, talk of the future then sleep together.”
We were collected to dine with the Grand Master who hid his concerns well and welcomed Nahdya warmly. She eat lightly, weary from the travel and still weak from her injuries. We took our leave early with the Master’s consent and settled in what was now our quarters. We showered and I applied an antiseptic cream to Nahdya’s scars that were already beginning to look less angry. After that we slipped into the large, soft bed and drew close together. Almost embarrassingly I became erect and I could feel myself pressing against Nahdya’s flat stomach. I fidgeted to try and make it less obvious but probably served to make it worse.
“Sorry darling.” I whispered in her ear, “It’s only your presence making itself known; if we relax I’m sure it will go soft and we can sleep.”
She giggled sweetly. “Please do not be sorry my Colin.” she purred, her hand touching the hot firmness and holding it to her belly, “I am proud that you want me. Let me make you feel very good.”
She scrummaged down under the clothes until I felt warm breath on the swollen head followed by the caress of her lips. I tensed the hardness as it slid into her silky mouth, her tongue brushing the groove from where the sweet wetness seeped. I whimpered with pleasure as my hand stroked her long hair. Agonisingly slowly she guided my penis deeper into her loving mouth, sucking lightly on the swollen head. Her cool fingers explored my balls and firm rod as her tongue flickered and swept around the slippery tip. I trembled and lubricant oozed from the open hole, smearing her taste buds to prove my excitement. Slowly at first then faster as she sensed my delight, the knob and shaft were stimulated by the firm oscillation, her head twisting a little to add excitement. She discerned the rising storm, sucking and teasing me to pleasure us both.
“Ohhh Nahdya!” I cried, trying desperately not to thrust myself into her throat, “You make me feel so complete. It is so difficult to control my body for you darling. You are going to receive a warm mouthful if you continue. Is that your desire?”
“Mmmmnnngg.” was the only reply I got but the sweet suction continued, indicating that she was ready for my hot seed. I tried to relax but the action of this beautiful woman on my penis was just overwhelming. Abruptly the feeling at the base became uncontrollable and I could feel the bolt of semen bubbling up the hard shaft.
“Ohhh Nahdya!” I exclaimed, “It’s coming darling. Take me in your mouth; swallow me; let me fill you with my love.”

Her mouth surrounded me like a warm, wet glove as an upsurge of thick white erupted from the inflated head, spraying and bubbling over her tongue and trickling down her throat. She gasped softly, gathering the warm, zesty juice in her mouth. I could feel it surrounding my cock as I pumped the gummy cream lustfully into the hungry mouth of my future wife. The spasms became less intense and the flow lessened as my delicious climax faded to a delightful languor. Already the hardness was slipping from me before she slowly released the drained phallus from her full lips. Nahdya straightened from her curved position and faced me, her eyes bright and flecks of semen at the corners of her lips. Her smile was wistful as she swallowed hard twice, clearing her mouth of the evidence of our lovemaking.
“So good.” she murmured, already sleepy, “Now I have my man inside me once more I am content.” Her voice faded and her breathing became deep and slow as she fell deeply asleep. I kissed her still slippery lips tasting the last of my semen on her breath before drawing her to me and following her to the arms of Morpheus.
Next morning we started work in earnest on the Indian variation of the Thai plan. I brought Nahdya up to speed and she began to plan meetings with merchants and talked with some of the temple teenagers. Although still pale and less than one hundred percent she applied herself totally to her task. We had broken for a coffee when I was summoned to Ceres apartment. He beckoned me in and I sat.

