Cathy the Dockside Cocksucker

(Part 1 from 2)

Halifax, Nova Scotia is a gorgeous city. Right on the harbour, there is a long boardwalk along the wharf, called the Historic Properties, where summer is a particularly vibrant and magical time. All along the boardwalk, there are shops, food stands, restaurants with outdoor patios, buskers playing music, dancers, jugglers, and so on. And, of course, there is the water and all the ships that are docked at the many peers, many of which are floating museums you can board and look around. You can do so much along that boardwalk… site see, eat, be entertained, shop… and, if you’re a guy with $20 to spare, you even can have your cock sucked by a very pretty young teen named Cathy.

You’d be surprised how you’d find her… because you won’t. She’ll find you. And if you see a pretty little brunette walking a white poodle with her brother and parents in tow… don’t be fooled. They are NOT tourists. They are NOT sightseeing. She is a prostitute. And they are scouting out the next blowjob for her to give.

As part of my work as a sales representative, I was in Halifax for the day early last summer and thought I’d take in the boardwalk, just to pass some time. I noticed this pretty young teen walking her miniature poodle for a few reasons. Yes, having had dogs myself (mostly golden retrievers), I noticed the poodle. But more than that, I noticed the very pretty girl walking the dog. The girl clearly was a teenager, probably still in high school… exactly how old, I couldn’t say. She had long, straight, light brown hair that reached more than half the way down her back. She wore sunglasses and seemed a little quiet and sullen. Nonetheless, she had a very sweet face. But, most noticeable of all (at least for me, an admitted ass-man), she was wearing very short, very tight light brown shorts and had an extremely sweet little behind, which I noticed because she turned around briefly to talk to a guy walking on the other side of her from me, whom I correctly assumed was her brother.

Unlike her, he was very animated, and I noticed particularly that he actually was stopping and quietly talking to men passing him going the other way. I even noticed him and the men glancing towards his sister. But nothing seemed to come of it. I had my digital camera out, mostly taking pictures of the ships; but I certainly took a few pictures of this girl with her poodle, including a couple of her sweet ass as she and her family passed by me.

I was admiring her sweet ass walking off into the distance, and was about to turn back to taking pictures of ships, when something unexpected happened. The brother suddenly grabbed his sister’s arm gently and swung her around to meet this older man with grey hair he’d just been speaking to. The three of them spoke for a few seconds, the two I assumed to be her parents (both rather fat) stopping a few paces behind them to watch. Then, she took the old man’s hand and the family followed as she led him off to the left. Curious to find out what was happening here, I decided to follow. I rounded the corner of an ice cream stand to see they’d disappeared. Where had they gone? I walked a little further past the stand and peered behind it, just in case. Sure enough, the brother and two parents were standing there, facing the other way. The old man was on the other side of them, facing my way, but not noticing me at all. He was looking down towards the ground. Where was the girl? I squatted down to feign tying my shoe, and turned my head to peer between the various legs. I couldn’t believe what I saw. The girl was on her knees, facing the old man. I could see just up past her waist. Of course, I loved seeing the girl’s bum, her shorts now even tighter against the cheeks of her ass. But I also noticed that she was bending rhythmically forward and back from the waist. There could be no doubt what she was doing. She was giving this old man a blowjob!

I eased my camera out and focussed on the girl’s ass. It was a cute picture, this girl on her knees amid a flock of legs. I took a few shots and slipped my camera back into my pocket, and just in time. The brother turned to look out behind him and saw me. I quickly turned away, finished tying my shoe and stood up. I walked back to where I’d been before and sat on a bench, to once again look at the ships.

Wow! I thought to myself.

I was just thinking about the girl and looking down when suddenly I saw a bunch of feet I recognized come up and stop right in front of me… as well as a white poodle. I looked up. The young boy (who seemed to be late teens or early twenties) and his sister were in front, the parents in back, looking a bit stern.

‘Oh oh!’ I thought.

“Did you like watching my sister?” the boy asked.

“What?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“I’ll bet you even took some pictures of her, didn’t you?” he continued, a bit ominously.

I fumbled with my camera in my hands, but said nothing.

