Bathed and Relaxed
The sauna’s air was thick, steamy, and quickly became heavy with the two women’s scent as they warmed and began to sweat. The hot air was sapping the remnants of the their energy as they lounged on the cedar planks, sweat running off their bodies, their breathing rhythmic and slow; as the two of them lay there nursing their bottles of water as they lingered quietly half asleep.
“Roni have you ever wished after being a hot sauna…” Joanne paused as she took a long drink, “that you could be poured onto a massage table for a thorough working over by a professional masseuse?”
“Every time.” Roni replied wishfully after a moment added, “I’m scheduled for one soon…” She thoughtfully sipped at her water then groaned, “The only problem is I will have to walk there.”
“Oh I think I can arrange other means of transport. How do you want to go on a gurney, or wheelchair?” Joanne tempted with a slight tone of sarcasm in her voice.
“After the bath and the action in the hot tub and now the sauna I think a sponge. Just sop me up and wring me out onto the table.”
They both giggled wistfully as the one fifteen heat quieted them again. Joanne ladled more water onto the hot rocks and the steam jetted off the rocks and the drops danced loudly over the flat ones. A few minutes later Veronica splashed more water over the rocks, and they both started breathing heavily as the sauna filled with steam and quickly rose to one thirty.
“You gave me a good work out in the tub yourself I feel like silly putty left in the hot sun.” Joanne cajoled as she lulled then sat up, “Shit I have to pee.” Joanne stood wavering on her feet then started for the door.
“Take one for me would you.” Roni said with a light chuckle.
“Well Ron hun if you want I would be glad to bring a woman’s potty pan and I will help you use it.” Joanne offered and with a sultry tone in her voice added, “I’d love to watch you pee-pee.”
“You wouldn’t think I was carrying this a little far?” Veronica quizzed as she giggled at Joanne’s afterthought.
“Not even a little bit. I would like to help you go pee. I will arrange that sponge for you too.” Joanne said laughingly as she walked out the door. A few minutes passed and she returned with two fresh bottles of icy cold water some fresh white towels, and a plastic urinal for women.
As Veronica started to sit up Joanne stopped her, “No… no. No just lay there and let me do all the work, here give me your leg.” Joanne instructed as she lifted her leg by the knee she knelt and draped it over her shoulder parting Roni’s legs just enough to ease the plastic orifice between her legs and with her free hand parted her labia and positioned Roni’s urethra in the middle of the opening.
“I don’t think I can go like this. I haven’t gone potty lying down since I was in diapers.” Roni said as her face turned beet red from embarrassment.
“Ssshhh sure you can just relax ssshhh.” Joanne coaxed her.
Then a tentative trickle started and turned to a on and off flow and as Joanne sighed Veronica opened up and started peeing a nice full stream, as the stream turned back to a trickle and then to a dribble Joanne replaced the urinal with a white hand towel for the last few drips. “There that wasn’t so hard now was it?” She sang as she sat back against the wall of the sauna taking a few swallows of her water.
“Would you throw a little more water on the rocks?” Roni asked softly.
“Gladly. We have twenty minutes before your masseuse will be ready for you. I’ve arranged to have a gurney take you to her. I would be willing to bet that after your massage, a short nap, and a bite to eat you will be looking for a little more sexual stimulation. My little teasings couldn’t come close to quenching your appetite. If I may; we have women on staff that are, should we say skilled in the use of dildos or strap-ons.”
“I’ve played with them but really when it comes to vaginal stimulation other than fingers or tongues it is a big cock… a big hard cock with lots of sperm in it is what I crave, only problem is the ass-hole that it is attached to!”
“Christ I hear that!” Joanne agreed with a hardy laugh, and Roni joined in and the two roared with laughter and after a minute or two sat snickering to them selves.
As their twittering quieted Joanne continued, “Well we have some men on staff that are… ‘very…!’ obedient.”
“Oh?” Roni moaned interestedly and with disappointment in her voice retorted snappishly, “Oh I wouldn’t want them to know who I am!”
“Oh that isn’t a problem either; you can wear a flowing gown that will hide your face and your body, or we can have them blindfolded.” Joanne tempted as she slid her hand up and down Roni’s sweated thigh.
“Blindfolded huh?” Roni start to smile an impish smile displaying some interest as she began fingering her clitoris.
“Yeahahss…! I thought so…!” Joanne hissed as she saw Roni begin to beam and then tempted her further, “We have some really good blindfolds; they are skin colored latex that is glued to their top eyelids and stop them from opening their eyes at all. They can’t see a thing.”