“How is your woman?” he asked.
“A little slow at the moment.” I replied, “But getting stronger and already working hard.”
He shrugged. “Maybe I was hasty.” he mused, “But that is not why I called you away from your work. I have very disturbing news from England.” He waved a piece of paper. “It is reported that your wife has been found dead from head injuries at her mother’s house and you are being sought. A witness says that they heard shouts and saw you leave the area shortly after midnight seemingly very distraught. Also a hammer with your fingerprints on it has been found thrown in a park nearby. There is also a sighting of you on a ferry to France early the following morning.”
“Bastards!” I swore, a lump in my throat, “You know this is Mrs T don’t you? She has carried out her threat to Tessa and fitted me up at the same time. You know I was here but you cannot get involved of course without risking the cult so I am without an alibi. I have never been to Thailand or here as far as the records show. Fuck her! She knows I can’t return now. My guess is they stole the hammer from the cottage in France, I have many there and it wouldn’t be difficult. Shit! I can’t go back to either house, I would be arrested.” I felt a black depression settle over me.
“It is difficult.” Ceres considered, “If I found witnesses to swear you were here or in Thailand then you would need a reason. Also Nahdya would have to be explained in addition to your injury. It would then be a question of which the court believed and whether we could keep the witnesses alive. The problem is that we cannot risk publicity, you understand Master.” I felt myself becoming a liability; a dangerous position to be in.

“My lord, a thought has come to me. Maybe Nahdya will be my saviour not my burden.” I began, “It is known that Tessa and I were not exactly close. Perhaps I simply left her and Nahdya was my ‘bit on the side’. Look, we came to India – I have holidayed here in the past – and went sailing. We were attacked and injured. We were found by the Indian Navy – that part is true – which is why we are still here. We can move to a hotel if necessary, and I’m sure a few rupees can change a few dates. Our man in security, Gupta Singh, will corroborate the navy bit and I have no doubt that the Commander will add his voice if necessary. No, I think we can weasel our way out of this quite easily. Mrs T has not thought it through and left too many loopholes. I can do this without reference to Balthazar in any way. Amitav said that he wanted to rattle her, I think she is already reacting from the heart. My lord, do I have your permission to use cult resources to continue?”
“If you are confident that we will in no way be implicated then you have my permission.” he replied.

Over the following week Nahdya and I spent all our time assembling documents and sworn affidavits from Gupta, a delightfully corrupt hotelier and the patrol boat commander to forward to the authorities in the UK. All these confirmed that, at the time of the attack, both Nahdya and myself were convalescing in India after being injured in a pirate attack off the Andaman Islands. Stick to the truth as far as one can is always the best policy. The documents were handed into the British High Commission in Delhi together with a copy of an exit permit – all beautifully stamped and totally fraudulent – showing that we had left India for Viet Nam some time previously. We had seen the report while in Saigon and asked friends in India to submit the documentation in order to clarify our position. For the next week Ceres kept close contact with the UK. On the eighth day the Hampshire police issued a statement to the effect that I was no longer being sought in connexion with Tessa’s murder as they had incontrovertible evidence that, at the time, I was out of the country with a young Thai woman, apparently my lover. My name was now crap with all my friends but at least I was off the hook. They did question my continued absence but only to drag me through the deepening dirt. One of the gutter dailies even sent a reporter over to Beaumetz to try and dig something juicy up but the cottage was all closed up. I had made sure that everything was above board before we left for Thailand and no incriminating evidence or links to the cult or l’ecole remained. After a couple of fruitless days he gave up and moved on to a celebrity discovered teaching his stepdaughter the finer points of oral sex. The English police were concerned that the ‘witnesses’ had been part of a conspiracy to implicate me for some unknown reason. Still we kept a low profile for a while longer before we could ‘return’ to India. During this time we worked at the project and found that the sex was becoming wonderfully fulfilling. Nahdya now could accept me inside so long as I didn’t bear down on her so ‘doggie’ sex became the norm. In addition we both enjoyed oral sex; life was good.

