Dance with an Angel
I sat on an ottoman across from her. I wanted to look at her tits while I talked to her but I did not want to be too obvious about it. “Okay you have something on your mind besides my tits” she offered. Again she caught me by surprise. “You seem to speak your mind Helen” I said with a smile. “Well, I figure that at our age you have no time to spend beating around the bush sort of speak. I like what I see and I think you do too. So let’s cut to the chase and see what happens is my thoughts” she added. So I explained what I was doing here and that is was not a criminal investigation, just looking for someone.
She took it all in without interrupting. When I finished she said “Okay here is the deal. I am lonely and bored see. I don’t get out much because I am afraid that some piece of shit is going to break in and steal me blind. It ain’t much to some but it is all I got. So I go out to buy groceries during the day and I have the best alarm system money can buy. I don’t go out to party because of the creeps I have met in the past when I did. So here is what I will do. I will tell you everything I know about this little piece of paradise that I know or suspect. In turn, you fuck me like you mean it now and promise to come back say once a month to do it all again! Deal?”
Before I could answer she stood up and pulled her bikini top off. Two lovely mountains were standing straight out just begging me to suck them. Then she unbuttoned her cut off jeans and they fell to the floor. She had nothing on underneath. Her pubic hair was the same color as her hair on her head and it was shaved in a little “V” at the top of her vagina.
She was right in my face in two steps and I could smell her perfume and the slight womanly scent of her pussy. Well, I was not here officially and damn she was ready for action. My face was right in front of her tits and I was getting ready to grab a mouthful when she said “By the way I love to suck dick and I don’t spit and I love it in my ass deep! The last man to have me was my dearly departed and that was two years ago so I am ready to fuck like today is my last day!”
That did it for me! I grabbed her ass and pulled her forward as my mouth covered her left breast! All I heard her say was “Oh shit yes!” After a few minutes I pushed her back into the chair she had been sitting in and I went to work on both her tits! I did not kiss her until both of her nipples where standing straight out about an inch! When we kissed it was like being on fire! Her tongue and mine were fighting for control and I finally won!
She was moaning so loud that I could feel it vibrate on my chest. Then I pushed her back against the back of the chair and since I was already kneeling between her legs I went down on her pussy. I did not waste any time with kissing down her stomach or licking the inside of her thighs.
Not now! This was ‘get it and get it now” time and that is what I was doing. I had her legs spread wide and I was licking her pussy and tongue fucking her as I sucked on her clit. Helen was having a hard time just staying in the chair!
“Jesus, fuck me you bastard! Fuck me all over and hard as you can” she screamed. “Fuck I am coming you mother fucker” she yelled as her back arched up. I stayed with the mission at hand ‘to eat her pussy like it had never been eaten before” and it was working. Her juices started to flow and she grabbed my head and held it in place. “Don’t stop, please god don’t stop” she begged! Finally she went limp and she could barely speak. Now was my turn! I stood up and wiped my mouth with my hand as I undid my pants. She just sat there like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I dropped my pants and slid my underpants down so my cock jumped out at her.
“Oh, god that is too fucking big” she said as she gasped. I did not say anything I just moved forward and grabbed the back of her head. She started to talk “No its tooooo” and her voice was muffled by my dick entering her mouth. I slowly fucked her face, letting a few inches in at a time. She tried to grab my dick, but I pushed her hand away. “No, baby you are going to take it all” I said. Soon she was getting into the rhythm of it and in a few more minutes she was taking all seven and a half inches like it was nothing. I then let her take control as she sucked and licked my stick of fun. She then scooted down to lick my nuts. I have never been that crazy about that but if the women likes it ‘what the heck’ is my motto.
Finally, I could feel it building up at the base of the shaft so I moved away and pulled her up out of the chair. We didn’t speak, since words were not needed now. Passion was driving us both at this point. I had her kneel in the chair with her back to me. I then lifted her ass into position so that I could entry her hot, wet pussy! I knew that I could easily shift to the other hole if I wanted too. However, the first time it’s always best to play it safe. I knew that there would probably be more times in the future so I might as well save something for later.
