Birthday surprise
Suzie came over for the regular BBQ a bit early last Saturday. Arnie was at a high school football game that she wanted to see too, but she had other things on her mind that had to be taken care of. The day was starting to look a bit like dinner was going to be indoors, with thunderheads growing fast, so that’s where we were already.
“Do you know what the turkey did to me?” Suzie opened, “I had his birthday present all bought and wrapped and ready, then he went out and bought practically the same thing for himself. Nobody should buy anything for themselves just before a birthday, should they? So I had to take it back, but now I can’t think of what I should get him. What else could he want? You guys got to help me on this one. Has he been saying anything about wanting something?”
Which left us in a pickle. Arnie did seem to have everything he could want, given his needs were mostly so simple. He already had every jersey known to civilized America, and a big screen to watch them on when there was no local game. So we did what anybody else would have done. We put it on the backburner. We had the best part of a week, so why worry?
After loading in the dinner settings from the patio to the dining room, helped by a couple glasses of wine, I made mention of a couple things Arnie might like, like a Hummer, or maybe some moon rocks.
Suzie pretended to think it over, then she said something completely unSuzielike, “Fuck you.” In a very measured and non-acrimonious way, of course.
This I pretended to give some thought to as well. “Do you think Carrie might let us? It would be fun and educational, but she tends to be a bit close minded about some things.” Raising my voice to reach Carrie in the next room, “Hey Carrie, is it OK if I fuck Suzie?”
“Go for it kids, but don’t let dinner burn You should check with Arnie, though.” Carrie came over to us, wiping her hands on a tea towel, looking very much like the reproving mother, “You know, you should tone down your talk, lover. Suzie is a nice girl. Just because she knows you’re harmless is no reason to cheapen her or her morality.” I got a flick with the wet end of the towel.
Of course, Carrie was right. Suzie was so nice she could have been teaching Sunday school. As far as I knew, she wasn’t especially religious about anything, but her whole bearing just seemed to exude propriety and righteousness. Which was exactly why I could say outrageous things, knowing I wouldn’t be called on them.
Not that Suzie wasn’t a red-blooded girl. I know her and Arnie were fucking long before they married It’s just that it seems no matter what the smut that’s being flung, nothing will stick to her. It might help if she could at least show some outrage or even distaste for the rank talk.. But she just soaked it up and converted fuck to having sex, or, at the very lewdest, nooky. And the thing is, she said it in a beautifully modulated voice that seemed to say unflappable and in control.
“Actually, Vic, isn’t your idea a step or two up? Don’t you usually just want to see my breasts? Where does the escalation come from?”
“From you, sweet cheeks. You know that’s the first time I ever heard you say fuck? It means there’s a breakdown in your respectability happening here. I figure if I start asking for sex, the next time I ask to see your tits you’ll just think, ‘Oh well, what’s the harm in that?’ and flash them at me. Shrinks call it habituation. Pretty soon you’ll be thinking like me. And I’ve just thought what you can give Arnie for his birthday. Something he doesn’t even know he wants. He probably has thought he wants it, but its like a Maserati, he thinks he can’t have it. Imagine how surprised he’ll be to find it handed to him.”
Both girls had dropped what they were doing and come over to me, wide eyed
and keen to hear my idea. Already forgotten was my theory of habituation. I let
them wait a bit.
“So give it to us, Victor. What would Arnold like that would blow his socks with
the surprise ?” Carrie prodded me, “Can we afford it? Come on, spill it, bucko.”
I smiled a triumphant smile, “First you both admit we were at a complete standstill with the present? We were hooped and until I came through, Arnie was going to get socks and underwear? From that to the ultimate gift, the gift that mankind worldwide would treasure.” I could see Carrie motioning impatiently for me to quit blathering and get on with it. “What Arnie would really like for his birthday, the gift that he would never forget, is Carrie. That is to say, sex with Carrie.”
Both girls stared at me, then Carrie started to laugh, “You jerk, you had us. We thought you really had something.”
Suzie too smiled her most angelic smile, “ You know Vic, there are people,
lots of them, who would do just that. It would surprise you just how many people
think nothing about having extra sex. You should know this before you go tossing
these nonsense ideas out. Somebody might take you seriously.”
I clasped my hands together as in prayer, “Oh to be taken seriously! I never say
anything I don’t want to be taken seriously. Even when I know I’ll be turned
down I want to be taken seriously.
So what do you say, Carrie? Doesn’t fucking Arnie sound like fun? Don’t you think he’ll just love your pussy? You can’t think of anything he’ll like better, can you? Either of you?”
