Beth - Our experiment
Beth and I have been married 10 years now - we met at the company where I was employed as a junior executive, I was 25 at the time, and she was a couple of years younger - she was a secretary-receptionist. She is an extremely attractive woman - slender and somewhat athletic, but with all the curves in the right places. She was relatively reserved in her conduct - not loud, vulgar or prone to swearing or bad language - generally what most would call "clean cut".
After we were married, we agreed that we would not try for children right away, but get better established with a home and finances - we were both pretty new with the company. I made good progress in my career, but then the economy took a downturn, and Beth was laid off from her job. By now, that wasn't too significant, I was making good money, my job was secure, and we had a nice large home with all the trimmings out in a semi-rural suburb area - pool, spa and the works.
So, we decided now would be a good time to start our family...
During our marriage, it was apparent to me I wasn't fully capable of satisfying her sexually to the degree I wanted to - I am not really well endowed, only about 5 inches in length, but I tried to do the best I could with what I had. In spite of my best efforts, I can never recall a time in our love-making when she had an obvious orgasm, and it was pretty clear that her physical capacity exceeded what I was able to provide - tho she never really complained. But now, as we were trying to get her pregnant, it became obvious I was in trouble - and after 6 months or so of effort, she was still not expecting, and I suspected my lack of "manhood" might be a factor.
Discussing the inability we were having in getting her pregnant one morning at the breakfast table, and my wish that I was a bit larger in the penis department, I jokingly suggested maybe we should bring in a better equipped guy to see what he could do, at least see if a bigger guy would provide any more enjoyment or better stimulation for her than I seemed to - and she asked if I had anyone in mind. I was sort of surprised at her quick and unexpected response - but after a few moments, mentioned Tom might be a good prospect - a fellow worker about Beth's age we both knew who worked in the delivery department of my company. Tom had transferred to our plant several years prior, following his divorce from his first wife, which had produced 2 children now in her custody - Tom had played the field, female-wise, for a couple of years, but remarried about a year ago to a gal who worked as a legal secretary in a local office.
Beth displayed obvious interest in the subject, and asked why I suggested him, and I replied that we both were active on the company bowling team, and we also went to the same gym - I had seen him in the showers, and he certainly looked as though he could satisfy just about ANY female - besides, the night before at the bowling alley, he had mentioned his wife had been out of town visiting a distant relative, and wasn't due back for another couple of weeks - and he had been complaining about getting horny - I told Beth he was probably just what she needed. As I said, she also knew Tom quite well, since she often saw him at work, he'd been to a couple of parties at our home, and frequently their paths crossed when she needed to give him bills of lading for loads he was to deliver as part of his job.
Beth was strangely quiet for the rest of breakfast - and I could see she was in deep thought - so I asked, are you really interested? She looked a bit sheepish and embarrassed, and admitted, well, sort of - you know, there's always a bit of natural curiosity, and it would be interesting to see what a larger guy would feel like, and I am sort of attracted to Tom, he has a very pleasant and likeable personality, and to tell the truth, there were rumors among the women around the plant about his "equipment" and ability, based upon his activities with the ladies prior to getting remarried a year ago - but, are you serious, how would you feel about me being with another man in that way? Could you really stand the reality of another, bigger guy, having sex with me, and me enjoying it?
I had to admit, while apprehensive about potential complications, I too was curious as to how Beth would accept and react to an experienced and better hung guy than me - and slowly admitted, yeah, If she was really interested, it might be educational at that, but only if I could watch what happened and maybe pick up some pointers, if she really did enjoy it. I asked her if she wanted to think about it for a while, and let me know if she wanted me to approach Tom on the subject, and she immediately said "sure, go ahead, if it wouldn't bother you, I'd be willing to try it if he agrees - it might be instructive for us both - but first, tell me more about him, how much bigger than you is he? I don't want to get myself into anything I can't handle". I was surprised she had made her decision so quickly - and went on to tell her that from what I could tell, he was probably 3-4 inches longer than my 5 inches - and perhaps twice my girth. Beth seem enthusiastic as ever, so we agreed to proceed...
That day, a Friday, I happened to pass Tom down in the warehouse area, and asked how his "horniness" was coming along - he assured me it was in full operation, and wanted to know why I asked. I suggested I might have a cure for him if he was interested, and that maybe he could come over for supper that night and we could see about it - he looked puzzled, but said that after eating his own cooking for over a week, a home cooked meal would be great, and agreed.
I quickly called Beth, explained what had happened, and told her to do whatever she needed to prepare. I got home after work around 6 p.m., and saw the table set nicely for 3, and noted with surprise that Beth was wearing a thin knit low-cut sweater that showed off her breasts nicely, an attractive skirt and sandals - and that was all - no bra, no panties, no stockings - she looked great, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary from a casual glance. It was obvious that Beth was determined to give this experiment her best effort - no holding back!
