So our seduction commenced, slowly, with new experiences together each day! Bess agreed to take my departmental organization plan and have her section put it into their standard organizational format and for the next week, or two, during our evenings, we concerned ourselves with re-writes and changes.
Then, for the next week we worked on a departmental organizational plan for her department. Of course, there was a good deal of horseplay and messing around as we worked in he evening. We kissed frequently and I tried to cop a feel often - sometimes she let me; usually she pushed me away. Always we were friends!
Then, Bess presented me with an outline for the entire Navy function with operation ‘Blackslide’ for my recommendations. Later that week, the Admiral was quite pleased with this framework for an organization plan and Bess and I were ordered to report to him.
“This is good work,” he said. Now, with this frame work and examples I can kick some dead asses in the rest of my command. Miss Wainroth has done an excellent job on your basic work and I’m putting her in for a meritorious service medal..
That night, Bess was like a different woman. . . She was silent and reserved at dinner and on our return to my room where I had a bottle of bandy waiting, she sat silently sipping from the brandy snifter. As I sat down beside her she turned and kissed me on the lips. It was unlike any kiss we’d ever experienced before as her lips parted and out tongues met in a dance of passions.
As we kissed, I began to caress her arms and shoulders before boldly reaching between us for her breast. Expecting to be rebuffed, I encountered no resistance. We parted to sip our brandy and closer as I commenced opening her BDU blouse. Still no resistance.
Then, as the blouse was completely removed and she sat in her bra, I asked, “Are you sure?”
Our eyes met and I got silent assent.
We kissed again as my hands moved to unclasp her bra and remove it to display her bared breasts. Then, I moved away to look down and view those small, perfectly formed tits with dark circles around her extended nipples. I reached out and touched them. . . so soft and smooth!
Soon, I moved and applied my lips to her nipples where they brought out the first whimpers of passion from Bess’s mouth. There had been others, I wasn’t a virgin, but Bess was the most beautiful as she brought out my best efforts to please her.
I moved slowly and rested frequently as we played. Bess removed my BDU blouse and trousers; then, her own trousers. It was past midnight when we crawled under the covers on my bed and slept in each other’s arms.
Next morning, I was on duty at 0700 and left Bess, still asleep in my bed. When Lizabeth arrived at work at 0800, she came to me and smiled as she whispered, “I noticed you had a visitor last night. Saw Bess coming out of your room.” To this I replied, “Please keep it under your hat.”
Again, Liz smiled and said, “If you and Bess ever decide to call it off, I’d like to spend some time with you.
“Sorry Liz, I never date the coworkers.”
Work that day suffered from my lack of interest as I day dreamed and thought about Bess. When my afternoon work assignments and night orders were late, Liz was quick to help out and support me with a knowing wink.
At 1700 I was at Bess’s door and when admitted, Bess said simply, “I’ve arranged dinner here in my room.” The dinner in styro-foam dishes was usually prepared for people working during meals but they suited our purpose well. “Come in,” she said as I entered.
Before me stood Bess, beautiful as always, now clad in a pretty, white blouse, white shorts with a large red sash and a smile that said I was one lucky man. We kissed, a friendly kiss that spoke of so much more to come.
A quarter of an hour later we stood naked before each other and drew together in an embrace. “Let’s make this good. I’ve just got feeling that you’re a good lover.” Bess said. We kissed lightly and went to opposite sides of the bed where we drew back the covers and exposed the white sheets that were to be our arena.
Then, as I Glanced across the bed I was taken by Bess’s lovlieness and I called out, “Stop right there. Let me look at you,” and she posed as my adoring eyes explored every inch of her. Then, tiring of posing she leaped on to the bed and lay on her back.
Again, I adored her prone figure with my eyes. . . She was truly beautiful! My pleasure was now extreme. Then, eager to explore further with her, I moved on to the bed and lay beside her.
I turned and moved over her breasts to kiss her again on the lips. This time it was a deep soul kiss that lingered as out tongues met and my hands fondled and caressed her breasts. There was a sense of urgency - a need to get on with our tryst!
I moved again to lave and suckle her nipples and in minutes we were at the furthest point we’d yet proceeded in our love making; then, my hand felt her pubis and my finger began to explore her depths. Now, her sense of urgency matched my own.
