Bo Stud
Chapter 4
Life in the Capital
In leaving the big house to go to London the first major obstacle we encountered was getting away from the house with me dressed as a girl. Eventually, her ladyship took the butler into her confidence by blackmailing him into silence. She was a canny lady and knew most of what went on below stairs, and she knew all about the sexual demands he made on some of the female domestic staff. He knew that if he talked about our midnight departure, his wife would soon be told of his escapades and he could be dismissed without a reference. The ladyship’s dismissal of the estate manager had sent a severe warning shot to all the estate staff that she was not to be messed with.
It was a dark wet and windy night that we departed in a hired coach. The butler personally loaded our luggage and the three of us were well and truly covered in our mackintosh’s as we joined the coach, we planned to stay the rest of the night at an inn in Gloucester. The groom would return with the coach as soon as he had dropped us off. He had been told to stay on the box and hold the horses when we embarked so he would not recognise me.
It was agreed that Jammarree would act as personal maid to both her ladyship Diane and of course myself, posing as her deaf and dumb younger sister Tara. During the previous weeks I had undergone all sorts of provocation by both Diana and Jammarree to test my resolve. I had eventually learned how to keep my face straight, and pretend to not have heard adverse or funny comments. I was taught to sit correctly as a young lady should, with my hands held demurely in my lap, and how to curtsy. In fact I was taught how to be a proper young lady from a good family. I was allowed a bit of lip reading latitude, and of course I always carried a pad and pencil to be able to write or ask questions.
The trip to London in a First Class apartment of the Great Western railway was an experience for me. It was the first time I had been away from our village, except for a trip to the sea at Weston Super Mare when I was about five years old. The carriages were all non- corridor and so the guard had to clamber along the outside of the train and tap on the windows for us to open them to examine our tickets.
We arrived in London Paddington to be met by a sulky looking butler from the London house, with several servants who took our trunks from the railway porters. I was intrigued by London, and I was fascinated by the multitude of petrol driven omnibuses and motor cars, as well as a considerable number of horse drawn carriages, and carts, all vying for space on the crowded streets. Of particular interest was the variety of stores with their windows displaying all sorts of goods, and the crowds of servicemen in uniform and the lovely ladies, very fashionably dressed hanging off their arms.
All this quickly came to an end as we arrived at his Lordships London home and we were escorted to our separate bedchambers. The housemaids descended on us and unpacked our trunks whilst Jammarree supervised, while I spent most of the time at the bedroom window watching the panorama of London Traffic passing by. I was so eager to get out and be a part of it.
I pleaded with Diana to let me go and look, but she retorted with a very firm. “No my darling. I have been without your services for far too long, as she took my hand and dragged me towards her big double bed.”
Later I went to the lounge where I could view the passing traffic. I soon became a little concerned at the attitude of the very surly butler. I did not have any experience of living in a big house because Lady Diana, had kept us very much to ourselves previously while I was with her at the big house. But as I was pretending to be deaf and dumb, I soon became aware that many of the staff were acting in a sullen and non co-operative manner.They were somewhat hostile to Diana. The service was poor and grudgingly given, and it was not being discouraged by the Butler. I soon picked up the phrases. “She is not quality,” or, “she is not going to be here long, the master is going to be rid of her.” I also was fairly sure that the Butler was telephoning his Lordships mother, and relaying all the gossip.
I mentioned this to Lady Diana expressing my concern. She smiled at me and said “Thanks Tara I had noticed. But you have confirmed my suspicions.” It was the next morning that her ladyship ordered all the staff to assemble in the kitchen. She made it particularly clear that the standard of service in the house was very poor, and that unless it improved immediately those responsible will be dismissed without a reference. In conclusion she said. “I blame you Horace Sykes as the Butler for the poor standard of management of the staff, and for inciting junior staff to be slack. I am therefore replacing you, and advertising for a replacement. If any other members of staff wish to leave with him, please step forward now. If you decide to stay than a massive improvement must take place with immediate effect.”
“I was only obeying the instructions of her Ladyship my lady.”
