Clandestine Reserve Affair Part 5
Saturday, The Third Weekend
Betsy walked into her office, after formation, still thinking about the commanders ass. She had watched it intently as he had walked up and down the line during inspection wishing that she had her hands cupping that ass....and that his hands were cupping hers.....and that was just for starters. When he had stopped in front of her and looked her up and down...oh, damn, there went that throbbing one more time and she could feel her breasts becoming tight...and her damn nipples were standing at attention again. Good thing she had her BDU shirt least it hid that fact from everyone else. Had the Commander noticed? She had tried her damnedest to stand very still and to look at the building across the street while he was standing in front of her....she had made herself think about the report she was compiling for the make a mental list of the projects she needed to finish today.....anything so that her body would not react to what it was feeling....and the fact that all she wanted to do was to forget that everyone else was there, throw the Commander down on the ground and ride him until his cum burst into her pussy.
“Captain Wilkes,” Sergeant Gordon interrupted her thoughts, “are you ready to finish that report for the Major?”
“Give me about ten minutes and then I’ll be ready.” she told him. “I need to check my e-mails to see if the information I requested has come in. We really need those numbers for the report.”
“Yes, mam. Do you want some coffee? I’ll go get it for both of us if you do.”
“Yes, I would love some. Cream and equal please.”
“Yes mam. I’ll be back in ten.” He walked out of her office and down the hall. She booted up her computer and went directly to her e-mail. There was the information she wanted and there was also one from the Commander. She wanted to open his up first, but decided to open the other one and get it printed out before she opened his to see what he said. She printed out the numbers and then went back to her inbox to open his e-mail. Lately there was always a thrill when she got an e-mail from him. It read.....’I enjoyed yesterday and seeing you....all of you. After the close of the business day....your office. Maybe you will get what you wanted last night.’ Damn, she knew that she would be thinking about that one all day long. Maybe it was a good thing that this report had to be on the Major’s desk at the end of the day. It would keep her mind off the Commander’s intended visit tonight. As she closed the message the Sergeant walked back into her office with two cups of coffee. He handed her one of the cups and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of her desk. She handed him his copy of the e-mail and they got down to the business of working on the report.
She finished typing the last page of the report, printed it out and handed it to the Sergeant. He was just finishing the proofing of the other pages she had printed. She looked at the hour and a half before the end of the day. Without too many corrections she would have it on the Major’s desk before he left. “Only minor corrections, mam. I’ve marked them in red,” the Sergeant told her, “Shouldn’t take long to make these changes. We’ll have it to the Major with time to spare.”
“That’s really good news, Sergeant.” she said and started going through the pages to see what he had marked.
“While you make those changes why don’t I go get us something to drink?” the Sergeant asked.
“It’s on me, Sergeant. I really appreciate all the work you have put into this report.” she replied and handed him a couple of dollars from the top drawer of her desk. “I don’t think I could have finished it in time without you.” He left the office and she started to make the changes. By the time he had returned with the drinks she was printing the pages out and making sure that she had made all the changes. Then she handed both sets of the report to the Sergeant so he could make sure also. When the Sergeant gave her a thumbs up sign she took the report back from him, added the cover sheet and loaded it into the report cover. Then they both walked it over to the Major’s office.
Lt. Col. Vance stood at the Major’s office door talking with him as Betsy and the Sergeant rounded the corner. She hadn’t expected to run into him just now and it caught her off guard. She came to a complete stop, just steps from the Commander and the door to the Major’s office. Sergeant Gordon wasn’t prepared for her stopping as quickly as she had and ran right into her....sending her sprawling at the Commander’s feet. She heard both the Colonel and the Major laugh and felt the blood rush to her face. “Are you okay, Captain?” the Colonel questioned. “I know I’m the commander here, but you don’t have to worship me! Especially not at my feet.” The Colonel and the Sergeant helped her to her feet and waited for her to say something. She was so embarrassed and couldn’t think of anything appropriate to say.
