Hi you remember me? I have read every one and even if no one else wants to read it I really really do. That was the best one and now you've got this twist going on. I just can't imagine what they are going to say. There are so many situations. You can't keep people waiting so long. This is such a good story and you are a really good writer. Please PLEASE continue.
Posted by Maria
Your stories all seem the samd as if you follow a formula. How about making your characters real people,not always being so programmed - first play with the tits, then bring out the big huge one which is always unrealisticly immense then oral sex, then more oral sex then anal sex, then vaginal sex. Every one of your stories follows the same routine as though people are robots and everyone is simply always into it, Get real
Posted by nic
oh wow, keep it going, your story is wonderful
Posted by Samantha
Well, aside from the fact that I am a programmed writer, I thank you all for your comments. It's odd that I follow a "routine" since most of this is real. But criticism is good... keeps me awake. Four is coming soon!
Posted by Peachy_ Keen
This story and the rest of them were amazing. I hope the author writes another one so I can find out what happens.
Posted by Sameera
i like the story it was amazing This story and the rest of them were amazing. I hope the author writes another one so I can find out what happens.
Asma and I had always dreamed of such an experience...