No doubt Mr. Sykes, but her ladyship does not pay your wages. In his Lordships
absence I do. Now be off the premises in one hour. I will have your pay made up,
and waiting for you. I regret that your attitude since I married his Lordship
has been sulky, and your service has been poor. I can not therefore see any way
in which I can give you a good character.”
I stood there listening and not showing any emotion very aware that the staff would be watching my reaction but I could have cheered. I thought that her ladyship handled the situation with great finesse, and she was absolutely correct in her actions.
As we turned to leave Diane stopped and tuned round. “She looked at the
housekeeper Mrs. Daniels and said. “Mrs. Daniels I know that you and Mr. Sykes
have been having an affair – is that not so?”
The poor lady was stunned and the rest of the staff sniggered.
“Well Mrs. Daniels as you have not indicated otherwise I am promoting you to
take charge in Mr Sykes absence, unless of course you want to go with him.”
“Oh no your ladyship and thankee very much. I know what has to be done.”
When we got into the lounge and relaxed her ladyship turned to me and said Tara dear today you start work. This afternoon I want you to meet some of my closest friends, and it may be my dear, that your services will be called upon. After a very improved lunch, her ladyship, and Jammarree dressed me with care. Diane briefed me on the part I had to play. She told me that most of her friends are married with husbands in the army in France, and they are pining for some male company. Today we work for nothing, because my friend Lucia will be your first customer, and she will soon spread the word for us, and very soon I hope we will be very busy indeed.”
I was a little nervous, and we arrived when the soiree was in full swing. It was a meeting of society ladies, some very well known. They were all in their early twenties to thirties and all quite charming to me as I was introduced. Diana had trained me in how I should act, and I managed to not disgrace myself. After the initial introductions I sat in the corner quietly, I could pick up fragments of conversation but kept my face straight, and acted the part of the deaf and dumb mute, but I was very conscious of the interested glances that were being thrown my way.
After about half an hour Diana approached me and introduced me to a beautiful blonde lady of about 30 years of age the Hon Lucia Windsor. She reached for my pad and wrote. “Would you like to come and see my wardrobe which Diane tells me may be of interest to you?” I stood up and nodded, as Lucia led me from the drawing room. Jammarree was waiting outside and joined us, as we mounted the stairs to the first floor.
We entered her bedroom and Lucia locked the door behind us .Jammarree helped me
undress while
Lucia quickly disrobed. When I turned round I was surprised to see that she was
now completely naked. Jammarree quietly left us and Lucia locked the door behind
her. She walked over to me and took my head in her hands and planted a soft kiss
on my lips.
“Darling do I call you Tony or Tara?”
“My lady if you please call me Tara so that I am completely used to the name.”
I ran my hands up and down her smooth body, and eagerly pulled her down on the bed. Immediately I moved down the bed close to her pussy, The Hon Lucia Windsor trembled slightly and I teased the sensitive area between her openings, flicking my tongue rapidly, as she moaned softly, lapping up the juices that were already seeping from her. I pushed my tongue into her, flicking around sensually, I could feeling her tension, her impatient waiting, as I moved slowly, teasing her as Lucia’s hips were moving now impatiently, trying to force my tongue to penetrate even farther until I found her clitoris. Using just the tip of my tongue I flicked over her opening as Lucia frantically began to rock her whole body; her hips were pressing her vagina against my mouth. I could feel her spasms, as her body rocked out of control.
Then she said in a low sexy voice. "Honey it’s my turn now.”
Lucia pushed me back on the bed, while she knelt on the floor by the side of the bed; she took my cock, in her mouth with some difficulty, working her head up and down slowly. I knew straight away, that this was the work of a very experienced girl. Her tongue was magnificent, pressing firmly against the sensitive underside of my cock and flicking forcefully with her tongue.
Without warning, Lucia began descending on my cock, and purposefully kept going until incredibly she had as much of me, as she could in her mouth. She looked up at me; I noticed her hazel eyes staring brightly at me. Fire burned in her eyes, a lusty, half-glazed look. Then Lucia let go of my cock and practically jumped on the bed on top of me. She grabbed my cock and pressed it to her opening, then sat down hard. Both of us moaned. Lucia was tight, but she was also wet. To me it was just heavenly release. Lucia was pressing down on me hard, her face showing it’s determination as she concentrated in jamming my cock up inside her.
