Bred Wee, to Serve.
Note : This story is completely fictional!
"Well now what do we have here, a piglet! Where's your collar?"
"The master had it removed in the smith shop."
"Show me your brand!"
"Here near my anus #MM-1245" She turned spreading her cheeks
revealing her identification number.
"Very well Piglet, were you ever given a human name?"
"No mistress, my previous owner referred to me as M4. I was his
midget sex slave number four. He won me at an auction as a virgin
sex slave when I was eighteen. I'm nineteen summers now. When he
died I was sold off as part of the estate auction since he had no
"Where were you propagated?"
"I was bred at the Moor slave farm in a special division for the
propagating and rearing of midgets. They have their own auction
"I've never heard of Moors; what region is that in?"
"Sorry Mistress, I only know it was three days in a cage-wagon to
my first owner's farm. This auction was an eight day chained
march from
"What size cage-wagon was that?
"It was not a large wagon we were ten female sex and house slaves
in it, squeezed together and collar chained to an iron bar in the
In the evenings a fresh layer of straw was thrown in and then some
gruel and water.
"Did you feel ill treated being transported under those conditions?"
"Sorry mistress, what is ill treated?"
"Well it means that someone is not being nice to you, making you
suffer under terrible conditions."
"I'm a slave mistress I don't understand how I could suffer or be
ill treated."
"So you accept that an owner can exploit a slave like an animal?"
"Yes of course Mistress, I'm chattel not a person."
"You don't think you're better than animals?"
"I don't think there's a difference mistress, I served my owners
sexual needs; animals are used in other ways."
"How many slaves did your first owner hold?"
"The drover boss counted sixteen sex slaves and eighty-five
field and house slaves when checking the inventory papers."
"How do you know that, can you count?"
"A little mistresses but I have almost total recall. I heard
the boss drover count us, while sitting on his horse, as we
were being chained for the march."
"How did you keep up in an eight day march with those legs?"
"The sex slaves were collar chained in a grid four across and
four rows, separately from the others. We were four midgets on
the inside and the drovers allowed two slaves to carry us,
four-handed seat
style when we got really tired; after two day though the four of us
were transported in a cage wagon."
"I thought sex slaves were always transported in cage wagons?"
"The auction house representative said we were out of shape
and that the march would firm us up so we would fetch a better
price. They got the cage wagon because we slowed the drive too
much. "
"Did the drovers use your body?"
"The auction house rep. wouldn't' let them penetrate us but
said they could thigh-fuck and have us blow them. So whenever
they stopped to water the animals we were busy sucking or
being thigh fucked. Sometimes the drovers would jump from
their horses and cling to the moving wagon sticking their
cocks inside to be sucked. Also during
the overnight stay in the corrals; they said we needed the moisture."
"Drovers can be amusing at times; so no penetration sex?"
"Not with the sex slaves but some of the house and field
slaves were used that way in the night. I could see parts of
it because the
drovers had lamps. They beat some with the riding crop, before and
after. Some of the male slaves were beaten too, for looking at the
drovers in a certain way they said, while they were using or beating
the females."
"Interesting pastime for drovers but necessary I suppose ...
yes well,describe your auction then. Women are not allowed to
attend slave auctions; I am always curious about the
proceedings and having total recall you should be able to give
me all the details."
"Yes mistress, I remember what the auctioneer said as he
described my body and documentation history to the prospective
`Look what my keeper is leading out of that holding cell. His
hand is holding its chain at the same height as the slave's
neck collar. "I was lifted up on box next to the auctioneer"
`My honourable and disguished gentlemen, this next auction
item is for estate unit number thirty-six on page eight, a
very rare and unusual example of the dwarf female sex slave
category. We have not been able to offer such a
thoroughbred critter for many years. It is perfectly proportioned
standing three foot eight inches, as you can see with a very pretty
and sweet face. Beautiful unblemished alabaster skin, nicely shaped
thick thighs, a striking bubble ass, long golden blond hair with a
full red bush below and nicely pointed breasts.'
