Cherrie 2025
Brief description: Picture if you will the year is 2025 and technology has reached a point that no one foresaw. A woman scientist who was wrongly treated by here male peers and her husband has not only taken technology to a new height but has transformed the world into a nightmare for men who still think they can rule the world.
Story and all characters have been created by my uncontrollable imagination. LOL
Gina Strixx,a lovely and brilliant scientist had worked for years on countless projects for a world wide corporation that aided in helping to make life easier for mankind. From safer transportation ideas to computer technology to robots that do housework and aide people who have difficulty in getting around to the most simpliest of ideas for everyday living,Gina was a pure genius.
For several years many of her ideas had been put on the shelf by her male superiors. Of course only to be modified and then brought to life and claimed by those who sought their fame and fortune at her price. There was a time where she was not so bothered by all of this and her disposition was sweet and she took it all in stride and with a grain of salt. She was content in doing her best and knowing she was helping people even if she was not being acknowledged for it.
Gina was quite striking at first glance which made most men and women want to get another look at her and they usually did so. She was taller than all of the women who worked with her and so she stood out more than any of the other women did. Gina was five feet and eleven inches of pure beauty and brains. Her was irish red and straight down to the back of her knees,of course while she was working she had to pull it up and wear it in a bun. She always left two lovely strans of hair flow on either side of her face just in front of her ears. Her eyes were very green and cat like. Although she was beautiful in every way possible when she spoke men listened intently except those who stoled her ideas. Maybe it was that she always had something intelligent to say or that her voice was so captivating that you wanted to listen or perhaps it was her eyes that put some men in a trance like state of mind. With full lips and very high cheekbones she could have easily have been a top model for just about anything. Her breasts were perfect in size and shape and although she always dressed as a professional you could not help but notice she had a sexy hourglass figure.
Two years passed quickly by as she continued to work 10 and sometimes 12 hour days. Her superiors continued to dominate the work place and steal her ideas. One day a new scientist had come to work on project with her team. The two quickly became very close and he was asked to stay as part of the team fulltime. Within six months the two were married. Eight months into the marriage he began to change the way he treated Gina. He became distant and sometimes mean. He was jealous of her obvious ability to do things better than he did. Her ideas were more intelligent than his and she made more money because of it. And still within all that she did for this corporation they continued to keep her out of the limelight. She was paid quite well but they did not want anyone outside the company to know that Gina was the brains that kept them afloat.
One year after their marriage her husband became suddenly very ill. He was forced to guit his job and depend totally on his wife Gina for everything. Sometimes he would attend company parites and be seen around the house and then he just seemed to drop completely out of sight.
A big break through finally came Gina's way one night while working at home in her private basement lab. She was excited and called her boss on the project the very next morning. Again they took her glory from her and this time she had had all she would ever take from them ever again. Two weeks had gone by and at a big corporate meeting Gina blew up and exposed her bosses for what they had been doing to her for all this time. She had video tapes and audio tapes of them stealing her ideas and claiming them for their own glory and fame. Gina was not the sweet quiet girl they had thought her to be. After being treated as she was by them and by her husband she had enough and made a big scene as she showed the video at the meeting for all to see. They tried to pass it off as her having too much stress on her from her husband's sickness and the long hours in the lab. She became to angry when the big wigs from corporate did not see her side. She walked straight up to the Chairman of the Board and slapped him acrossed his mouth not once but three very quick and cat like times. Security was called and she was removed and fired without severance pay.
Her plan was in affect. She had all the projects she had ever worked on as well as all of their projects saved on disks. The procedures and how to manufacture,produce and even notes on how to market them. She had been planning all of this since the first time she ever got screwed over. These so called men she had dealt with were about to go down and hard.
Tired of the way she was treated by her husband she had also had a plan for him. This plan was already in fact in affect. He was not sick at all. She had been drugging him since the third time he was abusive to her. All of his,"I'm sorry's,I love you's," hadn't meant anything to her. She was to smart and knew he was not ever going to treat her as he did in the beginning of their marriage. In fact she was way too smart for him in every way conceiveable. After the first time he became abusive to her she started talking to him about what would happen if either of them became ill and could not take care of themselves. He thought it was his idea that he presented to her but she had walked him right into it. He proposed that if either of them became ill the other would be the sole decision maker in the others medical treatment for as long as they were ill. It became a legal document a week later. He had signed his very life over to her in their lawyers office one day and now he was nowhere in sight.
Upon arriving home after her big planned blow up and smacking the Chairman the only one to greet her was her black cat. Her husband,I am sure would have greeted her if he only could. Still being drugged by her daily, she had been keeping her abusive husband bound and gagged in a very small room off her private lab in the basement. As far as their lawyer and the insurance company knew he was bedridden and being taken care of by a private nurse Gina had hired. They were half right. He was being taken care of by a private nurse but Gina did not hire her she created her. Nurse Gwen was dressed in a white nurses uniform and carried herself as a professional yet very sadistic nurse all the time. Gina had created a lifelike femmebot. Her skin was as soft as any human skin could be. She had her own scent as all humans do. She was lifelike and as human as you and I are.
A year had gone by and Gina now owned and operated her own company that made electrical gadgets of every kind. Almost anything and everything one can think of they made it. The huge gold sign that hung on the corporate building simply says GSTRIXX. All of her top people are women. Anytime a man came in looking for a top position they were always told there were no postions available. They never advertise that they are looking for people for their company unless it is for the lowest positions which are always filled by men. Gina wanted to keep all men in her world at bay and at the lowest level they could possibly be.
GSTRIXX was Gina's front for what she was really up to. She was manufacturing a line of femmebots that were superior to even the most intelligent males. Gina had built her empire because of the men in her life and now she would be determined to dominate all men everywhere. The number of women she employed from all of the world was never clear but the numbers increased each year. She thought what woman would not want to see the men in their life who hurt them pay for what they did to them. All the men who always looked at their breasts instead of their face while they talked should be punished. She preyed upon men's sexual weakness and exploited it to the hightest level to obtain her army of female employees. She would have her revenge plus whatever else she so desired.
Gina worked almost around the clock with only a few hours sleep to make sure she would meet her own deadlines. Her first line of femmebots were finally completed. Every type of woman that was imagineable to men,attractive to men were created. They were 20,000,000 strong. Some were sent out into the world to do their creators bidding. Others were sold as maids,housekeepers,nanny's,babysitters, and nurses. Many men have dreamt of having the perfect mate that they could dictate before hand what they wanted in a mate,the way she looks,her scent,the clothes she wears. They were dupped into believing they could buy the perfect wife in every way. Human like in every way,they could preprogram sexual tastes in them.Gina had only one program built in these woman robots. At first they would be whatever the man wanted and then after two weeks when they were comfortable with what they had their real program would kick in. They were all very sadistic dominating femmebots. They were the Cherrie 2025 dominatrix model,the very first of their kind. They were all programmed in the art of BDSM.
This is the first in a series of stories I plan on writing. More will come and they will be as told by men who buy the Cherrie 2025 and their stories of survival or not surviving. I hope you have enjoyed the introduction story.
I save Willow from all the other mashers at the party... |
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