Beth - Our experiment
Beth settled into a fairly decent rhythm, but soon stopped long enough to grab the large pillows at the head of the bed, and raise Tom's head and shoulders up to slide the pillows under him - this brought them more comfortably together, it allowed Beth to slowly rub her breasts and hard nipples on Tom's chest while they fucked, while Tom's hands clasped her low on her waist, and kept time with her strokes as he helped raise and lower her on his dick - and when Beth got a bit tired, she could lean forward, and let Tom pick up the motion. Beth kept ooohing and ahhhhing, as she would shift position slightly or Tom would place his hands strongly on her ass and pull her forcefully down onto his dick on her downstroke, as he met her with powerful thrusting upstrokes of his own.
They continued this way for perhaps 45 minutes - Beth alternately fucking Tom, and then, resting while he fucked her, sometimes lying nearly still, as they both slowly fucked each other with shorter strokes as Tom was deeply inside her, with Beth lying down with her breasts tightly against Tom's chest as they kissed deeply and repeatedly - Tom slowly massaging Beth's breasts, back and ass, and Beth with both arms around his neck clutching him and supporting herself as she slowly maintained slow, shallow strokes of pure delight. She was being fucked deeply, slowly, and thoroughly, and was absolutely lost in the sensual delight of the moment.
From my vantage point near the foot of the bed, I could clearly see Tom's large dick sliding smoothly in and out of Beth's well-stretched pussy - sometimes in long deep 8 inch strokes, sometimes short ones that ended with tightly grinding his balls up against her pussy lips, as Beth would then wiggle, squirm and move her hips strongly back and forth for more stimulation, moaning with delight at the feel of him deeply inside her.
But all things must eventually come to an end, and soon, Beth visibly began heavier, agitated breathing and a more rapid pace - her butt was literally a blur, as she was approaching another orgasm, and screwed Tom with all her might, her wet pussy slap-slap-slapping against his pubic area and balls - and he screwed her back with equal growing enthusiasm and vigor - the bed was shaking so violently you could hear it all through the house, and the sound of their bodies slapping vigorously together as they both grunted and moaned from delight and exertion was an aphrodisiac in itself. Beth was again crying "God, I'm gonna cum again, I'm gonna cum again - I think I'm gonna scream!"
Suddenly, she gave another yelping scream of delight, as the strongest orgasm yet shook her body - she rocked and rolled on Tom's cock, twisting and gyrating with pure delight, while Tom clasped her strongly at the hips with his hands, and forcibly pulled her down further on his cock, as he continued thrusting deeply into her as he himself again groaned and ejaculated - bringing still another cry of delight from Beth as she felt his hot explosion of sperm deep inside her again and again... They continued long, slow strokes for a bit, savoring the full sensation of their mutual climax, as Tom deposited the last available drop of sperm into her, and she hungrily ground her pussy tightly down on his cock to receive every last drop of it...
Then, Beth slowly rolled off Tom, and as they lay there side by side, still oblivious to my presence as they were breathing heavily and resting, I could again see the steady drip and flow of Tom's semen oozing out of Beth's now reddened and slightly swollen pussy - it had taken a heavy pounding, no doubt about it! Beth was murmuring in a low voice to Tom as they lay closely together, "Tom, you are fabulous - I never dreamed sex could be this good - God, I've simply never been fucked that way before - I can't believe this is happening!"
I slowly and quietly got out of my chair and left the bedroom, and went across the hall to the spare bedroom - I figured Tom and Beth were done for the night, and assumed Tom would soon be leaving - in fact, I could hear him get up from the bed and go into the bathroom, and heard the sound of him urinating - but, if Tom or I thought that was all for that night, we were wrong - because the next thing I heard, was our bedroom door being closed softly, and the click of the lock - Beth had more plans for Tom for the rest of the night, She was enjoying what she was getting far to much to let it end yet, and she didn't want any more "observers" watching in the room with them... It was going to be a long night...
I heard the sound of the shower turning on, as either Tom or Beth prepared for a shower - I quietly crossed the hallway to listen at the locked bedroom door - and could hear laughter, and Tom and Beth's murmuring voices coming from the shower - but couldn't make out what was being said - soon, I could hear Beth's giggles and excited tone of voice - and after that a few small moans, followed by the sound of light rhythmic thumping against the shower wall, as Tom was obviously fucking Beth in the shower...