Tom showed up a half hour later - he had been to our place a few times in the past for parties and such, so he knew his way around - Beth met him at the door, and his horniness was evident as he approvingly took in her appearance, unaware that there was nothing worn underneath the pretty exterior, and that it was all for his later enjoyment - and then he came in and greeted me. While Beth finished getting supper ready, Tom questioned me about my "cure" for his horniness - and asked laughingly if I had fixed him up with a date. I replied yes, I think so - he looked surprised, and asked, with who - and I replied "with the cook of tonight's meal!" Tom about fell out of his chair!
"You're kidding!", he stated, "Beth?" "Yep," I said, "it's all been discussed and agreed upon - if you're interested, only condition is, I intend to watch everything that happens"... Before any more could be said, Beth announced supper was ready, and we went into the dining room - by now, Tom couldn't keep his eyes off Beth - and she was looking at him with open interest as well. Needless to say, it was a rather quick and quiet meal - and at the end, Tom asked Beth, "is what Bill tells me about my being here on the level?" Beth replied, "well, if you're interested, it is - do you want to give it a try?"
We all got up from the table - Tom shot me a glance as if to ask if this was the
time, and if I had any second thoughts - to reassure him, I said "lets go", and
started up the stairs to the bedroom, as Beth took Tom's hand and they followed
behind. When we reached the bedroom, I quickly took a seat in a large
comfortable chair in a dark area near the corner of the bed - the light from a
streetlamp provided sufficient illumination for me to observe what went on.
Beth led Tom to the side of the bed as she quickly kicked off her sandals, then turned to face him - by this time they were totally absorbed in each other, and it was as though I wasn't even there. There was a short moment of awkwardness, as each of them was unsure how to start - but Beth took the initiative, and moved closely to him as he responded by placing his arm around her waist, he was much taller than Beth, and he then pulled her closely to him. She turned her face up to him, stood up on her tip-toes, and they automatically engaged in a long, deep exploratory kiss - and that was the last trace of awkwardness for either of them!
As they continued their long deep kiss, Tom slowly slid his hands up beneath Beth's sweater, and quickly discovered she had nothing on underneath - so he immediately used both hands to gently slip her sweater off, with Beth's eager assistance. Tom instantly switched his attention to Beth's full breasts and erect nipples, cupping them in his hands and kissing them - and as Beth worked at unbuttoning his shirt, Tom found the snaps fastening her skirt, unsnapped them, and let her skirt fall to the floor, leaving Beth totally naked before him. By this time, Tom was out of his shirt and pants, and revealed a huge erection bulging a severely strained jock strap - at this point it was hard to tell who was more entranced - Tom at Beth's spectacular naked body waiting temptingly and willingly before him, or Beth at the impressive size of Tom's dick soon to be deeply thrust inside her! In any event, foreplay was over, and both of them were clearly eager to get down to serious business!
Tom couldn't repress a low "wow" at Beth's appearance - and she responded with a "yeah, WOW!" at the sight of his massive erection there before her. She said "I sure hope I can handle all that" - and Tom replied, "no time like right now to find out!"
Tom pulled Beth close again, and gave her another long kiss as he carefully laid her back onto the waiting bed. We have a rather high bed, and the top surface is nearly as high as a low table, so what Tom did next worked out perfectly for the two of them on their first time. As Beth hit the bed's surface, she immediately spread her legs and raised her knees, fully exposing her already-wet pussy in preparation for insertion of Tom's dick, and eagerly pulled him down with her. Tom's erection was totally impressive, and even larger than I had imagined, easily twice the size of mine - I was concerned that it might be too much for Beth to handle - but Tom prepared Beth carefully, pulled her butt over to the edge of the bed as he remained standing next to it, and carefully used one hand to slowly rub the head of his dick all around the outside of Beth's wet and eager pussy lips as he slowly massaged her pussy with the other hand, finally getting the head started into her as she cooperated by spreading her legs even more widely apart - making small happy moans as he slowly and carefully pressed deeper into her with short easy thrusts to lubricate his dick with her flowing juices.
At this point, I roused from my entrancement, and realized Tom wasn't using a condom, and was riding Beth bareback - but they were past the point of no return by now, and as I watched , Tom slowly continued inserting into Beth, as she wiggled slightly to help and gave out low moans of appreciation as he entered her inch by inch, him standing at the side of the bed, leaning above her and clasping his hands around her slim waist. All beth could utter was "Ohhhh Tom, that feels SO good", and Tom replied, Yeah babe, you're really a nice and tight fit!"