I could not believe how hot and wet her pussy was or how tight! She had not been fucked in years or he had a small dick! I figured it had to be one or the other anyway! I slowly entered as she groaned “It’s too fuckin big, I can’t take it!” I eased up some and let her pussy adjust to this big boy! Then I slowly pushed in another few inches as she moaned more. Finally I was at the point where it was going to be all or none so I grabbed her hips and I shoved it all the way in! She yelled “Oh fuck yes!” as I began pounding it in. She met each stroke I made with equal force back and soon all you could hear was the moaning and the sound of two bodies hitting in rhythm.
After a few minutes I could feel that I was getting ready to lose my load in that hot, wet pussy so I stepped up the tempo. Just before I came she yelled “I am coming, oh god I am commmmmming!” I could feel her pussy tighten around my dick and that is when I lost my load. She felt it too because she pushed back hard as she said “Oh yeah!”
After a few minutes of just having my dick in her pussy and feeling it pulsate on my dick I slowly pulled it out. She stood up and grabbed my hand and led me down the hall to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet while she licked my dick clean. Then she reached over and wet a washcloth with warm water and washed my dick then dried it with a towel. I never had a woman do that to me before….it was nice! “Out now, while I get cleaned up” she said with a laugh “but wait for me! Okay?” Since I had not planned to leave yet I had no problem with her request.
I went back into the living room as I heard her washing herself and then brushing her teeth. Made me wish I had my toothbrush too I thought with a laugh. She then came out, naked with just a smile on her face. “I got a nice body for an old broad” she said. “No,” I said with a smile “You have a great body!” She then headed into the kitchen area and got herself a drink. “Want some soda to wash that pussy taste from your mouth” she asked. “I like the taste of your pussy” I called back “but I am thirsty as hell now.”
She brought two drinks in with her as she came back and handed me one. “My husband never ate my pussy” she said matter of fact like. “He said he did not want to put his mouth where his dick and been” she added. She just started to drink when I asked “So you never gave him a blow job either?” She spewed coke all over as she started to laugh. “As a matter of fact he loved for me to suck his dick, anytime and anywhere” she laughed. “I never thought of that though, it was funny” she added. She had a good laugh, it came from deep inside, I liked that!
“I am going to make myself look like a whore Duke but I want to fuck you some more” she said with a serious tone. “I have not felt like that in a long time about a man but you….well I just want too” she continued. “Well, I want to do more than just fuck you Helen, I want to get to know you better too” I said seriously. “If you don’t mind having a cop around and we can lay some fair rules to play by I could be up for this too” I finished. “Okay, let’s talk about it more later” she said “I know you did not come here just to tear my pussy up!”
We started to get dressed now as I told her about why I was here and who I was looking for. When I finished she said “I know who you are looking for and she lives across the street. “Do what” I questioned as I stopped getting dressed. “Yeah, I have seen her once in awhile. She is a real beauty but her husband does not let her out of the house alone. I mean in the five years they have lived there she has been outside, alone maybe four times. It is usually when he is gone, I guess out of town” she added. “Was she out a few nights ago” I asked. “You mean that night of that party down the street? Yeah I think I saw her outside.
I know he was out of town because I saw him pack his car to leave early that day. I did not go to the party myself because of allergies. I was too sick to go out for any length of time and differently not to be around people” she said as she reached over and started to button my shirt for me. I think she just wanted an excuse to touch me really. Then she continued “He treats her really bad! Sometimes I hear him screaming at her and he beats her. He calls her names like ‘fat pig’ or ‘slut.’ If I were her I would either kick his nuts into his head or I would throw his ass to the curb. But she just seems to take it” Helen finished.
“Look” I said as I finished getting straight “I got to go for now but I
promise to be back. I am going to stake out their place from down the street so
I don’t cause you any problems.” “You won’t cause me any problems, unless you
don’t come back” she said with a laugh. I then gave her a kiss goodbye! You know
the deep, tongue involved; make you want to miss me kind of kiss. Then I headed
for my car. I got in and rolled down the windows so I could hear better and I
just waited. The worse part of a stake out… is waiting. While I waited I
wondered why the old lady went over to that house. What did she tell them about
me questioning her? What are they hiding and what is all this subterfuge?
