Note : This story is completely fictional!
At 27, I was still relatively young and even made a few bucks, if you don't take in consideration the last five years. So there's nothing clouding my mind when they spring the doors on me. Just sky blue skies.
A had a case of the fuckit. Fuck you that fuck with me for fucking the fucks I was fucking. So fuck it!
They picked me up at the terminal and from that moment on, I wanted for nothing. Every few minutes she was hugging me to her ample bosom, Mona took a good long look at me; said I'd been beyond her reach for so long that she'd never wanted to let me go. I didn't mind that as much as the over-powering smell of perfume after being locked-down so long.
After the usual burgers and booze; old friends and new sites in San Diego, we came straight home. Mona and Pete, my mother and father, had really done well for themselves while I was gone. Had a secluded house in the San Diego suburbs with a pool. (Pete's an electrical engineer in a huge company that pays him almost his fat-ass weight in hundred dollar bills; Mona considers her corn-pone country-ass self a 'domestic goddess.')
I woke truly liberated the next day. I guess I slept late 'cause Mona and Peter were both gone. Only an ex-con can know the pleasure of sleeping in your own bed after 'doing time.'
I decided to go out to lounge by the pool and lose the ghastly pallor five years in prison could have on you. When I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, I looked like a ghost compared to Mona and Pete. Since no one was home and the pool was private-they had a six-foot red cedar fencing the back yard-I took off my Speedos, and lay there naked.
That lady Mensa-member who writes for the Sunday supplement says, "Nudists are exhibitionist and shed their clothes too freely." Nevertheless, it was so liberating and alleviating, I immediately got a hard-on which came and went while I was out there. An omen of things to come.
By the time I dressed and entered the house again, Mona had returned.
Next morning after a great, big, breakfast and Pete had left for work; Mona led me around gthe place; while she told me the chores she wanted me to do. She took off her robe as the California temperature rose. Under it, she had a short, thin, pastel nightie that barely hid her ample measurements from my gaze. I could make out the crack of her ass. Mona is tall for a woman, with medium length black hair curled just below her ears. The skin is loose on what I could see of her neck, shoulders, and between her breast. (The nightie had a deep v-neck) Though tanned, I could see stretch-marks from years of gravity pouncing on what looked like her bra-less 40-42 DD's. With nipples as big as my thumbs! Still narrow-waisted but very wide hips and thighs (which I could see) tanned also. And very strong legs with small beautifully-formed small shoeless feet. Between that and those wide nipples in front poking the sheer material out, I followed her all around the house. Coming up out of the basement, she picks a sock or something off the step at her feet and somehow the bottom of the nightgown flies almost all the way to her waist! I got a good look at all she had.
Later on that evening Mona takes a call from Pete's employer: He has an emergency and Pete was to leave first thing tomorrow morning for parts unknown. He'd be gone about three days. Therefore, they both turn in early while I checked out cable to the wee hours of the morning. All the time inside without cable, I guess I wanted tocatch up. Besides, I was not ready to face large groups of dance clubbers and bar-fly's. When I finally entered my darkened bedroom; before I hit the light-switch, I noticed a light emanating from the back of the partially open closet, so I went to investigate. The light was from their bedroom. I could hear bedsprings creaking like crazy. What it was was the two bedrooms, Pete and Mona's and mine's, were once one very large bedroom that was converted into two by installing two closets back-to-back for each room. What I found out later was, when their closet doors were open; someone from the other closet could see the goings-on in the bedroom through a tiny space between the wall and the dividing partition. What was going on was Peter and Mona in a missionary position mid-fuck. All I really saw of Mona was her legs in the air, feet toward the ceiling. Pete was laying the pipe to Mona;but good! Pete said, 'That he's gonna fuck her good before he leaves. Give it to her, a fuck that will last until he returns home.' That she was 'so hot! Why was she so hot?! That it didn't matter. And then ask a moment later, 'Why are you so hot?!' However, Mona was intent on one thing and it wasn't twenty-questions. She was too busy gasping and groaning while the bedsprings grunted rhythmically. When it was over, they turned off the light and went to sleep. After my heart stopped beating so hard, so did I.
We saw Pete off early next morning, then spent the rest of the day by the pool. Me mostly trying to hide my hard dick from Mona when she turned the thonged globes of her ass up to the rays of the sun. Or, as she walked to and from the kitchen making ice tea and bringing it back on a tray holding it just below those barely-covered wide breasts like she was offering a drink from them. For instance, I was pretty sure Mona was a metro-sexual because as she lay with her knees up and wide-spread I dared a good look. Not a hair in sight.
Next day: Early I was looking forward to seeing Mona's big, shaking, swaying, cheeks jiggling again. Feeming was more like it! I had been out early sunning a while, when I went back inside to look for her. Her bedroom door was locked and I could hear the shower going in her private bathroom. Then I remembered the closet!