Within a couple of minutes, by the light of the streetlamp, I could see Tom was fully inserted into Beth, and all remaining visible were his balls as they slowly bumped against Beth's ass as he slowly began screwing her deeply with increasingly longer, powerful strokes. Beth was handling his massive cock rather well, but I could tell there was a slight tense hesitation from her at first, but this quickly disappeared as Tom began picking up rhythm, and lengthened his stroke - soon, Beth quickly and eagerly began to match his strokes with thrusts of her own as she steadily gasped and moaned at the feel of him so deeply inside her. Tom now held onto her hips firmly, as Beth's legs lay over the top of his forearms - her legs were spread widely and pulled well back, and Tom had free and clear access to ram his dick cleanly and full-depth into her eager pussy, his balls slapping against her ass at each enthusiastic stroke, and in time with each thrust Tom was strongly pulling her hips towards him as he pushed into her stroke after eager stroke, occasionally stopping at full insertion and forcibly grinding hard against her pussy, as Beth responded by pivoting her hips strongly against and into his dick for maximum stimulation.
Within moments, Tom's horniness was quite evident, as he steadily picked up speed, but Beth was even quicker to lose control, and she gave out several loud squeals of uncontrollable rapture as after only a few minutes, she began exclaiming, "God, oh God, I gonna cum, I'm gonna cum - fuck me Tom, Fuck me faster, harder! - don't stop!" she suddenly came loudly to the first full orgasm I had ever seen her have. She bucked and twisted beneath Tom, and grasped his buttocks, pulling herself as tightly to him as she was physically able, and though Tom slowed slightly for a few moments, he continued picking up speed and intensity, clearly about to come to a climax of his own. Beth kept moaning, "God Tom, that was unbelievable, God that was great - keep on, don't stop - fuck me as hard and deep as you can - I love it!" I was amazed - Beth had never reacted, or talked like this in my presence as long as I had known her.
Within a couple more minutes, Tom's strokes grew more rapid and deep, and both he and Beth were panting from their exertion - and then, Tom groaned loudly and grabbed her ass, pulling her forcefully against him as he made a huge thrusting lunge into Beth - who responded with a gasping yelp of satisfaction as she again came to orgasm at the sensation of Tom's gushing ejaculation spurting deep inside her. It appeared Tom must have shot at least a half-dozen major spurts of sperm into Beth, as he pumped strongly into her with a loud groan again and again, grinding his balls tightly against Beth's pussy to deliver his semen as deeply as physically possible - and she obviously enjoyed and savored every last drop, responding with small gasps and cries of delight of her own with each spurting stroke, along with matching thrusts back towards him - all the while exclaiming "God, oh God, that was totally awesome Tom, give me more, oh God"...
At this point, they both continued slowly for a bit, deeply, fucking each other - Tom digging his dick as deeply into Beth as he physically could, and Beth caressing Tom's back and pulling him tightly to her with her hands, and forcefully pushing back with her hips and moving her legs back and forth along Tom's torso as she made every effort to gather up every last drop of his spurting semen. After a few more minutes, temporarily spent, Tom pulled out of Beth - and I was amazed to see that even at half erection, Tom was still several inches longer than I am at full erection - no wonder Beth was so aroused. While I had watched, Tom had accomplished twice in about 15 minutes, what I was unable to do in 10 years - and that was just the icebreaker!
Tom exclaimed, God babe, I really needed that, you are fabulous, so tight, and you really know how to fuck a guy back - I don't remember ever coming so hard and so much!" And Beth responded, "Well Tom, I've been needing it for over 10 years, God, you put so much semen in me, I'll probably slosh when I walk - I've NEVER been fucked like that in my life - that was so awesome I can't believe it"...
Tom rolled over onto his side up on the bed, as Beth rolled over close to face him - they lay close together, and quickly began kissing deeply, gathering up steam for their next session - as Tom alternately kissed Beth's lips, then each of her breasts, which Beth made easier by twisting slightly so he could more easily reach them - his other hand was busy slowly rubbing up and down her back and thigh - and into her crotch as he massaged her slightly opened pussy, which was beginning to trickle and drip a visible flow of Tom's semen. Beth responded by also rubbing Tom's back and thigh - and soon was massaging his balls and working at rubbing renewed life into his semi-erect cock, priming him for what was to come next.
Her efforts soon paid off, and I could see size and stiffness returning to Tom's cock - Beth noticed as well, and quickly pushed Tom over onto his back and mounted him, saying, "now it's MY turn, fella!" She reached down and carefully lined up on Tom's cock, and much more rapidly than the first time, slid her sperm dripping pussy all the way down his massive dick clear to his balls with a low satisfied moan of delight. She quickly began a slow and deep rhythm, their bodies slapped lightly together as she eagerly fucked him, leaning down as he pulled her to him so he could continue to fondle and kiss her breasts. It was clear that now that their earlier needs had been somewhat sated, this session was to be a much longer, deep and unhurried fuck just for the pure delight and sensation of a good enjoyable and satisfying screw.
A story about a sissy who finally realizes who and what he is after his first time sexual encounter with a real man... |
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- bedtime
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