Conqueror's Reward
Controlling himself and his growing need to have her Diun planted the image of her home in Dana’s mind. Nodding in agreement as if he had said it verbally she led the way out the door. Finding her car they drove back to her house. Once they were inside Dana closed the door behind them. When she turned around Diun began kissing Dana’s neck making it hard for her to concentrate. Something was still causing her to hesitate so Diun stopped.
He wondered what was wrong and she gave him her answer, “I’m a virgin.” A questioning look came over his face after hearing this. He did not understand the full implications. The impression he was getting didn’t make sense. She knew about sex but was nervous about her first time. His people were never nervous. They had too much memory to call from. Surety was a part of being who he was.
Taking his hand she led him to the bedroom. Inside was the usual furniture along with a T.V. and VCR.
Turning on the television she pressed play on the VCR. Images came on to the screen of a man and a woman having sex. Seeing it Diun nodded understanding. That was how she knew. Like he knew how to have sex from his memories she had learned from these images on the screen. Touching the VCR he read from it that she used it quite often for this purpose, as well as something more.
He saw her touching herself while watching as well as using some strange object. Pleasure was attached to this image and he wondered what it was. Even now he could hear a steady hum attached to this new image.
Moving to one of her drawers Dana took out a vibrator showing it to him. Taking it he looked it over and handed it back wanting her to show him how to use it. Removing her clothes shyly she moved to the bed. Dana felt so self conscious in this situation. She had never done this with a man in the room before or anyone else for that matter. Laying there with her head propped up by the pillows Dana began to stroke it across her pussy. It buzzed and vibrated sending tingles through her body. She seemed to focus on her clitoris a lot pressing it there and holding it before moving on. As soon as she was good and wet she slid the vibrator inside herself.
Once it was all the way in she began to move it in and out fucking herself with it. Diun watched in wonder moving in closer for a better view. An image on the screen caught his attention. Dana had forgotten to turn it off. Its sounds filled the background as she continued to play with herself. The sound of one woman cumming had caused him to look at it. A man was licking the woman’s pussy and she was running her fingers through his hair.
Diun liked this image and was eager to try it for himself. Searching for the word from among her memories his mouth moved clumsily trying to say it, “I…try…please?” Dana stopped slowly removing the toy and handing it to him while it was still on. Taking it he positioned his head over her pussy so he was lying on top of her. Using the vibrator at first he teased her clitoris pressing it firmly against her clit and then removing it.
Facing his cock Dana had her own ideas about teasing and began to lick and play with it. Her fingers and tongue stroked it playing with its length. Diun gasped at the sudden sensation unprepared for it with his attention directed elsewhere. As she began sucking it firmly in her mouth he tossed aside the toy and began licking with enthusiasm. Dana made sounds to show her appreciation. She was so wet and delicious that Diun practically tried to suck and lick off all he could of her juices.
Dana came many times this way making him cum with her as well. What she lacked in experience she made up with passion. Apparently Dana liked how Diun’s sperm tasted as well. To her it tasted like a sweet syrup and she couldn’t get enough. About the fifth time Diun had to get her to stop or she would have kept on going until her jaw got sore.
Lying there next to each other they kissed tenderly while Dana rested and relaxed. Diun was eager to cum inside her after she had caught her breath. Dana was only happy to oblige. Climbing on top she mounted him and began to move her hips up and down riding his cock. Now she was in control, and the one time that Diun tried to get too involved fucking up into her she shook her head to stop him saying, “Wait a minute baby you’ll like this.”
Moving her hips in a circle she ground into him like the porn movies had shown her. It took awhile to get the hang of it but eventually she got the response she wanted. Diun grasping her hips began to spurt inside her the stimulation too much. How many times he came she didn’t know but each one sent her into a mini orgasms and she liked it. She had never seen a man do that in any of the movies and was so proud of herself for causing it.
By the time it was over he was exhausted as well. Both of them were covered in sweat as they slipped underneath the covers. Dana cuddled against him and Diun enjoyed the feeling wrapping one of his arms around her and kissing her forehead. For the first time he found himself wanting to tell her everything but he knew he shouldn’t. How could she understand and what if she turned away from him because of it? These new emotions began to unsettle him and he decided to leave the next day when she left for work. There was something dangerous about this woman he had not dealt with before. Part of him was screaming to get away from her.
Kissing her goodbye he waited until she was out of sight before he left. As he walked down the street in search of something new another emotion surfaced and he did not recognize it. It made him feel bad for leaving her and not trying to explain. It was an emotion humans called guilt. What he didn’t realize is that during the experience he had done something without realizing it: Diun had stopped using pheromones.
