If anything can be said about me...its that I am a wimp. So it might surprise those that knew me exactly what my job occupation eventually became, only a week and a half when I was forced to spend an evening in a septic tank because Billy Bretterson had decided he didn't like how my glasses sat on my face.
So it was that night that I had finally managed to get the damn thing open and had walked home, my pants sopping with things I didn't even try to smell. I walked into my dormitory, my dorm mates probably still partying it up. I hated those guys too, now that I thought about it.
I took a long and luxurious shower, trying to make myself feel better. It didn't work, my anger simply building and building. This was things a high school nerd was supposed to expect, not a collage student. I had to do something...but I was the worst fighter I had ever known. Even trying to fight might have been disastrous.
I walked into my room. I had lived here for two months...and I had only seen my supposed room mate once, when she and I had shaken hands and told each other our names, mine Daniel, her's Elizabeth. Then she had failed to show up for the rest of those two months. She was still in classes...just never at the dorms. It was said that she took some of the more...strange classes offered by this collage.
Her text book was on her bed, I noticed as I toweled my hair off.
I walked to the book, curious. I closed it, wondering when she had been here to forget to bring it with her. The cover said, “Demonology 101”.
“She's a daemon summoner?” I muttered, picking the book up. Daemons, Devils and their lesser brethren were a necessity in today's modern world. Where would we be without Daemons? But the job itself was a bit of a mystery. I knew they summoned daemons and magic came out, but other than that...I knew nothing. So I started to read.
“An warning. This course will teach you to summon the least of the Daemons, the most lowly of the low. These can be restrained by even an inexperienced summoner. But if they get loose, you can be killed. Follow every direction TO THE LETTER or you will not just be an inexperienced summoner, you will be a DEAD inexperienced summoner”
I cleared off the floor, idea's of what I could do with Daemons dancing through my mind. I rooted about in my things till I found some art chalk from my supplies. I drew the symbol of summoning, six circles that were supposed to magically 'tie' the daemon's hands, legs, neck and tail (always a dangerous thing people over looked, the book said. People have been strangled by the tail of an irate daemon) to the ground, preventing them from moving. Then I drew the safety circle, a circle of runes that I could barely copy, let alone understand. I backed that with a second, then a third safety circle. Not exactly necessary, the book said, but always a good idea. Three's and multiples of those are a necessity in demonology.
I started to look through the summonable Daemons. The one listed in this lesson was “Cthulu” but I didn't like the sound of him. I flipped forward until I found the list of other Daemons I could summon. Male Daemons were, as a rule, a bit more...controllable in a classical sense, or so the book said. A female daemon was a bit less controllable, but, according to the book, offered far larger rewards.
There was a warning: “Be sure of your orientation when summoning a daemon. Check their preferences and be prepared. Take precautions and...have fun”
“What the hell are they talking about?” I muttered. It crossed my mind that I should check with a teacher. Then I thought of what a daemon, even a lowly one, could do to Billy.
I looked through the lesser Female Daemons. Xana, Hu'liazna... they were all rather seductive looking, ancient drawings inscribed into the textbook showing woman with claws and wings on stone bricks, women with flaming eyes, women with a large collection of quills that sprouted from her back like some kind of porcupine.
I stopped my ready at that one, a 'deamonnette' called Lyndanne, or Lyn for short. She was a minor daemon, controlling boils, sores and hangnails. Her image was her sitting, knees drawn up and arms between them, covering the unclothed naughty parts. Blue hair streamed down her front, quills spread about her like a halo.
“Lyndanne xu-octuna-blu glar suspi trea-nana!” I read, feeling a wind pick up, spreading papers across my room. The wind reached a fevered pitch as I continued to read, “Lyndanne si-Clu- Aspatu!”
There was a bang and Lyn was in the three circles, her hands and legs spread to touch each of the white circles, her quills pressed uncomfortably to the side around her back, some sinking into the floor. Her blue hair mixed with her quills, some falling in front to cover her perfect breasts. Her pubic hair was a finely trimmed blue puff and a tail was touched to the sixth little circle. Her head craned around, straining against the circle that held her there.
“Why have you summoned me?” she asked, her voice...her voice lighting my blood afire. It was the sexiest voice I had ever heard, a sensuous liquid that flowed in my ears, into my brain and straight to my cock, which obligingly sprang to life, hardening in my pants.
“Uh” I stammered.
“Oh dear” Lyn murmured, looking at her hand, “You smudged this symbol”
“Wha-” I started, but then her left hand jerked out of the magical restrains, something snapping soundlessly, rippling the air around it as it did so. Her hand smashed into the floor and smudged the symbol on her right arm and then she was free, jumping out of the circles. She started to pace, kept at bay by the two remaining 'safety' circles. My heart was pounding in my chest and I knew I had to banish her before she killed me in some kind of grotesque and horrible way.
I started to flip through the book, trying to find the banishing spell.
“Wait” Lyn's voice murmured, “You need my help, don't you?”
“Well...yes” I said.
Lyn was looking at me, her eyes glowing slightly as she did so.
“What do you need?” she asked, “Someone need agony and pain?”
“Yes” I said.
Lyn pressed against the safety circle, her hair parting enough for me to see her right nipple. Her quills were more relaxed now, laying down her back like a cloak, “Let...let me out and I can help you far beyond what you think you want”
“Uhhhh” I said, staring at her tits, “Promise you won't kill me”
“I won't kill you” she said demurely.
I remembered that if a daemon said 'i promise' then it was actually binding. “Promise!” I said.
“Fine...I promise not to kill you” Lyn said, her hands clawing at the sphere of air she was unable to pass, “Now let me out of here or banish me! I can't stand circles of protection!”
I smudged the lines and she jumped out, going straight for me. Her body bowled me over, slamming me into the bed and her face was huge in my vision, eyes burning, teeth flashing.
“You” I gasped as her hands grasped my throat, “promised”
“I did” Lyn purred, “This...won't hurt. Now open your mouth”
I forced my mouth open, hoping she would get off me. Lyn kissed me, her lips bringing a fire into my chest, a burning desire to fuck and fuck and fuck until I died of exhaustion. Then Lyn was gone, a weight suddenly gone from my chest.
“Lyn?” I asked, wondering if I had been dreaming.
“I'm still here, honey” Lyn's voice purred in my head, “It's been a long time sense I've been along for the ride like this”
“You...You're possessing me?” I asked, moving my hands. They moved, so it meant I had some controll.
“Yes and no” Lyn said, “Turn around”
I turned around and saw my mirror. Next to me was Lyn. She laid her hands on my shoulders and kissed my ear. I felt both of them, but when I looked to her she was not there.
“I'm here...but not, at the same time. Most mages have familiar of sorts. But dragons, nymphs, elves...they don't know how to have some fun like I do”
The way she said 'fun' made my cock leap in my pants.
“Now” Lyn murmured, “Lets pay back Billy”
Carly and Sara continue their escapades. After being taken down a notch by her older sister Stephanie, Carly decides to recruit other girls into a bewitching circle of sexual awakening... |
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