Cabin by the Lake 2
Note : this story is completely fictional!
Natalie looked at her daughter. As she rubbed her hand on her
daughter's vaginal mound, she remarked, "Gee, sweety, I never noticed
how nice your pussy was." Then she turned to Mark, remarking, "You
do good work, son." Turning around, she walked toward the sink. "I'll
get the dishes done."
As she stood at the sink, bathed in the bright glow of the lantern
on the table, Mark noticed there was no back panel on his mother's
swimming suit, just a thin thread. He whispered a comment to his sister. Both
looked at their mother's bare butt.
"Go ahead, Mark," Kim whispered, "I dare you."
"Oh you do, do you?" He whispered. "Just watch." Mark casually
walked over to the sink as Kim watched her brother closely. "Hey,
mom, want some help?" Standing a little bit behind to her side he
knew she'd have to turn to answer him. At least that's what he thought, anyway.
Afterall, it would be proper. Hoping for the opportunity, he put his hand tight
on his mother's upper thigh. He knew that, if she did turn to answer him, his
hand would slip underneath the ribbon protecting her.
"Oh, could you, Mark? That would be so nice." Grabbing a towel
from the rack, and knowing full well where her son's hand was, she
turned to give it to him. "Here, you dry."
Quickly turning as she did allowed his hand to slip under the ribbon. His
hand was actually touching his mother's vaginal mound. And she knew it. And she
really didn't seem to care.
Removing his hand, she commented, "You really need to use both hands to dry, you
know." Handing him the towel, she smiled at him.
Mark took a dish from the rack and started to dry it. He thought
about apologizing for what he had done. So he casually remarked,
"You're not sore at me? Are you, mom?"
"About what, sweety?"
"Well, I . . ."
"Oh that! Don't be silly. Afterall, it was just an accident."
Gee, he thought to himself, she actually didn't have a clue. His
act was deliberate and his own mother thought it was an accident.
Actually Natalie knew full well that his action was premeditated and that he did
intend to touch her down there. But she couldn't let
on. "Well, that's that. The dishes are all done and dried." Kissing her son on
the cheek, she commented, "Thanks for helping."
Bending down to kiss him she deliberately allowed her son a peek
at her cleavage. She had an inkling, as glued as her son's eyes were
to her breasts, that he just might be able to see her hard nipples.
Being as swelled up they pushed the material away. If he looked close enough
he'd be able to see his mother's light brown nipples clearly. "Hey, how about a
game of cards!?"
"Sure, why not?" Mark answered, sitting down at the table.
Kim sat down at the table opposite her brother. "My legs are kind
of stiff," she said. "Would you mind dearly if I stretched them out?"
"Naw," Mark replied. "Go right ahead, sis."
As Kim moved her chair closer to the table she stretched out her
legs. Deliberately extending her legs she rested her feet directly
in her brother's lap. "Gee," she commented as she toed Mark's penis and
testicles, "that's comfy."
Sitting down at the table, Natalie asked, "Well, what game should we play?"
Shuffling the cards, she answered her own question. "How
about rummy?"
"Okay, mom," Kim agreed. "But there's a condition."
"And what, pray tell, is that?"
"If you lose you lose."
"If I lose I lose? What are you saying anyway, Kim?"
"Just this, dear mother," she answered, cutting in quickly. "If you lose the
game you have to take off your swimming suit."
Natalie smiled at her daughter. "Well, Kim, I guess I just won't lose then. Will
I?" Dealing the cards, she added, "As as matter of
fact I'm very good at this game. And I never lose!" Looking at her two children
she asked, "What's in it for me if I win?"
Mark and Kim looked at each other. Neither could think of anything. Smiling at
each other Kim remarked, "Okay, mom, if you win,
I'll lick my brother's penis."
"Well, that's sounds fair enough. One five hundred game, then."
"Okay," Kim agreed, "one game." Though she liked the idea of getting to lick her
brother's penis, to see what it actually tasted like, she'd rather see her
mother nude. She was pretty, with a pretty body, and Kim knew that Mark would
love to see her nude, too.
The cards having been dealt presented an exciting game. Natalie
was playing to win and had clever strategy. However, unbeknowst to their own
mother, her children had teamed up, together, against her.
They were determined to force their mother out of her swimming suit.
The game was going in favor of Natalie. She was raking up high points with each
hand they played. Mark, on the one hand, wasn't doing so well. Kim was aware of
their respective points since she was keeping score. Though she had tried to
favor her brother with good cards, when she dealt, she soon realized that he
didn't play very well. So it had to fall all on her shoulders. Kim had to beat
her mother. Looking at the scores, she knew that only one more hand
would be dealt. "Well, mom, this is for game point."