A Stripper’s Surprise
While walking the streets Diun met a mugger. Pointing a gun at him the man urged him into an alley. Little did the mugger realize just who he was dealing with.
“Give me your money!” The mugger yelled keeping the gun on him. As close as they were Diun could feel the evil of the man and see the images of the innocent people he had killed. Some he had raped, while others he had murdered in cold blood uncaring of how much they suffered before they died. This made Diun angry though he couldn’t explain why. Moving forward he felt the impact of the bullet on his skin and ignored it. The bullet did not penetrate or even hurt. The mugger panicked and kept firing without any better luck only stopping when a punch from Diun leveled him breaking his jaw.
Taking the gun Diun crushed it into a hunk of metal in his hand easily, dropping it on the ground beside the mugger. Liking the man’s overcoat he saw little harm taking it from the unconscious thief. When he thought of it the man might have tried to kill him and done the same as he put it on.
As part of that thought process he had little trouble taking any of the man’s money or the valuables he had stolen. Touching the man’s sleeping mind he picked out the image of a pawnbroker nearby who unknowingly sold the stolen goods from time to time. The mugger had used many of them to cover his tracks and not cause suspicion.
Walking there Diun sold the watches, rings, and other things that he had found on the mugger. The money was pretty sizable because most had been expensive, and Diun added it to the cash he had already taken. Thanks to what he had already learned Diun knew how much each bill and coin were worth.
Walking the streets he walked in front of a strip club where a man called out to him, “You interested in a good time friend? Plenty of pretty ladies inside just waiting for a fella like you.”
Diun sensing no danger from the man or from anything inside, he shrugged and entered the building walking right past the man. He was a large fat man with a big buzz cut and a good set of muscles on him. Judging by the look of him Diun guessed he was also there just in case of trouble. The man smiled pleasantly at him waving him inside.
It was dimly lit inside with flashing lights and mostly empty chairs around little tables surrounding a stage. The stage was towards the middle of the room against one of the walls. There were a couple of guys inside but they were just some of the regulars who frequented the place. Most were middle aged guys or older men looking to get away from the troubles outside and see a good show. Diun watched some of the women as he took a seat at the bar with some of the other men. “What will you have stranger?” A pretty little blonde bartender in nice black shirt vest and black slacks asked.
Seeing what the nearest man had been drinking he pointed at it. The drink was a hard whiskey. The lady poured and all the men who happened to glance over at him were impressed when he just downed it unfazed. Sitting there Diun wondered what the purpose of the drink was. It held a slight warmth going down but that had been it.
Looking at the other men he saw varied degrees of reactions from them as they continued to drink. Everyone one of them seemed to enjoy the aftereffects if not the taste. Putting a bunch of money down Diun asked for the bottle. Handing it to him the bartender had a amused smile on her face that quickly disappeared as she watched him drink. Downing it with ease Diun opened his throat chugging the contents of the bottle. When he was finished he set it back down again not drunk at all. Waiting for a few moments he sat there patiently wondering when he was going to start feeling as the other men felt. After awhile he grew disappointed staring at the bottle as he waited when nothing happened. Looking around he found everyone at the bar staring at him their mouths wide open.
Uncomfortable under all those eyes Diun moved to one of the tables near the stage for a change in scenery. There were some chairs surrounding the stage itself. An attractive Latin woman with nice tan skin a beautiful ass and shapely legs motioned him over. Unsure of what to do he stayed at his seat unwilling to move.
One of the other strippers who had been talking to a regular came over to Diun and said, “She wants you to go over there big boy. Don’t worry she doesn’t bite.” The stripper who had said it was an older blonde woman with a sizable bosom and nice curves. She was still quite pretty and had an aura of sexiness about her that seemed so natural. “After you’re finished you can have both of us if you want. By the way my name is Emily and the one eyeing you on stage is Candy.” The blonde said.
Getting up at her urging Diun made his way to the stage taking a seat. The woman started posing in front of him arching her back and giving him a view of her still covered pussy and tits. Diun watched the show curious. While interesting it didn’t feel private like he wanted. He was growing to dislike the attention of other eyes, it proved to be distracting. Seeing that she wasn’t getting his full attention Candy danced a little closer now her pussy was only inches from his face. Smelling its sweet scent and feeling her closeness Diun started to pay more attention.
“What’s wrong baby? Don’t you like me?” Candy said concerned. While her tone had been playful when she said it there was genuine concern behind it.
