Couple Rewards Doctor for Saving Husband - 1

(Part 2 from 2)

I looked at my husband and said, “You are right Raj. I see sadness, pain and craving for a woman’s love in his eyes. You have complicated the matter further by giving him a bed next to me. In the night, when he sleeps beside me; his hand touches me accidentally. Initially, I was afraid of his sexually touching me.

However so far, I must admit that he has never touched me with sexual intent. I just do not understand how a man deprived of sex for such a long time, is able to avoid the temptation of touching me sexually, when I am sleeping right next to him. I find it very unusual. May be his moral ethics prevent him. May be he is afraid of offending our feelings.”

All the same, I could not but notice particularly that Dr. Umakant appeared mesmerized by my round and full breasts. This is because, in spite of his best attempts to avoid staring, he stole glances at my breasts whilst we talked. I had lush, ripe and full breasts. My blouse could not effectively contain my breasts and part of it overflowed the covered fabric. He also stared at my belly and exposed body portions, when he was sure that I was not looking. Although I noticed this, I ignored it. Most of the males behaved thus. Dr. Umakant was no exception.

One night after Dr. Umakant came to our room and we all slept in our beds; my husband asked Dr. Umakant about his relationship with his wife. Dr. Umakant admitted that he had serious problems with his wife. He described his sensitive personal problems. He said that his wife was suffering from some psychological disease, which her parents had kept hidden from Dr. Umakant’s family at the time of their marriage.

Dr. Umakant frankly told us that he and his wife never slept in one bed. His wife was sexually frigid and resisted Dr. Umakant on their wedding night. She blamed Dr. Umakant for all the negative things in their lives. In order to avoid Dr. Umakant, she always found some excuse to fight with him bitterly and managed to keep him away. Dr. Umakant felt that his wife hated him for some reason. He did not know why. At the same time, Dr. Umakant said, his wife was very respectful to his parents, served them, and did all the chores in the house as a good homemaker.

We were stunned to hear the sad tales of Dr. Umakant. As he spoke of his problems and anguish, Dr. Umakant became emotional. There were tears also in my and Raj’s eyes. I said, “Dr. Umakant, I understand your problems. Please do not lose heart. Things will change. Your wife will one day realize her mistake. Please do not think for a moment that you are without a family. My husband and I owe you a great deal. Please consider us as your family.”

We were all emotional. We all lay in our beds. Raj had his one arm on Dr. Umakant’s face. I looked at my husband. He signaled me to move closer to Dr. Umakant to pacify him. I slid from my bed to his bed, wiped tears off his eyes and wrapped my arms around him.

Instinctively, he placed his arms around me and took me in his arms. He pressed me close to him. Accidently, his one hand touched my breasts. I saw that it was almost like an electric shock for him. He jerked, withdrew and mumbled sorry or something. It was also like an electric shock for me also. However, I told him that it was ok and went back to him and hugged him closely.

This time both of us ignored his arms touching my breasts. There was a strong current flowing through my body. I was in a stupor. Dr. Umakant had tears rolling down his eyes. My husband moved his arm over Dr. Umakant’s body trying to pacify him. It was sad to see a man like him in such a condition. We hugged closely and held each other tightly for some time. I gradually separated from him and returned to my bed. As I was returning, I saw hurt and apologetic expressions on Dr. Umakant’s face.

The next day, I told Raj that I was sure that Dr. Umakant was physically attracted to me. I told him about Dr. Umakant’s feeling my breasts and his embracing me close to him in the night. Whilst I was narrating all this; Raj quietly picked one of my hands and placed it on his cock covered under his dress. Even in that condition of his sickness, I found that Raj was having a hard on. I could experience a high velocity flow of adrenal flowing through his veins. I was myself turned on talking about Dr. Umakant. I realized that my husband was excited.

