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Beauty is a beast reviews

Posted by Kazuhiko
Mary sez:"Eh. Fuck off bud!"------LOL. Mary's starting to get a litlte frustrated. People are starting to respond with logic, and it's really throwing her game off.Mary, good arguments are arguments that persuade. Good arguments get people to see the issue in a different way, and they get people to possibly even change their minds. Good arguments bring in facts that people may not have known.You are not doing any of that. You are apparently high on yourself, thinking you are making good arguments, and you are simply spewing poison. You are brimming with hate and frustration and you are simply trying to blow off steam.ALL men aren't as bad as you are making them out to be. Calm down and take a look at reality.
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With her hairy pussy was split wide open and showing a generous amount of pink to the roaring crowd, the quite embarrassed woman was now totally out of control, and jutted her mound forward, hoping to get her clit in better contact with the insistent tongue that was working up and down her slit!...