Beauty is a beast
I must precurse this story by saying that despite its stereotypical,
fantastical elements and proportions, all events described, no matter how
impossible to believe, are absolutely not
embellished and are to fact, well mostly.
My name is Evan Derby and I’m a twenty-one year old literature major at a University prestigious exclusively for its reputation as “most beligerant campus.” Two years ago I felt like kind of an odd ball on campus despite being in what most would refer to as the “in-crowd.” I was fairly popular, good looking and likeable, but was known by everyone almost exclusively as "the basketball player." When I came to this college I came FOR basketball. I didn't drink, do drugs, go to parties, AND I didn't fool around with girls. I was linearly and single-mindedly focused on sports, blindingly so. Consequentially I had almost no relationships with women in college. After a while I started to behave nervously around women, their obvious attraction towards me only making me uncomfortable. However, my sophomore year in college, mid-way through my second season, something happened: I got injured. A true blessing in disguise. I began to be more social and found a life outside of sports. I began making friends and going to parties. I had always considered myself to be a horny guy, and my self-inflicted sexual repression and ideals regarding hooking up drunk or hooking up with "easy" women made actually having sex extremely difficult, especially at Belligerent U. Anyways, another thing getting injured allowed me to do was get a job. I began working at a tanning salon and had worked there every weekend for a few months before the story I'm about to detail happened.
It was my Aunt’s business, some extra dough and usually slow enough that I could get away with studying while at work; a decent situation if you ask me. From the moment I started working there every Saturday this exquisite creature would walk through the door. She definitely wasn’t your typical fake and bake. Her name I had learned was Shannon and she was not merely my dream girl, I had concluded that she was every man's dream girl. She was the type comemorated by minor or major celebrity simply on the basis of her beauty. Any description I could give her would be completely insufficient but I will humbly undertake the task. She was a woman of medium height around 5’ 6”, her frame was petite but somehow athletic, definitely not overly thin, just firm and well looked after, not sculpted in a gym simply created perfectly. Her dark shoulder length hair framed a young angelic face. She gave off the impression of complete youthful innocence with her big, beautiful green eyes, her fresh, clear and well tanned skin. And these features were brilliantly contrasted with juicy, sensual lips. And, not to be base, but her T&A were out of this world. Her tits were big, for her size or for most sizes, a full "C" cup easily. Her ass contrastly was small, but pert and round.
She looked, well, perfect. I was convinced that if you could resist getting
hard around her you were either some kind of asexual saint, or unshakably gay.
I, for one, was happy that I was behind the counter when she arrived. At this
moment it seems to me that I may have given off the impression that I was a
virgin at the time of this story. On the contrary, I had had sex many times
before in high school. I had had three steady girlfriends in high school and had
had regular sex with all of them. And among them it had always been unanimous
that I was a “big” guy. None of them had made a very big deal over this fact
they had simply bluntly told me, one even seemed annoyed with my endowment. I
was never really convinced that I was big, I thought that they might just be
merely stroking my ego. However, curiosity had led me to measure, and numbers
don’t lie, I was just between 8 ½ and 9 inches depending upon arousal and pretty
thick. In pornos that I had watched it was infinitely arousing to hear women
talk about size, because in so many cases it was a point of arousal for them. I
had never experienced a woman who was aroused by a big one but the idea was
infinitely arousing. I imagined, to put it bluntly, that stroking my dick would
feel twice as good when the woman was simultaneously stroking my ego.