About two hours had passed and it was now dark and quiet on the street. Even the drug dealer had given up and gone home. Having the “PoPo” sitting in front of where you try to do business is not good I guess. Then I got a break! The man came outside and went to his car and opened the trunk. He took out a briefcase and sat it on the ground, then a suitcase. It was too dark to tell anything about color of either bag or what they were made of. He then closed the lid and returned to the house. That was my break because he left the briefcase!
I waited a few minutes then I got out and went up to the house too. There behind the car was a nice brown leather briefcase with gold looking clasped. It looked like a really nice briefcase. I did not even try to open it, since this was my excuse for going up to the house. I picked up the briefcase and walked quietly to the door. I listened at the door before knocking for any noise, you know, dog barking, kids playing. You would be surprised what you hear if you just wait a few minutes. I did not have to wait long before I could hear something. It was a man’s voice and he was yelling at a woman.
“You fucking whore do you see what you have done now! You couldn’t stay home, NO! You had to go to that fucking party with those low lives. You could not stay home and be a good wife, and look at you now! You stayed out fucking all night and now the police are looking for you! You probably were fucking some criminal and now they want you! You are nothing but a fat fucking, stupid little slut like your mother!” I broke his ranting with a knock on the door. “Get the fuck in the other room and keep your mouth shut” he hissed. I then heard a strange rattle sound. It was familiar but I could not place it.
Then he opened the door “Yeah, what do you want” he snapped. I identified myself and explained that I was looking for a woman. “She a criminal or something” he said. I stopped to study him for a second. He was a white male, in his early forties or so, slender build with brown hair and a mustache. He looked to be 5’-11 and about 180 pounds. “No sir, we are just trying to locate her” I said as politely as I could. “Well, I don’t know any fat fucking whores so leave me the fuck alone” he said harshly. I unbuttoned my jacket as I said “Strange I did not tell you what she looked like or anything so how would you know since you don’t know her sir?” I could see the color drain from his face.
Now was the time for me to press my position. “I only stopped up here to ask you if this is your briefcase. I found it down by the sidewalk and I had hoped to return it to the rightful owner. It is a nice briefcase” I said politely. “Maybe I can come inside and you can check this briefcase out. If it is yours I would want to be sure that nothing is missing, and besides we can talk without the neighbors hearing” I suggested. “NO, leave me the fuck alone, give me the briefcase, and get out of here! I know my rights so leave us alone” he yelled. “Us? Who is us sir” I asked.
He started to shut the door and in the attempt he forgot the grab the briefcase. I started to shove the briefcase into the door opening so he could not shut it as I said “But sir your briefcase!” That is when I heard that same rattle sound. But this time I heard a woman’s voice say “Please help me!” I then put all of my 235 pounds behind the door and I hit the door hard with my shoulder. It sent the man falling back on his ass! “Get out you bastard” he yelled. “Sir, under the law of the State of Virginia I can enter a house if I think a crime is being committed in my presents and if a life is in danger. In this case I believe that both have occurred” I yelled at him as I grabbed his arm.
I had him flipped over and on his stomach before he realized what was happening. I then cuffed him! That is when I looked up and there was the Scott’s angel!
She had a chain wrapped around her ankle and another around her wrist. She was wearing a long black gown, well more like a sack really. I could see the tear stains down her face and the red marks on her face where someone had slapped her. I was taking this all in when she said “Please, please help me!” I grabbed my cell phone and called in to dispatch were I was and that I needed an ambulance and Hampton PD right away. My subject was still screaming and fighting against the handcuff but I knew he was not going anywhere. So I turned my attention to her.