Finally, some eight weeks after I entered Delhi, after first draft of the report had been edited and given to the Grand Master, Nahdya suggested I might like to contact Simone. I was ashamed that I had not thought of it before and sought permission from Ceres to call l’Ecole. This he gave so we retired to our quarters and called France.
“Allo, L’Ecole San Sebastian.”
“Ah bon. Je suis cherche Mlle d’Estang sil vous plait?”
“Anne-Marie d’Estang?”
“Oui, bien sur.”
“A quelle nom?”
“M. deVilliers.”
“Moment M’sieur.”
We waited.
“Allo, Mlle d’Estang.”
“Anne-Marie, it is Colin.”
“Ahh, bon. Colin. Ca va? You are well?”
“I have been better Anne-Marie. Do you have Simone at l’ecole?”
“Oui, She is thinking where you are.”
“Many problems Anne-Marie. Could she come to the telephone?”
“Bien sur. I will get her.”
Another wait.
“Hi Simone. Many apologies for being out of touch for so long.”
“I know Colin. Wasn’t it terrible about Tessa? I heard you got shot; is it true; are you alright now? Where are you?”
“Slow down, slow down. It’s a long story Simone; I don’t know how much you have been told.”
“Not much, only that you had big problems in Bangkok and you were both shot and Nahdya died. That must’ve been awful?
“Very frightening Simone; it’s not quite what it looks like on TV. Actually Nahdya isn’t dead but it was a close call. We are not in Thailand at present but we are with friends and safe. Tessa’s murder was part of the screw up in Bangkok; the lady we pissed off used her to get back at me. I was able to prove I was in India at the time.”
“Were you in India really?”
“Very much so. I was in Delhi and Nahdya was in Port Blair. As I say, it’s a long story. How have you been?
“I have been working with Therese and become really friendly with Madeleine. She is great fun. I have been a good girl, honest but I have missed you so much. When will you be back?
“Don’t know yet Simone, we are working on an alternative plan at the moment. I would like to try to visit you soon; I have a lot to tell you but I prefer to do it face to face.”
“Oh that sounds bad; I bet it has something to do with Nahdya hasn’t it?”
“Actually it has.”
“You’re going to marry her now Tessa is dead, is that it?”
“Oh bugger!”
“Oh it’s alright Colin. I know what we sort of agreed but it was bloody stupid really. I’m not quite seventeen and you are, what, forty-five? It would never have worked out would it? I’m grateful for what you have done for me and we can still be friends please.”
“Phew, you are really grown up Simone. I was petrified you would go ballistic.”
“Actually, I have met this super guy. He’s seventeen too and, before you ask, no I haven’t let him. I wanted to tell you first.”
“I wish you all the best Simone. Remember though, you are still my ward so tell him that he has me to answer to. Take precautions Simone and if he hurts you then he will be useless on his wedding night. I still love you as a daughter and I’m so happy for you.”
“Ta Colin. I think he will believe tonight is his birthday.”
“Treat him gently Simone; remember he may be a virgin.”
“Oh he is, he is!”
“Then he has my deepest sympathy. Enjoy yourselves. I will be in touch again soon.”
“Lovely to hear from you Colin. My love to Nahdya.”
“She blew a kiss Simone.”
“Hugs to her from everyone. Bye.”
I disconnected. “Phew!” I sighed, “That was much easier than I thought. Now I have a clear conscience about you Nahdya. We must try to arrange our wedding.”
“Now that your wife is dead?” she said with some intonation.
“Oh don’t make it sound like that Nahdya.” I replied, “Yes, it is fortuitous but I certainly didn’t wish it. You almost make it sound like I am not distressed by her death. I admit I couldn’t live with Tessa any longer but I would not wish her harm any more than I could harm you. Of course it is easier to bear when I have you but she was part of my life for twenty odd years and I can’t simply dismiss that as if it had never happened.”
“I did not mean to accuse you of anything Colin.” she said, “But you did not go to funeral and that make it look like you did not care.”

With a shake of my head I replied. “I know what it looks like Nahdya but returning to the UK could have made life very complicated indeed. Although the police have said they are not considering me as a prime suspect I’m certain they assume I was somehow involved. Obviously I benefited from her demise in that I am free to marry you without the cost and embarrassment of a divorce. That alone could be reason enough to arrange for her murder. Even though we both know I was not involved it could take quite an effort to convince them without revealing something about our current activities. You are Thai, we went to Bangkok, and I am sure they will establish a Far East connection with Mrs T or her organisation. You can see that the circumstantial correlation could be difficult to explain. I thought it best that I remain invisible and allow the lawyers to sort it out. Okay, I am despised by Tessa’s family as a rat but that is a price I am prepared to pay to keep you and our future. I hope you can understand Nahdya.”
She nodded gently. “I think so Colin.” she said, “But will I be another Tessa one day? Just abandoned for a younger woman; left to die alone and lonely?”