Suzie was breaking up before I got halfway through, “You’d sacrifice your
wife’s body to surprise my husband? No, you wouldn’t , but I’ll make a deal, you
barbarian, If Carrie strips and screws Arnie, I will show you my tits. There, I
even called them tits.”
I weighed the offer, “It seems on the face of it I’m getting the short end, but
after all, it’s not my birthday. You got a deal. Wouldn’t you just crap if
Carrie came through. After all, you did give her tacit permission to go ahead.”
“Just like she gave you permission to ravage me. I don’t see it happening, do
“And what was that crap about he probably has wanted me, but thinks he can’t
have me? Why would he want me? “ Carrie was looking perplexed, but not angry,
“Suz, you shouldn’t have promised to show him your breasts. For that the lech
might feed me date rape pills.”
Suzie jumped back in, “He did say once he wouldn’t kick you out of bed, but who would?” She was thoughtful for a moment as we quietly soaked this in. “He asked if I could do that when we were looking at one of those sites I told you about. But I couldn’t , you know, not with my mother living in this town. What if it came out? Mom would die Besides, if I rose the bait, I might find out he was only testing me. Then I’d come out sounding like a tart.”
Carrie looked amused, “Your mother finding out is all that’s keeping you from
it? This is a side of you we haven’t seen before, Suzie. What if the situation
made it not possible for your mom to find out, like a thousand miles away with a
guy who promised he would never come here?”
But Suzie had recovered her cool and was laughing, “Oh, go away, you guys. Its
so far up the wall I can’t even say what I’d do. Like if I found a million bucks
would I try to find the owner. I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter because I’ll
never find out.”
So eventually Arnie blew in, had a brew or two to drown a bitter loss. We had
a half hearted game of bridge and talked about Arnie’s upcoming birthday supper,
at out place again. It wasn’t until much later as I was brushing my teeth that
Carrie brought up the subject again.
“So, what do you think of Suzie saying she doesn’t know what she’d do if she had
a chance to fuck a stranger with no chance of her mother finding out? Our girl
has a few facets we haven’t seen before, hasn’t she?
I looked at her as I finished rinsing my mouth, “You took the idea of Arnie wanting your body in stride, kid. Maybe you have few facets yourself. Could Arnie be in for a nice surprise?”
“Not a chance. My parents live here too, you know. Besides, its one thing to know something happens and another the think you have to do it. Arnold is going to have to do with underwear and socks unless somebody gets clever in the next couple days.” A thoughtful pause, “If it did ever happen, it wouldn’t be with friends, especially not with Suzie.”
“You’d fuck a stranger ahead of Arnie? I’ll do you a favour and never tell him that. And before you start, I know you’d never do that either. Just for the record, I notice you mentioned your mother’s living here too. Does that mean Arnie is going short just because you’re afraid of exposure? Tell you what, though, if I promise to stop pestering Suzie, will you fuck me tonight?”
So the party came, and all was well in the end. Arnie got a ticket, travel and all, to a Browns game. He had never actually seen the NFL live, and claimed the college game was far more entertaining, but you could tell he was pretty excited. It seems Suzie found a winner all by herself. I bought him underwear and socks, just to make a point. Carrie bought him a kit of face paints in the Browns’ colours.
All was cool, but I had the impression that both girls were a little worried
or jumpy, maybe wondering what I might get up to, but I had made my promise to
Carrie. Maybe a bit of the familiar off-colour would have made them feel easier.
Then suddenly it got off-colour all by itself.
“I can’t see me painting my face,” Arnie was studying the paints, a bit of
mischief on his face, “What would be better would be chocolate body paint for me
to lick off. What say, Carrie, can we trade them in? It was your idea, so it
would be your body.”
After a moments tense silence, Suzie, her voice quivering and totally devoid
of its usual controlled modulation, asked, “Have you been talking to Victor
about an idea he might have had?”
“Did Vic have an idea? The guy that thinks socks are a present? Arnie prodded
I raised my hands in innocence, “Not me. I took the pledge. Just goes to show
that some remarks I might have made have some merit, though, doesn’t it?”
Carrie looked suspiciously at me, then at Arnie, a mischievous look on her face, “Would you really like to lick my body off, Arnold? Your came up with that idea all by yourself? What would you suggest Vic and Suzie do while this is happening? They are healthy kids, you know.” She grinned a rather lewd grin, “AS a matter of fact, I have also some chocolate body paint for you and Suzie. I didn’t want to bring it out and set off Vic’s fertile mind.”
