Dans le Murs Part 11
I waved my hands and grinned. “There is no need for an apology, Gupta Singh.” I said gratefully, “Both you and your military were only doing their job and doing it very well. I would not be here if they had not. Please pass my thanks and best wishes to the commander and crew of the corvette and his commanding officer if you would. Please, I do not wish to return to the Andaman group quite yet. If I can be introduced to the Master of Skaros Delhi I am sure he can assist me with whatever I need. I thank you again for your assistance Gupta Singh.”
“It was my pleasure to help you, my lord.” the civil servant said as he bowed, “I will arrange a car to take us to the temple and introduce you myself. Please wait a further few moments if you would.”
My body language gave assent and he left. Soon he was back and we made our way to a courtyard that steamed in the summer sun after a heavy, monsoon shower. I had dispensed with the wheelchair by now and walked slowly but with little residual discomfort. He pointed to an old Ambassador and we both climbed in. He started the car and we shuddered out into the traffic, hooting and hesitating.
“British design, Morris Oxford.” he said, patting the wheel.
“I know, I like things Indian: in fact I have a 350cc Enfield Bullet back in France. Still like it but I don’t get to ride it much lately.”
His face lit up. “Ah, the Bullet.” he said almost reverently, “I always wanted one but never afford it.”
I thought for a moment. “Gupta Singh, for what you have done for me and Nahdya I am sure that I can arrange for a Bullet to be delivered to you.” India is rife with bribery and corruption and a little more would go unnoticed. I saw his face light up and I knew I had bought him. We fought our way through the traffic, dodging the cattle, the beggars and the little three wheel taxis. I relaxed and took little note of our direction. It took 45 minutes of hell before we stopped outside a large, run-down imperial style building about 14km outside the centre. I was invited to exit and we both went in through the heavily worn door out of the burgeoning heat. Passing a concierge with little more than a cursory nod Gupta Singh turned down a large staircase for a single flight until we reached a stained but substantial teak door. He pressed a small button in a particular pattern. A small panel opened for a moment then the sound of bolts being drawn was followed by the door swinging silently outwards for about 40 degrees. We entered singly and immediately the door shut and bolted behind us. Hidden technology! Inside the small vestibule was an elevator, the door open, waiting for us. With nowhere else to go we walked in and immediately the door slid shut and we rocketed down. I guess about 100m down we slowed and stopped with a soft hiss. Silently the door slid back and we exited into a softly lit vestibule. Adjacent to a thick steel door was a telephone that Gupta Singh spoke into. After but a few moments the large door swung silently outwards and a large gowned man stood firmly centred in the opening. Gupta bowed and they exchanged quiet words. Then he signalled me to enter and the gowned man bowed to me and indicated I should accompany him inside. I raised my hand to Gupta as the massive door swung shut with a hiss and click.
“Follow me, my lord.” the gowned man said musically, “The Grand Master awaits you with great anticipation.” We walked down a corridor lit by hidden means then stopped outside a magnificent teak door. The gowned man pushed it open, bowed deeply and guided me inside. The room was brightly lit, carpeted with plush furnishings. On a large settee sat a middle-aged man dressed smartly but casually in Western style. At his feet was a young woman of, perhaps, late teens, lightly covered in a cerise sari that curved delicately over her lush body. On another low lounger were two more girls a shade younger, one of whom was completely naked. As I entered the man rose to greet me. I bowed as I assumed that this was the temple Grand Master.
“Welcome to Skaros Delhi Emeritus Master Sethin.” he held out his hand Western style, “Even if the circumstances are a little unusual. My temple name is Ceres, this young lady is Ramaprindar.” He indicated the girl at his feet.
I shook his hand. “The pleasure is mine Grand Master Ceres.” I replied with a slight nod of my head, “I am grateful for your hospitality and assistance on my behalf.”
He chuckled a deep rumble. “A little excitement makes for an interesting life. Your exploits are already becoming legendary. You must tell me exactly what happened and how you escaped. It is unfortunate that your project was a failure however.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” I replied, “All is not yet lost; there are other avenues to explore before I admit failure Grand Master. I do not give up that easily. I will however wait until my aide is recovered.”
“Ah yes, Nahdya I believe. A lucky lady.” his interest was palpable, “I believe she makes good progress now and will be joining us as soon as she is able. But what of you, I understand that you also were injured and indeed saved her life?”
“Thank you for your concern Grand Master.” I nodded another bow, “I am much improved; a little sore still and only about seventy percent operational but ready to start work again.”