“So…” he said finally. “Would you like her to blow you too?”

What? Stunned, I glanced first at him and then at her. She just stood there quietly, her eyes hidden by her glasses.

“You just need to let me borrow twenty bucks,” he continued.

Borrow twenty bucks? Why did he want to… and then it struck me. He wasn’t asking for money for his sister to blow me… that would be prostitution, and he’d legally be a pimp. But, because neither he nor she was asking for payment for sex – just to borrow $20; oh, and by the way, my sister would love to blow you - there was nothing any policeman could do. This girl merely was out for a good time and her loving brother was helping her to find it.

“How old are you?” I asked the girl.

“Old enough,” she said calmly.

‘Okay,’ I thought. “So… you want to borrow twenty bucks?” I asked the boy, being very clear.

“Yes,” he said.

“And you want to blow me?” I asked the girl.

She nodded slowly.

“Ah. Sure,” I said at last, fishing out $20 and handing it to the guy.

“You be sure to pay me back,” I told the guy, playing along.

“You bet,” he smiled.

“Where do you want to go?” I then asked her.

She reached out and wordlessly took my hand. I stood up and she calmly and slowly led me back towards the ice cream stand, while her family followed behind me. I’ll never forget how her flip flops sounded with each step she took as she led me along the boardwalk, hundreds of people passing us by without any clue what this girl and I were about to do.

Oh shit! I thought to myself, my cock already getting rock hard in my pants as we rounded the first corner of the ice cream stand and I caught my first glimpse of the little alley way behind it.

As we rounded the next corner to enter the tiny space between the back of the ice cream stand and a retaining wall that was about shoulder high, a thought crossed my mind that these four people could, if they wanted, mug me and take my money, since all avenues of pursuit for me were blocked by the older male teen and the two heavy-weight adults (whom I assumed were his and the girl’s parents) behind him. But, instead, Cathy just directed me to stand facing back towards them, and then she faced me and dropped to her knees. She reached out for my zipper with both hands, but then used one hand to move her sunglasses up to rest them on top of her head. As her second hand reached back to help undo my zipper and belt, she glanced up at my face and, for the first time, smiled.

“Hi,” she said quietly.

“Hi,” I answered meekly, my heart still in my throat.

“Are you from Halifax?” she asked, quietly.

“No,” I shook my head. And then I watched in amazement as she leaned forward to take my hardened cock into her mouth.

“Are you?” I asked her.

“Hmm hmmmm,” she nodded sweetly, and started to slide her mouth to and fro along my shaft.

Oh Gawd! It felt good! I wouldn’t actually find out her name until after she’d finished, but it was Cathy. Cathy was amazing! ‘What are they teaching you girls in school?’ was a thought that raced through my head. She was absolutely in no rush. Slowly and oh so smoothly she slid her moist mouth back and forth along my length, from the very start taking almost all of it into her with every forward thrust. She also knew to tilt her head from side to side, altering the angle of her head every time she slid into my crotch to change the part of my shaft over which her tongue was gliding. And she knew to start each forward launch by tilting her head down a bit, and then tilting her head back as her nose touched my belly, so that her eyes were looking up into mine. She then maintained this upward head tilt, her eyes looking right into mine, as she slid backwards, before angling her head down again for the next plunge. What this did was allow her to force more of my rod into her mouth as she leaned forward, and then to really use her tongue on the underside as she slid back. The forward tilt of her head also caused her to arch her back a bit, bringing her cute little bum into view by the time she was at the end of her forward thrust. She altered her speed a little bit… at times speeding up for two or three thrusts, but then always really slowing down again.

And she was purring a bit, creating a subtle vibration that really felt weird but wonderful on my dick.

By the time she started to deep throat me, actually letting the head of my penis pop past her tonsils into her throat, I knew that I was enjoying the blowjob of my life. How did this girl know so much so young?

“Oh my God!” I whispered.

“Give me your camera,” a harsh voice then spoke up.


“Give me your camera!” the voice said, a bit more firmly.

Were they going to steal my camera?

“For pictures,” the brother explained, a little exasperated.

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