As she talked Carrie had walked to the window and we watched her as she pulled the drapes and then walked to lock the doors. She held suzie’s eyes as she strolled back to confront Arnie. “Dare me?”. she asked Suzie, reaching into a gift bag and putting the brown paint pot on the coffee table. Suzie stared, and slowly a grin of her own took over.
“I dare you.”
Carrie was wearing what would have been the little black dress, but this one was red. Switching her gaze to Arnie, she said, “I’ll need an accomplice. Suz, will you get the zipper?” She stood motionless as after just a moments’ hesitation Suzie complied. The zip went all the way to her panty line, and the dress easily slid to the floor, leaving her in just a thong and bra. Suzie clapped her approval, and even gave a squeal of delight at her friend’s daring. Arnie could just sit and grin, still not sure what was coming, but liking it so far. For my part, I could only silently say ‘oh please, oh please’.
“I think Vic should get the bra, don’t you?” This to no one in particular,
but followed quickly by, “No, wait. I think Suzie should do it, and the panties
too. Then Victor can brush the chocolate on. It has to be a joint effort.”
“What’s my part?” Arnie could only croak, “Dare I hope?”
“You should hope, dear, it was your idea, after all. Second thoughts?” Carrie smiled angelically down at him.
Arnie swallowed, a bit of panic in his eyes as he tried to find reassurance in me and Suzie, then he sucked it up, “If Suzie strips you, and Vic paints you, I will be happy to lick you off. Are you really stripping right off?” This last as my girls come free of the bra and filled his eyes. Suzie was nervous, but she worked efficiently, and the thong quickly slid over the hips and Arnie was faced with Carrie’s shaved pube only a couple feet from his face.
“I’m really stripping off,” Carrie affirmed, “How about it, Vic? Are you good for your part? I’m ready for the paint.” She stood proudly waiting. I have to admit I think any of the four was expecting someone to chicken out at any moment, and I think Carrie thought it would be me. I quickly resolved it wouldn’t be me.
The brush was wide, 2” or so, and the syrup went on thickly, and I had to stroke it out thinner. Didn’t want my friend to go into a sugar high. At first I covered only the tummy and shoulders, then got bolder and covered her face, especially around her mouth, and finally worked to her breasts, lastly dabbing the nipples, expecting Carrie or Suzie to say that was enough. Didn’t happen, so, after looking directly at both Suzie and Arnie, swabbed the generous swipe right over Carrie’s pube, making sure I got it well into the crack..
Finally I stood back, Gave an extra dab to the left tit, just for effect, and said, “Happy birthday, Arnold.”
Arnie’s first lick on Carrie’s tummy was at best hesitant, but he methodically worked his way over her tummy and shoulders till only her breasts and pussy remained, agonised about his next move, hypnotised by the round little tits inviting his attention, went instead to her face, smearing some chocolate on his shirt, which Suzie quickly pealed off. He paused just a moment at her lips, then manfully started cleaning off the corners and crevices, and finally planted a kiss full on her lips, a kiss that lasted until both had opened wide and made a real kiss of it.
When they broke, Carrie smiled encouragingly at him, and looked meaningfully down at her girls. I could see he needed a nudge over the edge. I circled Suzie’s waist and fondled her breasts while he watched. When he could see Suzie not resisting, he quickly gobbled up a whole breast, or at least the best part, When he had both cleaned off, Carrie pointedly picked up the brush and redabbed each nipple, then gave an appreciative gasp as he gave them their proper attention.
“I think you had a part of this agreement too.” I whispered into Suzie’a ear. With a giggle she quickly pulled her tank over her head. The clasp was undone before her arms came down, and she proudly turned so I could see what I had been campaigning for. And they were beauties. I mean, Carrie is gorgeous, and I don’t really have a thing for huge honkers, but Suzie was and is magnificent. I thought about kissing them, then instead ripped my shirt off so I could pull them into my chest, at the same time finding Suzie’s lips. She was as eager as me by this time, or maybe even before, and I thought it was a good thing, as Arnie had only the pube to go, and nothing like seeing your sweety seriously making out to make yourself more boldly adventuresome.
Carrie was really into it by this time, at least she was now making no pretence of modesty or hiding her end goal. When Arnie’s tongue found her crack she rocked her pelvis and he was almost forced to find her clit, and she exploded in an orgasm. To be fair, she made sure she didn’t break a nose in her ecstasy, but she had a strong enough grip on his ears that he wasn’t about to get away with the job half done.
Suzie was breathing rather raggedly as well, just watching the show, and panted as I began nibbling her nipples. I stopped briefly to whisper I her ear, “Do you think your guy has realized he’s actually going to fuck her?” I gave each nipple some more attention, “I know its not my birthday, and I got my end of the bargain, but I think I should fuck you too.” My tongue was teasing around the corners of her lips while I explored the lines of her hips and navel.
She nodded, “They have to fuck first. But I wish they would get at it. I’m so horny. What are they doing now?”
In fact what they were doing was waiting for us, at least Arnie was. Carrie was groping his pants and even then was tearing open his belt and letting them drop while she brushed down his shorts. If Arnie was nervous, his cock wasn’t . He was compliant as Carrie mauled him, but he seemed unable to move to the next level. I quickly dropped my pants, shorts and all, and put Suzie’s hands on my boner. This was the cue Arnie needed.
He let himself be pushed onto the couch so that Carrie could straddle him and feverishly guide his cock to her pussy. WE both stopped to watch fascinated as his head battered and butted, and the was suddenly engulfed as her fingers got it pointed just right. Carrie’s moans increased in intensity as she worked her way down the shaft until finally with an ”oh, god” she bottomed and could just squirm in her pleasure.
“We’re fucking. I’m fucking Carrie,” Arnie sounded so incredulous both of us could only grin, then quickly Suzie’s grin became urgent.
“Quick! The same way. Down you go. Poke that thing into me. I’m so wet! “ Suzie’s actions were as frantic as her speech. At the last minute she had to jump back to her feet to strip off her panties, with quite an amusing and unSuzie oath. Then a calmer Suzie was back, well aware that eyes from the couple next door could see the union, just as I could see theirs. Better, really, with Carrie’s shaved pube. I would have liked to take it slower, to properly savour the moment, but at the same time I wasn’t about to let anything stop the endgame.
“No, wait.” My heart went through the bottom. Not now, this close. But Suzie had lifted off me and had flopped to the carpet. “I want to consciously open my legs for you. It’s important. Come on.”
And it was a rush settling between her legs, feeling her thighs grip and welcome me, her hand insinuating between our tummies to lead my cock home. But the real rush was when I felt penetration and suddenly found myself completely in, feeling her warmth the full length of me even as Carrie was pounding her way to another orgasm. Then I too was pounding at Suzie’s urging as she too reacted to the release of the tensions of the last half hour.
I tried to describe the ensuing melee, then deleted it. I was unable to
properly capture it, not without making it sound like just another fuck scene.
It wasn’t .
As Suzie lay with her head on my shoulder, her voice had regained its measure
timbre, “Before we did it, were you more afraid that we might do it, or that we
might not?”
I hadn’t even entertained the question before this, and it came as a shock to
have to. Fact was, I had never really thought it would, so I never worried that
it would. In retrospect, though, if I had thought it possible, I wouldn’t have
worried about it.
Suzie went on as I mused, “You see, I think I knew it would, and I don’t know
which way I was worried. But now I’m glad. I wonder if it will happen again.”
The others joined us on the carpet, Arnie’s lovingly stroking Suzie’s thigh. He planted a kiss on her smiling lips, then rolled between Carrie’s knees and let her guide his new boner to her pussy. As Suzie stroked up and down on my new hard-on, I watched Arnie’s bum work, imagining her cunt receiving and relishing his cock, wondering if it would feel any different the next time I entered. Couldn’t wait to find out, but right now I was busy.
A bit later, the four of us were lazing still on the floor, Suzie playing
with her panties without actually putting them on. No hurry for anything.
“Are we going feel awful about this tomorrow?” She ventured.
“The only thing that would make me feel awful is if you didn’t want to do it again,” Arnie rolled to his stomach, a shade of worry on his face.
I held my breath. I shared Arnie’s view completely. I didn’t really know what
had sparked Carrie to initiate the stripping in the first place, but I had no
regrets that she did. Still, doubts were to be expected to creep in.
After a thoughtful pause, Carrie almost whispered, “I’m glad Arnie wants to fuck
me again.”
Suzie laughed out loud, “Right answer, girl. I won’t feel awful either. I just wanted to talk anyone else out of feeling that way. So quick, before anyone gets sober thoughts or anything silly like that, when can we promise to do this again? Just so the commitment is there and I have a reason to save my energies”
Video store owner has a hard time controlling his lust for his employees... |
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