"Okay," Natalie replied. "And you will lick your brother's penis?"
"Yeah, I will."
"And," Mark chimed in, "if Kim should just happen to win . . ."
"I know. I have to let you two see me naked." Fanning the cards in her hand, she
grinned at them. "Never happen." Thinking awhile, as she looked at the cards she
held, she added, "And, Kim, while you're licking your brother's dick he gets to
play with those cute little tits you've got."
"Okay, mom, agreed." Looking at her hand she had a feeling she might just win.
Afterall, she reasoned, their scores were very close.
"You do know, mother, that I might just win."
"Oh, you think so?"
"Yes, mother, I just might win." As they played their respective hands, Kim
commented, a demanding tone in her voice, "If I do win, mother, both Mark and me
get to take off your swimming suit."
"Okay," Natalie remarked laying down a card, "I can live with that."
"And we'll touch every part of your body, too," Mark cut in.
Discarding a card she had no use for, she smiled, "Oh you will?"
"Yes," Kim answered, discarding a card to the pile, "we will. And,
I might add, we'll," and smiling back at her mother, "be sure to feel
you up real good."
Discarding a card, she grinned at both of her children. With a
wry smile crossing her lips, she remarked, "I thought you might take
that advantage." Looking at the cards in Mark's hand she knew there
wasn't a chance he'd beat her. "Hey, just so you guys know. I've only got one
card left."
"Yeah, and I'ved got three. So what?"
"Well, Kim, the odds of you winning with three cards is not that
"Probably not, mother. But if I get the right card I've got this
game won. Besides two of mine are high cards and a pair at that." In the event
she just might lose, she massaged her feet against her brother's penis and
testicles. She immediately felt his penis harden to full erection. She rubbed
the sides of her feet against his shaft, enjoying the sensation of her feet on
his erect penis.
"Hell, Kim, the only card that could cinch this game for you would
be the high joker." Looking at her one card, and looking at her beautiful spread
of high point cards, she added, "And I only need the
lady of spades." Natalie withdrew a card from the pile, looked at it, and threw
it down. "Shit."
Now it was Mark's turn to pick up a card. If he got the high joker
his mother would get to watch his sister suck his hard shaft and he'd
be down two hundred points. His hand reached slowly for the pack of
cards. He never prayed so hard in his life. He didn't want the high
card in the deck and he hoped, as he picked up one card from the face down
stack, that this one card wouldn't be it. Slipping the card slowly off the stack
of ten cards he grimaced as he slowly turned its
face toward himself. He smiled at Kim. It was a King. He could play that with
his other two. And that left him with only two cards.
Slowly Kim moved her hand toward the stack of cards. The cards in her hand were
two aces and a two. Though the ace showing on the discard file was tempting, she
had to chance picking up the high joker because without the extra hundred points
she'd have no chance of winning. She really wanted to see her mother naked and
she knew her brother was excited about it too. "Well, mother," she commented as
she moved her hand toward the face down stack, "this could be it."
"Yeah it could be, honey. Either way, though, one of us, at least,
will have fun."
Slowly Kim withdrew the top card from the facedown stack. As she
slipped it toward herself she hoped it was the card. Very slowly she
turned its face around. "Mom," she commented, putting it face down on the table,
"if this is the card, you lose."
"Yeah, Kim, I know."
"And," Mark cut in quickly, "I finally get to see my mother naked."
"Yeah, Mark, you do. Afterall, I agreed to the terms."
"And," Kim added, "we can touch you intimately."
"As agreed," Natalie answered hoping the card her daughter had turned face down
wasn't the high joker. She knew that the extra one hundred thirty points would
benefit her children. Though secretly she
fantascized about their hands touching her. Afterall she had given her son an
unrestricted close encounter with her vaginal mound. If Kim did have the high
joker, how intimate would her children get?
"Geez Kim! Turn the damn card over already!"
"Before I do, I want to say this." Natalie glared at her, as did
her brother, as she continued, "if I win you lay down on the bed."
"And?" Natalie grinned at her daughter.
"And we get to take off your swimming suit. And I guarantee we
will both take advantage of it."
"Oh, yeah!" Mark chimed in with a wide smile.
"Well, sweety, if that is the card, the one you need, I hope you show me no
Mark looked curiously at his mother. "What do you mean, mom?"
"Just this, Mark. I hope you both get real personal with me."
