Daddy spoils me and my best friend!

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

My name is Erin, and this is the one experience that forever changed my life. I was 18 years old and visiting my dad's house for the weekend along with a girl friend from high school. Her name is Nicole and she was also 18. Nicole came from a low income family and didn't really have much. She mostly wore hand me down or seond hand clothes most of the time. Upon Nicole's request, I asked my Dad if we could go to the mall and kill some time shopping. He agreed and off we went. He told the both of us that we could pick out whatever we wanted and he would pay for it. We agreed on a meeting place and time. He gave us each $100.00 and we quickly found ourselves totally elated to be on our way, not to mention we felt like we owned the store with that kind of money in our possession!

We decided that we would get matching outfits so to mess with everyone the next day at school. We also decided that we would both get matching v-strings, something I had never before considered. I felt kind of odd at first not knowing what my dad would say or think, but what the hell the worst that could happen would be he would make me take it back. We also picked out the lowest ride blue jeans we could find. Oh my god, these were hot! To top it off, we found some belly shirts. After we spent almost all of the money, we decided it was too close to the meeting time and left to meet up with dad. He was already waiting for us and invited us to have lunch with him. After lunch, we drove back to our house.

Nicole was extremely happy that my dad did her such a nice thing and decided she was going to get dressed in her newly purchsed clothes. We went to my bedroom and proceeded to change. The next event was more than I could ever imagine her doing. She went right to my dad's business room where he was busy working on a project for his work. She enetered and started to tear up that someone was so nice for buying her clothes and she wanted to say thanks. She walked over to hug him and as they embraced, she kissed my dad on the mouth! I was standing out in the hallway out of site and almost passed out seeing that. My dad couldn't see and in shock he asked Nicole "Are you sure you be doing that?" In amazement, my dad sat back down and Nicole sat on his lap and they started making out. My dad began to massage Nicole's small 28 B breasts and she began to moan out of control. My dad the asked her if she knew where i was and she just shrugged her shoulders. By this time, she had already started playing with his cock. My jaw almost hit the floor. I played stupid and hollared out to find out where she was. She yelled back that she wanted me to come down to where she and my dad were. So I reluctantly decided to go in and play along.

She was still sitting on my dad's lap and told me to watch. I could tell at first my dad was uncomfortable with me in the room watching him getting kissed by my best friend but he mellowed out after a few minutes. I mentioned I could leave and my dad said "No you can stay if you'd like. Nicole had already had sex at least on one occassion, but I had not taken the plunge as of yet. Checking to see he was rock hard, she got down on her knees and started taking my dad's pants off. My dad at this point did not resist. This was the first time I had ever seen a grown man with an erection. My dad's cock must be 8 or 9" and I must say I got pretty wet pretty quick just standing there. Nicole started giving my dad a blow job and my dad just sat there and moaned a few times from the pleasure he was receiving. Nicole then stood back and started removing her clothes one thing at a time. She then asked my dad if he minded if I get undressed to. I didn't even wait for his answer and started shedding everything I had on. Nicole finally removed her v-string and to my surprise she had shaved her pubic hair while she was in the bathroom. It kind of felt different being totally nude in front of my dad as he was checking us both out.

Nicole then laid on her back on my dad's bed and wanted me to lay beside her. I joined her upon her request. My dad was standing there in amazment when Nicole commanded him fuck the both of us. I couldn't believe my ears. My dad didn't waste any time getting started with performing oral on Nicole. He asked me if i was sure i wanted to go through with this. I was so horny by now i couldn't say no if i wanted to. He then moved over and started oral on me. My dad was licking my pussy! Nicole then started playing with my breasts and the wave of pleasure was taking over my normal thought process and I probably orgasamed three or four times in the matter a few minutes. Nicole was about to get the biggest cock she'd ever had up until then when my dad hiked her legs up over his shoulders and within a few strokes had the head in and she was crying in ecstasy. He then plowed her for about 10 minutes with everything he had. He then pulled out and Nicole pointed towards me. My dad looked at me nervously and asked if i was ready. i shyly nodded yes. He told he had fantasized about having sex with Nicole before but not me, but also said it was never out of the question.

His cocked glisened with Nicole's juices as he positioned himself in front of me. As he started to penetrate my virgin pussy, i thought he was going to split my pelvis! It was awesome when he broke my cherry and started slowly working to the rythym of sex. By this time, my entire body was in a magical state of relexation. I cried a few tears from the pleasure of pain as Nicole tried to kiss me on the lips. Within five minues of steady fucking, I had already lost track of how many orgasams I had. Nicole wanted some more. She laid on her stomach with her legs hanging over the bed so my dad could take another shot at her. Then dad motioned me to lay on top of Nicole. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!! What happened next was dad would fuck Nicole then me then her. Then he asked Nicole who was going to get the motherload. Since Nicole and I were both on the pill, she said I should get it because it was my first lay. My pussy already hurt form being just broken in, but gladly accepted by rolling back over onto my back for the final showdown. My dad was an amzzing performer as he feverously hammered me for another 20 minutes and when he let go with his orgasam, I screamed at the top my lungs "HOLY SHIIIIIIT DAD!" My heart was pounding as he slowly wound down. It took afew minutes to catch my breath. Nicole to my surprise got down and started going down on me. I think I had another orgasam. That night, we both slept with my dad and to be fair he nailed Nicole and let her take the next one.

We all showered together the next morning having more of each other. Before she left to go home, Nicole asked my dad when we could go shopping again. He said "Whenever you want to!"

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