He waved his arms dismissively. “You are to recover fully before you continue. These are my instructions from your Grand Master. You can talk with him soon but, in the meantime, you are to rest in our rooms. I have taken the liberty of assigning Neesha as your acolyte if you desire.” He indicated one of the young girls and called for her to approach. The naked girl slid from the bed and padded over, her head dipped in deference. My initial guess was that she looked about fifteen but was surely of legal age, deliciously proportioned for an asian girl. Her skin was quite dark, deep coffee with black hair in a bunch and deep brown eyes. About 1m45 with a firm bust, slim waist and a delightful triangle of fur covering her young sex. Her nipples were almost black but still small and she stood upright, arousingly young and inviting.
“She is to your liking?” the Grand Master enquired, “Neesha is just eighteen summers and still inexperienced but she is honoured to be your aide for your visit. Naturally she is schooled in all aspects of temple life and understands her responsibilities towards an Emeritus Master. I would ask for her to be treated appropriately although, of course, I cannot dictate constraint on your part.” His English was very precise and the meaning quite clear.
“My lord Grand Master.” I addressed him formally, “It is I who is honoured for Neesha to be my assistant. I give you my assurance that she will be extended every respect and treated with care and kindness. It is not our teaching in Lille to misuse or abuse a child of the cult while enjoying your hospitality.”
“For that assurance I am grateful Emeritus Master.” he nodded, “She anticipates her role with both excitement and concern. Although she is schooled, here in India our ceremonies are less fundamental and she still awaits her first man.”
“I understand entirely Grand Master.” I also nodded, “She will not be hurt and I guarantee she will find pleasure in her duties.”
He rumbled deeply once more. “And I am sure you will find pleasure from her also.” his laugh was genuine, “She looks forward to her first experience with a man. And do not concern yourself that here in India we are more conservative. If there is something you wish from her then she will offer willingly. We are aware that Europeans enjoy a woman’s mouth much more than many Asian men but you have no need for concern over that. Neesha is prepared for such activity although she is naturally apprehensive.”
“Naturally, Grand Master.” I acknowledged, “She need have no concerns that I will be disappointed or angry with her ministrations. I am sure she will do her duty and we will both appreciate the other.”
“Of course.” he said confidently, “Now, Neesha will show you the quarters set aside for your stay and make you comfortable. She speaks a little English but more French so I am sure you can make your needs known. You will dine with me at eight pm tonight?”
“It will be my pleasure Grand Master.” I bowed then turned to Neesha who took up a shift gown and slipped it on. “Shall we go?”
She led me along some corridors until we reached a green door. She turned the key and followed me inside. Here was a five star hotel style apartment with large bed, shower, toilet, TV and plush carpet. It was a lovely temperature and I flopped onto the soft bed. Neesha stood watching so I instructed her to sit beside me. We were silent for a while then I said to her, “Take that gown off please Neesha, I prefer to see you as you were.”
She looked a little uncomfortable as she stood up and slipped out of the shift. Close up she was even more attractive. Her skin was glossy and so smooth. For an Asian girl she had very little puppy fat and neither did her small, firm breasts droop. For the first time is quite a while my lust began to emerge and I felt a swelling in my loins. “You are very beautiful Neesha.” I praised her.
She looked down and was obviously blushing. “My lord too kind.”
I patted the bed. “Sit beside me.” I instructed, “I wish to talk with you.”
She obeyed and I found myself sitting very close to a tiny but very sensual young girl. Her hands rested in her lap partly covering her charming pubic fur. This was well defined but not trimmed so far as I could perceive. Her small nipples perfected the youthful breasts and I had to admit that my thoughts were not completely benign. “How is your English?” I asked gently.
She shrugged. “Un peut, a little.” she replied softly, “Je parlais Francais.”
“Do you come from Pondicherri?” I asked.
She nodded; now I understood. “We will speak French if you wish?” I said, “Although my French is a little rusty.” She smiled and nodded. So our conversation was in French, tortured by English and Hindi.
“Neesha, elle est une virge?” I asked. She shrugged. “I have not been with a man but my body has taken a plaything.” she replied shyly.
“But you have seen a man?” was the next question. “Oui.” she nodded, moving her hands to indicate about six inches, “Many times I have in pictures also, hard and stiff.”
“What about sperm?” I asked directly. She inclined her head, not understanding the question. “Seed, come.” I made a flowing motion from my groin.
“Oh, yes.” she giggled, “In pictures and movies.”
“What about for real?”
“Only one time.” she said softly, “We have school, you know, learning.”
“You were shown sperm in a lesson?” my voice was incredulous. She nodded. “Tell me about it please Neesha.” I asked.
