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Brief, part 5 reviews

Posted by Sydney
I'm sorry but I'm kind of confused on what just happened here.. I get that he left her but what test? Why is this in the bisexual part of the site? This has just brought up more questions then answer so please in the next one answer all of them. I like it though.
Posted by Lacy
I am really confused... I like the first parts, but this last part didn't make any sense whatsoever. What Test?? And Why Bisexual category? I hope the next part offers alot more insight...
Posted by Chris
I don't care what category it was in, but I am not confused and I understand what the test was. I like this series because it is not really about sex it is about a relationship and there is a story. Please continue, because I will continue to read them. Thanks
Posted by Sydney
Well if you know care to tell the rest of us? Hmph. Only a guy would say that.
Posted by Samantha
Sorry about the category screw up. Supposed to be under Erotic. Rest of story to be found under story title "Brief" 1-4. Sorry about that.
Posted by Anitra
I rceokn you are quite dead on with that.
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