"He flicked my tits with the riding crop letting them bounce
and then motioned for me to turn and wiggle my ass." `I ask you
gentlemen, is that not a perfect body to pick up and ram?' "He
padded my ass and
thighs several times with the riding crop." `Look at that ass and
those fatty thighs jiggle. Nice and soft, there's an inch of comfy fat
there; this property was bred for one reason and one reason only, a
fine gentleman's comfort. The cunt is of course trained like all sex
slaves for pleasuring the penis. This particular unit can grasp and
hold your manhood, until you command a release but fortunately this
property is slavishly...obedient.'
"Loud laughter from the crowd, as he emphasised the word
`slavishly' strongly;" `The previous owner referred to this
unit as squeezy in hs chattel log. This critter also comes
equipped with unusual long tongue, which is useful for many
applications... ahem, except for of course backtalk.'
"There was more laughter from the crowd." `Show the gentlemen
your snake slave.'
"I licked the bridge of my nose, resulting in an amazed and
approving murmur from the crowd." `The unit is also rated very
high in lesbian sex techniques. It has never failed to satisfy
another female, human or slave, great for visual performances.
Totally submissive, no
discipline necessary here, unless of course you take pleasure in that
recreational activity known as: beating the flesh; if so stripes show
exceptionally well on this type of fair skin. This unit is just pure
pleasure for any new owner and of course propagated and trained on a
sex farm, it has never known clothing and would be very uncomfortable
wearing any. Besides, fitting a sex slave in anything but an iron
collar is against the law but then what goes on in a harem stays
`The registration is sex slave brand # MM-1245, the deed
details its pure-bred pedigree with a direct blood-line
through seven generations of midget propagated units with no
escape violations on either the male or female side and all
documents are verified by the property registry office with
dated wax seals.
` Like all of our choicest selections, this unit has been
available for witnessed and duly recorded; thigh-fuck and or suckling
trails in the last thirty days for prospective buyers of proven means,
with no complaints. Let me see here ... ah yes, forty-eight honourable
gentlemen plus, ahem ... yours truly have tested its oral skills and
muscular texture; in my case... of course, just to make sure the unit
functioned according to its specifications. You can't endorse a
product, I say...without sampling it first.'
"There was roaring loud laughter from the crowd."
`There is a prorated buy back clause from Moore's sex slave
farm for breeding purposes, good for another six years. As you
might not know propagating these units is highly specialized
and should be left to experts and not until age 25 or so. Take
it down the catwalk keeper and stop when asked. Please
gentlemen, feel free to physically examine this unique
"The Keeper lifted me down to pace the catwalk on his chain, I
strutted my stuff while bouncing my flesh in the most desirable
manner. Stopping when he yanked my chain to display my brand or turn
showing any part of my body requested and then prodding me on with the
riding crop. Many potential buyers groped my thighs, fingered my
vagina, slapped and clasped my ass and squeezed my tits or asked to
see me lick my nose. I loved the attention and the admiring looks. I
am multi orgasmic and soon had cum running down my thigh." `Look!
"The auctioneer beamed when I arrived back at the stage." `This
property is so hot from showing and being groped that juice is running
down its thighs. This is a natural born sex slave relishing its status
in life, guaranteed to give any gentleman, his wife or mistress years
of enthusiastic service and appraised at much more than the starting
bid with no reserve.'
"Well there's no need for a reserve on that little sex pistol.
Someone in the crow yelled."
`Be that as it may, the papers guarantee multi orgasms if you
care about that, with men or women. Can I hear the starting bid
gentlemen as noted in the catalogue?'
"I don't know much about numbers or money mistress but there
were many, many bids while I was being displayed along the
catwalk again.I recognised many gentlemen who had tested me
during the thirty days, including the Master who finally won
me. I heard from someone in the crow after the final bid, that
it was a new record for a non-virgin
sex slave in any category. I had the great pleasure of suckling the
Master many times in his fancy carriage during the three day trip
"Alright pig, I've heard enough! In this house I hold legal
title to ten chattels that I refer to as a heard of pigs, well
nine and one piglet now. I could care less about how much you
cost the master. As
to your offensive claim that a lowly subhuman swine can achieve a
sexual climax! I don't ever want to hear that again! Understood!"
"Yes mistress I'm very sorry."