"Just to let you know, mom," Kim remarked, "I hope I win. I surely will enjoy
getting really personal. And I'm sure Mark will, too."
"Just turn the damn card over!"
Kim smiled at Mark as she peeked at the card. Winking at him, she
casually commented, "Well, Mark, it appears that I ..." She cut herself off
trying to keep her mother in suspense.
"Hah, I get to see you suck your brother's dick!"
"Yeah, I guess, you do," Kim replied.
"Yes, smarty. Cause the lady lies face up and it's mine." Natalie
had fumbled the game, deliberately, though not obviously.. She had hoped that
one of her kids would win. When her daughter had set the rules down, she got
excited about the possibility of them groping her body as they removed her
swimming suit. Actually she wanted one of them to win and she hoped that her
daughter had the high joker.
"I'm being mean, aren't I?" Natalie nodded at her daughter as Kim
turned over the card. Laying her two aces on top of it, she discarded
her last card. She had left Mark with two cards and her mother with
one. As Kim tallied the final hand score she had beat her mother by
two aces and the HIGH JOKER!
Natalie got up from the table and smiled. "I'm glad you won, Kim."
"So am I."
Mark was extremely excited as he got up from the table. "I'm glad she won, too.
Now I'll get to see you naked!"
"Yes, you will." As she laid down on the bed she cradled her head
in her arms, undoing the snap as she did so. As Kim and Mark looked
down, anxiously, at her, she commented, "Before you take off my swimming suit I
just want you to know one thing."
"What's that?" Kim asked as she, accompanied by her brother, slipped her hand
under the netting.
"I fumbled the game."
Mark looked her in the eye. "You did? You mean on purpose?"
"Yeah, I did, on purpose."
Kim looked at her mother. "Why did you do that?"
Natalie smiled at both of them. "Because I wanted one of you to
"Why? Why would you do that?" Kim asked, slipping her hand a little deeper into
the netting.
"Because you remember what I said about Mark asking me to stay with him?" Kim
nodded as did her brother. "And that he told me it'd
be okay if I changed with him?" Both children nodded. "Well, I really wanted to.
I wanted Mark to see me naked."
"Then why didn't you just change when I did, mom?"
"Because it really wouldn't have been any fun for you."
"Oh yes it would have!"
"No, Mark, not really. Seeing your mother naked is one thing. But
if she let's you touch her, it's more exciting." Smiling at Mark, she added,
"You aroused me the two times you touched me. That's why I agreed to your
sister's terms. And that's why I threw the game."
She smiled at both of them, adding, "So grope every inch of me."
Kim and Mark slipped the suit off slowly removing the top panels. Kim looked at her mother's naked breasts, with the prominantly hardened nipples, and
remarked, "Wow, mom, you got nice tits."
"Yeah," Mark commented as he caressed her nipples, "these are
cute, too. Hell, they're hard as stone!"
"Go ahead, both of you," Natalie said, "suck on 'em."
As both Kim and Mark sucked, and licked, her hard nipples they
continued to pull down the suit, slowly submerging their hands toward
her blond vaginal forest.
Upon reaching the top of her bush, he stopped. Natalie raised her butt off the bed allowing Mark the honors of
removing her swimming suit the rest of the way. She lay motionless on the bed.
She wondered why he was hesitating. "Is there something wrong, sweety?"
"Well, I feel funny."
"Why, sweety?"
Kim cut in quickly. "Go ahead, Mark.
Let's see mommy's vagina!"
Natalie sighed a little. "Mark, go ahead. I don't have a problem with you
seeing it." Thinking a moment, she added,
"Besides, you'll probably like what you
Mark slipped his hand further downward.
As his hand rubbed against her mound he
heard his mother sigh loudly. "Does that
excite you, mom?"
"Oh, yes, baby, yes. Free your mother's pussy!"
Slipping his hand down further he encountered a slightly bare spot. He was anxious now. Quickly he yanked his mother's swimming suit down. He turned
toward her feet as he slid the suit toward
her ankles.
As Mark slid the suit towards his mother's ankles she kicked it high in the
air. Mark moved slightly to avoid getting
kicked in the head. She stanced her feet
flat on the bed and spread her knees apart.
Kim looked at her mother. She couldn't
resist and rubbed her hand against the blond forest that presented itself. "Oh,
mom, it's so nice," she sighed.
Natalie brushed her daughter's hand away. Noticing Mark was still hesitant to
look at her, she sighed a whisper, "Mark."
I was kind enough to help my neighbour in fulfiling her needs when she needed it... |
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