“Oh bloody hell!” I cried, “Why so morbid Nahdya? Okay, I can’t say that would never happen but I feel for you like I have felt only once before and that was not with Tessa. I was in love with her but I don’t think I ever truly loved her. Can you try to understand? Listen, I will tell you one of my deepest secrets. Once, when I was about fifteen I fell in love with a young girl who lived about ten houses from me in my village. That was Diana and she was thirteen and a half. For that summer and a winter, through the following spring we met, went out and yes, we were intimate. Although I didn’t show it like I should have, I loved her like nothing I had loved before. I would do anything for her and the universe revolved around her. So long as I could touch her and smell her I was content. Then one afternoon I went to put my arm around her but she pulled away. Later that evening I saw her making up to another, older boy in the way she had done with me. Nahdya, I cried for days; my heart was broken; the hurt was almost physical. I hardly left my house and could barely face food. For the next eight years, yes years, I had little contact with girls, even at university; I could not trust them not to hurt me so I didn’t get too close. Sex was primarily masturbation with or without films. Then I met Tessa on a long weekend break to Amsterdam. She was quite naïve and happy to have a slightly older man around. We hit it off and became friends and sort of drifted into marriage almost by accident. She was an attractive girl without being beautiful; intelligent, homely and I fell in love with her but it never had the ‘pizzaz’ that there had been with Diana. We were friends but never true lovers and that ‘WOW!’ feeling was missing. I guess I was still protecting myself. You are different Nahdya. With you I have the same feelings I had with Diana. That ‘need to be close’ feeling, that ‘almost an ache’ when I thought I had lost you. You are like Diana reborn thirty years on and I am happy. I will say to you that which I should have said to Diana, ‘I love you with all my being; I would willingly die for you.’ If I had said that then maybe I would not be here saying it to you, who knows. There, now my soul is bare.”
She wiped her moist eyes. “You almost did die for me my Colin.” her voice trembled slightly, “I owe you my life already but it very wonderful for you to tell me how you feel like that. I think you very lonely with Tessa.”

“I suppose I was lonely.” came the reply, “Silly how one can be lonely with a wife but it is true. You’re right, I don’t feel lonely now and it’s not simply sex, although I will admit that part is pretty hot.”
She giggled. “I think sex is pretty hot too.” she smiled, “I think you wasted on Tessa, you make so much more juice inside me.”
“Hrrrm!” I began, “I think it is time to work Nahdya otherwise I’m going to want to make some more juice inside you.” It would have been a close call but a knock on the door interrupted whatever coitus might have occurred. Outside was Neesha who handed me a note, bowed and scampered off. Nahdya looked over my shoulder to read along with me. It was simply an instruction for both of us to join the Grand Master immediately in his apartments. We obeyed and made our way to the sumptuous rooms where he was waiting, looking quite serene. He made us welcome and offered lime sodas to both of us.
“Emeritus Master,” he addressed me formally, sprinkling salt sparingly into his sparkling drink, “I have much news, all of which I think will give you much comfort and pleasure. Sit down, relax. First, a reward. Habib Sidouri is instructed by Council to grant Nahdya the rank of Mistress of Secrets forthwith. It is my pleasure to be the first to congratulate you my dear. I will also be the first to admit that I was not ecstatic over your relationship with Sethin and it was against my judgement that you came to Delhi at all. In fact I recommended that you be terminated. It was only Sethin’s persistent resistance that prevented it; in fact he insisted on accompanying you to the afterlife should I not repent. Subsequently, the study is considered a masterpiece and for your work you have been rewarded. It seems even Grand Masters can be wrong sometimes. Forgive me.”

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