Brandi Is Turning Into A Slut.
I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is John. I was twenty-four and Brandi was twenty-two. We went out a few times, but never got serious.
Too much partying and too many drugs caused me to go down hill really fast in my senior year of college. I was spending my dad's money and having a great time. My final semester I got booted out for poor grades. My dad had finally gotten tired of my antics and he told me that I was on my own.
I pulled a few strings with some people I knew and got into commercial real estate. I had been selling commercial real estate for 18 years and was doing quite well. Brandi walked back into my life and we fell madly in love. We got married after a short courtship.
We had an ok sexual relationship, but not great. I had become money hungry and really didn't pay too much attention to my wife. Two years into my marriage, one of the guys at work introduced me to a porn site. I started reading about men who wanted to see their wives sleep with other guys. Every time I read a story, I got the biggest hard-on thinking about Brandi with someone else. All I had to do was talk her into doing it.
Brandi really got off when we were having sex, but we never did much talking during the act. I decided to introduce talking to her. I could tell when Brandi was ready to get off and I would pull out. Then, I would stick it back in real slow and tease her. She got very frustrated with me.
I would say, "can you imagine another guy sticking his cock in you right now?" It was such a turn on to her. After a few times of doing this, we started talking about different guys.
Brandi asked me, "do you want me to sleep with someone else? Would you get jealous?"
I answered, "I think if the situation comes up, we will both know. I don't think I would get jealous because you would be doing it for us. I do think it should be an older guy for the first time."
It was really hard on me thinking about sex all the time and putting in the long hours in on my job. The home base for the company I worked for was in southern California. I was out of town two to three weeks out of the month. Any time that I was going to make a bid on property where I lived, the company would send out a financial advisor and another person who dealt with real estate.
We decided to buy a large home. When the company would send people to work with me we would have plenty of room. The home we bought was 5,000 square feet, on five acres, had four bedrooms, four baths, a swimming pool, hot tub, and a three car garage. On the back of the property was a guest house that had 1200 sq. ft. We live in sunny northern California.
My major builder, who was a general contractor, lived in the city where we bought our house. He had built the house that we bought. The builder's name is Joseph, everyone calls him Joe. He is a great guy and a very hard worker. Joe is close to seventy and his wife Beth is in her middle sixties. What you found out about Beth very quickly was that she was a snob and let everyone know that she had money.
Joe actually got his hands dirty when he bid a job. He liked to drink with his crews and he loved women. The first time he saw Brandi he told me I was a very lucky man.
Brandi and I decided to have Joe and Beth over for dinner one Saturday night. They arrived at our house in their limousine. Their driver opened the door and escorted them to our front door.
The first words out of Beth's mouth was, "Joseph, I remember when you built this house I really didn't like it."
Brandi looked over at me and mouthed, "Oh my god!" I thought to myself that this is going to be a very long night, but smiled and welcomed them inside.
I told Brandi to dress very conservatively, so she put on an attractive sweater and a nice pair of slacks. It was pretty hard to hide those double D's. Brandi did not like to wear a bra. I noticed Joe staring right at her boobs. I looked over at Beth and my thoughts were poor Joe. I would be staring if I were Joe. Beth was really overweight. She and Joe had been married for forty two years and you could tell she wore the pants in their house.
I said to them, "let's all go in the living room and I will mix us some drinks."
Of course, Beth informed me, "I want a very dry vodka martini." Joe asked for a beer.
Beth asked, "what are we having for dinner?" She had already downed her first martini. It seemed like it took her two minutes or less.
I replied, "I thought I would barbecue some steaks with potatoes. I also have some fresh shrimp that I am going throw on the grill. Brandi is getting the salad and corn on the cob ready."
Beth said, "that sounds ok to me. I hope you know how to barbecue young man. You realize I don't eat very much and please don't forget my martini!" Her eyes looked like she already had taken a few nips. I asked Brandi to get her the martini cause I had to get the barbecue started.