When my lips left her nipples and started to leave a wet, sloppy trail of kisses across her belly, Bess sensed my intent and moved quickly to position my cock directly under her mouth and her pussy over my mouth for a perfect 69. We engaged each other together and she was good. Scarcely a minute after her mouth settled over my cock and she applied her amazing mouth muscles, I felt it! I cried out that I was coming! It was only at the last minute that she directed my load of sperm from her mouth to her breasts.
Of course, Bess was a mess with body fluids all over her and she sought to clean
herself in the shower where I joined her. A few minutes later we emerged from
the shower, wet and clean and went to the table where the dinner waited. We ate
the cold food like it was 5-star fare.
Then, our dinner eaten and our naked bodies cold, we returned to the bed, replaced the covers where we slipped under for warmth, and Bess cried for me to get on top of her to get her warm.
I needed no urging by her thinly disguised ruse to get on top of her and fuck her. . . I installed the condom and in seconds my cock was sliding into her warm, velvety smooth love tunnel and we were looking into each other’s eyes. She was hot. . .I, perhaps more so!
The sex was good. . . fantastic really! Bess was a good and sensitive lover and we worked well together! We moved slowly at first as we became familiar with each other’s needs and desires.
A few minutes later, I felt myself ready to ejaculate again and I warned Bess. She said simply, “I think I’m with you!” and we moved with renewed vigor to make it pleasant for the other.
Bess came first. . .then, my cock began to jerk as it spewed it’s seed into the condom. We held each other in a tight embrace. Then, it was over!
We basked in the afterglow as Bess said, “Thank you!” and I responded, “No, Thank You, you were the best!” It wasn’t yet 2000 hours.
Our status was quickly discerned by all in our close community but there were no immediate complications, save for some polite kidding, in our work place or the close community of our cave.
After that first time, Bess and I found life got easier each day. We lived together and supported each other’s careers as we grew closer. I guess I’d never thought about love, not in so many words anyway, but somewhere along the way it happened.
It was a surprise about a month later when the Admiral called me to come to his office immediately for a meeting. This was not his usual operating procedure and I was copncerned.. Then, when I entered his office I saw Bess standing there. On greeting he said, “Get Married!”
Taken aback by the suddenness of his remark, I stood silent as he continued. “The word regarding your affair is out now and the CG called me in this morning to deal with it. I’ll not have two of my best officers ruin their careers because you got hot pants. You will go to the chapel this morning and make arrangements to get married.!”
“Do we have any choice in the matter,” Bess asked.
“None that you’d like.” the Admiral replied.
So, after a brief glance at Bess and a look from her that said, “We’ve gotta’ talk,” we said, “Yes Sir!” and were dismissed by the senior officer.
Once alone together, Bess and I discussed the situation and she spoke seriously, “You know, it might not be so bad. We get along well together and support each other in so many ways already.” I agreed that she was right and suddenly I was totally in favor of the idea. Having checked our passageway both ways for casual observers, seeing none, I dropped on to one knee and asked, “Will you marry me?”
“Good! Let’s go see the Chaplain!”
Two weeks, to the day, after our meeting with the Admiral, Bess and I stood before the Chaplain to say our vows. It was to be a small wedding, just The Admiral for my best man and his Chief of Staff for backup and of course Liz and another of Bess’s friends for Maid of Honor. Somehow though, the word had leaked and the little chapel was filled with people - some of which I’d never seen before.
Bess and I said our “I do’s”, kissed and did everything proper as we stood in our BDU’s at the alter.
A month later, Bess, having completed her three years duty with Operation Blackslide was transferred to a Marine Corps unit on it’s way to a forward deployment.
The parting was sad but Bess and I were prepared and made our adjustments accordingly. Of course, due to our circumstances, we could only communicate rarely and I was left with my memories and thoughts for tomorrow.
Then, barely two months after she’d gone, I received a call to report to the Admiral and on arrival I found him with the Chaplain. “I’m afraid I have some bad news. We’ve just received word that your wife has been killed in action while serving with the Marine Corps. It there’s anything I can do. . . I didn’t hear the rest as the horror of what I’d just heard sank into my numbed brain.
The next few days were simply chaos. I could not leave the cave due to the nature of my work so I wouldn’t be attending her funeral! I had only my work to help maintain my sanity. My 6-month R & R came and went with me remaining on the job with my work..
It was shortly after 2100 hours as I sat at my desk, making work for myself, that I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and there stood Liz. . .good ole Liz! Her hand offered something that casual support that I needed and I smiled. She smiled back and said simply, “I thought you might need a friend.”
“Yes, I do!” I countered and life was bearable again.
What did I get in too? |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting