Cousin leads me to 1st time sex
Nikki and I continued to keep constant contact, which isn’t all that hard seeing as though we live about 500 metres away from each other and we went to the same school. Anyways as you know (if not read Nikki and I More Than Friendly Cousins Part 1 inincest stories) Nikki and I are cousins who have slept together. The first school day after our little come together, pun intended, we met up at school, which was a little awkward, but we got through it. Nikki had a friend by her side by the name of Katie, who I had met on many occasions before and to tell you the truth, always had a little something for. Katie was the pinnacle of cuteness with her long blonde hair put into two platted, pigtails, with her cute blue eyes, with her tiny waist and her overall tininess. She stood at about 5 foot 6, whereas I was 5’11” so she came across as a little cutie to me, I dunno, something about her really got me hooked. Anyways Nikki brought up her next soccer game which was on the coming Sunday and she said that seeing as Katie was going to go and watch, that I should come to. I gave a quick yes and realized that I was about 5 minutes late for class and ran off in hope that I wouldn’t have to face the wrath of my enraged Biology teacher (which I did, oh well, it was worth it)
Sunday came quickly and I soon found myself standing at the soccer oval watching Nikki’s team warm up when Katie walked across the oval and stood next to me
‘Hey Katie, you do realise this is going to be very boring don’t you?’
‘Yeah but to tell you the truth I only came to get away from home... we’ve got cleaners around’
Anyways we just talked for a bit while the game started and Nikki’s team did what they always do, win, and by a lot. They were so under graded but it’s irrelevant right now. Anyways half time came and I went over with Nikki’s drink bottle to the team talk while Katie was on the phone. Nikki took the drink, poured it on her head and spoke
‘Ask her out, she likes you, that’s why she’s here’
I froze, looked at Nikki and spoke myself, shocked ‘Serious? Have fun, see ya at full time’
I remember walking off leaving Nikki who was taunting me yelling ‘DER!!!’ over a few times
Katie had finished her phone conversation and was sitting on the ground in her blue skirt with cut off at the waist, black tank top thing with her hair platted and in pig tails as usual when I made my way back to the sideline. I sat next to her and pretended that I was looking at my phone but was really looking to the side to find that she was looking at me with a smile on her face. I heard the whistle blow and the girls kick off so I watched the game for a little while before turning to Katie and speaking
‘So what you up to tonight? Wanna join me down the soccer? Kick off’s as 7: 30’
‘You mean like a date?’
‘I guess so yeah’
‘Then yeah I would love to’
ALRIGHT!!! Anyways we went down the soccer and had a great time so I invited her back to my place, you see my line of thinking was that seeing as though mum and dad were at a friend’s place watching the English soccer on the massive screen (kick off at like midnight meaning I had the house to myself until like 3 in the morning) I could invite Katie back and for the first time being with Katie without 50 other people around. We arrived at my house, went to the living room, Katie sat down and put the tele on while I got us both drinks. I handed Katie her drink and was about to sit down next to her when the phone rang. I walked to the phone and picked it up to hear Nikki on the other end
‘How’d your date go Danny... you get any?’
‘Haven’t had a chance, every time I try to, SOMEONE RINGS ME!!!’
‘Settle down Dan, just be careful with her, she’s my best friend and I really don’t want to have to stand in the middle of a feud between you two’
‘Ha! Ha! Ha! Don’t worry Nikki, I’m not going to do anything, it’s the first date, I really like her and I don’t want to scare her off’
I turned around to see Katie was standing there... (the words that ran through my head at that moment were OH SHIT) Katie took the phone off me and spoke
‘Hey Nikki, it’s Katie. Dan can’t speak right now, he’s got my tongue in his mouth’
I heard hooting coming from Nikki as Katie handed me the phone to hang up as she
put her hands around my neck and pushed herself upon me. Oh well, so what if I
lied to my cousin? I had her best friend’s tongue in my mouth, Nikki would just
have to learn to live with it. I soon found myself sitting on the lounge with
Katie sitting on my lap kissing me with her chest pressing against mine with my
crotch pressed against her ass. Katie pulled away and stood up. She took my hand
in hers and lead me to my bedroom, after I gave her directions) She sat me down
on the edge of my bed and took her top off and sat back on my lap, facing me
with her legs spread over mine. She whispered the words every man wants to hear
into my ear
‘You wanna have sex?’
