Compassionate Rachel part 3
We were back on the road heading to our parents house. "Only thirty more miles" I stated out loud, reaching over and holding Rachel's hand. I found that I really enjoyed the slightest physical contact with her. Even holding her hand somehow comforted me, knowing that she too wanted to hold my hand and that she too was feeling the same comfort I was feeling.
A few more minutes passed by and we reached our parents home. It wasn't the house we grew up in. They had moved I left for college three years ago. It was a really nice house with three floors and a huge foyer. When you walked in you could see to the right a curved staircase heading upstairs to the guestrooms. At the very top of the entranceway was a beautiful chandelier and off to the right was the hall leading to the sitting room and the kitchen in the very back. As we walked in and left our things on the floor in the foyer we didn't see anyone. ‘They must be out back' I thought, since it was Saturday they were probably cooking out. We proceeded through the hall to the kitchen and sure enough they were outside with their neighbors the Brooks. Mr. Brooks was smoking his pipe as usual and Mrs. Brooks was swimming in our pool.
"I'm gonna put my things up in my room Brad, I'll be right back down"
"Okay hon" I said with a wink.
"Brad! Not now, you'll get us in trouble!" She laughed.
I went outside and greeted my parents and Mr. Brooks. I took notice of Mrs. Brooks swimming. Wow, Mr. Brooks was a lucky guy, I thought. She was a very attractive woman, even for her age. She was only forty but to me I guess that was a bit too old. You could tell how hard she tried to stay in shape. All the sudden I felt a little guilty for taking notice of another woman. I guess it was because of my new relationship with Rachel. I mean, there's really nothing a guy can do about looking. It's natural, I convinced myself.
"Brad!" My sister April jumped on my back. "Hey brother, you gonna help dad cook some of those famous hamburgers!?"
"Sure I guess I could help him. Why don't you go inside and grab me some of the seasoning I like to use April?" I smiled. April was a lively girl, she was 18 years old but wow she had the energy of a ten year old.
"Okay but make sure to cook an extra one for Becky, she'll be here in a minute, she had a few things to do this morning but she'll be here soon."
I went over to my dad who was getting the grill going. "Who's Becky dad?"
"That's April's new best friend from speech club, She's only seventeen but she'll be eighteen in November I think." he replied.
"Well" he started, "I heard about the breakup with Debra, I thought you might wanna keep your eye out. Now I'm not one to usually check out the younger generation but if I were your age I would probably pursue this Becky"
"Why's that?"
"You'll know when you meet her" he said with his eyebrows raised, and nodding.
I got back to cooking, thinking about what my dad had said. That was when I realized just how complicated this was going to get. Here I was my dad trying to set me up, all the while I don't want to be set up, but I can't tell him that cause he'd want to know who I was seeing and that just wasn't going to happen. Just then April and Rachel came through the back door, Rachel greeted mom and dad. At this moment my attention was directed toward Rachel in her two piece bathing suit. I had never even seen this suit before. I wasn't sure why, I had seen her in bathing suits a hundred times but this time I felt very attracted to her. After you make love to a woman I guess it changes everything you thought you knew about how to think around them. It was a string bikini type suit, her breasts being suspended by the D cup top. As she got into the water I realized I wasn't paying attention to the food.
I started flipping some burger patties when I saw this figure standing behind the sliding door in our kitchen. I could hardly see through the smoke from the grill, but I could tell it was a female, and her silhouette was obviously that of a well proportioned one. The door slid open and I heard April yell "Hey Becky!". My dad was right. She was hot and already had her bathing suit on. Her breasts were about a C cup from what I could tell. She had wavy blonde hair, nice plump lips and a very flat stomach. I even caught myself looking at the crotch in her bathing suit noticing the shape of her pubic mound as the cloth molded to her body. Just then...
))WHACK(( A beach ball thrown by Rachel hit me in the head. As I looked back at her I could tell she noticed that I had looked at this new girl. I went over and dipped my feet in the water where Rachel was. "Oh sweety, you got her beat by a long shot." and then I whispered "I hope we get some time alone tonight" I winked. Rachel blushed and nodded in agreement pushed off the pool wall and swam away while looking at me.
I turned again and April was walking over with her new friend Becky. ‘Oh geez' I thought, ‘she's going to introduce me and dad is going to expect me to ask her out within a day or two' . A dozen similar thoughts ran through my head as they got closer. I figured since it was inevitable I'd go ahead and say something as they approached. "Hey April is this your friend you were talking about?" Becky seemed to blush a bit as April began introductions.