Why wait to see her at the pool? She has to come out the shower to dress and I could get a good look at her then! Seems up until now, there was always something or other obstructing my view of her. Dress, nightie, bikini, Pete. Therefore, I spent long anxious minutes waiting for that shower to finish. My heart was beating so hard I thought she'd be able to hear it. Then the sun-golden globes of her as quaked tremendously as she walked naked into her bedroom and I didn't care if she could. I saw her totally naked for the first time! Her big breasts swaying to and fro while she toweled herself dry, gathered things and put things away. It was all I had waited for, but there was more.
She lay down on her bed, first lifting her upper-torso and then bringing one leg up and securing it around her head; then she brought up the other leg. She had trouble securing the last, but finally got it in place. In this pretzel-state, she reaches down and with both hands grabs her two big butt cheeks and brings her pussy up to her mouth. She was eating herself! Her moaning was muffled with her mouth full but the way her body was trembling, I could tell she was getting herself off and going back for more.
Then the doorbell rings.
There was no way I was going to miss this to talk to the Fuller Brush man. Therefore, I ignored it. The person persisted. I half-hope Mona would stop to get up and answer it herself. Then I could watch her do it all over again! However, she was too into it to stop and that bell kept ringing. Finally, I pulled myself away it only to get rid of the pest.
The pest turned out to be a redheaded Navy-wife in a Muumuu about Mona's age whose husband was away at sea. 'L.C' was a good friend of Mona's. I'm sure she only rung the doorbell because the door was locked from the night before. She didn't stand on ceremony she walked right in and introduced herself to me. While trying to hide the hard-on in my Speedo's I told her (she knew all about me) Mona was in her bedroom. 'L.C.' says, "No problem, she knows the way", and heads to Mona's bedroom. Wondering what would happen--knowing what I knew--I had the sense of mind to tell her to tell Mona that I'd be leaving for about an hour. Then I snuck back to the bedroom interested in what 'L.C.'s' reaction would be.
I half expected that all hell would break loose. At least that L.C. would quickly leave Mona to complete her business. Imagine my surprise to find 'L.C.' sucking on Mona's right breast while her hand was busy rubbing Mona between her thighs. Mona, her arm above her head to accommodate 'L.C.'s' mouth and tongue, let out a lust-filled groan, "Ohh!," throwing her chin to the ceiling with her eyes closed and her whole body tensing, and came. L.C. gets up from the bed and I got a rush when she pulled the Muumuu that all the ladies wear in the hot Southern California weather; up her body over her loosely gathered hair to reveal a totally nude, petite body and tits begger than Mona's. She had walked the two blocks to Mona's house naked under that balloon-like dress!
"You poor horny thing. Let me help you." 'L.C.' crawls back on the bed and dips her head to Mona's crotch while straddling her face in a sixty-nine. I guess she wanted to help herself too. I watched as first 'L.C.' then Mona came, humping the face at their crotch and moaning their enjoyment; their two naked, womanly, ass cheeks clenching until they finally had an orgasm together, unlocking and lay exhausted their legs splayed and relaxed while they gathered their strength. It was so hot! Leaving the closet, my balls felt as big as my head!
That evening, after L.C. leaves, I watched cable while Mona sat with me in the TV room-chain-smoking cigarettes. The TV room was a small room off the kitchen with two couches and an OS chair. I was laying on the floor/carpet with my head on the seat of the couch. I lay on the floor with my head prop-up on the seat of one of the couches. Mona was to the side of me in the OS chair. The sexual tension was thick as the smoke. Toward late-night, the station starts running spicy, erotic, couple-oriented, soft-porn or erotic movies starring unheard-of actresses. I was watching a sexually oriented program 'TRUE SEX' about fetishes across the country when right in the middle of the program, Mona lifts her skirt and starts fiddling with her panties. Right there! To the side of me. I definitely didn't want to put the kibosh o the show, so I kept my head pointed at the TV while feasting my eyes on her near-naked box out of the corner of my eye. If I didn't know it was bald already, I would have found out now. She had on a pair of thong-panties so small they looked like they were put on backwards. Her pussy was so engorged with blood you could see its redness right through the fabric!--I guess she thought I didn't notice.
Well, after that my mind wasn't on TV anymore. I took a quick cold shower and got into bed to compose myself. Wet towel and all I just lay on top of the sheets on the bed in the dark. I mean it was a bit much to take; I knew I would experience new things; but voyeurism, visual incest, familiar lust thing that were taboo was something else again.
I was falling into a light sleep when Mona knocks on the door. She's in a robe now. She wants to talk. Its so dark in the room, (it was a moon-less night) even though the curtains were open, when she closes the bedroom door the room is pitch-black. I hear the rustling of her robe in the dark, then she joins me on the bed. I move over to accommodate her. She starts asking questions like, "Are you okay? What did I do for sex? Is this not how you expect it to be?" Her close approximation and the events of the last couple of days were enough to counteract the effects of the cold shower. The towel is painfully tight now so, under the cover of the darkness, I loosen the towel, uncovering myself and silently start to stroke it in the dark. I try to answer her as best I can. As I answer she reaches out in the dark and lightly strokes the skin of my arm; from shoulder to elbow. After a while, her strokes get longer. Not encountering a towel at my hip, I next feel her hand lightly brushing the hardness at my crotch and wrapping around it in the dark. When I reach out to her, I only contact skin. She had been naked under the robe and had discarded it before she got in to the bed. She was naked all the time!! She tells me she wanted me ever since she came in and saw me sunbathing nude. She got the good look at me she never expected. That even when Pete fucked her, she dreamed it was I. She figured she would go for it! That I've been begging for it and now she's going to get it.