Raj stayed in the hospital for three weeks. After we returned home from the hospital, we were in regular touch with Dr. Umakant. It appeared that the environment in his house deteriorated further. Meanwhile, our relationship with Dr. Umakant became closer. Dr. Umakant became a frequent visitor to our house. He would come, check Raj for any post surgery problems, check his stitches etc. and then he would sit with me and Raj and would listen to music or chat with us.

Raj and Dr. Umakant became very friendly. I respected Dr. Umakant, yet I was very free with him. I got very excited talking to him and so was he. When he visited us, we would all sit close together and talk about all kinds of things. Both Dr. Umakant and my husband would pester me about my college experience. They would ask me if I had flirted with any boys. I would tell them of my casual flings with some boys in school and college and so on.

Raj once told me that although, I was reserved with others, when Dr. Umakant came, I became very chirpy. Raj joked and said that he felt as if I was crazy about Dr. Umakant like a teen-age girl. He laughed and said that he felt that I was in love with Dr. Umakant. I jokingly replied the there was some element of truth in it.

Once in the night during our fucking session, Raj asked me how I thought Dr. Umakant managed without a woman for so long. He said that as a man he knew how difficult it is for a man to remain without a woman for such a long time.

In reply, I said, “I feel that he is undergoing a lot of pain due to his forced abstinence. As a woman, I could see his sadness, grief and desire for sex in his eyes; despite his attempts to hide his feelings.”

Raj asked me, “Do you not think that we should help him?”

I replied, “Yes, I think we should do whatever we can to help him, but what can we do?”

Raj then said, “Neena, my love, there is one simple way. If you agree, I would like to invite him overnight and sleep with us in our bedroom. I would like you to sleep between us and be cooperative. If he takes any liberties, I would like you not to hurt him. Tell me, would you not like him to have your womanly emotions and love at least for one night?”

Initially I was shocked at his proposal. Later I was puzzled. In spite of my confusion, I felt secretly excited. I felt juice leaking between my legs. I asked Raj, “Are you serious?

Raj said, “Dear, I am as serious and sober as ever. You and I both want to relieve Dr. Umakant of his stress and want to reciprocate, to some extent, what all Dr. Umakant did for my life. Do you not agree on it? Neena, this is the time, we can do something for him. Would you cooperate?”

I controlled my reactions. That tinge of excitement and juice leaking continued. I did not want to be obvious. I appeared to be thoughtful. That short embrace in the bed with Dr. Umakant in the hospital had aroused me. I said, “Raj, this is awkward for me. I would love to help him. However, I am very confused. I do not know if it is right. Let us see.” Raj kept quiet. I looked at him. He was deep in thought.

The next day at about nine thirty in the evening, when we were about to go to sleep, Raj complained of chest pain. I panicked and phoned Dr. Umakant asking him to come immediately. Dr. Umakant came within half an hour and checked Raj carefully. He smiled and said, it was just muscular pain; nothing to worry about. I asked Dr. Umakant to have dinner. He said, he ate something in the hospital. He did not want to eat. My husband Raj then took a bottle of whisky and poured three glasses from it. I refused. Both of them sat and began drinking.

It began raining outside. The temperature fell. It became somewhat cold. I had finished my work in the kitchen and served them something to eat. Neither of them was hungry but they ate something all the same. I suggested to Dr. Umakant that it is too late for him to go to his house. Why would he not stay at our house for the night?

In reply, Dr. Umakant said he had a bad fight with his wife that evening and planned to sleep in the hospital. He accepted my invitation. I asked Raj to take out one of his nightdresses from the shelf and give it to Dr. Umakant. I asked Raj also to change into a night suit. Raj took him to our bedroom and both changed into Raj’s nightdress. Both of them then sat on the bed. I went to the other bedroom to change. I saw Raj following me. He asked me to wear a rather provocative nightdress. This was the dress; he would ask me to wear whenever he felt horny and wanted to have a long night fucking session with me.