I left the door, and went to bed in the guest room... I was awakened several times in the night by sounds of renewed action emanating from our bedroom - muffled squeals of delight from Beth, and groans of pleasure from Tom - as well as frequent loud protests from our bed, straining under the unfamiliar stresses their animated fucking was placing upon it. This had gone from a relative short one night stand "experiment", into and all-out marathon orgy!
Sleeping fitfully, at daybreak, I heard the shower running again as someone was taking another shower - then shortly, heard Beth's giggle again from the bedroom - there were a few more of the usual sounds of animated sex, then quiet. After a short while, I heard the bedroom door unlock, and while I pretended to be asleep, peeked to see Tom leaving and going downstairs - and heard the front door open and close softly. I waited for a while, then quietly went over to the bedroom to gather some clean clothes - and saw Beth sound asleep, breathing heavily and lying naked almost flat on her back on the bed, legs slightly apart - it was already warm in the house, and the early morning sun was shining directly across Beth - and I could easily see her red and swollen pussy, her matted pubic hair all plastered with dried sweat and semen, her pussy lips, still spread slightly from the size of Tom's huge dick, again oozing a small trickle of Tom's sperm onto a growing wet spot on the sheet, evidence of the vigorous "one more for the road" fuck they had shared just before Tom left...
I shaved, dressed, and went on downstairs, leaving Beth to sleep off her exhaustion from her nights exertion. About noon, she came quietly downstairs - obviously still very tired - and subdued. She had showered and dressed quite casually, and asked how I had slept - I replied, a lot better than you did. She blushed, with a small self-conscious giggle, and replied, yeah, that's for sure, and God, is my pussy sore - it feels on fire - and my legs are sore too from spreading so wide and long for Tom! I asked her what she thought of her nights experiment otherwise, and she asked if I really wanted to know - I replied, "right down to the smallest detail- starting with what happened afer I left the room and was locked out".
She replied, sure - if you want, I'll give you all the gory details - just remember, this was mostly your idea - and she had me there! She said first of all, she was very happy I had suggested our little experiment - it was far more enjoyable and satisfying than she had expected. As far as the closed bedroom door. she figured I had not planned to spend any more time in the room with them after I had left - and since we had all gone as far as we had at that point, and she and Tom were enjoying it so well, they might as well make a full night of it. I mentioned the bit about Tom not being protected - and Beth said she had assumed I had told Tom about our trying to get pregnant, and since she was obviously not using birth control herself, and if any was provided, he would have to provide it. She said when Tom laid her on the bed and started inserting into her, she realized he was not using a condom - but they were way past the point of no return, and by that time, all they both wanted was enthusiastic sex - and lots of it! Besides, she said, Tom fucked me so many times last night, he would have had to bring a suitcase of condoms for protection! We'll simply have to wait and see what, if anything, develops - it's too late now to worry.
I asked her how many times they had fucked, and she replied she lost count at a half dozen, including the time in the shower - she giggled and blushed as she said that when Tom had gone to shower, she had closed our bedroom door, and then gone into the bathroom and asked Tom if he needed help in the shower, and he had replied sure, and reached out and pulled her in with him. Then, she said, they began soaping each other down, and she said when Tom soaped her breasts and pussy. She nearly had another orgasm right then! She was soaping him as well, and as she soaped and fondled his large dick and balls, she said he again got a massive erection, and as she placed herself up close to him and worked at rubbing his dick into her eager pussy, Tom had lifted one of her legs, then backed her against the shower wall as he slipped into her clear up to his balls - and fucked her hard there under the streaming hot shower.
Later through the night, even when they weren't engaged in all-out screwing, in between, they were lying in each other's arms, with Tom inside her slowly screwing her gently with a semi-erect dick as she drifted in and out of sleep - waking only as Tom again hardened fully and reached ejaculation, bringing Beth to another moaning orgasm with him. They had literally fucked each other all night long! Beth exclaimed with a mixture of awe and reverence, God, that man is a pussy-full! He stretches and fills me totally, and as soon as he is fully inside me, it's as though he has turned on every erotic switch inside me - all I can think of is fuck me, fuck me more, fuck me deeper, fuck me faster! And when we're done, all I can think, is, please, Tom, fuck me again! I can't believe how much semen he put in me - don't know how much, but it seems to just keep dripping out - and I absolutely love the sensation and creamy, sticky feel of each drop!
I remarked that I guessed that was the end of our little experiment - and Beth replied as she left the kitchen, well, not exactly - since it's the weekend and he's still alone, I suggested that we continue our little experiment, and asked Tom to bring over a few of his things when he returns this evening, and spend the weekend here - you don't mind staying in the guestroom another couple of nights do you? It was more a statement than a question, and it was clearly settled as far as Beth was concerned.