“Your report Major. I hope it’s what you wanted.” She murmured. “If you don’t mind I will go over it with you tomorrow. Thank you Colonel, Sergeant.” Upon which she turned quickly and beat a hasty retreat. Upon reaching her office she closed the door and leaned against it, tears starting to roll down her checks. She stayed there for several minutes, trying to compose herself and then moved to the chair at her desk.....turning it away from the door, so she could look out her windows. Unlacing and taking off her boots, she curled up in the chair and stared out the window, but she really wasn’t watching anything in particular. In fact, she didn’t even notice that the sun had gone down until a knock at the door brought her back to reality. She turned the chair back towards the desk and saw the Colonel standing at the door. The door was open but she hadn’t heard it being opened and that fact really surprised her.
“Are you all right?” Justin questioned again.
“Yes, sir.” Betsy replied. “Just bruised my ego a little.”
“Not much I can do about a bruised ego.......” Justin paused for a moment, “.....except show you that it doesn’t matter.” He moved quickly across the office, turned her chair around, picked her up in his arms, turned around and sat down holding her in his arms. Betsy laid her head on his shoulder and her nose pressed at the base of his neck. One of Justin’s strong arms were around her shoulders and the other lay on her thighs. He took the one that lay on her thighs, moved it up to her head and started to stroke her hair. Time seemed to come to a standstill while she calmed down and began to realize that his smell was having it’s normal effect on her. Her pussy was beginning to throb again, her breasts felt tight, and her nipples were hard again. She wanted him so bad right now. Betsy moved her left arm around Justin’s neck, lifted her face towards his and pulled his mouth toward hers. As usual, their kiss started very gently but only took a few seconds to become harder and more passionate. Their tongues danced together in a frenzy of movement and hunger for each other. Justin’s hands roamed up and down her body from her ass to her head. Everyplace he would stop moving his hands and rested them for a moment or two seemed to leave little hot spots on her body. Betsy tightened her grasp around Justin’s neck and pulled her body closer towards his. He broke off the kiss and moved his mouth across to her jaw and down her her little kisses and sucking and nibbling down to where her neck met her shoulder. Then he slowly moved his mouth up to her ear grabbing ahold of her ear lobe with his teeth. Justin used his tongue and mouth to suck and lick on that lobe and the action sent shivers up and down her spine. “I want to fuck you now!” Justin moaned into Betsy’s ear.
“Should I pull out the sofa bed.......” she asked, “or would you rather use the floor........or the desk?”
“How about you give me about 45 minutes and then meet me over at Kennedy House?”
“all right.” Betsy really didn’t want to wait that long, but whatever was to happen between them tonight would probably be well worth the wait. She got up from his lap and stood aside so that he could get out of the chair. Justin stood and pulled her back into his arms, kissing her very passionately but at the same time very tenderly. Then he released her and moved towards the office door.
“Justin?” Betsy’s question stopped him just as he was exiting her office.
“Yes?” he waited
“What room?”
“You might need that won’t you?” he smiled. “125. See you in about 45 minutes.” Betsy sat down in her chair and listened to his footsteps going down the hall. Then she watched the clock. Leaning her head back against the chair she waited for the time to go by. It seemed to never come and Betsy fidgeted around her office trying to make time go by faster by doing something. It finally got there and Betsy walked out of her office...turning out her lights and closing her door.
She stood in front of his hotel room and looked down both directions of the hallway. There could be very good reasons for her to be here but she didn’t want anyone to see her go into his room. There was no one in the hallway, so she took a deep breath and knocked on his door. The door was ajar and slightly opened as soon as she knocked. There was very little light inside and she was not sure what to do. She pushed the door open enough to let herself in.
“Justin?” she called out in a soft voice.
“In here.” His voice came from the bathroom. “Come on in.” Betsy closed the door behind her and waited, realizing that there were several lit candles around the room. It took her a couple of minutes hear the water running in the shower and only a second to make a decision on what she was going to do with that information. She moved to the chair, next to the bed, and took off her uniform folding it carefully so she could wear it in the morning. She moved toward the bathroom door which was slightly open but had very little light coming out from the door. When she opened the door she discovered that there were several candles scattered around the vanity. The shower curtain was closed and she pushed it enough to get in. Justin was standing with his back to her, humming to himself and running a lather across his chest and tummy.
Val finally works up the courage to ask his Aunt out on a date... |
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