“Well I’m already hot, but rubbers are just like using a dildo.” Roni whined as she wrinkled her nose and added, “I sometimes think I’m the only woman left that wants to feel sperm squishing inside her womb after sex.”
“Well I love that gooey gooshy feeling too!” Joanne excitedly admitted and then explained, “The boys sign on for a year at a time once they have their physicals and found to be disease free they don’t leave without an escort.” Then as she squeezed Roni’s thigh temptingly added, “And they are ‘Not…!’ allowed to jack-off either.”
“I am sold I want one and I want you and another woman to kiss me and get me ready I mean really ready, and kiss me while I am being ridden.” Roni feverishly described her wishes.
“I am honored that you still want me.” Joanne said warmly then teased, “I know just the woman to bring with me.
“You are suppose to see to my needs. Right?” Roni coyly questioned and then added, “And you do, do me so well.”
“Should I wear a collar and leash?” Joanne asked coyly and added, “I suppose when you say ‘big cock’ you mean a ‘Big’ right?”
“Yes I do! That is the only way to scratch this nasty itch I have, is using a big cock and No you don’t need a leash but he does and make sure his blindfolds are on right. I want you all to wear loose fitting sweats.”
A soft knock came at the door and a voice announced softly, “I’m here for a Veronica Thorp?”
Joanne opened the door, “We’ll be right out.” Let the door close again and leaned over and gave Veronica a lingering kiss then whispered, “I’ll see you after your rub down.” And held the door open while the ‘maid uniformed’ helper got Roni situated and wrapped in warm blankets then strapped in for her ride down the hall.
The Echoes of other women being pleasured coursed through the hall from the half opened doors; their gigglings and sighings, grew loud then faded as they passed each door. Through her half opened eyes she watched as the muted lights passed over head, listening to the sounds wafting in the air. There were some who were clearly in the throws of ecstasy with their cries echoing, while others sounded as though they were in its wake. Veronica knew this ride well; behind these doors were other professional women some of them her foes in the courtroom, all having the stresses of their competitive and combative life styles relieved.
The gurney glided smoothly to a stop in front of door fourteen, and a soft tapping sounded and the door opened. Roni felt a rush of hot air pass her face and her nose filled with the heavy scent of body oils, a myriad of scented oils all blended into one. As she struggled with the sauna induced stupor to open her eyes she saw a familiar smiling face come into view, her dark skinned body was totally sweated from the heat in the room and filled the doorway dressed only in skin tight panties that hid nothing.
“Come on child be quick before the room turns to ice.” She urged in her thick Jamaican accent as she motioned for the helper to enter. Then turned her attention to Veronica, “And you my Veronica are you ready for meeea.”
Roni wriggled her head and coughed to clear her throat but before she could speak Kamala sang out with her Jamaican accent, “Oh and I say that looks like a yes… to me and to you child what do you say?” As she nodded toward the maid, eliciting only a nod and a smile.
“She is new here my baby so she is still shy yet.” Kamala warmly assured.
Kamala was all of six three maybe six four, weighing over one fifty easily. She was barrel chested from her work as masseuse, and clearly ripped from working out in a gym. Though she had some fat on her the weight was from her muscles. Very wide at the hips with full buttocks to accent Kamala’s powerful legs and flat belly. Her deep navel had a treasure trail of long black curly hairs that slipped behind the cloth of her panties then slipped back out as two trails ran down the inside of her thighs, one could see the sheer material of her panties was straining to keep her pubic hairs contained. Her hands were wide and long as were the muscles on her arms. Kamala face was bordered by her smooth raven hair pulled back into a tail that reached half way down her back. Thick long eyebrows highlighted her dark hazel eyes, and her clean white teethe were hidden by her full naturally red lips. Her nose was thick and long but not prominent, balanced by her soft pouty lips and round cheeks.
“Now today where do we start you have to sayay Roni.” Kamala asked cajolingly in a deep warm voice.
“Oh I want you to work on my neck and shoulders doubly hard.” Veronica moaned from her heat induced stupor.
“Huh! Child when are you to learn that letting your fruit hang from your tree will not hurt you like dis cage that you wear to hold them up. Oh any lover worth their time knows where to bite your pears.” Then Kamala paused with her scolding as she gathered to one side the blankets, “Come girl give me some help here don’t be standing there like that a bump on the log.” She barked at the helper, and the two of them got Roni ready to roll onto the already oiled table.
“Okay now on two you pull this towel and one and two!” Kamala directed.
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