With my rapidily growing cock in her hands she begins tgo suck on it. She's purring like a kitten with my big hard cock in her mouth. She also pays lip service to my nuts, licking them and slipping them between her lips until they tingle with the heat of her mouth. I just lay back and enjoy.
The sensations get wilder and it becomes apparent my prick can't withstand much more. I gasp and let out warning cries as my pole starts blasting thick spurts of cream into her throat. Mona milking me dry, taking every drop of cum from my pole.
Swollen, open and slick with juices, her pussy is crimson with lust. I slid my face across her slit, feeling the wetness spread over my skin. My mouth finds her crevice and I slurped the salty sweet juices. My tongue finds her big clit and flicks it. Mona grabs my head and ground her hips against my face. Flicking my tongue faster has her moaning and her hips thrashing. She lets out a scream and locks her thighs around my head, holding my mouth thightly against her quivering cunt and rewarding me with a flood of her sweet juices.
Her cunt was so slippery with cum that my shaft slid into her like a greased pole. Mona's pussy was clasping my cock like a vise. I could feel the concentric circles all along the walls of her tight cunt as it quivered and spasmed.
There was none of the giggling and frivolity of the young chicks I knew. All her efforts were concentrated on enjoying what we were doing. When she'd come enough to satisfy her for the moment and I'd squirted all mmy juice, we lay in the quiet comfort of allowing our naked bodies to touch in the peaceful afterglow.
The next morning Mona tells me to be ready for a surprise; a gorgeous girl closer to my age. We all get together with Gerri, another of her girlfriends who came to dinner that night for a great supper of overly-seasoned pork chops Mona prepares especially. In the middle of the meal, I suddenly feel someone playing footsie with me under the table. I was so startled I dropped my fork. Looking at Mona and Gerri both across from me reveals nothing. Diving under the table to retrieve my fork, I suddenly wanted something'off-the-menu.' I didn'gt noticdce until then that they were eating with one hand: their other hands were in each other's naked wet crotch.
My first menage-a-trios was on top of the dinner table. They cleared the table and stripped while I shed my own clothing, setting my thick pole free to point at the ceiling, pulsing rapidly in its rosy nipple between my teeth, nibbling tenderly at the surrounding pink flesh. Gerri's voice climbed in pitch to a shrill whine and she pressed herself upward, trying to stuff more of her boob into my mouth. Opening my jaw to its limit and exerting my throat muscles, I vacuumed in as much of her tit as she offered to my sucking mouth.
Mona guided me in Gerri's skins and started pile-driving me with her hands on my ass. Gerri must have known I was going to come. She threw her legs around my ass and locked her ankles, forcing my cick deep inside her pussy and mashing my nuts against her ass.
Wads and wads of hot jism shot through my stiff cock and spurted from my swollen cockhead. Shudders swept through Gerri's pussy at the same time. Her whole body bucked around on my spurting cockshaft, and I knew she was coming.
What seemed like quarts of moisure foamed out of Gerri love box and around my cock-shaft.
Gerri kept bucking hard against my cum shot. She clutched my shoulders and hung on, her ankles still locked tight behind my ass. Her pussy muscles tightened against my cock, milking all the cum from my nuts and every ounce of strength from my body. Moments later, I collapsed, exhausted, on the table beside Gerri.
Mona got a washcloth while we moved to the leather couch in the TV room. I got another erection. Free of her hands, I slithered down the couch, rubbing my stiff cock against the cushion. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it underneath her lower back. Caressing the soft, warm backs of her thighs. I slowly pusheed them up against herchest. Rolled like a ball, Mona's ass flattened, sreading wide so she was completely exposed to my eyes, fingers, and probing tongue, I licked across the tan oval of extra-smooth skin surrounding her pink asshole, up along her equally flattened outer pussy lips, and then kissed the tip of her protruding clit. Over and over I licked up her delicious crease. The mixed flavors of ass and ussy made me rub my cock against the sofa underneath me. The more I licked, the harder and louder Mona grunted and groaned.
Then I laid her back on the reliner with her long legs over the arms of the chair. Then I plowed her pussy with my long hard dick. Mona moans said it all.
She reached up to the back of the reliner using it for support and stiffening her legs over the arms of the chair, she lifted up and rammed her pussy down on mycock in the throes of ecstasy. Then Mona and Gerri both proceeded to give me head at the same time! I felt like my orgasm was going to come out of the other end of my dick!
Gerri later became my wife. And Mona still lives nearby. Sometimes Mona and I have semi-public sex. There was the sex of consent issue at first. Now that we are older, that's no longer an issue. Now, unless you knew we were related, our fucking, half-naked wouldn't efen raise your eyebrows. It would look ilike a younger man with an older-woman lover. The getting caught part adds spice to the sex. Icould tell you about the time...well, maybe next letter.
Annie (my sister) has turned into a real bitch... |
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