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Brothers Friend Shower Part 1 reviews

Posted by ben
wow so many spelling mistakes, needs editing but other than that a good story.
Posted by Ziimplementee
Ya this is really petahtic. I honestly don't have a problem with gays, if they want to get married fine I don't give a fuck. Plus, Modern Family is a great show. But this shit is petahtic. Butch McDyke might has well have sent her kid up to the brainless pair of tits with a couple notecards. This was so forced and rehearsed the kid just ends up looking like a failure and the mom comes off like raging rug muncher who only went lezz cause no man could deal with her shit.
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The big, bearded German worked his free hand between Richard's legs and gripped his cock, so that the deeper he stuffed his fist into Richard's asshole, the harder he jerked his dick...