Becky’s First Time

(Part 1 from 3)

My wife Becky and I lead a typical sex life. We've never really been into swinging or anything of the like. We are very happily married and have been for four years. We are both 28 years old, and have known each other since we were 18. We saved our virginities until marriage and have never been with anyone else. We had both dated others before we met, but nothing more than kissing and some innocent feeling around had ever taken place. Needless to say, we both lacked in experience. We are both attractive people and have been propositioned a few times over the years, but we are very happy with each other. I'm a tall, slender man, about 6'2", 180 lbs. I have short brown hair and am dark complicated. Becky is almost my opposite. She stands about 5'2" and weighs about 120lbs. She has a soft, sexy, curvaceous body that drives me wild. She has long brown hair that rests upon her perfect 36B breasts. She has an incredible ass; soft, round and sexy, but not too large either, to me it's perfect.

Recently, Becky came home unexpectedly early from work and caught me watching a college girls Go crazy video. I'm not even sure if she knew that I had any porn, so I was expecting her to read me the riot act. She was taken aback at first, but much to my surprise she sat down with me and watched. As we watched, she kept making little wisecracks, but I sensed that deep down she was enjoying it. When one of the longer segments with two girls going at it came on, I expected more snide comments. On the contrary though, she didn't utter a word. In fact, once or twice I noticed her shifting in her seat. I couldn't be sure, but I though to myself, that she was enjoying it. She had never mentioned any interest in either porn or lesbianism before, and I was very surprised by her lack of resistance.

When it was done, I braced for what she would say. "So, I guess you expect sex now, huh? She said jokingly. "You think you can get all worked up watching those hot young girls and use me to get you off, don't you? 

I smiled and responded, "Well, I wouldn't mind it."

Before I could even react, she pounced on me. She went on to give me one of the hottest, wildest fucking we'd ever had. There was no foreplay, just hot, animal sex. She usually is very passive, but not this time; she was clearly the aggressor. 

The next day, she surprised me by asking, "Do you have any more of those Videos, or was it just the one."

I felt like a kid that had been caught lying and sheepishly answered, "I have a couple more, why?" In actuality, I had about 15 more, but I didn't want to seem like too much of a pervert.

The surprises kept coming when she asked, "Would you like to watch another one with me?"

"Absolutely," I answered without hesitation.

Again she sat next to me on the couch as we watched the hot college girls frolicking on the beach, and again she seemed entranced by the lesbian scene. I paid close attention to her this time, and she was clearly excited by it. If you've never seen one of the videos, the lesbian scenes are amazing! It's just a couple of hot; drunken college girls that go back to their hotel room, and get filmed having hot, full contact lesbian sex. It's very hot an uncut and you get to see everything! It's always my favorite part, and apparently it was Becky's also. When the movie was over, we again had amazing sex.

The next night, she wanted to do the same exact thing. We watched the video, and then we had amazing sex.

This continued for four nights. On the fourth night, when we were lying in bed after having sex, I decided to feel her out a little bit.

"You really like watching those videos, don't you?" I asked.

"Well, I know you do, and I just wanted to share it with you; to let you know I don't mind." She answered. I knew she was full of shit, but I decided to let her slide on that one.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that." I replied. "I do like them. I especially like the lesbian scenes."

She didn't answer, so I pried a little harder. "I have to admit, I love watching two girls together."

She just smiled.

"I guess you think that's disgusting, huh?" I prodded deeper.

"What do you mean, why do you say that? She asked.

"Well, girls always say that. They always say it's nasty." I responded.

"I wouldn't say it's nasty." She answered. "If that's what they're into, good for them. I don't have a problem with that." She stopped talking, but I could tell she wanted to continue.

"Go ahead." I said. "Don't hold back, what else?"

"I was just going to say that I think it's hot too." She answered stunningly. "I mean, I could never do it, but I've always kind of wondered what it would be like. Is that weird?"

I was blown away. I mean I knew she liked watching it, I could tell from her reaction, or lack thereof, but I couldn't believe she had admitted it. She had never before spoken about sex so frankly. "Really?" I asked. "I never would have thought you'd feel that way, but it's not weird at all. Obviously a lot of women feel the same way."

She just nodded, so I continued, "Why could you never do it?" I asked. "I mean, you know that's every guy's dream!"

She smiled, and shook her head. "Oh, I could never approach a woman. I'd be too nervous." She responded. "I mean, how would you even know a woman's a lesbian? The only time you can tell is when they're a butch, and I would never want to be with one of them!"

"Well maybe I'll give Ellen DeGeneres a call." I said jokingly.

"Now there's an idea, I wouldn't mind that." She answered kidding. "It's just a fantasy; I'd never act on it."

I was shocked by the conversation I had just had with my innocent wife. She had never before mentioned any fantasy, let alone wanting to be with another woman! Just the fact that she had admitted to it meant that she was very interested in it. I could hardly sleep that night; my mind was racing with images of Becky and another woman. I just had to make it happen! They say that if you set your mind to it, anything is possible, and I had set my mind to making this happen. Lucky me, I knew just the girl.

Sandy was a girl that I work with. She's a very attractive girl, and I knew that she was bisexual. Sandy is about my wife's height, maybe an inch or so taller and maybe five pounds lighter. She has a tight, athletic body, with small tits, but wide hips and a large ass, for a girl her size that is. She's always got a dark tan, and I've always found her hot. She's not a classic beauty, but she's got a cute face, and like I said, a great body, to go along with a warm personality. She had always spoken very openly with me, I guess because she knew I was happily married. Sandy never had a problem meeting people, but she never seemed to be in a steady relationship. I found out why one night, when Becky and I bumped into her at a bar. I saw her from behind, and I was sure it was Sandy, but she was in a deep conversation with another woman, the type of conversation that clearly means more than meets the eye. Sure enough, she turned around at one point, and it was Sandy. Becky and I had walked away from her, so I wasn't sure if she had seen us, but soon after she left, and only a few minutes later, her companion left too.

The next morning at work, Sandy seemed very uncomfortable around me. I figured I knew why, but I wasn't sure. Sometime after lunch, she approached me. "Were you and Becky at the Sports Tavern last night?" she asked.

"Yeah, we were, why?" I answered. I couldn't help but let a small smile show.

"Please don't say anything to anybody." She pleaded. "I just don't want everybody gossiping that I was with another girl."

"Don't worry, I won't say a word." I assured her. We always had a good, joking relationship, so I continued. "So when did you join the pink mafia?" I asked.

She laughed out and answered, "No, it's not like that. I'm not a lesbian, I just like a little bit of everything."

This whole event with Sandy took place about a month ago. I was sure that she was perfect. She had always flirted with me, joking that when Becky realized she was too good for me and left, I should remember her. She also had mentioned more than once how attractive Becky is. Every time they'd been around each other, Sandy was always very complimentary. I had never thought anything of it until she admitted her bisexuality to me.

A few days after Becky and I had had our conversation, Sandy stopped by my desk and asked if I'd like to go to lunch. We went to lunch about once every couple of weeks. It meant nothing, and Becky knew about it, it was just two co-workers going to lunch, but today I realized that it was the perfect opportunity to propose my plan to Sandy.

We chitchatted for a few minutes and then I took my shot. Sandy's not one to bullshit, and I had often confided in her about Becky and I, so I figured I'd just shoot straight.

"Guess what Becky told me the other day." I told her.

"What?" she asked with excited curiosity.

"She said she was curious about being with a woman." I answered.

"Is that right?" she responded, again excitedly. "How'd that come up?"

I relayed the story about watching the videos together and my wife's growing interest in them.

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