Brandi and I walked into the kitchen together. Brandi said, "John, I need a big glass of wine real bad. This looks like it is not going to be a fun night."
I said, "the way Beth is drinking she is going to pass out. Mix up a pitcher of martinis and never let her glass get empty. That should solve our problems and potentially help Joe."
I took a tray of steaks and shrimp out to the patio to put them on the barbecue. Joe followed me out leaving the two girls together. Poor Brandi she is going to kill me for this one. I put the steaks on the barbecue.
I was going back to the house to ask Beth how she wanted her steak when Brandi came out and said, "We have a problem Beth is not feeling well and wants to go home."
Joe looked down at his feet and said, "I will call my driver and he will be here in five minutes. He can take her home. She has two maids so she doesn't need me. This food looks very delicious and you also have a wife that is too beautiful for me to leave." The driver showed up and I helped take Beth to the car because she was dead drunk.
I had just walked back to the patio when Joe leaned down and gave Brandi a kiss on the cheek and patted her on the butt. I figured Joe had a couple of beers before he had got here and this did not bother me at all.
Brandi was really caught off guard because she did not expect Joe to do this. It really shocked her that he would do this and she was at a loss for words. She went back inside to get another glass of wine. She thought to herself, Joe didn't mean anything by this and I just acted like a little girl. He is at least seventy, give the guy a break and he also has to deal with Beth. Brandi decided to get out of sweater and slacks. She wanted to put on something more casual. She went up to her bedroom put on a tank top and a short skirt.
While Brandi was up in her room changing, Joe and I had been talking about the house and the swimming pool. I mentioned Joe that the filters on the pool were not working.
Joe said, "don't worry about it, remember I built all these homes. I have three warehouses full of equipment for them. I will send a guy over next week or I will come over and fix it myself."
I said, "that will be great. Brandi will love it because she will be able to go swimming again. The problem is that I am going to southern California next week and I will be gone till Friday. Brandi is going down to her storage which is 50 miles away. She is going to be staying with an old friend. She will be gone most of the week. Here you can have my extra key to the back gate."
Brandi walked back to the patio with her glass of wine in her hand looking very foxy.
Joe said, "that's the way I like a woman to look. I owe you an apology for startling you a while ago. I saw the look I got when I patted you on the rear. I can't say I didn't mean to do it cause you got the cutest rear."
With a big smile on her face Brandi said, "I will forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again."
Joe replied with, "come over here and give me a big hug pretty lady,"
Brandi walked over to Joe and he put his arms around her pulling her into his chest. He slid his hands up the side of her boobs and kissed her on the forehead.
Joe said, "now I have to go use the little boy's room I have had too many beers."
As soon as Joe was out of sight Brandi looked over at me and said, "now what do you want me to do? I can tell this is your older man."
I said to her, "just let him play around a little and don't let him get carried away."
Brandi walked over put her arms around my neck. "I guess I am going to get you a story."
It was about seven pm and Joe had been here for two hours. The end of summer was approaching it was getting pretty dark. I had turned on the outside lights so I could see to finish up the food on the BBQ. Everything was finished and was ready to eat when Joe got back from the restroom.
I said, "where do you two want to eat out here in the patio or in the game room?"
They both agreed to have dinner in the game room. We carried the food inside set it on the table. During the walk inside, I noticed that Joe could not take his eyes off of Brandi's legs.
I had built a bar in the middle of the room which was open underneath so you could get your legs comfortable. There were four bar stools on each side. From any of the stools you could see one of the three TVs. We all grabbed a plate of food and sat down at the bar. Brandi sat down to the left of Joe and I sat across from them.
There wasn't any sports on TV this particular evening but there was some tennis but nobody was interested. I just put on some music. When I leaned back on my stool I could see their legs on the other side. Joe had put his hand on Brandi's leg and I could see him stroking high on her thigh. He kept going higher and higher. Brandi's expression had not changed a bit. If I had not seen what was going on underneath the table I would have never known anything was happening.
I thought it was about time to excuse myself. I said, "I have a lot of
reports to get out for my trip to southern California Monday. I will be back in
about forty five minutes." Nobody knew that I had installed security camera's
that detected sound and movement in all of the rooms, it was time to turn them
I had been gone for forty minutes or so when the telephone rang I answered and of course it was Beth. She wanted to know if she could speak to her husband. She sounded like she was going to die or three sheets to the wind. I started walking back to the game room and before I opened the door I said loudly, "Joe your wife is on the phone she really needs to speak to you."
I opened the door and walked in handing Joe the phone. He got up and left the room. The first thing I noticed was Brandi's panties on the floor. I handed them to her and smiled, she smiled back. She mouthed, "you got a story."
Joe walked back into the room about five minutes later. "My wife thinks she is dying, she is just damn drunk. I am going to have to go home because she has sent the chauffer. I really regret having to leave now cause I had a great time and the food was delicious." Thanks John and Brandi, "just remember I don't forget who my friends are." Out the door he went.
I said, "Brandi do you think he knew that I was letting this happen?"
"I don't really think so because there were a couple of times I moaned pretty loud. He put his hand over my mouth and said he didn't want you to find out. He even ask me not to say anything to you and he wants to be with me again. We can go upstairs to bed, I got to have you in me. I have a great story for you."
I replied, "oh, you smart ass I have a better one for you."
Brandi looked really puzzled she had no idea what I had schemed up. "Tell me darn you John, here I am so damn horny and you are playing games with me."
I was laughing, "I will just call it one of my better teases and I guarantee you are going to enjoy this. Get up stairs and get your cloths off. I am not going to tell you again."
Brandi flew up the stairs slinging her cloths off all the way and I was right behind her watching that cute ass.
She got on the bed and I turned my computer on and pulled down a large screen.
Brandi said, "I don't want to watch any darn movie I want you." She thought
for a second.
"No you didn't tape Joe and I together?"
I looked at her and said, "you are going to want to watch this one. It will be destroyed after we watch it if that's what you want, it will be totally up to you."
Brandi was laying on her back when I started the movie. I really didn't want to watch the movie that could be done later. I wanted Brandi to see herself while she talked to me. I got on top of her and stuck my cock in her and she started moaning.
I said talk to me, "tell me what he is doing to you."
"You had just left the room and I stood up and he swiveled his chair towards me. He put his hands under my tank top and started squeezing my tits. Ah! AH! AH! Brandi was coming, she was digging her finger nails into my back. John! John! John! stop the movie. Please! Please! I can't take this." She was screaming, now her face was bright red, it was so intense for her. We had 37 minutes to go and we had just gone through three.
Brandi said, "I have never had story hit me like this and I came so fast, all I know is I want more."
"You have to realize how horny you were before you started and I did not cum it was to much fun watching you, as you can tell I am still hard. Are you ready for the movie?"
"You know I am, I have caught my breath let's do it."
I turned the movie on and said, "tell me what his hands felt like when he touched your boobs."
"They were really rough he had a lot of callouses on them. He knew how to touch my tits. Finally he pulled my tank top up and started licking my nipples. He went back and forth sucking on each nipple, I thought I was going to cum."
Joe said, "I don't have the time to give to you what I want cause John is going to be back soon. Remember please don't say any thing to him about this."
Brandi said, "I will take what you can give me. He ran his hand down to my thighs and pushed my skirt up pulling my panties off. He could see my pussy lips and He took his fingers and spread them a part."
I said, "Don't stop talking." I couldn't take it any more I could feel my cock beating inside of her. I tried to hold back, I could feel her pussy muscles squeezing tight on my cock. I couldn't hold it any more I got off so hard.
Brandi started talking again, "he got on his knees in front of me and he still had my pussy lips spread a part. I OH! OH! OH! John it was so good God!" She screamed.
As often as Brandi and I had sex I had never been with her when she got off so much! Both Brandi and I were burnt. We fell asleep in each others arms.
