Blown By a Beautiful, Blonde Geek
All that next week, I made a point of checking out the corner at Dundas and Elizabeth to see if Sarah would be there. And, sure enough, each evening she was.
“You’re a real regular,” she commented sweetly, just before wolfing my cock down for the fifth night in a row.
Finally, on the 6th day, I returned to the computer store, hoping, beyond hope, that Sarah would be receptive to seeing me there. As she had been that first day, she wore her blue company sweater and camel pants, with flat heels and glasses. I purposefully stepped up to the section of the desk where she was. She pretended not to know me I guess. But when I said “Hi, Madison!” her expression changed.
“I knew I knew you from somewhere,” she said. But she didn’t seem angry.
“Can I show you something?” I said, pulling out my phone. She looked on in stunned silence as I showed her the 70 or so pictures of her I’d taken that first day. “You were so gorgeous, I couldn’t help myself,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t be mad, but wondering if I’d made a mistake.
”Come with me,” she said at last, leading me through that swinging door. I fully expected she was going to really let me have it. And, in a way, she did. But what she let me ‘have’ was another great blowjob.
“You’re serving customers back here now?” Ahmal said, smiling when he happened to wonder in.
“Hmm hmmmmm,” Sarah answered, nodding. “Hmm hmm hmmm.”
He laughed.
“That was a freebee,” she said, after she swallowed. “But could you give me a ride to work tonight?”
“Oh shit yes!” I answered.
And now Sarah laughed.
I did a lot more than her regular driver too, because I stuck around, all night, to see if she needed anything. She thought I was very sweet. And when she popped over to tell me her current John wanted to have pictures of her in action, I immediately volunteered to follow with my cell phone camera.
At about 3 in the morning, Sarah returned from her last trick. Again, she thanked me with a blowjob, right in the front seat of the car by the side of the road, with her kneeling on the front passenger seat, her face buried in my lap and bobbing up and down while cars drove by. Since I’d parked on the left side of a one-way street, several drivers turned their heads to marvel at Sarah’s sweet ass, still in those skin-tight jeans, rising up towards the window. They knew what she was doing.
The next day, I returned to the store at the same time, this time knowing that Sarah would be there. Again, she offered me a blowjob for a ride, which I gladly accepted. This went on every day for over a week. And every night, not only did I drive Sarah to and from her corner, but I stayed all night in case she needed me. Repeatedly, she told me I didn’t need to stay. But I told her I wanted to stay. As a writer, my time is my own. I wanted to make sure I was there in case she wanted to leave early (she never did). And I had fun seeing her having so much fun, how happy she excited she seemed going off with each new John, and how happy she seemed returning 15-20 minutes later having swallowed that much more cum. In addition, since I was staying, she offered her customers pictures of her blowing them, just waving for me to follow in my car whenever I was needed.
When she wasn’t working at the computer store, I picked her up from her apartment, running up for a quick blowjob before taking her downtown. I even met her pimp, a big black dude named Alfonso who offered all the girls ‘protection’ for 50% of their earnings; plus a number of the city’s finest men in blue, who garnered 25% (and an occasional blowjob) to ‘leave her alone’. Since Sarah charged $40 per blowjob (90% of what she did was give blowjobs), she still would take home about $100 a night. And she loved the work!
One day, just as she was going to get ready to leave at the computer store, I challenged her to work the street in her ‘geek clothes’. She laughed, but when she and I left that day to drive to her second job, there she was, in her blue company top, camel-coloured pants and flat shoes. She even left her name tag on. Luckily, seven different guys jumped at her offer to have me take pictures for her blowing them, so I got hundreds of GREAT pictures of her, including several of her looking straight into the camera, her mouth wrapped around cock, her eyes open, and, yes, even her nametag showing. ‘What would the guys at work say?’ I thought to myself. I also got many of her full profile, including her gorgeous ass, even capturing her panty-line through her camel pants. Very nice!
On the 10th night of my chaperoning her, she returned from her final trick tired, but with a new gleam in her eye.
“My place or yours?” she asked me in the car, after my customary in-flight blowjob.
“Really?” I asked.
She nodded.
“I’m close,” I answered, very happy with the offer.
In my apartment, she stripped down to red satin bikini panties and a red bra, and then put her heels back on. Then she kneeled to blow me again, in front of a big wall mirror I have in the entryway, so I could take more pictures. She especially enjoyed watching herself in the mirror. And then we both crawled into my bed and slept until almost eleven, her arms around me and my hand on the soft satin of her panty-covered ass.
The next night, she worked the street in those same red panties and bra and heels, and nothing else except make-up and the red ribbon holding her ponytail in place, again on a challenge from me. The customers and her pimp all loved the new look. And again I took hundreds of great photos. Alfonso told her that he wanted her wearing panties, bra and heels at least once or twice a week from now on, as well as her ‘geek suit’ at least once a week; and Sarah was very pleased.