"Becky this is my big brother Brad, Brad this is Becky, she'll be eighteen in November and is single and looking." she laughed. ‘Oh great! Now April is trying to set me up too! This is a nightmare!' I thought.
Becky was blushing from all that information I guess she wasn't really expecting April to give out. "Well, Becky, it sure is nice to meet you, maybe we can talk later but just now I have some more cooking to do. If you will excuse me." I tried to smile and seem very friendly but I didn't want to give the wrong idea. I was kind of glad that I was cooking. I started to think about the situation some more but found myself glancing over at Becky from time to time. She seemed to be taking notice of me, I caught her several times looking at me from the corner of my eye. ‘What am I going to do this is maddening!' I thought.
A few hours past, we ate, we did some more swimming. I was really starting to miss Rachel. We couldn't act intimate in front of our parents and it was making me miss her very badly. Every now and then we'd catch each others eye and give a wink or a smile to let the other know they were thinking about them, but it was still hard not being able to touch her. I found myself getting lost in intimate thoughts and then noticing I was aroused and have to think about something else. Becky was not making things any easier either. She was still giving me glances and smiling at me more and more often as the day became evening and the evening became dark out.
The day was pretty much over and we all retired to the house to watch movies or
do whatever we wanted. Rachel and I went to my room and shut the door
momentarily. "Oh honey I've missed you so much" I said as I put my hands on her
waist and pulled her in for a soft passionate kiss. My hands wandered her body
slowly as we kissed. Finally the kiss broke.
"I missed you too baby, and that Becky bitch has been watching you all day and it was really starting to upset me" She said with a half angry half sad tone. "I'm just glad you're here now" she pulled me in for another soft kiss.
"I hear footsteps" I whispered and ran off to unpack my suitcase. As Rachel opened the door to my room April was standing there as if she were just about to open it from the other side herself. "Hey April, what's up?" I asked.
"Umm.." she looked at Rachel as she left and then over at me, "Umm I was just going to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie with us. I mean with Becky and me." I heard Rachel's footsteps stop and then start again just as April finished her sentence.
"Well, I umm, I'm pretty tired, I'm not sure if I would make it through awake" I laughed.
"Oh who cares" she said as she came closer and whispered, "Besides, I think Becky likes you."
"Okay I guess I could" I said reluctantly. Just them Rachel peeped in my room.
"I'm going on off to bed say goodnight to mom and dad for me, I'm really tired" and off she went.
I followed April downstairs where Becky was getting the movie ready. ‘Oh god' I thought to myself noticing Becky still hadn't changed out of her two piece bikini. I noticed how golden her tan was as she came back from the DVD player and sat down on the couch. ‘Man she looks good' was all I could think as I proceeded toward the chair and took my seat. "So what are we watching?" I inquired.
Before April could answer Becky said "It's supposed to be really scarey" she looked at me and gave a shy smile.
As April sat down and looked at me questioningly, "Come sit next to me brad." as she patted the area of the couch between her and Becky. Reluctantly I went over and April started the movie. I kept trying not to think about or touch Becky but it got to where I couldn't even watch the movie. I mean here she was sitting next to me in this bikini. She would grab my arm and act scared when a something would happen in the movie. This one time in particular she didn't let go. The movie was winding down and she was still holding my arm. Her hand slowly made it's way down my arm. My mind was racing. I was trying to think about Rachel but here I was with this girl who was driving me nuts with desire. She looked so good in that bikini with the glow of the television highlighting her beautiful curves. I looked over at her as her hand got all the way down to my own hand and she took it. My heart was pounding now my eyes locked on to her gorgeous breasts as she lifted my hand and placed it softly on her inner thigh. I didn't know what to do. I was very turned on at this point. I think even April knew something was starting to happen as she had glanced over at us a few times. The movie ended and April turned the TV off. With only the glow of moonlight from the windows now. "Well I'm gonna go to bed you two, goodnight."
"W-wait" I stuttered. "Shouldn't someone be taking Becky home, it's nearly 1 AM"
"No silly, she's staying the night" April said as Becky pulled my hand a little higher on her thigh.