When we woke up Sunday morning we had a lot of things to get ready. I usually kept a suit case packed for my trips. That day I had a lot of paper work to get done I was in my office the whole day. Brandi had a lot of house work to do which she was not happy about. Some where down the line I think she thought she should have two maids. Brandi also got some things together to take on her trip to her storage. We did not get to spend a lot of time together Sunday day or night. Monday morning we were both off.
Monday evening I got a call from Brandi. "I am not staying here my friend Ellen has to go out of town Tuesday. I have gotten every thing out of storage that I need. I am leaving early tomorrow morning I should be home by nine am that way I can get the morning sun."
I said to her, "that sounds great to me I will see you Friday afternoon. Just give me a call and let me know when you get home, talk to later." We said our goodbyes and hung up.
That Tuesday at eleven am Brandi gave me a call. I said, "Brandi I have been in meetings all morning my last meeting is scheduled to end at ten pm tonight. I have a half hour to kill right now so lets talk."
Brandi said, "you will never guess what happened to me today? I got home at nine thirty and decided to work on my tan. I put on my tiny white string bikini that just cover my bottom I did not wear my top. The sun was perfect it was eighty degrees out. I was laying on my back almost asleep."
This voice, "Miss! Miss!"
"I looked up there was a guy standing there holding my towel in front of his face. I jumped up and grabbed the towel out of his hands and wrapped it around me."
He was really embarrassed, "I really wasn't looking at you, Joe sent me over to fix the filters on your pool. He gave me the keys to your back gate and told me there was not going to be any one here. I am really sorry! My name is Craig." He was stuttering real bad.
"Well Craig as you could see I was not expecting company. I guess Joe and my husband planned this out and forgot to tell me. (Of course Craig was not looking at me. That's why he carried that big bulge around in his pants.) Thanks you two for letting me know."
I started laughing, "did you give the kid any?"
"You sorry son of a so in so, he looked to be all of sixteen or seventeen I did not feel like going to jail. Now here is the good part. Twenty minutes ago the door bell rang and there stood a delivery guy with six dozen red roses. John they are beautiful. The note said I am trying to make up for the mistake this morning. I should have called first and there was no signature. Now I know you or Craig did not send them. John the other phone is ringing I am expecting a call from my friend Ellen talk to at ten tonight."
Brandi called me early Wednesday morning and said, "I picked up the phone after we hung up expecting it to be Ellen."
I said, "I do not mean to interrupt you but I have to be in a meeting in forty minutes so we don't have much time to talk."
"Well let me tell you what happened. It was not Ellen it was Joe and it really startled me."
"Did you get my flowers? That sure scared the hell out of my nephew today I think it made a man out of him. He is still in high school he just turned eighteen. His folks were killed in an airplane crash when he was fourteen so I am raising him. He missed a year in high school and had a breakdown. He has not dated at all and if he is around try to be nice to him."
"Well it scared the daylights out of me. I will do everything possible to help him out. Yes I did get your flowers they are beautiful. Thank you! You and John should have said some thing to me."
Joe said, "I have something to tell you, by the way I am in my office now so I can talk freely. Would that be alright with you?"
"Sure Joe go ahead."
"Well when I was fifty-eight I got prostrate cancer, it almost killed me. I went through chemotherapy and all the other drugs to keep the cancer from spreading. Two years ago my test came back cancer free. The problem now is I can't get an erection. I have all the desires though. I would like to see you tonight while John is gone?"
I said to Brandi, "wow Brandi, Joe is telling you more than he would ever tell me. He always plays real macho with the guys."
Brandi replied, "the reason he told me Joe wants to be with me like all night. He would rather have me know before it got down to the brass tacks. He doesn't want me to be disappointed or for him to be embarrassed."
The sensation of having a warm mouth enveloping your most intimate of organs was not only physically exciting, it was also a mental trip, in that the image of your erect clitoris in some one else's mouth was more than a little arousing itself!!!... |
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