I knew that for many women this asset was a source of desire for others it was a turn-off and others were completely indifferent to it, and that it was completely impossible to tell one type from the other. I had been working at the tanning booth for a few months when “it” happened. Shannon came in on Saturday as usual but unusually she came in very late. I had been looking for her this Saturday as per usual to see what sexy thing she’d saunter in wearing and had almost given up hope ten minutes before closing when she came gliding through the door. She came bouncing towards me all smiles and sex appeal. “Hi Evan!” I swallowed with nervousness, she was wearing a low cut tank top and short jean shorts, definitely more skin than I was used to seeing from her. “Hey Shannon,” I nervously replied. “Oh my god! I’ve had the craziest day, so hectic,” I tried to say something to calm her down and perhaps amuse her, “Did you hear it’s the weekend already, calm down. Besides you look great when your in a hurry, like an attractive blur.” She laughed and took a big melodramatic deep breath, “I’m sorry it’s so late. You guys aren’t going to close on me are you?” I wouldn’t have dreamt of doing such a thing, “No, I’ve got at least another half hour of study-time here, and I wouldn’t think of locking out on such a loyal customer. We’ve got to keep you coming back, right?” Shannon smiled and for a second it seemed like she was really looking at me. It gave me the chills and made my blood rush just a little bit quicker. “Thanks Ethan, you’re really a sweetie, y’know that?” I was so mesmerized by Shannon that I almost forgot what I was doing. “Evan?” I blinked like awaking from acoma and embarrasingly realized that I'd been staring at her tits, “Yeah, sorry.” I’d almost forgotten to give her her towel and lotion, but as I turned to get them from their usual location in the shelf behind the desk, I instantly remembered that I had moved them that morning, in a now very regrettable office reorganization.
I had been throughout our conversation eye to chest with Shannon, and had, by this time, procured a quite sizeable erection. I carefully turned my back to shannon while seated, I rose, got the towels from the top shelf behind me, sat back down, turned in my chair and handed her the towels. Shannon could not have been more aware of the stiffness of my movements, however, I was at least glade that she was not aware of my stiffness elsewhere, however I soon found that she had her suspicions and a far better plan to out my current uncomfortable state than I had to hide it. She gave me a mischevious grin that, at the moment I didn’t understand. She walked away still smiling and I said, “have fun!” “Oh I will.” Watching her walk away was just as arousing, her ass looked amazing in those shorts, and I felt my dick stiffen. I began to regret all of those lost sexual opportunities that I’d had with skanky women at parties, I hadn’t had a girlfriend in a year and had spent most of that year intimately with my right hand. I was overwhelmingly horny and my hard on gave no sign of subsiding. Suddenly, I heard Shannon from inside the tanning room, “Hey Evan.” I was instantly awakened from my woes, “You forgot to give me my lotion. Can you bring it here. I’m descent.” Suddenly I was in a predicament I quickly stood and got the lotion then I looked down and unsurprisingly there were nine inches sticking straight out thinly covered by my unforgiving mesh shorts. “FUCK!” I muttered to myself, I knew if I walked in there any chances I would have ever had with this beautiful young woman were off.
I reached inside my shorts and brought my boner up against my stomach the head reaching past my belly button, then I untucked my shirt, and pulled the drawstring on my mesh shorts tight, I tried to hide it as best I could. But when I was done I was looking down at a pretty pathetic attempt to hide a fairly obvious obtrusion. “Evan! Is everything alright?” Her voice was slightly mocking. “Yeah. Be there in a second.” I nervously approached the tanning room and knocked on the door hoping I could merely hand it to her on the other side. Her disappointing response was “Come in.” I quickly marched in to see Shannon seated on the bench beside the tanning bed, still in her shorts but missing the familiar top part of her outfit, her big tits were instead marginally covered by a very sexy black bra. I tried to ignore this arousing site but apparently my dick could not, it literally jumped in my shorts, I moved more quickly avoiding eye contact with Shannon as I handed her the lotion. “Evan, is everything okay. You seem to be having…problems.” I looked down at Shannon whose eyes were unmistakably locked on my groin. “It looks like you’re having BIG problems,” She quipped. I felt my face go red and was more embarrassed than I’d every been, “Jeez Shannon, I’m sorry, it just…happened. I sometimes have trouble…controlling it…around you.” Shannon smiled and laughed, and although I was slightly relieved by this response I still felt like I was in a very embarrassing and compromising position. “Evan, don’t worry about it…it’s ummm natural. Are you trying to hide it from me?” As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t even look at her I was so embarrassed “Yeah.” “You did a pretty piss poor job, it’s like the first thing I saw when you walked through the door…it looks…umm well it looks fucking huge.” I was not really suspecting this response from Shannon. She’d always seemed very innocent, but then again she did go to the same college I went to, so perhaps I had misread her. I couldn’t really believe what I had just heard and my arousal at this point cannot be expressed I looked down, on Shannon, in a bra, her big tits bursting over the top, her sexy petite frame seated before me, her beautiful, big, green eyes locked on my groin, and her full lips pouting in an expression of lust and awe. I couldn’t even speak but apparently I didn’t need to.
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