It had been a long time since she had actually had to try to keep a man’s attention. Obviously either this man felt uncomfortable in present circumstances or he had something else on his mind. Part of her job was to make him comfortable and forget about other worries. A happy man came back because he had been satisfied in the past. Coming up behind him Diun sensed Emily’s presence.
“Maybe it’s the crowd. He seems to not like it. I saw him looking around while your back was turned. Perhaps he would prefer some private time.” Emily suggested. Smiling as she understood Candy said, “Would you like to have both of us sweetie?” Diun looking at each of them and nodded. After Candy finished her show she and Emily each took one of his hands and led him into one the private rooms.
Both women were very wet and hot from being so near to him. Technically the pheromones that Diun was pumping out without thinking about it weren’t even necessary. Diun was a lot more handsome than the average joe who came in here and both women were eager to have a little fun.
Taking their tops off each woman gave him a lap dance feeling his hardening cock as the rubbed against it, and were impressed by the size of it. While Emily was giving him a dance her friend watched Diun’s hand move to Emily’s pussy rubbing it. Candy was surprised when her friend didn’t move it away immediately and instead seemed to go with it. Rubbing her clit through the fabric of the g-string bathing suit Diun felt her grinding against him increase. He quickly loosened the strings on each side of her bottom revealing her pussy. The reason soon became clear as Emily squirted all over the place gasping as she was overcome by an orgasm. Diun had safely moved her clothes out of the way just in time.
Candy could only watch as Diun set her friend on the ground getting up off the cushioned seat they all had been using. Rubbing some of the juices dripping from Emily’s pussy Diun coated them on his rock hard member. Getting behind her while she was on her hands and knees he entered her ass slipping in easily with all the lube. Emily had never cum that much in her entire life and was now glad of it. Her cum now allowed Diun to fuck her virgin ass with minimal discomfort.
fucking her ass like he would her pussy Diun went nice and deep causing Emily to shake as another orgasm hit her. Jealous of her friend Candy quickly removed her own bottoms and took a position right next to Emily looking back at Diun expectantly. Smiling Diun pulled out of the other stripper and entered her pussy.
At first he plunged in and out for a few moments until she too came squirting all over his cock. Pulling out he pressed his cock against her asshole. This time he plunged in halfway in one move. The force of it caused Candy to tighten from shock of the sudden intrusion gripping him. There had been no pain thanks to the lube but she had expected a little more warning and there had been mild discomfort. Diun gave her a second to get accustomed to him before he finished burying himself in her until he was all the way in.
Candy braced herself for the fucking she knew was coming but it never came. She looked back at Diun after a moment puzzled at this and saw a smirk on his face. Candy realized that this man wasn’t about to do anything until she begged for it.
“fuck my ass baby. Please fuck my tight little ass. I need you baby!” Candy said begging just like he wanted. Satisfied Diun started fucking her ass just as he had done with Emily. “Harder baby! fuck me harder!” Candy called out the music outside covering her shouting but everyone in the room could hear her.
Grabbing her firmly around the waist Diun started slamming his hips forward catching her surprise. Orgasms began to hit her faster than she was ready for them as he pounded into ass relentlessly.
“F---k, f---k, f---k, f----ck!” Was all that could be heard from Candy after awhile. Pain began to mix with pleasure and she asked him to stop. Collapsing to the floor she lay there breathing hard covered in sweat. Rolling onto her now sore backside she soon got a view of Diun moving back to Emily. Locking eyes with Candy he gave her a conspiratory grin. Candy nodded smiling as she knew that poor Emily was about to get exactly the same thing.
Watching Diun give it to her friend made Candy all hot and she played with her pussy. Cumming just as Emily came Candy saw her own fingers all drenched with her cum from masturbating. Seeing it Diun pulled out of Emily moving towards Candy. Candy was almost afraid he was about to take her ass again and quite frankly she didn’t know how much more of that she could take. When Diun instead sucked on her wet fingers licking them clean and then moved to her pussy to begin licking it instead she found it a welcome surprise. Candy’s head fell back as she came all over Diun’s tongue.
“I…think I have a few more in me as does my friend.” Candy said catching her breath. Who was this guy and where had he been her whole life? Smiling teasingly Diun went back to Emily making Candy jealous. Slipping between Emily’s legs he looked at Candy the entire time as he fucked her friend finally cumming inside her.
Candy was worried that she wouldn’t get any now that he had finally cum and was disappointed at the thought, but as he left Emily laying there on the ground his cock stood at attention. Getting up eagerly Candy wanted him to lift her up and fuck her and Diun did just that. Wrapping her arms around his neck she moved in time with his powerful thrusts kissing his face and neck as she came three more times.
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