April just walked away leaving me there alone with this very attractive blonde that was seducing me in every way. I wanted to get up and leave. I was thinking about Rachel and how this would ruin everything, but I just couldn't bring myself to let loose of my desires. Becky slowly leaned in and kissed me softly. Our lips were over lapping and my cock was pressing solidly against my khaki shorts. She brought my hand up to her left breast inviting me to slid it under her bikini top. As I did I felt her erect nipple and rolled it softly between my finger and thumb as we continued our kiss. She unfastened her top in the back and let it fall revealing her wonderful breasts to me. She caressed them herself closing her eyes, as she did I began removing my shorts. When she saw my penis standing erect in the air she almost immediately grabbed it and started to stroke me slowly with her right hand, and with her left she continued to play with her own breasts. "Ohh" I moaned softly as she lowered her face toward my manhood. Slowly she took me into her mouth. I remember thinking that my sisters blow job was a bit better but this young hot little girl was doing her best and I was already very turned on by her aggressiveness toward me.
After enjoying the sensation of her mouth for a few minutes I cupped her chin and lifted pulling her face back up to mine and kissed her again. My hands made their way to her bikini bottom as she leaned back onto the couch and allowed me to remove them completely. By this time my eyes had adjusted well to the moonlight and her beautiful body looked wonderful lying there with her curves highlighted in the moon's glow. I pulled her panties to my face inhaling the scent of her wet cunt and then rubbing the crotch of her panties against my rigid cock lubricating it just a little. I slowly approached her swollen pussy, I could see the gleam of her juices running down the crack of her ass in the glow.
My tongue lightly touched her just below her opening. She jerked and gasped as if surprised by the sensation. My tongue moved upward opening her slit. The musky smell and taste of her juice as they ran into my mouth from her cunt was driving me insane. The passion I felt as she began to jerk and make little noises. "Oh god Brad, Oh god Brad" she was whispering just loud enough for me to hear her. Her body began to quiver and shake and her hands grabbed her thighs as if to hold her legs open as I took her clit into my mouth one last time. Her cum flowed quickly, her juices came from her opening as I felt them splashing upon my chin.
Making no delay I had the urge to screw her right then. I couldn't hold back any longer as I climbed upon her soft body that couldn't have weighed more than a hundred and ten pounds. I felt my cock begin to open her very wet slit. I made my way easily at first, all I could think was how hot her pussy felt and how tight a grip it had on my dick. That's when it all hit me. I felt resistance. "Holy shit" I said out loud in a whisper tone.
"It's okay Brad, I want this so bad. It's okay, please don't stop now" she replied knowing that I felt her hymen. ‘No no no! I can't this is wrong. I love my sister and I'm about to take the virginity of a perfect stranger. What the hell am I doing?!' I wanted to stop, I started to pull myself free, but she pleaded and grabbed me with her legs pulling me back. "No don't stop Brad, oh please, please just take it, I want you to." She tugged again with her legs and there was no stopping it then. My rigid cock penetrated her cherry and my manhood was completely enveloped by her hot cunt. She gasped in pain. Oh it felt so good to be completely inside her. "Please make love to me Brad, Please make love to me". And with that I began to move my self in and out of her. I couldn't believe the amount of juices coming from her as I screwed her. I kissed her again as I watched her breasts sway with our motions. We were both sweating at this point, her moans became more frequent as she started to buck her hips in rhythm with my own. She pulled my body into her tightly with her legs as she began to cum again. Again I noticed in unbelief the amount of cum from her as I continued to screw her. Finally her orgasm subsided as she looked up at me, her breasts swaying, she said "I want it Brad. Please give me your cum. I'm on birth control" she whispered. "Please just give it to me" She could tell her words were having a profound affect on me as I felt the pressure building. "Now Brad now, fuck me Brad, cum inside me!" Just then I felt the heat rushing through my cock as the first overwhelming jolt shot into her. I was looking into her eyes as I came, thinking about how my cum was filling this girls womb. Another shot as I groaned uncontrollably "Ahhh".
That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The guilt. ‘What had I done? Here I lay with my cock buried deep inside this 18 year old girl and my sister who I love and adore is upstairs in the same house.' Becky kissed me passionately. "Thank you. That was wonderful." was all she said as she hugged me. Then suddenly.
I looked up and saw Rachel holding our fathers nine millimeter with silencer. ‘Holy shit, she's going to kill me! My sister is going to shoot me, holy shit!' I thought to myself about 6 times before I heard another sound.
I looked down and saw Becky's dead body hit the floor.
To be continued. . . .
A bit long winded, erotic descriptive story of a girl finding the joys of a lonely friday night... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting