City of Orgasim Act 2
Yes I do but I don’t have to worry about Paul or that other guy just raping me because I’d make it with either one of them or both if they asked me! Sue you’re a whore! I love you like a sister but I’m telling you that you’re too accommodating to men! That’s how you keep from getting raped dear Sue replied. Still ever since we met in college and that was ten years ago now you’ve been a little too friendly with men! Not anywhere near as selective or choosy as you should be.
I’ll agree with that I was married for eight of the past ten years you mentioned and my husband was a dud. He was a very nice guy but he would rather watch sports or play video games than make it with me I rarely had an orgasim and spent most of my nights alone masturbating. You know you were with him several times even after we were married. I was with him Sue but not while you were married. I’m a tease remember not some tart that plays house with her best friend’s husband. I’m sorry that was mean! I forgive you Susan!
The two women went on for a few more minutes chattering about different things then Sue said again that she was going to ask Andy to go on a date with her and make love to her. Beth said she believed this to be a mistake but it’s your life so do whatever you want to do Sue! They disconnected moving on to go about their day a day that Andy would soon learn was going to be full of many pleasant surprises.
Andy also had something that he would spring on Susan when they went out on their date. It would be something not written in his stories so stunning that she would tell everyone she knows about it and they would also be stunned to learn this about shy timid Andy. They already know from reading his stories that he’s not really as shy or timid as he acts. He believes every woman he meets chooses to dislike him so he is naturally aloof mostly out of fear of being rejected or hurt. However once on their date lovely Susan will see another side of Andy that others never see because they can’t see it when they ignore him.
They cannot see it when they are with another and he is alone sitting at his computer writing stories about love and passion instead of being allowed actually experiance it! These things locked inside of him will be set free tonight by the lovely Susan Gander. Once she sees them her life will change forever as will the life of Andy Savage. The one shot he will be given to be with the woman he has dreamed about for years will be an earth shattering event for all most of all for the lovely Susan Gander!
The morning went swiftly then soon became afternoon which is where we find Andy arriving for work just like every other day. However this was not any other day because when he arrived to the back door of the kitchen the lovely Susan Gander was there waiting for him. They greeted each other she with a warm smile he in his usual defensive posture since he was unsure why she was here or what she wanted with him.
I would like to talk with you could we sit here at the picnic table the lovely Lawyer asked the timid man. He pulled out one of the rusted old metal chairs for her holding it as she sat then sat across from her. I would like to apologize for what I did yesterday the little man barked out surprising Susan! I did something bad when you walked by and I was on the floor picking up the glasses!
Oh you mean when you looked up my skirt? Yes! Andy I like men to look that’s why I wear miniskirts without any underwear! Yeah about that I know it’s none of my business but you really should dress more conservatively the little man exclaimed!I know because if I don't someone will try to rape me or something like that right?
It’s been known to happen dear. It happens quite often and I would not like to hear about that happening to you the little man barked! So is that why you don’t write about me in your forced sex stories Sue asked? How do you know about those Sue? Andy you post them on websites on the internet! Beth found them and emailed me the links. I read them this morning! You read all of my stories? Yes even the one where we get married and live happily ever after Andy! It’s a story Sue I write about things that I’d like to happen in my life but know will not.
In the stories I can make them happen for the fictional Andy because it is just fiction so none of the things written really ever happen. Not to you or me but only to the Sue and Andy in the stories! So you think those things can only happen to you in your stories she asks? Me and you making love or getting married yeah that’s going to happen in the real world Andy barks back at her! Andy you need to think better of yourself. You are a very nice man, OK you’re no George Clooney but you’re not ugly either! I’m also not a doctor, lawyer, professional football player or navy seal or any of the other men you go out with.
So you keep tabs on my comings and goings Andy? No but you come here often when you do you tell people things then they tell others and sometimes I overhear those conversations. You are just as much of a man as any of those men dear! I know that Sue I just didn’t know that you knew it or chose to think that was the case.
I do and that’s what I want to talk with you about I would like to go on a date with you! Andy turned to see who was standing behind him or to locate the punked camera crew then not seeing them did his best Robert De Niro impression saying, you talking to me? Yes Andy I’m talking to you! He sat silent for a moment returning to his shell no longer as outward as he had been saying; I don’t think that’s a good idea! I don’t see why not Sue chirped I like you and I know you like me I read it in your stories! They're only stories Susan!
So you don’t want to go out with me then come home with me making love to me the way the fictional Andy makes love to me in the stories? Sure I would like to do all of those things but I doubt that I'm capable of it.
Why not she asked? Let’s just say the Andy in the stories is more endowed than me. Oh I see Sue replies with a hint of disappointment in her voice! I can do many things he can do Sue but I can’t grow any more between now and our date! That’s not a problem unless you think it is she quips.
Well if you want to go out I guess we can try it but perhaps we should hold off on doing anything else until we get to know each other dear? OK Andy we can just go dancing then do whatever you would like to do she says.
After chatting a little more they set a time and day for their date Andy departs entering the door to begin his shift Susan goes into the bar to have a few martinis shooting the breeze with every man offering to buy her a drink. She leaves an hour later with the man who owns the classic Chris Craft for his boat. Once there they waste no time stripping off each other’s clothes and getting down to business!
Now Andy saw Susan in the lounge while he was bussing tables which included tables in the lounge. He saw her leave with the handsome man. He felt something not really jealousy but something that felt very unpleasant watching her leaving knowing what they were going to do. Perhaps it was the silly notions he has about only being with one man or woman at a time that caused his pain. In any case he decided at that time it would be best that he not go on the date.
If she wants to be a whore she can be a whore but I’m not going to be just one guy of hundreds she chooses to be with so let’s forget the whole date thing he was thinking. He was very angry and hurt but he couldn’t explain why this was so. After all she was just another beautiful woman who is recently divorced who wants to make up for lost time and experiences she denied herself while she was married. OK maybe she didn’t really deny herself but it was less often than it is now.
Andy Savage feels differently about it he wants to be with only one woman despite what he writes in his stories including the forced sex stories. So he is in a quandary of what to do. He can choose to be with her or allow his discomfort with her loose lifestyle to prevent him from having the most wonderful experience of his life. After all she asked him to make love to her so how can he refuse that offer from Susan Gander.
She’s the most gorgeous woman alive on the planet past present or future! A vision of beauty the likes of which few men will ever lay eyes on let alone get to make love to! She’s a goddess in the midst of mere mortals! There are few others who compare except for Beth Brittle!
We all know that he has feelings for Beth and not all of them are pure. After
all he did write that story about forcing himself on her at the marina outside
behind the dumpsters! Still he also wrote about her in one of his stories about
Susan a minor role where she went down on him out back in the laundry room at
the marina. So it’s not like he is being true to his belief that he should be
with only one woman so he’s confused about his rage over seeing Sue leave the
lounge with that man.
Now he doesn’t know what to do about his date with Susan he is very confused indeed. So he decides he will spend his night at work thinking about it then sleep on it during the night. He would decide what to do in the morning. This plan was going well until just past 8:00pm when Jennifer Waller and Carol Cummings arrived at the restaurant.
Carol slipped Andy a note as he was bussing a table near to where she and Jennifer were sitting. He stuck it in his pocket without reading it. Andy look at me Carol said in a soft friendly tone of voice. He went to say he could not read it now but she pointed at his shirt pocket saying again read it! Andy took the small envelope out of his pocket smelling perfume as he held it in his hand. He was startled by the aroma of fragrance thinking this is very cliché spraying a note with perfume.
Andy was just about to open the envelope when he heard a water glass fall to the floor then the voice of someone at the table summoning him to wipe up the water and get a dry table cloth. He put the envelope back into his pocket going to attend to the spill. It took about five minutes to clean up the table then replace the wet table cloth with a dry one so he forgot all about the note going back to bussing the tables.
He was now on the other side of the room causing both Carol and Jennifer to become a little annoyed! They came here tonight specifically for the purpose of giving him the note. What was written on the note within the small envelope could be the most important thing Andy Savage will ever read in his life. He has certainly not ever had anyone ever write or say anything like this to him in the past except for Sue earlier at the picnic table.
Carol got up from the table her lovely brown hair flaring around her head as she marched across the room to where the old man was bussing the tables. Andy, stop what you are doing and read the note the 40 year old divorcee barked into his ear grabbing the bus bucket from him slamming it down on a table loud enough for everyone in the dining room to stop eating and talking to see what the commotion was about!
Andy removed the envelope from his pocket again then opened it slowly trying not to rip it too badly! Let me do it Carol barked grabbing the envelope from him ripping it open then handing the card that was enclosed inside to Andy Savage to read!
Andy took the card from the lovely woman reading what was written on it. “Andy I want you to make love to me tomorrow night in my room at Holiday Inn!” It was signed all my love Beth Griller! PS: This is not a joke! Andy stood in total since as if like a stature staring at the card reading what was written over and over not believing what he was reading!
Carol stood quietly waiting for him to speak jumping around like she had ants in her pants finally lightly grabbing his arm asking him to respond! He handed the card back to Carol saying just one word! No! That’s it? That’s what you want us to tell her you said just no! He spoke no further! At least tell me why you don’t want to be with her so I can tell her Carol barked as Andy was walking away!
You can tell her the reason I don’t want to be with her is because she’s not Susan Gander! Hand me a note that says the same thing from Susan and I’ll be there when she asks with bells on he barked walking towards the door to the kitchen! Carol stood beside the table stunned in disbelief at his response!
Beth Griller was voted most beautiful flight attendant 3 of the past five years! She’s totally drop dead gorgeous she changed her whole attitude towards Andy just to ask him to be with her! Carol stormed out of the dining room into the kitchen confronting Andy Savage! Listen old man I wouldn’t let you help me cross the street let alone ask you into my bed but for some reason Beth believes you deserve some charity so don’t be a jerk she says handing the card back to him!
You don’t have a snowballs chance in Hell of ever getting to make love to me or Susan Gander but Beth is just as pretty as both of us so don’t blow your one shot at being with a beautiful woman or making love to her because rejecting her would be just as unkind as when women reject you. You mean like you just did he replied scornfully! OK I had that coming but it doesn’t change anything so go be with Beth! How do I know she’s not just messing with me Andy asked the woman?
She replied by taking her cell phone out of her purse pressing speed dial then handing Andy the phone! Ask her yourself if she’s messing with you! Andy took the phone shaking in his boots feeling more anxious than he’s ever felt waiting for Beth to answer her phone.
Hello he heard the lovely woman say softly through the phone! Beth its Andy Savage I called to discuss the note from you that your friend Carol just gave to me. The note says it all dear I want you to make love to me just like you make love to the women in your stories! Those are just stories the characters are fictional he replied to her comment. I would like to decide for myself if you are capable of satisfying my needs so please don’t reject me because that would be most unkind.
As soon as you get off work tomorrow come to my hotel room I will be here waiting for you. Dress however you like because your clothes will be coming off soon after you arrive so I don’t care if you arrive dressed casual or in a suit! Why don’t I come tonight he asked she replied I’m in my home in Boston but I’ll be back in Tampa tomorrow night! Don’t disappoint me she said then disconnected! I will go to see her tomorrow night as she requests he tells the beautiful attorney handing her back her phone in a more pleasant tone of voice.
You will find all the information in your email she sent it to you earlier tonight Carol said putting the phone back into her purse. Carol turned to leave but Andy stopped her asking how does she know about my stories? She searched for them on the internet she read them then sent them to all her friends including me and Jennifer. Did she read all my stories? Yes even the one that you raped her in she thought it was very humorous. It’s just a story I’d never really do that in real life to anyone!
I’m glad to hear that Andy because I think you’re a very creepy little man who needs to stop fantasizing about Susan Gander because like me she’s way out of your league! If that means that I can’t afford to buy you diamond rings or pearls to get you into bed you’re right! I can’t afford to pay for sex but if I wanted to pay for it I’d want to get more woman than you for my money the little man growled as he was returning to the dining room!
Carol stood stunned surprised that someone of such low standing should speak to her in such a way! She followed him into the dining room! Now you listen here she screamed loud enough for everyone in the dining room to hear! I will not be spoken to in that way I am a college educated woman and a partner in a prestigious law firm!
I will not be spoken to in such a crude manner by some high school dropout who has worked as a busboy his whole life. Andy turned towards the woman placing his bucket on one of the tables then pulled two cards out of his wallet handing them to the uppity lawyer!
Carol read what was written on both cards in the dim light of the dining room! The entire dining room was so quiet now you could hear a pin drop despite being full to capacity! Every eye was fixed upon the gorgeous lawyer and the busboy! Everyone in the room was expecting them to verbally joust right in the middle of the dining room! Carol stood for a moment wondering what to say or do next then handed the cards back to Andy saying I’m sorry Mr. Savage!
There was a low sigh from those sitting closest to them when the totally drop dead gorgeous lawyer apologized to Andy for being unkind. She reached out her hand wearing a smile he reached back shaking her hand! There was a loud roar and cheers throughout the room as Andy and Carol called a truce! Andy stood holding his cards watching the lovely woman walk away then was asked by a middle aged woman sitting at the table beside him, what is written on the cards?
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