
(Part 4 from 6)

*** Chapter 5. Victoria's secret.

At the promenade they finally sat down and had a hot chocolate at Vicky's favourite coffee shop close to the shore. As they chatted about their shared love of antiques and music Tiffany told Vicky her life story, about her family matchmaking which led to her marriage. ' Derek was over six foot tall and well built in every way. I loved him but was inexperienced and unable to really satisfy him in a completely loving way, so although we remained close companions who were devoted to each other we didn't have that passionate relationship that many couples enjoy.

As a result when he suddenly died I never thought of finding another man and I cannot say that I have ever really loved anyone other than parents. They realise that I have difficulty in meeting anyone romantically so soon... after my husband's death. That is why the girls jokingly call me the Ice Queen, they think that I have my cold heart locked away in a vault. Maybe that's partly true. I think that's why I have never been able to get my head around the thought of dating again or find happiness with anyone.'

Vicky suddenly grasped Tiffany's hand. ' That's why I feel that we are so close together in this friendship so soon. I am so lucky to have met you. You have been so good to reveal such personal detail about yourself. Can I tell you something about me that I find hard to describe?'
'Of Course'

'Well, you have really put me at ease this evening, doing something that normally freaks me out a little. I also have something to tell you as I know you are interested in finding out a bit more about me. I am a very private person, very shy about meeting people outside work. Normally it takes me a long time to get to know people and feel comfortable socially with them, but as you know from our meal in Brussels I really enjoy your company and feel totally relaxed and at ease with you. I hope and pray that you will honour my privacy by not telling anyone what I am going to tell you now.

The reason why I am not married is because I have never been really interested in any man, even though I did go on some dates when I was younger to see if I was attracted to them. No matter how I tried, I couldn't get interested in any of them no matter how attentive or handsome they were. My father suspected from the time I dressed in casual student gear, and then got involved in all of the girls activities in College that I would never get married and conform to what he believed was right.

What I am really trying to say is that I only like women. I am a....lesbian, so please don't be shocked by that. I do not broadcast this, and nobody in work is aware of my personal life. Although I have kissed, flirted and fooled around with some girls in College I have seldom got over my shyness. I have only loved one girl all my life. I found my love during a conference in Spain and loved her for three years, flying over every chance I got to see her and be with her.

A comment about her that I overheard at a Marketing convention made me uneasy and when I got to her apartment in Barcelona unannounced I found out that she was cheating on me behind my back, and that broke my heart. That was two years ago. I have not been with anyone since that time'

'Women like me learn quickly to be wary of revealing themselves, or to show affection in public. That doesn't mean that it is not entirely natural for me to be in a woman's arms, or that I feel the need to make a pass at a girl friend'

Then they both hugged and cried together as the moon shone brightly in the December sky. As their tears subsided, there was a release from pent up emotions for both of them mixed with a sudden powerful bond that Tiffany felt immediately. Tiffany was happy to let their hug go on as she buried her head in her friend's neck and smelt that enchanting perfume.

She felt Vicky's face in the nape of her neck and suddenly got that strange feeling through her body again as lips touched her neck and her friend's tears flowed down her shoulder. She could feel the emotion in Vicky lessen as she relaxed at last in her arms. The hug felt like it lasted a long time, and she could sense Vicky's heart thumping, but suddenly Vicky broke the hug.

They laughed as they raced each other back up the hill. The race turned competitive and Vicky just won the touch to the car. As they got back to Tiffany's SUV, Tiffany was slightly out of breath. Vicky turned to her to say goodbye and lightly kissed her lips before shooting off up to her apartment. She turned away quickly so that Tiffany wouldn't notice how quickly her cheeks became infused with a blush of colour.

It wasn't until Tiffany got home that she realised that she could still smell that perfume and feel that kiss. Her neck still had those tingling sensations from Vicky's touch.

She quickly got ready for bed, and climbed into the newly made bed linen. She fluffed up her pillow as she relaxed and stretched out. She mused about how strange it was that this little kiss from a friend could make this impression when she couldn't recall any of her husband's kisses at all. As she climbed into bed she found herself dwelling on Vicky and her dream included the deliciously lingering feel of lips on her neck that left her very confused when she awoke.

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