It was not long before she sat back, her muscles gripping me tightly, a look of
sheer relief and happiness on her face, but I grabbed her, and rolled her over
onto her back, I pulled her hair to one side, to keep it from catching, and she
surprised me again. "Yes! Darling “She hissed lustily.
"Do it again."
I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up to kiss me, our mouths locked together in passion our tongues swirling madly as we pressed tightly together. I flexed my cock inside her and felt Lucia jump. She started to squeeze back, thrusting her hips wantonly against me, my cock driving deep into her, my cock swelled, becoming rigid as her hands pulled me down on to her by the shoulders, just as her hips drove upwards.
Her hips rocked wildly, and then her body arched up, pressing hard against me, as together our bodies rolled locked together as our love making came to fruition. Gradually our passion subsided, Lucia lay there smiling up at me happily, her forehead beaded with perspiration. She closed her eyes, pulling me closer to her, cheekily rocking her hips slowly, testing the firmness of my erection. I could feel the juices seeping down past my cock, and as her movement increased, and quickly aroused again, I began teasing one of her dark nipples with my tongue. Her muscles tensed around my cock, and I flexed inside her. Her legs and arms wrapped around me and we kissed passionately.
"Just lie still Tara dear, it’s time I repaid you"
Turning me over, so that she was on top Lucia sat on me, and straddled my hips.
She looked down at me and asked.
”How old are you Tara?”
“I’m just fourteen my lady.”
“Tony and I am going to call you Tony, you are the most incredible fuck I have
had for a long time. I want to keep you here.”
“I would love to stay longer with you my lady, but I do not know what Diana has
booked for me.”
“We will see darling.”
Slowly she rocked on her hands and knees, stretching her cunt over my enlarged
cock again and again; I was enjoying every ripple and every sensation. I could
feel my cock forcing its way into her, and pulling back out, and it was the
finest fuck I could ever remember. I reached for her breasts, tugging her
nipples gently while she slowly fucked me.
“I said Lucia you’re pretty good yourself I would love to stop a few days with you.” “Thank-you Tony dear.” She whispered.
As she rode up and down on my very thick and now very hard cock, I felt her lean back, bringing new superb sensations, and bringing us both ever nearer to a climax., and then as it came - blessed relief, she slumped forward onto me, smiling and kissing my face, her hard nipples pushing into my chest, she put them against my mouth, one after the other. I held them in my lips and teeth while Lucia gripped tightly onto the last inch of my cock. I looked up at her face distorted with passion in the afternoons fading light, she was beautiful. When she sat her weight down on me, I could feel my cock, still incredibly hard, touching her deep inside.
I looked up at her face and made a little animal sound as his orgasm rushed through him and flooded up into Lucia. She was only just behind me as she frantically gripped my pumping cock. She lay down on my chest while the warm rhythm pounded through us both.
When it was done, I felt even bigger inside her, and Lucia told me she was a little sore as she eased up off of my still hard cock and flopped down on the bed beside me. Our escaping juices ran down my thigh onto the bed, I saw her smile as she laid her head on my shoulder. “I would love to stay darling but I have guests downstairs, but then she realised to her amazement that I was still hard.
She opened the door and called Jammarree into the room and asked her to help me dress while she busied herself at the mirror restoring her make-up and her hair. Jammarree helped her replace her corset and do up her back buttons on her dress, as she hurried away to rejoin her guests.
Jammarree and I followed once she had made me presentable once more. We arrived in the drawing room to the sound of gentle hand claps, which almost took me by surprise and I almost dropped my guard.
Diana hurried across to me and kissed me on the cheek. “Lucia has told everyone how good you are darling, and this means that you are going to be a very busy girl for the next few weeks. “Meanwhile would you like to stay here with Lucia for a few more days’ darling? She is prepared to pay very handsomely for your services and Jammarree will stay with you”
She gets more than her Laundry done... |
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