“Where are the keys to these chains” I asked. “He has them in his pocket” she mumbled. I flipped the scumbag over and tore his pockets open to get the keys. I then unlocked the padlocks on the chains. I could tell she was weak so I helped her to the chair. The place was nicely furnished and very clean. She acted like she did not want to sit but when I assured her it was okay she finally sat down but on the edge of the chair. I went to the kitchen and I got a glass from the drain board and put water in it and returned.
She grabbed the glass from my hand and did not stop drinking until it was
gone. “He won’t give me anything to drink or eat” she said.
"I am being punished for being bad. I am a fat, ugly whore” she now sobbed. “Who
is he” I asked. “He is my husband, Douglas” she said. “Then you are Carey Lynn”
I questioned. “Yes, I am” she said. Now I was confused! This woman was neither
fat nor ugly! Yet she believed she was both.
I admit that she was not thin as a rail but she had a nice shape, from what I could see through that black sack she was wearing. I started to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her when she pulled away and yelled “Ouch!” “Here let me see” I said gently. I then gently pulled the back of her black sack away from her back. It revealed long red welts where she had been beaten. She started to sob as she said “He beats me with his razor strap when I have been bad!” “I didn’t mean to be bad, I just wanted someone to be kind, to be nice to me” she added.
Just then a Hampton Police Department officer arrived. I explained the situation to him and he took it upon himself to follow the chains and search downstairs. I continued to talk to Carey Lynn. She explained that her mother died when she was just a small child and her stepfather raised her. It seems when she was younger she was heavy so he started calling her fat and ugly and she believed him. When she started to develop he decided that she was a whore so he kept her chained to the downstairs where she stayed. He would bring her upstairs to clean and cook for him.
She told us how when she was 18 he decided to marry her off. So he made her marry Douglas, who was considerably older than she was. Her husband was as abusive as her stepfather with one exception; her husband would use her for his own pleasures. I had heard of some sick bastards…. but this guy took the cake.
While she was talking the uniform officer, his name was Officer Austin, came back upstairs. I could see he was shaken and getting sick to his stomach. He headed out the door just as the EMT’s came in. They started to check her out while I went outside to see Officer Austin. He was on his radio and it was obvious that he had been sick to his stomach.
“We need Homicide at this location, the ME, and another uniform and a supervisor. I have a Norfolk Detective here now to help me, but I got three bodies downstairs in the basement” he said. Then he looked at me and said “What the fuck have you found man! There is a man down there that looks like a mummy and two small children and they are all dead!” My attention was broken by the sound of the EMT’s getting a stretcher out. I looked at the lead EMT and he said “We got to get her to a hospital. Somebody whipped her really bad and she is in deep shock.” I nodded and headed back inside. I got the suspect off the floor and I ‘not so gently’ put him in the Hampton PD unit.
When I came back in she seemed to be quieter now, maybe she felt safer now with him gone. She was beautiful even now! After a few more minutes of questioning I got the full story. She had been as she called it “a good girl” for several months so her husband had taken the chains off her. The night of the party she went because he was out of town and she thought he would not know.
She wore one of her mother’s old dresses to the party. She just wanted someone to show her attention, to love her without force or intimidation. Scott had shown her gentleness and he had been kind. She said that when her husband came home the old lady next store had told him that she had been out at the party. She also told him that she saw Carey Lynn walking with a man toward the beach. That is all this nut case needed to whip her like a dog and chain her.
Well, that is what happened and how Scott found his new love! Carey Lynn’s ex-husband is now serving time in the State Pen. And Carey Lynn is a new person now…but don’t get me wrong she has a long road of therapy ahead of her. But Scott is completely devoted to her and she seems to be to him too.
Who were the dead people? Well that was Carey Lynn’s two children, seems her husband did not want kids! So he either starved them to death or let them get sick and die. The dead man was Carey Lynn’s stepfather. When he died her husband was too cheap to pay for a funeral for him. He kept the money for himself. And me…well I am still a cop and enjoying every minute of it. I travel a couple of times a week to Hampton now. Sometime I will have to tell you about a fantastic piece of ass……
Magda schemes to add her Mom, step-dad, and Bjorg to the relationship... |
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