Dans le Murs Part 11

(Part 1 from 5)

Dans le Murs – Part XI

Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya travel to Bangkok and are forced to abandon their primary plan. They meet instead Mrs T, a fearsome, mentally unstable criminal gang leader who will go to extremes to get her way. The couple fall out with her; Nahdya is tortured while Colin is imprisoned but escapes to rescue his love. During the escape Nahdya is critically injured while Colin is also shot. They make their escape by sea, are pursued but rescued by the Indian Navy to Port Blair in the Andaman Island group. This has been published simultaneously with Part 10 to maintain interest and allow a reader to skip Part 10 if required and not get too bored. Now read on.

Part 11 – Recovery and Renaissance

Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old man might raise eyebrows, it does not contravene English law. Don’t get it confused with the ‘Age of Majority’, which remains at 18, as does the age for consensual Gay relationships. I have also tried to apply the national age for consensual sex in the country of origin where the person is not English. It’s called ‘bending the rules’. All characters, names and most organisations are fictional but some of the places exist. Geographical and logical errors are mine.

There I stayed, bored but comfortable until my transfer to Delhi. We travelled to Chennai by sea and in due course I was placed in a wheelchair and loaded onto a military transport of questionable origin for the, uncomfortable, flight to Delhi. Here I was once more shipped onto a military ambulance and driven at high speed -- for Delhi that is -- to a hospital so that my dressings could once again be changed and I could be checked over. Once done, I was again placed in the wheelchair and driven to a large building near the parliament. The building was not designed for disabled access so they had great difficulty getting me to a room on the third floor much to my amusement. I had no intention of helping. Once in the room I was unceremoniously pushed into a dusty room with a swirling fan, a desk and a well-dressed civil servant. As the door closed he greeted me.

“Good day Mister deVilliers, if that is indeed who you are.” he smiled unctuously, studying my passport, “My name is Gupta Singh; I must ask you some questions. You understand that you may be treated as a spy because of what you have done. It is forbidden to use radio transmitter in the area where you were captured.”

I felt strong enough now to resist. “Intercepted, I think that is better than ‘captured’, don’t you Mister Singh?” I began, although I suspected this was not his name as he did not appear to be Sikh, “I have already explained to the commander the circumstances surrounding the use of radio equipment and I am prepared to give you the same information first hand. It is surely obvious to you from the condition of my partner, myself and indeed our vessel, that we are not spies and I will say no more than that until I have contacted the British High Commission and spoken with a representative.”
“I cannot permit any contact until I am satisfied with your explanation.” his smile grated on me.
“Then sir,” I smiled also, “you are eventually going to have to explain to Her Majesty’s High Commissioner how a British citizen died of starvation and thirst in the office of a government security agent because all you are going to get is a repeat of what I told the commander which happens to be the truth.” 
“Well,” I thought, “Everything I tell him is the truth; there are just little bits missing.”
It was a battle of wills and one I fully intended to win. He mused. “Tell me everything.” he said suddenly.
For the next hour I related a tale of fight and flight. He did not look convinced.
“So you used the radio to draw attention to yourself?” he asked.
“Why did you not just call for help on the VHF radio?”
“Do you think the commander would have rushed to help us?” I asked cynically.

A faint smile crossed his face that answered my question. “It is the duty of all naval officers to give assistance on the high seas.”
“As quickly as he did?” I probed again, “It is my belief that had I called for help in the way that you suggest, I would not be here talking to you today.”
“That is a matter of conjecture.” he said like a true civil servant, “The fact is you broke Indian security laws by what you did.” 
“The fact is that I broke Indian security laws in order to save myself, my partner, the crew and the ship and that is the only reason I did it. I knew that it would generate an immediate response; it was the only chance we had of survival. Now, that is all I am saying until I speak with a representative of the High Commission.”
“I regret that I am unable to permit that.” his voice was officious, “You are held on suspicion of espionage.”

Despite my injuries I exploded. “Espionage?” I yelled, “Espionage? You know damned well that I am no spy and holding me incommunicado like this is against international law; indeed it could be classed as kidnapping which I am sure the Indian government does not approve. When I return to the UK, and mark my words I will return, I will make such a diplomatic incident of this that you will wish you hadn’t started. And Balthazar will ensure that your future will be sweeping floors at best!” I don’t know why I said this but in a red rage one says many things. His face went grey; he dropped his pen and shrunk.
“Balthazar?” he stuttered, “Did you say Balthazar?”
I nodded. “Oh, did I?” I replied tartly, “I may have said something like that.”
“Would you give me your Balthazar name and title?” he asked very warily.
“Emeritus master Sethin, as if that means anything here.”
He started back then placed his hands together in greeting and bowed. “Oh my lord.” he said softly and with reverence, “Please forgive me; I had no idea. If you are whom you say then of course you are no spy. What is your temple please my lord so that they can be contacted?”
“Lille Quarente.” I replied simply.

He bowed. “I will confirm with them and ensure they are informed of your safety. Now please, you will forgive the delay. I must complete papers for your immediate release but I must do it correctly. I beg you not to report too severely my errors; I had no idea such a high rank wizard was in Delhi.”
I waved my hands. “You could not know.” I assured him, “We did not intend to visit India. There is nothing to report unless we are harassed more.”
“Oh no.” he smiled albeit a little grimly, “If you are whom you say then you will have no further trouble; if not you will die. I will ensure you have all you need for now. I will inform Skaros Delhi temple that you are visiting; they will welcome and assist you. Is there anything I can do now?”
“Would you report to me the condition of my acolyte Nahdya.” I demanded, “She was landed at Port Blair and I was flown here. She was in the military hospital and I want to ensure her proper treatment. If you recall we were both injured during a gunfight in Bangkok between some bandits.”
“It will be done immediately.” he bowed, “Please to wait for short time and I will make all arrangements.”
Things were definitely looking up. I hadn’t realised how powerful or global the cult was; now I was finding out. I relaxed now that I had hopes of freedom and reunification with Nahdya. The ‘short time’ lasted for over an hour before Singh returned but he was beaming when he opened the door.

“Forgive me, my lord.” he bowed graciously, “I was a longer time but I needed to clear all problems and find for you the information on your acolyte. I have spoken with your temple and they are indeed very happy that you are safe and well. You are of course free to leave with apologies from the Indian government. It was a dreadful mistake of course. Second your acolyte is recovering in hospital in Port Blair I understand she is very much better and has asked for you. I can arrange for you to fly to see her if you wish; she is still not permitted to fly because of her injuries.”

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