"A pig slave is a non-person and sexual pleasure is the sole
domain of human beings. Neither do I care much about how
beautiful you are or about your long golden hair. If it were
not for the master who visits occasionally, I would have you
all shaven bald; that would be so much more hygienic. Instead
your hair will be done up in a tight bun, where it won't get
in the way. The only attribute you have of importance to me is
that protruding flesh on your ass. I share an interest in that
area, porky, with the master for a different reason. Display
it!" Pig ten swung her long hair aside and eagerly arched her
back gyrating the requested globes, hoping for a hands-on
inspection. The mistress studied it carefully for a moment
while piglet maintained eye contact; she then signalled her to
turn back and then cast a meaningful eye to a riding crop
hanging from a slave's cunt. "You are merely an extension of
my will...pig! My personal your singular reason
for living. I refer to all my slaves' as swine, pigs, sows,
porky or such ... because...they are! So... it will be up to
you to know, when you are spoken to or gestured at. In other
words, you would be very foolish to ever... take you eyes off
me unless ordered...even for an instance!
"Failing to carry out any suggestion made immediately...being
that spoken, gestured or implied, will result in up to ten
lashes on those `protruding...fleshy...buttocks of yours!" She
emphasised the words in an erotic tone and then took a deep
breath. "I use the word `suggestion' in the sense that you
don't need to obey me if you don't want long as you
are willing to face the consequences..." she took another deep
breath while eying piglet's ass and then the riding crop.
"In a little while I will take extraordinary delight in
impressing upon you, the value of focusing your undivided
attention on the only... human these chambers. It
will also ensure that your blasphemous claim as to a slave
attaining a sexual climax will be
forever wiped from your feeble sub-human brain. First though, I want
you to look at each swine around you and tell me what you see?"
Every fibre of her shapely little body was now igniting with
sexual tension; her whole being was about submission to an
owner's pleasures. She didn't miss her reference to the crop
but she relished this new experience, of being unnecessarily
threatened into submission.
Inflicting pain was an owner's privilege and did not lessen her desire
to obey. She had never been beaten before but now, the thought of pain
and then satisfying her mistress sexually became an aphrodisiac. She
could feel the juices stirring in her crotch as she eyed each of the
other slaves in turn.
They were all on their slightly spread knees revealing their
bodies in profile to the mistress, except the slave standing
next to the
mistress with the riding crop hanging from her vagina. All were
beautiful and smiling with sweet angelic expressions, heads slightly
lowered and cocked with faces turned towards their mistress, the
fingertips of their praying hands just touching one cheek. Their
elbows were lifted, accenting their perky breasts and every pair of
eyes were fixed, with a glazed devoted intensity on the mistress.
Every luscious body of various racial backgrounds had a curvaceous
body in common. They were all about her age or a little older and
obviously adored their mistress.
She was desperate for the feel of a female body, any female.
Her mind wondered while she focused on each of her sister sex
slave, to her last owner's death, to the drovers and then the
auction house. There she was exhibited outdoors daily on a
raised porch, neck chained to a post on public display along
with many other beautiful and
desirable females, each holding a sign with a stock number on it. Well
dressed gentlemen on the sidewalk would look over the collection of
female slaves at their leisure, sometimes motioning one to turn one
way or another.
They had been trained by the auction house staff to smile
seductively at potential customers with a sweet `please buy
me' expression. She knew this was done to increase the number
of bidders for the upcoming monthly auction date. Less
desirable slaves on another porch were auctioned weekly. At
least once a day a customer would go to the sales office with
her number and a keeper would unlock the chain and lead her
back to one of the inspection cells. There she was groped and
sometime thigh-fucked but mostly performing blow jobs on the
prospective bidders. This was always done under the watchful eyes of a
keeper to make sure that customer did not attempt vaginal penetration
but more importantly to make certain that she performed the requested
sex acts with a deliberate and heated passion. When done she would
wash her customer's penis. After he left she washed her own body and
was then quickly taken back outside, chained to a post, smiling
hopefully and seductively at the next gentleman catching her eyes or
ogling her body.
She was hands-on coached by the auction house owner or an
assistant several times in the first few days and occasionally
after that. They directed her to moan and groan erotically as
they fondled and groped her body roughly at times; also while
being thigh-fucked or sucking cock. After ejaculation she had
to thank them sincerely in her
sweetest voice and describe how honoured she was to have satisfied
such a distinguished gentleman.
In the case of a blow job she was to stay on her knees and
look up adoringly while sucking every drop out of his shaft.
All the while
making contented moaning sounds while trying to catch every glob of
semen dripping from her chin and covering her chest, stomach and
She was instructed to look down scooping the globs with her
fingers and then look up with a grateful expression, sucking
them clean making contented ah and um sounds. Most gentlemen
and the drovers demanded to watch that. Finally while washing
his penis with a warm cloth she was to express her sincere
hope and desire for such an honourable gentleman to bid on her
at the auction.
Between the drovers and the auction house she had sucked many
cocks and downed a lot of semen. Maybe all her fingers and
toes times the fingers on her one hand but she had lost count.
She had never imagined that she would ever suck so many cocks
in a short time. Her training however had taught her over and
over again, that to question an order from a citizen owner was
a serious violation of the law punishable by a severe flogging
or even death by hanging, that was her fate as a slave.
She had faced the day of the auction with a sense of relief.
She was proud of her body and loved the ogling adulation from
the large crowd. Every gentleman there wanted her body and she
wanted one of them. She longed for one owner and the private
security of his harem.
She loved her new owner who had left her here with his
mistress and her lesbian side now yearned to surrender her
body and will, to this
dominant woman with an obvious fetish for the female buttocks, or on
her orders any one of her luscious sister slaves. She imagined a
continuous orgy of erotic punishment and repeated commands for a
variety of lesbian sex acts.
Snapping out of her reverie she faced her mistress again,
smiling enthusiastically careful not to appear too eager. "My
beloved mistress I see the sweet reverence of love, deep
affection and the profound desire to submit their bodies to
any pleasure the mistress could desire." She spoke hoarsely,
revealing her sexual passion while
falling to her knees, adopting the posture and yearning expression of
her sister slaves taking care that her ass profile was maximum to her
mistress's eyes.
"Very good piglet, you learn quickly for a sub human swine,
now let me make something very clear. Your mistress and my
kind were created by a divine higher power to rule and
exploit...the inferior orders of sub humans for their own
good! To you then, I am...undisputedly therefore...the
proprietor of that power. Since you and your kind, are
helplessly ignorant and incapable of independent thought, that
higher power has bestowed upon me divine right ... the
responsibility of controlling every aspect of your life."
Piglet felt a strong surge of moisture in her vagina, as her
obedient disposition doted on very word of this new
experience; she worshipped her mistress already.
"Some time ago while praying for guidance when dealing with the
dim-witted behaviour of sub-humans, an angel appeared to me in a
vision. I was assured that the riding crop by itself, although a
consecrated entity, lacked a deeper spiritual connection without a
dedicated altar. I was then given a directive for having a sacred
behavioural modification altar constructed.
"The altar; includes the sacred number of seven motivating
elements with their triangular shapes representing the holy
triad. The angel assured me that the ceremony, provided that
the crop is wielded by a divinely inspired soul, would impart
a passionate love and unselfish devotion in any sub-human
chattel for its possessor.
"As you have seen by the sweet devoted faces around you, this
altar combined with the crop performs miracles. Occasionally a
sow will
pass an entire day without the need for a corrective ritual. Such
extended good conduct by swine is unheard in other households.
"A minimum of one daily ritual on the altar for all sub-human
creatures was recommended by the angel in order to discourage sinful
behaviour. Every pig...should keep that in mind and if an entire day
should pass for any pig without a violation; that pig will be allowed
to request permission to mount the altar for a voluntary crop ritual.
If I generously decide to accommodate such a plea, that pig will then
choose the altar settings but not the number of strokes, stroke
intervals or the degree of force with which the crop will strike
the...ass flesh...; my hand...wielding the holy crop is always
directed by divine inspiration following a solemn prayer."
She then pointed at a contraption resembling a footstool at her
To be continued...
The Peeping show ends... |
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