I looked into her eyes and put my hands around her hips and playfully pushed her onto the bed and quickly leant over her and said
I took her bra off and felt dizzy as she pushed my head onto her right breast, allowing me to suck her nipple. She started to giggle and pushed my head away and took my shirt off. I shuffled backwards on the bed and lifted her legs up off the bed and removed her skirt and went for the panties which also found themselves removed from Katie. So there I was, just inches away from a bacon strip shaved pussy that looked better than my first pay check. I slowly lowered my head and licked up and down with my tongue which brought about a cute moan from Katie followed by a call of ‘Stop, Stop, Your turn’
I backed off allowing her to sit up and smile. She grabbed me and threw me down and went straight for my shorts which didn’t stand a chance against the busy hands of Katie. She slid my boxers down past my ankles and twirled them above her head like a lasso on one finger and threw them across the room. She looked at me and smiled before brushing her hair to one side, opening her mouth wide and licking up the shaft of my penis. I sat up and looked down as Katie’s cute, little head started bobbing up and down on my penis as she sucked slightly. I tilted my head back and started to breathe heavy before telling Katie to stop.
‘So how do you want to do this? This is my first time so I…’
‘You lay on your back Katie and we’ll take this really slowly. If it hurts, tell me, I’ll stop, we’ll try something else. And yeah this is my first time too’
‘But I thought you slept with Nikki’
‘Just oral sex...’
‘Great, so I’m your first?’
‘You sure are’
Katie lay flat on her back with a smile on her face and her legs spread as I positioned myself over her. I pressed the very top of my penis gently against her opening and put my hands on her hips and very slowly entered her. She gave a small grimace of pain which was followed by a smile and a giggle. I slowly pushed further in as I did not want to hurt her, and soon found myself halfway into her. She put her hands on my back and put her head back onto my pillow and pushed herself down just enough to push me about three quarters of the way into her. My eyes slowly closed as she tightened around me until I woke back up with a shock
‘A CONDOM!!! We can’t have you getting pregnant’
‘I’ve got one in my skirt pocket’
‘How long have you had this planned? And where did you get that from?’
‘Since you asked me out. Mum gave it to me just in case I ever need it. She said she knows I’m going to have sex one day, so might as well ensure it’s safe’
I slowly withdrew from Katie and took the condom out of Katie’s skirt pocket and put it on. She started laughing before pointing to her pussy and saying ‘insert Dan here’ which is exactly what happened. She bit down on her bottom lip as I slowly slid in and out of her tight opening trying VERY hard not to hurt her. I pulled back a little and sat up on my knees and lifted her up onto my lap and rested her perfect ass on my knees and pushed further inside her. She bucked suddenly and reached up with both arms, hooked me by the shoulders and pulled me back down and pushed my head into her neck which I kissed. She yelped and started moving her hips quickly... she was really getting into this as was I. She pushed me back and rolled over and was now on top of me. She started controlling the pace, which was getting quicker with every movement of her hips. I had hold of her waist and was really in heaven as she started calling out my name.
She bucked once more and bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes and really, REALLY tightened up before yelping that she was coming. Those words were all I needed and I soon found myself joining her. I did not take my eyes off her cute face as she bit down hard on her bottom lip and struggled for breathe, and did not look away until my state had returned to normal, about 45 seconds later. She flopped on top of me and put her head on my chest trying to regain her breathe. She rolled off me and then onto her stomach, half leaning off the bed and gave a sigh of pleasure. I rolled over and put my hand on Katie’s shoulder and whispered into her ear
‘Good, hey?’
She rolled over onto her back and looked up at me and said ‘Yup’
We both got dressed and sat down in the lounge room and watched the soccer with her leaning across me with my hand around her shoulder. After the game I wrote mum and dad a note explaining to them that Katie was staying over so they wouldn’t freak out when they saw her in the morning and then we hit the bed. We spent about twenty minutes talking and kissing before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
This time I get tag teamed by a monster cock and two others in the darkroom... |
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