She blushed as deep as her dusky skin would allow. “In lesson,” she began softly, “mistress bring young man to class. She explain that it better for us to see a man for real not just pictures and movie. Young man take off all clothes so we see penis. Not long and only a little stiff. Madam sit man down and arrange class around him. Now he is getting big because he like young girl. When we all can see she kneel down and begin to stroke him. As she stroke she explain what is happening. Very soon man is making slippery juice and he very big. Madam slow down so can show us man properly, the big balls and the red top. Then she tell us to concentrate as she rubbed harder. We could see man getting very wet and he making noises. Madam tell us watch close then man make his seed come out hard. He make three spurts from the end onto glass table then madam slow down and thicker seed come. It very exciting to watch and we could smell it not like movie or picture. When madam finish, boy leave and we take seed into laboratory and look close to see wriggly sperm.” She finished breathlessly. I smiled. “Have you ever wished to see it again Neesha?” I asked.
“Oh yes.” she nodded, “As soon as I reach my age of attainment I will become a temple sister then I will see plenty. Maybe I marry and my husband show me also.”
“How soon will that be?” I enquired.
“Twenty-one.” she pouted, “I wait three years more.”
I mused. “Neesha, would you care to see my seed?” I asked, keeping her language in my question. Her dark eyes widened. “My lord.” she bobbed her dark hair, “I am not worthy of such an honour but if you command.”
“I do not command Neesha.” I retorted, “We in Europe have a different approach to the desires of acolytes; now, do you wish? Would you get pleasure?”
A wistful smile fleetingly lit her beautiful face. “It would please me if it pleases you my lord.” she said softly.
“Neesha, it would give me great pleasure to assist in your education as well as being close to your gorgeous body.” I said, “Your nakedness arouses me and I feel that you have suppressed desires that I can satisfy. Yes, I do wish you to experience my seed very intimately indeed.”
She bowed her head. “Command me, my lord.” was all she said. My reply was equally succinct. “Explore me Neesha, do whatever you wish as a woman.”
Her hands stroked down my body but hesitated when approaching my groin. I felt sympathy for the young girl so I took her hand and placed it on my hardening penis. Her eyes widened but her fingers began to explore tentatively.
“Does it please you Neesha?” I asked as I felt myself swelling despite my injuries. She dipped her head as she blushed. “Yes, my lord.” she whispered, “You feel very big.”
I smiled. “Then do what you desire my child.” I twitched it under her hand so she jumped, “For the moment I am just another man and not your master. My body has men’s desires as you have felt. You, Neesha, are a woman, young yes but very attractive and I wish you to enjoy me as I will you. I do not boast but I am quite large and if you do not wish to be penetrated then I will respect your wishes however, I do need satisfaction so it would please me for you to use your beautiful mouth and experience a man like that.”
Her eyes widened and she paled slightly; her finger moving to her soft lips. “I am unpractised at that my lord.” she said softly and with a little tremble, “Here it is not common and I may disappoint.”
I stretched my hand to brush her cheek. “You will not disappoint Neesha.” I assured the child, “Just allow your feelings and desires to guide you and you will be amazed how natural it is.”
She smiled. “Will I receive my lords seed in my mouth?” she asked almost clinically.
I nodded with a winsome response. “Yes Neesha, it will be my loving gift to a beautiful girl, you will treat it as sacred and take it into you for ever.”
Her eyes widened as she acknowledged the implicit statement that she was expected not only to receive my sperm but to swallow it. Then her head dropped as she responded, “As you command, my lord.” she said softly.
“No, not as I command Neesha,” my face crinkled, “I wish you to both desire and enjoy my essence. Let your body guide you when the moment arrives.”
She stuttered, “But, my lord wishes me to consume him; surely he will be angry if I do not?”
“My lord wishes Neesha to make her own decision.” I replied.
A moments hesitation then, bowing, she said, “My decision is made; I wish your seed to stay with me. It will be an honour to please you my lord Master ………...”
For the next week I spent many enjoyable hours with Neesha. She got quite used to the taste of my semen and finally swallowed it with relish. She still squeaked when I penetrated her though and, for some inexplicable reason, really enjoyed masturbating me and watching the sperm pump out. I dined with the Grand Master regularly as my wound healed. I arranged for a motorcycle to be supplied to Gupta Singh; it could be useful to have a malleable contact in the Indian security service. I discussed with both Grand Masters the possibility of using Indian talent and we decided to investigate. Meanwhile Nahdya was recovering so I arranged transport to Port Blair to finally visit her. The journey was both tedious and frenetic from Delhi to Mumbai through Bangalore to Chennai and thence to Port Blair. I stepped out into the 37°C heat and fought my way through the milling, sweating crowd. A board carrying my name waved perilously in the distance and I elbowed my way to a mature woman in a dark purple sari. She greeted me in the traditional Hindu manner then told me her name was Rekha.
Maria Santiago de Vera protests as her modesty is compromised by the crew of the Erotida... |
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