The dress was a low-cut top, which exposed quite a lot of my breasts. The dress was light purple, thin and tight. There was a zip, which ran through the front length of the dress until below the waist. I looked at my husband and asked, “Do you want me to wear this? Do you want me to come there and sit with both of you in this dress? Do you want to have a long session of lovemaking with me tonight? What about Dr. Umakant? He would hear our noises from the next room.”

Raj kept quiet and looked at me sternly. I looked questioningly at him. He said, “You are asking too many questions. Have we not discussed about this yesterday? You said that you would do anything to relieve him of his problems. What is his problem? His problem is that he craves for love of a woman. He is married but still a bachelor. Would you not like that he also enjoys your physical love and affection with me? Would you like to see a smile on his face or would you rather let him continue to suffer as he has been doing?” my husband threw the ball in my court.

I did not know what to say. Looking at my puzzled face, Raj continued, “Do not worry your mind. You know him well. He is so nice and decent. You need just to relax and give him your most intimate affection. Let us see what happens” I dumbly nodded my head. My husband went into our main bedroom to join Dr. Umakant.

I have full faith in my husband. I always believed that whatever he says or does is for the good for all of us. He had never let us down. I unhesitatingly always accepted what he asked with firmness. It always worked. However, I was slightly apprehensive yet excited, fearing something unexpected. I quietly removed my under-garments, put them aside and put on the nightdress. I had nothing under that gown. I hesitatingly went to join the two men in our bedroom. I felt naked in that dress with Dr. Umakant watching.

As I was about to enter, I heard them. They were deeply in conversation. I heard Dr. Umakant say, "Raj, you are very lucky to have Neena as your wife. She cares for you so much and loves you so much. She is very devoted to you” There was a slight hint of regret that indicated his own situation in comparison.

I heard Raj asking Dr. Umakant, “Doctor, tell me frankly, do you like Neena?”

Dr. Umakant was simple and straightforward. He replied without any hesitation, “I not only like her, I love her. In my opinion, she is an ideal woman and the most desirable wife.”

In the same lighthearted vein, Raj asked Dr. Umakant, “How would you feel if Neena was your wife?”

I stopped dead as I heard Raj say it. I felt embarrassed with the direction in which the talk was heading. Since it concerned me, I listened to the conversation with great attention. Both men appeared to be tipsy. They did not notice me standing at the entrance of the room.

Dr. Umakant replied, “Raj, I swear that if Neena bhabhi* (*brother or friend’s wife) was my wife, I would love her day and night and would worship her like a Goddess. I would give her all pleasures of the world and would never let her suffer any pain.” I was pleased to hear Dr. Umakant. I walked closer to them.

They saw me as I went near the bed. I felt their eyes focused on my body. I was feeling very awkward. As it was, I was wearing very thin and provocative nightdress and nothing underneath. My breasts and buttocks stood out prominently. The lower part of the gown almost wrapped around my legs and I suspected that my legs, thighs and the cavity between my legs were visible through the gown when seen against light. I felt that I could have avoided wearing this gown, although Raj insisted that I wore it. I sat on the bed in a corner away from both men.

I was quiet and did not know what to say. There was silence in the room. After a while, Raj called me and asked me to sit between them on the bed. I quietly went and sat between them. I took Dr. Umakant’s one hand in my lap and squeezed it affectionately. I had to shed my fear of unknown and be bold.

I asked Raj, “I heard both of you talking about me. Are you both up to some mischief or what?”

Raj said jokingly, “I asked Dr. Umakant how he would feel if he were your husband. He said that he would love you day and night.”

I looked at Dr. Umakant laughingly, titillating him, “Dr. Umakant, who said that you needed to marry me, to love me day and night? I am here and Raj and I invite you to love me as long as you want, without marrying me. That way, I would not have to leave Raj.” Looking at Raj, I asked him, “Raj, would you mind?”

End of Part-1

*** Please wait for Part-2 in this website

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