Caresse's Awakening Ch-01
Author note : Thank You SEVERUSMAX for helping me edit and write this story!
He walks back to his desk, waiting for her to show up for work. He looks at the clock: she is late again! He doesn’t know why he keeps her around, as her work is starting to slack off more, she comes in late a lot recently, and now he has discovered this new problem! What is he going to do with her? He hates to fire her, because she tries hard most of the time. He senses that there is more to what is going on than what meets the eye. Why else does she have a file of stuff that is STRICTLY prohibited on her work computer? There is more than one-way to solve this problem, but will she be willing to do that?
Caresse finally arrives. She tries to sneak into work, hoping that her boss wouldn’t notice her tardiness. She slips into her desk and starts to type away on the computer keyboard at some work that she failed to complete the day before. Why was she daydreaming so much of the time all of the sudden? It’s messing with her job performance. If she loses this job, she doesn’t know what she is going to do. She has no boyfriend or husband, and she will NOT go asking her parents for help again. She is simply a single woman that seems to go unnoticed by most people. How she managed to get this job, she has no idea.
Romain hears her come in and start to work. She doesn’t even bother to tell him why she was late. Does she think she is going to get away with it? Does she not even think that he KNOWS she is late? The more he thinks about what she has done wrong lately, the more he gets upset. He had expressly told her that he needed that paper work on his desk the FIRST thing this morning. He had caught her day dreaming yesterday, instead of working. He tries to get a handle on his anger before he calls her into his office. He opens the file again and looks at what he had copied off her work computer; there is page after page of porn. If what he sees here is true of her desires, she may be willing to do what he has in mind. He can only hope. He enjoys doing it so much too!
“Caresse, I need you to come into my office, NOW!” He orders her through her intercom, making her jump.
“Yes, Sir!” Caresse replies, knowing that she is in trouble. What is he going to do? She hopes he doesn’t fire her.
She walks in and stands by his desk, waiting timidly to see what he has to say to her. She knows that she has done several things wrong lately. She knows that she should have called into work and let him know that she was going to be late. She was hoping that he wouldn’t be in the office yet, giving her time to finish the paperwork. When she pulled into the parking lot, she saw his car there, and knew that her hopes would be dashed. Desperately, she tried anyway.
“Caresse, you have been rather lax with your work lately as well as constantly tardy. What I have been wondering is, how do I deal with your disrespect for company policies and neglecting your duties to me? Not to mention the rather interesting porn that I’ve found on your computer: not just any kind of porn, but BDSM and D/s scenes! I’ve even found erotic stories about bondage and captures in your files! This WILL NOT be tolerated on company time and company computers! We pay you to work, not to fantasize! I’m afraid that there have to be some SERIOUS consequences to your actions here! What do you have to say for yourself?” He reprimands her.
“I’m sorry, Sir….Mr. Deville…uh, I I had car trouble. I don’t know what’s come over me lately. I’ll try to do better! Please don’t fire me! I need this job!” She stammers.
“Well, I am not buying that excuse again. That seems to be your favorite one, how many times have you used it in the past month alone- 5 times? Since today is supposed to be a half-day, in light of Monday being Labor Day, the others will leave at lunchtime, but you will stay, and we will finish this discussion after work. Whatever disciplinary action will have to be taken, we will deal with it then! I need those papers on my desk immediately! I have to report with the clients in 45 minutes. You have 15 minutes to get them on my desk! NOW, GO GET THEM FINISHED!” He commands.
“Yes Sir, Mr. Deville, I will get on it right now! I am sorry again, Sir,” she tries apologizing again.
“I don’t want to hear it right now! ALL I want is those reports here immediately. I still have to prepare for the meeting with the clients!” He says impatiently.
She quickly hurries out to her desk and finishes the reports. She knows she should have stayed late yesterday to finish them, but she just wanted to get home. She had been looking at that stuff again on the office’s internet, and had been writing those stories, which had gotten her horny! Damn, why did she think that she could have gotten away with it? Now, her job may be on the line. What else does he have in mind as punishment? She is scared to even think of all the possibilities. What is she going to do? Does he know that some of those stories she wrote herself? Caresse takes the reports to Romain’s office and hands them to him.
“Here’s the reports, Sir. I double-checked everything. Is there anything else that you want, Mr. Deville?” She asks nervously.
“No, just get back to work. NO extracurricular activities! Do you understand me?” He says with annoyance.
“Yes, Sir. I’ll go finish the other work that needs to be done right away. Can I bring you a cup of coffee?” She replies, hoping to appease him some.
“NO! Just do your work! NOW!” He says with irritation.
Caresse rushes back to her desk and completes that day’s assignments. She even finishes the rest of the previous day’s work. By the time, she accomplishes this, its lunchtime. The office empties out quickly, with all of the staff excited about a long Labor Day weekend! Romain has come in and out of his office, passing through hers, but has said very little to her. She sits nervously at her desk, waiting for his next instructions.
“Caresse, make sure that everyone has gone for the weekend, then lock the doors and come into my office.” He buzzes on the intercom.
“Yes, Mr. Deville.” She says fearfully.
She quickly checks the office and finds it empty, except for herself and Mr. Deville. She nervously locks the front door, wondering what he has in mind. She then returns to his office, entering it and standing in front of his desk.
“Everybody has left, Sir.” She informs him.
“Good! I’ve been rather disturbed and annoyed with your job performance lately. You’re not the hard worker that you used to be when you first started here. I know you can do better than you have been lately. This makes me wonder what to do about your neglect of assignments. To make matters worse, I’ve read these stories, which you have been reading while on the clock, and it makes me speculate whether you’ve just downloaded them or have been writing them yourself. There is a lot of boss/secretary type stories on some of these sites and in your files. We do not have time for that kind of waste of the company’s time.
“Also, you have been wearing skirts that seem to be getting shorter than the required length in the dress code. We have a strict knee length policy at this firm, along with a complete set of underwear, and no see-through blouses. We have a lot of clients coming in and out, not to mention the public. We want to keep a professional look around here. I do NOT want to offend any of our clients or prospects. I’ve been thinking a lot about what needs to be done about these problems, and I’ve come to one of two conclusions: either I can fire you, or you can pay a hefty penalty. Am I correct to assume that you are still unattached?” He lectures her.
“Yes, Sir, I am still single, and from the looks of it, I’ll never get a boyfriend. No one finds me attractive enough. I don’t want to be fired. What kind of ‘hefty penalty’ do you mean?” She reacts.
“Let me be the judge of that. Your problem isn’t looks. It’s motivation. You strike me as the submissive type. That comes out in your stories and in your work. When I keep on top of you about your work, you do a great job, but whenever I ease up, so does your work. Therefore, in order to help you both as a person and as an employee, I want to take charge of your life. I happen to find you a VERY attractive woman, so there is something in this idea for me as well.
This is the story of my first anal experience... |
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