A week later, she moved in with me, and I discovered that she really only had two sets of clothes… computer work clothes… 3 blue company sweaters and five pairs of almost identical camel-coloured pants… and street-work clothes, including 10 pairs of jeans and several pairs of short shorts, all so tight they went up her ass, several sexy tops and a dozen pairs of spiked heels. All her panties were satin bikinis, though they came in a broad range of colours… and her bras all matched at least one pair of her panties. I gave her a closet of her own, where she had one set of clothes on one side, and the other on the other side. And since she generally didn’t like wearing her computer clothes outside of the store, I was treated to the hottest looking girlfriend around, even when she wore her glasses.
Consequently, I always seemed to have a hard-on, which she happily relieved as often as necessary with her mouth. I even had the fun of seeing complete strangers walk right up to us and ask my girlfriend for a blowjob when we went out together on a date. She, in turn, would tell them when and on what corner to find her working.
“You lucky bastard!” I heard one guy say at me, shaking his head and smiling as he walked away.
Finally, after a couple of weeks of bliss, I decided I wanted her to meet my
family, starting with the very newest member. Sarah wore the very same jeans,
pink top and black heels she wore that first night I saw her leaving the store,
as I took her on a drive out to the country. She was very curious as to who this
‘newest family member’ was, but laughed when I finally led her into the stable
where he was.
“He’s a horse!” she exclaimed, happily.
“He is,” I answered. “I bought him for my younger sister Claire last year.”
“He’s beautiful!” she commented, going over to lovingly pet his face.
“His name is Chester,” I told her.
Being strictly a city girl, Sarah had never been this close to a horse before, so she was amazed at his size. Chester, meanwhile, must have been turned on by Sarah’s painted-on jeans, because his ‘size’ kept growing and growing, until his ‘fifth leg’ almost touched the ground.
Sarah was amazed and giddy with excitement. “Do you think you could keep him steady?” she asked me, her voice pleading.
“Sure,” I answered, knowing what she wanted and willing to do virtually anything to make Sarah happy. “So long as I can take some pictures once he seems calm.”
“Of course!” Sarah exclaimed, delightedly.
I quickly found an old horse blanket for Sarah to kneel on, and within minutes she was kneeling beside Chester, facing his hind parts, her mouth holding as much as it could, her hands supporting and stroking the rest, and her eyes playfully looking into my camera. She knew that we’d be meeting my Mom and siblings next, and that these pictures inevitably would end up being a slide show on Mom’s computer, so she wanted to look her very best.
Sarah loved playing with Chester so much, AND the huge juicy reward she got to choke down at the end, that I asked the stable master if Sarah could ‘ride’ the rest of the ‘boys’. He only insisted on getting a blowjob too, which Sarah gave him all too gladly. So Sarah ended up enjoying five more stallions AND the stable master’s big black Labrador retriever, named Bullet. Even though Bullet was smaller than any of the horses, Sarah had tremendous fun with him. The stable master held his huge front paws so the animal could stand on his hind legs, Sarah opened her mouth up as wide as she could, and then Sarah’s new friend literally humped the shit out of the nerdy girl’s throat for almost a half hour, erupting five times in that span. Other than having to pick black fur out from between her teeth all the way back into town to see Mom and the rest of my family, Sarah thought this was as much fun as she’d ever had.
Once there, Sarah blew Mom’s new boyfriend while I uploaded all the pictures I had of Sarah over the preceding 2 weeks onto Mom’s computer, so we all could enjoy a little slide show of my new girlfriend in action. Sarah kept an eye out, of course, even while she continued to enjoy Harvey’s bone. Mom and my teenage sister Claire burst out laughing when we got to Sarah’s pictures with Chester, Bullet and the others. Bullet seemed so intense as he repeatedly rammed Sarah’s throat. But Claire especially was amazed that Sarah could stretch her mouth around the horses… she herself had only just started giving blowjobs, and even on small guys her jaws grew tired quickly. That’s when Mom suggested Sarah coach Claire… so Harvey and I stepped forward and Claire had her first true lesson.
This time, my Mom manned the camera, so very proud of Claire as she took me and ‘Uncle Harve’ into her mouth and throat. The secret, Sarah instructed, was to breathe nice and deep and concentrate on relaxing the mouth and neck muscles.
“You want him as far down your throat as possible,” she told the girl, as Claire pushed her head as hard as she could onto Harvey’s bone.
Claire was just swallowing the second of two well-deserved mouthfuls of cum, and feeling extremely proud of herself, when my two slightly-younger brothers showed up. Mom immediately steered them over to Claire, so she could keep practicing what Sarah had taught her AND Mom could get pretty pictures of the girl with her two other brothers. Meanwhile, Sarah finally demonstrated to me what a true computer geek she is by easily hacking into the internal server of the store where she works and making the slide show I’d just made of her on Mom’s computer the screen-saver for every computer at her store. After one minute of down-time, the show would start; then, every few seconds, a new picture of her would appear, showing her blowing Johns, Alfonso, and me; many nice pictures of her with Chester, Bullet and the others down at the stable; and, so there could be no doubt of who it was in the pictures, even those early pictures I had of her blowing Ahmal, Kevin and the other geeks in that back storage room, in her work uniform, some with her looking straight into the camera, and at least 3 showing her name tag.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm?” Claire asked, when we told her what we’d done, and just before the brother in her mouth thrust his cock all the way down her throat.
Sarah shook her head. She wouldn’t get in trouble, because her boss was one of the guys she blew every day. (In fact, all he’d do would be to send that screen saver to every other store in North America, so employees there could enjoy it too.)
Mom then asked if Sarah could insert a few pictures of Claire, and Claire’s eyes really perked up.
“Would you like that, Claire?” I asked her.
“Hmm hmmmmm!” she nodded, demonstrably.
Mom knew that Claire would be jealous of Sarah’s pictures with the animals, so she quickly called an old neighbour who had two huge Great Danes. He was playing poker with 5 of his senior buddies, but Mom promised them all blowjobs from Claire (a girl they’d all known since she was little), so they all arrived soon. Once again, Mom was bursting with pride as she watched her youngest lovingly blowing these 6 octogenarians, and then having her throat royally humped by ‘Horse’ and ‘Pluto’, who drove their huge organs so far down her throat her cute little nose got bumped with every thrust.
To finish the evening off, after a lovely meal prepared by Mom, Sarah offered to return to work that night, even though she’d been planning to take the night off, and this time bring Claire with her.
Claire was so excited! And, even though tomorrow was Monday and a school day for Claire, Mom was delighted too. If Claire got home really late (and Mom hoped that Sarah’s pimp WOULD keep Claire on her knees working for as long as possible – Sarah was 110% sure he would, given how young and pretty Claire was - for a really fun first experience), Mom would just call the school in the morning and she was sure that Claire’s teachers would all just be happy that Claire had had so much fun.
Claire already had looked nice, in the black pants and yellow sweater vest she’d been wearing, with black broad heels. But Mom suggested a change of clothes to look more like Sarah would be better. So Sarah helped Claire pick out her tightest and sexiest blue jeans and top and put on make-up, and Mom let Claire borrow some spike heels. Then Claire proudly modeled for us all, finally kneeling to blow Uncle Harvey, as well as old Mr. Olson, Horse and Pluto, who’d been sweet enough to pop back over when Mom called again so Claire could blow them all again and I could take more pictures of her fun knew look. Soon, Claire and Sarah were standing on the corner with the other girls, my baby sister all eyes as she wondered excitedly who her first John would be. When she was called over to the first car, and peered inside to see four big black dudes all wanting to ‘fuck the shit out of a little white girl’s throat’, she excitedly climbed in. They were great too, letting me come along to take pictures of my baby sister’s first real trick. The four guys literally did fuck the shit out of Claire’s throat, for almost an hour straight. Then they let me drive her back to her corner. When I asked Claire if she’d had fun, she told me she could hardly wait to climb into the next car, and hoped that all her tricks would be as much fun as her first! And, luckily, she didn’t have to wait long.
Mom called me at around 5 a.m. to see how Claire was doing. She was delighted when I told her that her baby was still going strong despite having given blowjobs to more than 20 strangers, and exceptionally pleased when I told her that Claire had just been picked up by 7 guys in a van. One of the other girls told me that those 7 guys were regulars, who’d almost certainly taken Claire to their own parking lot space just a few blocks away, where there’d probably be at least 7 more guys “waiting to pork her little throat.” In fact, I told Mom, I was on my way there to catch some pictures.
“Be sure to thank Alfonso for me,” she said finally.
“I will Mom,” I answered.
That was three weeks ago. Claire certainly has been having fun. Mom is letting her work from 8 until midnight on school nights, if all her homework is done, and until 3 a.m. with Sarah on Friday and Saturday nights. Claire can’t charge money yet, but she still collects ‘tips’ for Alfono, LOVES the experience, and can’t wait until Alfonso hires her officially to be one of his full time girls.
As for Sarah… she’s still a geek. When we’re at the apartment, if she’s not sleeping, catching a quick bite to eat, or blowing me and my buddies, she’s on my computer (often in her panties, bra, heels and glasses) adding pictures of herself (and Claire) to the free-access website she’s created, called, and posting her (and my, and Claire’s, and Claire’s Mom’s) favourite pictures on every other free-access site she can find so everyone knows she, Claire and the GaggingGeeks site exist. To date, the site has over 6,000 pictures and we’re adding over 100 new pictures every day, including more and more of Sarah AND Claire blowing Chester and his lucky bunch. And, with over 20,000 daily hits, Sarah and Claire can tell all their friends proudly that pictures of them posing with mouths full of cock already are on millions and millions of computers w
Some feeling's shouldn't be kept a secret. A tale of two sisters... |
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