We didn't speak about it any more - and Tom called in mid-afternoon, speaking to
Beth to see if everything was still on for the rest of the weekend - when Beth
eagerly replied yes, He said he would be back around 8 pm. Beth started
clock-watching at 7 pm - and at about a quarter to 8 went upstairs for something
- and when she returned, was wearing her terry bathrobe, as she walked past, I
could smell newly applied perfume, and when her robe parted as she walked, could
see she was again naked underneath in anticipation of Tom's arrival. His car
pulled in, the bell rang, and Beth eagerly rushed to open the door. She quickly
greeted him, and as he closed the door behind him, she took his hand and nearly
dragged him up the stairs to our bedroom giggling, and over her shoulder, called
back that they would see me in the morning, and for me to "sleep well"...
Needless to say Saturday night went much like the night before - the first couple of times they were obviously enthusiastically fucking, they were pretty loud and vocal - but things quieted down some as the evening and night wore on - although the screwing in the shower episode was repeated, and easily heard downstairs - I decided to try to sleep downstairs on the couch for a bit more distance from their steady lovemaking and occasional grunts, groans and yelps of delight in their vigorous activity. Our "experiment" was obviously a roaring success...
The next morning was nearly exactly like the morning before - after Tom left the house, I went quietly upstairs, where Beth was again openly sleeping naked on the severely rumpled bed - she was pretty much lying on her stomach this time, with one leg pulled up a ways, revealing her still red and swollen pussy, matted pubic hair, and the now-familiar seepage of Tom's sperm dripping from her much-used and slightly spread pussy. No surprise that she was again very thoroughly fucked - ridden hard, and put away wet...
Again around noon Sunday, Beth came downstairs - cleaned up, and wearing some nice looking outdoors clothing - when I asked how her night had been, she simply replied "Great", and I asked no more. She then said she thought she and Tom would get out of the house for the afternoon, and drive our camper-van up to our small cabin by the nearby lake for a picnic. The cabin really isn't much, mostly a rustic hunting cabin with no more than a table, couple of chairs and an old bed - we planned that eventually we might develop the property, but for now we rarely had time to use it, even though it's only about 20 minutes from town.
Beth said she was meeting Tom there in about an hour, so she quickly fixed a basket of sandwiches and drinks, and prepared to leave - she suggested she wasn't sure how long they might stay - but along with the food she placed into the van, I also saw a couple of sleeping bags and some blankets - so I figured that old tired bed at the cabin would be getting a pretty good workout, and I'd not be seeing Beth before morning. I was totally correct - it was near daybreak the next morning when she quietly returned home, and came upstairs exhausted, and fell into bed beside me and instantly was asleep.
I got up later, fixed myself some breakfast, and then went to work - I figured Beth would again sleep the morning away. At work, I was told by my boss that I must attend a business meeting the coming weekend, must leave Friday afternoon by plane, and not be back until late Sunday night - meanwhile, I must prepare a huge amount or research papers and proposals for the unexpected meeting - I called Beth, and explained I would have to be gone the following weekend, and also must work late a couple of evenings beginning that day, to prepare - she seemed slightly relieved to hear that, but told me to not work too hard and we hung up.
When I got home about 9 pm that night, Beth was already upstairs in bed asleep - I figured she was still recovering from her weekend, and I was glad the episode was over, and figured we would have to discuss it thoroughly soon, but obviously not tonite. The next morning, Beth was still sleeping soundly when time came for me to get up, so I fixed a quick breakfast, and left for another busy day at the office. I didn't have time to take lunch, but around 2 in the afternoon there was lull, so I decided to drive home for a quick late lunch, and see how Beth was doing. I arrived home, and went into the house, and Beth wasn't downstairs, so I looked into our bedroom, and was surprised to see she was in bed - no problem, I'll just go down a fix a sandwich, I figured, and did so. As I was sitting at the Kitchen table, Beth came downstairs sort of groggy and mussed, wearing only a T-shirt - and was surprised to see me sitting there in the kitchen.
I told her what I was doing, That I had to get back to work soon - and as we spoke, she reached up into an overhead cupboard for the coffee, and as she did, the T-shirt she was wearing rode up above her hips for the minute or so she was occupied in the cupboard, and I could easily see her pubic hair was again dried and matted, and there were again droplets of semen at the edges of her slightly stretched pussy - she had obviously been well fucked again by Tom quite recently! I asked where she got the T-shirt she was wearing, and she flushed as she admitted it was Tom's. I asked if he had been there that day, and she admitted that he had - and the day before as well.
She told me she had suggested to him over the weekend, that since he was still on his own until his wife returned the middle of the next week, if he wanted, he could stop by and she would fix him lunch if he happened to be making deliveries in the area during lunchtime - naturally, he was happy to take her up on the offer, but their 2-hour lunches were spent up in our bedroom fucking vigorously both Monday and today - Beth weakly joked that his "deliveries" were pretty spectacular. She next said I might as well know that since the coming weekend was Tom's last days of "freedom", and I was to be out of town, she had asked him to again spend the weekend with her - after all, she said, it's better for me to not be here alone, don't you think? Again, it was a statement, not a question, and Beth and Tom were scheduled for another marathon weekend orgy.
At this point, there was little I felt able to say, so I returned to work, and got home late, after Beth was already in bed asleep. I made it a point to carefully check bedroom conditions, Bathroom, etc, and the rest of the week it was obvious by little tell-tale signs that Tom was still making enthusiastic noontime "deliveries" to a very eager and willing Beth. There was also no doubt in my mind that enthusiastic sex, not sandwiches, was what Beth had in mind for Tom's "lunches" from the beginning.
Friday afternoon came, and mid-afternoon, I came home to pack the clothing and things I would need for my weekend meeting - and Beth met me at the door with my travel bag all packed and ready to go - she said she wanted to make sure I didn't miss my flight, and packed for me - but I noticed she was again in her terry robe, nothing underneath, and it was obvious she was far more interested in getting me on my way and for Tom's arrival for their weekend. She seemed cheerful, gave me a peck on the cheek, and told me to have a good weekend and meeting - I hollowly told her and Tom to do the same.
As I pulled out of our driveway on the way to the airport, in my rearview mirror, I saw Tom's car pull around the far corner onto our street - Beth had obviously told him when I would be leaving, and he wasn't wasting any time getting their weekend started - I ruefully imagined they would probably enjoy a couple of good thorough and vigorous fucks by the time my plane left the runway - as it later turned out, I was absolutely right!
I did lots of thinking over the weekend, I appeared to have stupidly placed myself in a no-win situation, At my own urging, and out of perverse curiosity, I had maneuvered my wife into willingly fucking a better built and more sexually competent married man, right in front of me, and through my own efforts to bring her lover to her right in our own bedroom and bed. I had foolishly failed to prepare her new lover for the fact she was in a condition where he should provide protection, or she could become pregnant by him - and now they were well into a non-protected sexual relationship. God only knew where it would all end...
Then, when they both so eagerly enjoyed their aggressively abundant sex together, there was no easy way for me to stop what I myself had initiated and encouraged, lest my wife in particular, rebelled, and insisted on continuing her sexual encounters she now found so compelling and desirable - and continue with them behind my back. How do I insist my wife stop doing what I convinced her to start in the first place? How do I attack or condemn Tom for fucking my wife, when it was I who had tricked him into coming to our home to do exactly that? We were all guilty to varying degrees - I wanted to see what it would be like for my wife to be thoroughly and deeply fucked by another man - and got my wish answered - Beth wanted to see what it was like to be fucked thoroughly and deeply by another man - and got her wish answered, vigorously, and many times - Tom simply wished for a good piece of ass to relieve his horniness, and boy, did he get his answered!
There seemed no way to suddenly stop it all, you can't put smoke back in a bottle, and at least, now, everything was out in the open for the most part. I knew Beth and I had to talk this out, and come up with a satisfactory conclusion when I returned home.
My return flight got in at nearly midnight Sunday night - and when I got home, I saw Tom's car was still in the drive, so I entered the house as quietly as possible, and since I didn't see them downstairs, assumed they were up in the bedroom. Sure enough, as I quietly came to the bedroom door, I could see them both, naked on top of the covers, tightly intertwined, both arms and legs, and with slow deliberation, slow-fucking as they kissed, whispered and talked to each other in low tones like a long-married couple deeply in love - they obviously hadn't heard me come in, so I softly went back down the stairs and slept on the couch again.
Tom left at dawn to get to work - I pretended to be asleep until he was gone, and then went upstairs to check on Beth - she was under the sheet, soundly asleep. I wasn't expected at work that day due to my long weekend, so I fooled around the house waiting for Beth to wake up and come down. About noon, she came down, again dressed only in one of Tom's T-shirts.
Lindsey dumps an abusive husband... |
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